On several small islands around Vanglie Island, that is where the Bartholomew family used to train dead men and guards. Every year, they invest a lot of money to build these dead men and guards, which is what the Bartholomew family values. thing.

Liu Xu nodded when he heard it, and what he said was in line with the basic situation of Tianlong people.

Bailey?There is no shortage of them!that power?There is no shortage of that either!So what is missing?Power, greater power, that's all.

"What's going on with Doflamingo? How did you work with him?"

Now Liu Xu seems to be the master of this kingdom, and he is full of orders to the housekeeper.

Chavard, who was completely submissive, had no reason to refuse, and said the matter obediently.

The cooperation with Doflamingo is also quite unexpected. Doflamingo originally had a lot of business dealings with the Tianlong people. Although he is no longer a Tianlong person, the relationship here is still very good. .

Once he was detained by Doflamingo while transporting arms, and Chawad went to deal with the matter in person, thus reaching a cooperation agreement.

The Bartholomew family provided enough arms and helped him find some devil fruits, and all Doflamingo needed to pay was to help the Bartholomew family when they encountered a huge crisis, nothing more, it seemed that Dover Brother Lang Ming is taking advantage!This is indeed the case, and the two sides also had a lot of business dealings afterwards, and the relationship is still very harmonious.

"That's okay? By the way, there are a lot of people who cooperate with that guy now. The Four Emperors Kaido, the Five Old Stars, the Celestial Dragon, and the status of a king are still Qiwuhai. Damn it, black and white can take all, and the power in Qiwuhai is the most powerful." Fork one!"

Liu Xu was dumbfounded, this Doflamingo is indeed a very good person, but it's a pity, it seems that he is also a short-lived ghost, and he is also the head of the protagonist Luffy who has a halo.

If it wasn't for the protagonist's halo, Luffy could kill him?Don't be joking, one second he was tortured to death, the next second his eyes widened, all kinds of arrogance were thrown around, and he killed the opponent in one move.

Such a thing, isn't that the protagonist's halo opening?

Liu Xu deeply despised Luffy in his heart. The guy didn't die in the top battle, and now he doesn't know how strong he has reached. I'm really looking forward to it.

Taking control of Chavard is equivalent to cutting off the backup force of the Bartholomew family. Now as long as there is no order from Chawad, no one can help the Bartholomew family.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu directly picked up the phone bug and went to Madeline.

"Little girl, this young master has already controlled the influence of the Bartholomew family in the Dongri Kingdom. Now you can carry out the subjugation activities, um, be careful."

Liu Xu's words were full of ridicule, and Madeline, who was far away in the holy land of Marijoya, was taken aback. This guy's speed is really fast!

It's only been a few days and it's been under control, which is interesting.

"Understood, you should also be careful, remember, don't mess with those women."

After finishing speaking, Madeline hung up the phone, and started to arrange the people under her.

There is very little conflict among Draconians, at least on the surface.

The situation of annexation and subjugation exists secretly. As long as it is not done too obviously and reveals too much ambition, it is still very possible to subdue one or two.

"Prepare for tomorrow's affairs, so that the Bartholomew family has no possibility of rebelling."

Madeline's eyes were calm, and she scanned her subordinates one by one. In order to fulfill this wish, she had already paid a lot.

Now, the goal is being gradually completed, and everything is prepared for his own man.

She gave silently here, but Liu Xu was embarrassed on the other side. The chick's temper is still like this!

Don't mess around with those women?What does it mean to mess up?Isn't it just five girls and this young master chatting about life together, discussing the origin of life, really, this is not messing around!

"Hey, you can get up now, if you pretend to be dead again, this young master will let you really die."

Liu Xu hit Jin San's eunuch with a flash of electric arc, which made him stand up in shock, with his head lowered, how dare he look at Liu Xu?


Chapter 2636 When did armed domineering look so worthless?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Jin San eunuch, you can still live for a while longer. I don't mind raising a dog, but your dog should be more obedient. If it is not obedient, then it can only be beaten to death with a stick, understand?"

Liu Xu unceremoniously trampled on the dignity of the other party. No matter how you look at him, this person is disgusting.

"Yes yes yes! Understood! Understood!"

The eunuch Jin San answered quickly, bowing continuously, which made Liu Xu feel sick, and turned to think about Doflamingo.

Even if a king surrendered and stayed, there is no doubt that this country has been controlled by Liu Xu.

Not only did he control the king on the surface, but he also controlled the behind-the-scenes manipulation.

The power of the Bartholomew family in the Eastern Sun Kingdom was completely disintegrated by Liu Xu!

"No, I have to talk to Doflamingo, that guy is too cruel."

Liu Xu murmured in his heart, what kind of ability does that guy have?The business with the Bartholomew family seems to be quite large, including arms, slaves, etc., and there must be other transactions, such as gold, devil fruit...

Needless to say, the cooperation between Doflamingo and Caesar is absolutely heaven-defying. He is a mad scientist who can create artificial animal devil fruits.

The price of a devil fruit is more than [-] million Baileys, which shows how terrifying this guy's ability is.

"Chavard, it's up to you. No matter how the Bartholomew clan asks for help, no one Bailey, no one is allowed to give it to them without my order, understand?"

Liu Xu quickly explained the matter, and then walked towards the door. The matter here is over, and the next step is to go back and continue his voyage. Or, it might be a good thing to go and see that Doflamingo things.

A plan gradually appeared in Liu Xu's mind, which made him a little excited for a while.

However, when he just walked to the door, the door was pushed open by someone, Liu Xu's eyes flashed, "Damn it, why are these guys doing things so fast?"It's not good at all!

"Lord Chavard!"

Three people came in outside the door, and when they saw the housekeeper, they exclaimed, "Damn, the housekeeper's situation is not right, it may be under control.

Judging from the attitude of the steward, it can be seen that this is completely different from his previous situation, even when facing the patriarch of the Bartholomew family.

So, it must be under control.

Devil Fruits have many abilities, too many to count. Naturally, there may also be some fruits that can control people. Therefore, the three of them made a direct judgment.

"Don't yell."

Chavard's tone suddenly became serious, but the faces of the three people changed at the same time, something was wrong, it was really wrong.

"Wood King!"

One of them shouted loudly, and his whole body was raised rapidly, and the surface of his body was also covered with wood. It looked like a giant wooden figure, about ten meters high.


The person who transformed into a giant wooden man roared, and the ground and walls in the palace were completely covered with a layer of trees, turning into a space composed of trees.

The other two also acted quickly, and all three were capable, which was a bit unexpected.

One of them turned into a pigman, with sharp teeth growing out of his mouth, his body swelled up, and his body was covered with a layer of hair.

In addition, he turned into a white werewolf, with sharp claws flickering in the cold, bloodthirsty blood-red eyes, and a pair of canine teeth exuding a breathtaking light.

Liu Xu's eyes moved, and he didn't expect to see three capable people appearing at the same time.

One superhuman, two animal, this is really unexpected.


The giant wooden man roared again, and saw wooden stakes protruding from the surrounding trees. The sharp wooden stakes had barbs on them, which looked very powerful.

Liu Xu frowned, and the thunder knife came out of its sheath and cut horizontally, drawing a ray of light to cut off the wooden pile that was attacking in front of him.

The pig man rushed towards Liu Xu savagely. His huge sharp teeth were powerful enough to penetrate the wall with ease.


The pig man jumped into the air with a loud roar, and pressed down with the weight of his body. His sharp teeth went straight to Liu Xu's head, but it was the rhythm to hit the vital point directly.

"I can still jump."

Liu Xu pouted, it seemed that physical attacks had no effect on him!

When he was about to elementalize, his eyeballs almost popped out, and the teeth of the pig man on it turned into pure black. Damn, isn't this a sign of armed color?

You can't die, Liu Xu avoided it resolutely, and at the same time, a saber light slashed at him.


The pig man lost his target and hit the ground. The sharp teeth sank directly into the ground. The strong impact smashed the ground into pieces, and sawdust flew.

Afterwards, the dark purple sword light hit his body, directly knocking his body into the air, and fell heavily on the ground. There was a small wound on his body, but it was not serious.

The sword light was cut out, and the werewolf rushed up, the wolf's speed, amazing bite force, and sensitive response.

The werewolf grabbed Liu Xu with both claws, also blessed with armed domineering, which made Liu Xu so depressed that he almost vomited blood. When did armed domineering become so worthless?The streets are full of...


The sharp claws collided with Liu Xu's knife and made a crisp sound. Just from the feeling from the blade, one could know that the opponent's strength was still very strong.


Suddenly, the pigman rushed over from behind Liu Xu, kicked Liu Xu in the back, and knocked his body into the air. This force also made Liu Xu escape from the werewolf's claws, turning around with a knife .

"Being my young master is easy to bully, isn't it?"

This knife, with deep purple lightning, hit the pig man's body in an instant, and a powerful current entered his body, completely blocking his movements.

The werewolf saw that the situation was not right and did not pursue it. The other party was also a capable person, and he seemed to be a swordsman.


Chapter 2637

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


After figuring it out, the werewolf ran towards the giant wooden man, and the pig man's body was paralyzed by the electric current to the point where he lost his ability to move. Liu Xu rushed over without saying a word, and the thunder knife directly slashed at the man's head.


Seeing that the knife was about to slash his head, the pig man suddenly roared, and his whole body was covered with a domineering look of armament, but his defense was amazing. According to past experience, it was difficult for this knife to break through his defense.


The thunder knife directly chopped off his head, and the huge head went towards the giant wooden man. To the end of his life, he didn't understand why the opponent's knife could break through his defense, even if the giant wooden man couldn't break through his defense yes!

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