"The transactions you have made in secret have already been known, Luo, you are no stranger to this person, so your news has long been leaked. Maybe the world government won't kill you, but there will be other people who will kill you. Do it, do you think those pirates will allow such a factory to exist? This factory has seriously affected their existence. And those guys have already united, and you have absolutely no ability to resist the past."


Doflamingo just fell silent, what's going on?Is there really such a thing?


Chapter 2641

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu's words had a great impact on Doflamingo. Luo used to be his subordinate, and Luo knew many things about himself.

Now he has rebelled and has become one of the Qibuhai, which is a symbol of his strength and a symbol of his status.

Under such circumstances, if Luo exposes his affairs, it is really possible to attract some attention from others.

First of all, the Tianlong people, will the Tianlong people allow themselves to make these devil fruits by that time?Is it possible for the Tianlongren to let his power grow?Obviously, that's impossible.

Then there is the world government, the five old stars seem to be hard to explain, and the other Qi Wuhai, I am afraid they will also face a lot of pressure from them.

Finally, on the side of the new world, the Three Emperors, the Three Emperors that still exist, except for one Kaido who has no problems, what about the other two?

Big Mom doesn't know what's going on, but the red-haired Shanks will definitely take action, because the existence of such a large number of animal-type Devil Fruits is a huge hidden danger to the order of the entire New World.

These things, Doflamingo is very clear in his heart, as long as he is exposed, there will be a crusade against all forces.

So now, Liu Xu, the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, came here to ask for a few devil fruits, and finally made a request for a large number of devil fruits. What is his purpose?

Doflamingo, who played the conspiracy to perfection, suddenly thought of many possibilities, and after being silent, he smiled wildly.

"嗗嗗嗗嗈, I didn't expect the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters to have such ambitions, it's really surprising. So, what do you want so many Devil Fruits for? Also, who can end my life? Who?"

Liu Xu chuckled and said, "What is the purpose? As an admiral of the Navy, what do you think I want these devil fruits for? Besides, there are only a few people who can end your life. It's better not to talk about it now." , I’m afraid you won’t be able to accept it all at once.”

Liu Xu laughed out loud in his heart. It seemed that this guy believed his words, so everything would be easy.

Doflamingo was silent for a while again, his mind was running fast, and one possibility appeared and was ruled out by him.

"I hope what you said is true. If so, then I will still help you with this little favor."

"Doflamingo, then, is our cooperation established now?"

"Of course, mutual benefit is the best thing. Then, who will end my life? As a partner, I believe you will not be stingy to say such a thing?"

Unhappy, Doflamingo felt a little unhappy in his heart. He didn't expect that this time the conversation would be led by the nose, but this matter involved his own life, so he agreed honestly!

There are many people who can end his life, at least there are a few people in his current cognition.

Sengoku, Garp, Shanks, Big Mom, Kaido, and general-level powerhouses.

As for the hidden powerhouses, it's hard to say now, after all, they seldom appear, and they seldom make moves.

Let’s just talk about the ability users of the Tianlongren family that I met before, the three ability users have already provided Liu Xu with more than [-] character points, which shows how powerful they are.

Maybe it wasn't such a gorgeous battle, but it was the result of Mieshi Jiuge's judgment, which proved that they really had such abilities.

Moreover, Liu Xu's power surpassed them too much, so naturally he didn't need any fancy battles to deal with them.

"Luo, Luffy the Straw Hat, and one or two lieutenant generals, maybe they will unite at that time, so you have to pay attention to this. Trust me, your affairs will be exposed soon. Tsk tsk, Kind of looking forward to how you'll sort this out after you've escaped."

Liu Xu spoke unceremoniously, but directly revealed the things that might happen later, without worrying about what kind of changes would be caused by revealing these things in advance.

Luo?Luffy?Karp?Doflamingo quickly calculated the power of these people in his mind, and finally came to a result. Indeed, if these people united, they might really kill him.

Fortunately, there is Liu Xu's deal now, otherwise it might be really sad later.

For a moment, he felt a little lucky in his heart.

"Well, there will be a way to settle these things. You don't need to worry about this. Are you interested in visiting the factory with me?"

It is rare that Doflamingo, who has always been cruel to outsiders, would say such a thing, which is really surprising.

Liu Xu knew exactly what the factory he was talking about was nothing more than a factory for making devil fruits.

"Certainly, let's take a look and celebrate our successful collaboration this time."

After a lot of nonsense, finally something real could grab his attention.

However, there always seems to be someone who likes to disturb them at times like this.

"Boo-boo-boo! Boo-boo-boo!"

The voice of a phone bug came from Liu Xu's pocket, making his brows furrowed. Who could be looking for him at this time?

"Hi, I'm Liu Xu!"

"Liu Xu, I just received the news that there is a family of Tianlong people who have troubled you in the New World. You have to be careful, this time things are not so easy to deal with. Not only the strong Tianlong people, but also some navy lieutenant general."

Madeline's cold voice came out from the phone bug.

Liu Xu's expression changed, mother, what's going on?Why is it that there are Tianlong people here to make trouble?Could it be that the young master is easy to bully?

"What's the situation? Are those bastards looking for a lottery? These unlucky kids won't get a mortgage for three days."

There was obvious anger in Liu Xu's words, he would be fine if he didn't make trouble, but now someone is making trouble, this is the rhythm of death!


Chapter 2642 Husband and wife relationship, kill Tianlong people

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The news of Madeline is inconceivable to Liu Xu, it seems that he hasn't offended any Tianlong people's family until now!

The only Tianlongren family whose back road was cut off by him seems to have no ability to trouble him now, so what's going on?Who would die like that?

The people next to him were speechless. General Liu Xu, what kind of evil did you do? Why do people always come to trouble your old man?Otherwise, it's your old man looking for other people's troubles. Is there any way to live like this?

Madeline was silent for a while, and then said the matter, and this matter made Liu Xu greatly sigh, as expected, there are nepotism everywhere!

The Bartholomew family was cut off by Liu Xu, and Madeline in the Holy Land Malijoya naturally began to incorporate this family. Things went very smoothly, and it took two days to complete the integration of this family.

However, an accident soon appeared.

Another family in the holy land Marijoya made trouble, and directly found Madeline, asking her to hand over the ownership of this family.

And the reason is because the Bartholomew family has something to do with this family, they are related by marriage.

Under such circumstances, the family made a move to keep the family no matter what.

It turned out to be obvious that it was impossible for the mighty Madeline to hand over the Bartholomew family, and even broke the legs of this family and kicked them out, which once caused a sensation in the Holy Land Marijoya.

Since Madeline couldn't find face, this family set their sights on her man, Liu Xu, admiral of the navy headquarters!

Get rid of this man, then Madeline will have to submit obediently, so, a crusade team set off from the holy land of Marijoya, and rushed directly to the new world.

Liu Xu was speechless after hearing this. This nepotism is really cruel, and there is actually a marriage between the Tianlong family.

But another question came up again, did Madeline's family marry with other families before?

Madeline's answer was simple: "No, my family doesn't need marriage."

Such a concise and clear answer made Liu Xu deeply helpless, and replied: "I see, when will they come here?"

"Tomorrow, they'll definitely find you tomorrow, so you'd better shift positions now."

tomorrow?It would be so fast, it seems that the Tianlong people's intelligence system is really exaggerated, does this mean that their actions have been mastered by them?

"No, I'm here waiting for them to come. When does this young master need to escape? The big deal is to kill them. In other words, you shouldn't have any trouble killing them, right?"

Madeline's heart trembled in the holy land of Marijoya, is this guy caring?

"There won't be any trouble. They don't have the guts to do anything to me here. If they want to do it, they have to consider the consequences."

Ruthless, her words are still so ruthless, which is in line with her queen-like temperament, and she is not afraid.

Liu Xu nodded. If there is no problem, that's fine. If that's the case, then if one comes, kill one, and if two come, kill one pair.

After hanging up the phone bug, Liu Xu let out a sharp breath, now he has to prepare to fight again!

It seems that after coming to the new world, there is no comfortable day, and it is always full of battles.

There are fundamental differences between the new world and the first half.

The competition here is more terrifying, and the strength of the pirates here is stronger, which cannot be compared in the first half.

Naturally, there are more struggles here.

"You all heard what I said just now, so go to the coast and wait for them. I want to see who is desperately trying to make trouble." Liu Xu said to his partner in a relaxed tone.

Naturally, a few people would not object to his words. They had already killed one Tianlong family anyway, so it would be okay to kill another one.

Just as they were about to leave, Doflamingo suddenly spoke up.

"Wait a minute, I have something to say."

The speed of speech was a little hurried, as if there was something in a hurry.

"What's wrong? The cooperation has been reached, and now I'm going to kill a few little mice."

Liu Xu wondered, did he want to go back on his word?

Doflamingo grinned, still the familiar treacherous smile.

"It's nothing, what I want to say is that tomorrow's battle will add me."


Liu Xu and the others are not calm anymore, so add him?Damn, do you think it's a group tour?Now we are going to fight, and the opponent is still a Celestial Dragon. It is good that you, a guy who has business dealings with the Celestial Dragon, don't get in the way.

Doflamingo was still smiling like that, and the thoughts in this treacherous guy's heart were always difficult for people to figure out what he was thinking.

"What I want to know is that you and Princess Madeline are rumored to be husband and wife. Is this true?"

Madeline, among the issues he was concerned about was Madeline, but the conversation just now completely stunned him.

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