
Dressrosa is a tropical island with a vacation feeling. It is known as the country of love and passion. Passion and toys. There are a lot of mushroom rocks on the nearby coast. This is an island that is easy to be obsessed with. Coming here is like relaxing.

Eight hundred years ago, the Don Quixote family left here and entered the holy land of Marigioa and became the Celestial Dragons. Eight hundred years later, Doflamingo regained the right to rule here and became the king.

On the coast, Liu Xu's fleet was slowly approaching, and this mighty fleet could be seen from a long distance away.

The people on the coast look far and wide, it is really a warship with personality.

But, why did the warship come here?

Most of the islands in the New World are the same. This is the area where pirates are prevalent. The power of the navy here is suppressed to the lowest level, almost to the point where it is almost impossible to move.

However, there are also some powerful navies who dare to sail unscrupulously on the sea and execute the justice that belongs to the navy.

On the main ship, Liu Xu observed the island with a telescope. A very large island, generally speaking, is a relatively large island that can form a kingdom.

The other small islands are either devoid of people or just have villages or towns.

"It's a beautiful place!"

Liu Xu sighed fiercely, just looking at the coast, you can see that there are people on vacation everywhere, and the lazy living conditions of a group of people are very enviable.

"It would be nice to spend a vacation here."

The empress said softly, which made Liu Xu's heart move, maybe this would really be a good choice.

But, I'm afraid that bastard Doflamingo won't be so easy to deal with!

The warship slowly docked on the coast, and Liu Xu and others stepped off the warship directly, restoring their previous clothing such as the coat of justice.

The mighty team stepped off the warship, and the people on the coast did not panic, but felt a little strange.

"Let's go and find that bastard."

Liu Xu raised his arms and shouted, now is the time to get down to business.

After speaking, the whole team set off, but a voice stopped them just as they were about to act.

"Please wait a moment, General Liu Xu."

Huh?Have acquaintances?Liu Xu wondered, is this the bastard?Do you know each other?

With the shaking of the ground, a person approached slowly and came directly in front of Liu Xu. The sky seemed to be covered by dark clouds, causing people on the coast to panic and flee quickly.

The person who came was wearing armor, a helmet with a cross guard on his head, wavy hair, a spade logo tattooed on his shoulders, and he was probably several hundred meters tall.

"General Liu Xu, the young master ordered me to wait here and play Pika."

His voice was very sharp, not at all similar to his sturdy figure, which made people feel awkward from the bottom of their hearts.

Is it Pika?Liu Xu suddenly realized that this seemed to be one of the top cadres of the Don Quixote family!

Such a terrifying height, I'm afraid it's even more powerful than that huge battleship!

"Big man, take me to see your young master, don't waste time."

Liu Xu yelled loudly, afraid that the giant would not hear him.

Pika nodded, and then led the way in front. He was a taciturn person, and he did practical things, and things like lip service meant nothing to him.

It was a very painful thing to follow behind this giant, and the ground kept shaking, as if it had been shaken by an earthquake.

"It's a pity to become a pirate with this body. If you are a porter, you can get rich every minute."

Liu Xu complained, but he also became irritated by the bumps.

King's Heights is the seat of the Dressrosa Palace. It is located at the highest point of the Dressrosa Kingdom. It is also the villa of the King Don Quixote family. People above the cadres of the family are eligible to live. It looks like a holiday center .


"Brother Ming, next time I will let you, the top cadre, lead the way, and this young master will kill you!"

When he came to the villa, Liu Xu yelled viciously at Doflamingo who was opposite him.

Although Pica's moving speed is not slow, it took a lot of time to get here. It's really unpleasant. It's so shocking that my liver is still shaking...

Doflamingo is still in that familiar outfit, wearing sun-eyes makes it difficult to see the changes in his eyes.

"Heh heh heh! Isn't this the most luxurious welcome ceremony?"

Brother Doflaming laughed wildly, no matter how you look at this smile, it makes people uncomfortable, at least Liu Xu is like this.

Liu Xu snorted and said, "Tell me, how do you know I'm here."

"It's very simple. The Admiral of the Navy Headquarters has entered the new world. My place is so close to the gate of the new world. You must pay attention!"

Doflamingo still has that ferocious smile, which makes people feel evil. Evil.

In this way, it seems that he still has a reason, and Liu Xu naturally can't find any reason to refute him.

This bastard eats black and white, there are countless eyeliners of him all over the world, and it seems that the navy has them!

"Now, it's time for you to talk about why you came here to find me."

Doflamingo laughed, the smile was really uncomfortable.

"It's about finding you. It's very simple. Help me get some fruits. You should be able to make them."


As soon as Liu Xu finished speaking, Doflamingo narrowed his eyes. This guy seems to know a lot!

"It seems that you know too much."

The murderous intent was revealed, but Liu Xu ignored it at all, even the Empress and the others ignored it.

Silly boy, let's see how many people we have first, want to fight?Kill you in minutes.

"Are you trying to say that I know too much? Hmph, this is a deal. I don't know if you accept it or not?"

"Trade? It's so interesting, talk about it."

Hearing the word "trade", Doflamingo immediately regained his energy, and seemed to have figured out a lot of things in an instant.

Making a devil fruit is no small matter. Now that someone asks him, it must be a very interesting transaction.


Chapter 2640 Trading fruits, cheating

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Artificial devil fruit trading, this is one of Doflamingo's biggest deals, and his funds have reached a terrifying level through this business.

Moreover, some of the people who traded with him had extremely terrifying identities.

"What kind of devil fruit do you want? Let me be clear first, I only have some devil fruits from the animal department."

Doflamingo seemed to have seen something wonderful, and he was not afraid of his affairs being leaked at all.

Liu Xu laughed, and said: "No problem, it's not a big problem now that there are only animals of the animal department. Help me get a devil fruit with the power of an eagle, another fruit with the power of a giant, and a fruit with the power of a giant." Manipulate the fruit of the storm. Can you do it?"

"Oh? One animal, one Superman, one nature, right? The former is easy to talk about, but the latter is a bit difficult."

Doflamingo is a shrewd businessman, this is not a small deal, what will the other party offer as a price?Bailey?That's so boring.that power?I can eat both black and white!

"As long as you have time to develop it, I believe you will find a way. After all, you still have a very good scientist, don't you?"

Liu Xu laughed straight. Although Caesar's research was basically on animal devil fruits, there was no guarantee that others would not research other devil fruits.It's an experiment, and it's a transaction.If you can succeed, you will succeed, if you can't, then you can only continue to wait.

"Dear Mr. Captain, you..."

The calm and wise Colombian seemed to have understood something, and was suddenly a little embarrassed.The devil fruit ability, that seems to be a very good thing, the eagle's ability to fly, strong eyesight, etc., is indeed very suitable for him.However, a fruit that is most suitable for you will have to pay a big price!

"Sniper, needless to say, you can accept it with peace of mind. And scientists, the power of giants must be the most powerful for you, Nami, the devil fruit that can control the storm is perfect."

After telling the future distribution of several fruits, Liu Xu was very calm. It seems that if this happens, the top management on the entire ship will be devil fruit capable users. Tsk tsk, what a spectacular scene!Perhaps, it can be even more spectacular.

"Doflamingo, maybe we can have more in-depth cooperation and make more Devil Fruits, how about that?"

Liu Xu said another shocking thing, which shocked several people.Master Liu Xu, what do you want to do again, old man?

Doflamingo didn't answer him immediately, but closed his eyes and thought.

It seems to be a very good thing to cooperate with an admiral of the navy headquarters. The power of the admiral level is the power that can easily destroy an island.Moreover, the man in front of him was the one who killed the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard.The strength is even more terrifying. With the identity, the status, and the strength, it seems that this is a very good partner.

"Let's not talk about this, let's talk about what price you can give. If you want to fool me with something random, then this conversation can only end here."

Not to mention the wealth he owns now, just say that the partners he owns now are all cruel guys, Wu Laoxing, Kaido, Caesar, Tianlongren, which one is not the existence of Niucha Honghong?

If you don't get a certain benefit, what do you want the partner to do?It is better to continue to do the things in front of you, that is the last word.

Liu Xu frowned, this guy is really impatient, anyway, then give this condition!

"The price I give you is your life!"

After saying a word, Doflamingo's face changed slightly, and he smiled back with anger: "Hey, you mean to fight me? Is it a coercive method? It's really a good choice."

As he moved his hand lightly, Liu Xu suddenly felt that something was entangled around his body, and he immediately understood that it was someone else's thread fruit that had been activated, tsk, I was really anxious.

Shaking his head secretly, Liu Xu said with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, "No, you think too much, why did I want to fight you? It's just a waste of time. I'm talking about saving your life, In the next thing, I can save your life once. Do you think your head is more important than these fruits?"

huh?Have you turned on magic mode again?I used the same thing to fool Moria before and asked him to hand over Breton. Now, do you want to repeat the old tricks?

"咈咈咈咈咈, it's so interesting, it's so interesting, you want to save my life? It's so interesting."

Doflamingo put away the string fruit ability, couldn't help laughing while covering his stomach, this should be the funniest joke he's ever heard in his life, and someone said he wanted to save his life?

Liu Xu let him laugh wildly there, and directly defined him as a fool in his heart. This unlucky child is still so frightened when he is about to die. What a poor child.

After a full minute of laughter, Doflamingo stopped, and his sunglasses almost fell out of laughter.

"What makes you so confident?"

Arrogant, Doflamingo is so arrogant.

"Enough of laughing? Then put away your stupid smile and listen carefully to this young master to make things clear."


The faint smile on Doflamingo's face froze, stupid smile?Who does this guy think he is, dare to talk to him like this, this is his own territory!

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