After beheading the pig man, suddenly countless wooden stakes rose from Liu Xu's side and closed quickly, forming a cage shape.

The color of the stake was different from the previous one. It turned out to be a pure black stake, which at first glance thought it was an iron cage.

"It's a good idea, with the addition of armed domineering, isn't it?"

Liu Xu nodded secretly, the application of the power of a capable person is one of them.

When he spoke, the wooden cage suddenly changed, and it was shrinking, gradually compressing the space where he could move.

"It will be very troublesome if you are trapped, right?" Liu Xu chuckled, and the Thunder Saber quickly slashed towards him.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

There was a crisp ding-dong sound as the knife cut through the cage, and then there was a flash of purple light, and Liu Xu had already appeared outside the cage.

Behind him, the wooden black cage is gradually falling down, and the neat knife edge runs through the entire cage, cutting it open this time.

The giant wooden man didn't expect that his capture plan would be destroyed by the opponent, so he rushed forward immediately, and the huge arm smashed down directly. The werewolf kicked off the ground with both feet, but his target was not Liu Xu, but Liu Xu. surrounding walls.

I saw him constantly ejecting between the surrounding walls, pillars, ceiling, and ground. His movements were fast, and only white shadows could be seen flashing by. Soon, the entire bedroom was only seen in a vast expanse of whiteness, and it was difficult to catch his figure.

The giant wooden man's arm was smashed down, and Liu Xu punched him directly with his fist covered in armed domineering.

The two-meter-tall wooden figurine confronted the ten-meter-tall giant wooden man, which seemed a bit of a tempo for death, but Liu Xu did it anyway, and broke through with one punch!

With one punch, the giant wooden man's body bounced out and slammed hard against the wall. The power of the heart net unfolded again, and he quickly captured the werewolf's trajectory.


Liu Xu moved quickly, changing directions again and again to block the werewolf's path.

"Spring thunderstorm!"

The dark purple sword light swung out with the power of lightning, and the werewolf was hit by the sword light before he could react, and fell directly beside the giant wooden man.

Although his movements are very sensitive, it is still very sad for Liu Xu who has a heart net. The sword glow has a lightning bolt and his attack speed is very fast, and his own forward speed is also fast, which makes it impossible for him to avoid this attack at all. One hit thing.

The werewolf fell to the ground grinning in pain, a scar extending from his shoulder to his abdomen, which was the result of being killed by the spring thunderstorm.

"Do you still have to be embarrassed now?"

Liu Xu walked over with Thunder Saber in hand. The three ability users didn't seem to have much ability!

The giant wooden man struggled to stand up when he heard Liu Xu's words, but Liu Xu directly cut off his legs with a knife.


The giant wooden man let out a stern roar, and could no longer maintain the form of a giant, and returned to a human appearance, but his feet were neatly cut off.

This is a thin middle-aged man, about [-] years old, Liu Xu can't help but call him a bull, it's completely different from his image!

"Wooden man, you are too individual. By the way, how did a wooden man have a relationship with those concubines? This young master is very curious, can I interview you?"

Liu Xu said seriously, but the smile in his eyes couldn't be hidden no matter what.

The werewolf's eyes are rolling around, it seems that the situation is very unfavorable now, Lord Chavard, take care of you old man, we will come to rescue you later.

After making up his mind, the werewolf suddenly raised his claws and grabbed Liu Xu, which surprised him a bit. What does this unlucky kid want to do?So brave.

However, when the claws were about to catch him, the werewolf suddenly evacuated, and without turning his head, he let it run out again, smashing through the tree space created by the giant wooden man, breaking through the wall, and slipping straight away.

Liu Xu is in a mess, isn't it the nature of wolves to be immortal?How could this guy have tarnished the nature of wolves like that?

"[-] million volts blessing. Kylin!"

Liu Xu pointed his finger, and suddenly thunderclouds formed in the sky, and the tyrannical electric arc in the thundercloud turned into a unicorn and jumped down, directly throwing down the werewolf who had slipped away, and [-] million volts of lightning instantly invaded his body , the powerful penetrating power continuously pierced his body.

"Before you run away, you have to say hello. This young master is only tens of millions of volts, but he scared me to [-] million volts."

Liu Xu shook his head, with regret on his face, and then directly stabbed him in the heart, ending his life completely.

The three ability users were directly killed by Liu Xu in less than half an hour, which made people dumbfounded.

At least, that eunuch from Jin San was completely dumbfounded, his feet trembling uncontrollably.

"Stand up, eunuch."

Liu Xu looked impatient, and every time he thought of his name, he wanted to kill him. There was no need to find any reason, it was just this thought.

"Chavard, integrate all the forces under you, as well as the forces on those islands. Remember, this kingdom is still under your control!"

After Liu Xu finished speaking, he flashed away, leaving behind a trembling king and a steward who didn't know what to do.


Chapter 2638 Mastering a country, surging

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The turmoil in the Eastern Kingdom quickly subsided. After Jin San eunuch came out to announce the death list and the crime of random placement, the dead minister was inexplicably charged with conspiracy to rebellion, which was really surprising.

Since it was a conspiracy to rebel, it seemed reasonable to kill them.Soon, a group of new officials were promoted by Jin San eunuchs, and the people's suspense was gradually let go, and life returned to the previous state.

No one will know that the entire kingdom has undergone tremendous turmoil on that day, and the entire center of political power has been transferred to one person, and that person is the real owner of the kingdom.

Back in the tavern, the Empress and others had also returned from the battle. The bloody cleansing of the Bartholomew family was very fast, and the manor protected by the incapacitated could not stop them.

"From now on, the Eastern Sun Kingdom has become a subordinate country, and everything here belongs to us. But, get out of here! This is a dirty country, it's disgusting."

Liu Xu said leisurely, who would have imagined that there would be such a thing as conversation among the seemingly ordinary people at this table.

"Mr. Captain, where shall we go next?"

Colombia smiled, everything was clear, although I don't know how Liu Xu did it, but just do your own thing well.

Liu Xu thought for a while and said, "Let's find Brother Doflaming. I want to ask him for help with something related to you. I hope it will be a harmonious meeting, hehe."

The empress frowned, with a hint of worry, and said, "Liu Xu, what can I ask for his help? Brother Doflaming is also Qiwuhai, but this person is too mysterious, and he knows everything in black and white in the new world." Eat, I'm afraid it's not so easy to deal with."

Liu Xu laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, I have a way to get him to cooperate with us obediently. It's black and white? I'm afraid he won't be able to continue being so chic soon."

Everyone was silent, Liu Xu seemed to have many ways, and he was always able to offer a convincingly equivalent price in exchange.

After the matter was over, Liu Xu led a group of people to the coast. The fleet was already waiting there, taking control of the kingdom. Of course, his fleet was unimpeded.

Returning to the warship, the fleet headed towards Dressrosa without stopping.

In another part of the new world, the two pirate ships met unexpectedly. There was no battle, but a very strange confrontation, which made the people on the pirate ship feel extremely strange and extremely nervous.

"Tch, I actually met him here, Moonlight Moriah."

A person on a boat spoke, the voice was very calm, but it spread far away.

Moonlight Moriah on the other ship, that is, the huge and terrifying three-masted sailing ship, laughed wildly: "Don't come here without any problems, Crocodile."

The two of them were Sand Crocodile and Moonlight Moria, one of the seven seas under the king.

Crocodile's eyes flickered dangerously, and gradually turned into a stream of fine sand drifting towards the Dread Barque.

The fine sand gradually condensed beside Moonlight Moriah, and Moonlight Moriah's hands and fingers kept moving due to inexplicable excitement.

"Crocodahl, why are you here?"

"What is the purpose of your coming here?"

Crocodile had arrived at the opponent's territory without any fear, and responded lazily. There were hundreds of zombies around him, which was another zombie army built by Moonlight Moriah.

"Doflamingo, what about you?"

Moonlight Moria did not hide his purpose, but he believed Liu Xu's previous words and came to trouble Doflamingo, which is really a crime.

Crocodile's eyes moved, this guy actually wanted to find that bastard Doflamingo, that's not an easy guy to deal with!

"Strive for the territory, the first half is too boring, it's time to come here for activities."

Crocodile didn't hide his ambition, it was so direct, it was quite normal for Shichibukai to come here to fight for the territory.

Such as the previous Jinbei, Xiong, Hawkeye, and Doflamingo, which one didn't break out in the new world?

In the first half of the present day, there are countless powerhouses suppressing them, and they, Qiwuhai, naturally came here very simply.

Hearing Crocodile's words, Moonlight Moria's eyes flashed slyly, hehe smiled and said, "Then maybe we can cooperate?"

Cooperation?The sand crocodile's heart skipped a beat, and he smiled, "Of course, we are all Qibuhai, aren't we?"

After saying a sentence, the two laughed at the same time, which made many people relieved. Fortunately, fortunately, there was no fight.

In another place, also on the sea in the New World, on a pirate ship about fifty meters in length, the flag is a sword that runs through the entire skull.

On the deck, a middle-aged man has sharp eyes, and his eyes are fixed on the rising tide in front of him. A scar runs through his entire face, and there are crossed claw marks on his chest and back. Added a touch of ferocity.

The wave ahead was getting bigger and bigger, and it was more than [-] meters high, which could easily overturn the pirate ship.

"Sword God Profound Truth. Quartet Sword Qi!"

Draw your sword, cut it off!

Four cross-shaped sword lights flew out in parallel, about ten meters in length.



The sword light cut on the turbulent sea wave, and with the intervention of the four sword lights, the sea wave stopped moving strangely.

Afterwards, a white light shone in the waves, and then the whole wave was divided into ten sections and crashed down.

The pirate ship floated smoothly, and the pirates on the ship shouted, thankfully surviving this disaster.

The middle-aged swordsman didn't mean to be excited, he still looked at the sea in front of him, and said coldly: "I will return it to you myself one day!"

With a sharp voice of resentment, he turned and left, and what he walked was Nei Bazi.


Chapter 2639 Do you want to say that I know too much?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

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