As a former Tianlong person, he naturally understood what this name represented, and he had heard some rumors before. Now the conversation between Madeline and Liu Xu shocked him deeply. Could it be that the rumors are true?

"Indeed, it's the relationship between husband and wife, is there a problem?"

Doflamingo's treacherous smile subsided, and he said calmly: "That's no problem, then, add me to tomorrow's battle! I also want to see what happens in the Holy Land after killing a few Tianlong people." What kind of reaction will Mary Gioia have?"

Liu Xu's eyes widened. Damn it, it seems that this guy has a problem with his brain. What is a good Tianlong killer doing?In other words, this guy is a very restless guy.However, this is so refreshing.

"Brother, what you said is very refreshing. I think you have something to do, work hard, maybe you can regain your status as a Tianlong person."

"Of course, with her help, it might be possible."

Brother Doflaming laughed again, but it also made Liu Xu's liver tremble violently. Do you want to rely on Madeline's light again?


Chapter 2643 Gu

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


There was one more item to trade, and Liu Xu grinned as if he had seen something extraordinary.

It's tacit, and it's fine for everyone to be tacit about this matter.

With the help of Doflamingo, it is not a lot easier to kill some strong Tianlong people or others.

However, this is not the value of Doflamingo, his value is the devil fruit, and only this is what Liu Xu is most concerned about.

What a terrifying thing it would be if the fleet was turned into an army of devil fruit ability users.

Kaido, he is building an army of capable people, which will shock the world.

It has been more than three years since I came to this world, and I have only seen one Four Emperors so far, and that is Whitebeard.

Others, such as the red-haired Shanks, Beast Kaido, and Aunt Lingling, have never met these three, and Liu Xu is also full of expectations.

Especially Beast Kaido, known as the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, what kind of power will he possess?

On the coast, Liu Xu's soldiers had already gathered, ready to go, and all the soldiers knew exactly what was going to happen next.

The Tianlong people don't want to know, the key is the lieutenant general, there are two lieutenant generals coming to trouble General Liu Xu, this is to make everyone's eyes double!

Liu Xu and the others were waiting quietly. As night fell, everyone cheered up and waited for the enemy's arrival.

"Captain, do you need to place some traps?"

A frenzy flashed across Breton's eyes, traps are the most loving, and it is best to kill the enemy's traps with one move.

Liu Xu also suddenly became interested, a trap?It seems that every battle since I came to this world has been straight forward, and I have never designed any traps or the like!

"What kind of trap? How many can you kill?"

"Nuclear missiles, install ten nuclear missiles, and they can kill them in minutes."

Breton was trembling strangely, as if he was suppressing some kind of emotion.

Liu Xu's eyes flashed, nuclear missiles, what a daunting thing, but, how powerful is his nuclear missile?

"Three nuclear missiles can definitely blow up a small island. If there are five nuclear missiles, a large island will have to kneel. Over the years, I only have ten, which are very precious."

Breton licked his lips, and when he talked about it, he became excited.

Liu Xu thought over and over again, and finally said: "Since it's such a valuable thing, it's better not to use it. It's just some offal, it doesn't matter."

General Liu Xu, is this really good?You are a master in the Tianlongren family, if you are killed at that time, you old man can only appear in people's memories.

He resolutely refused, but Liu Xu was still thinking about it a lot. The affairs of the Tianlong people's family are not so easy to deal with, and it may be dangerous to forcefully intervene in the disputes they only saw.

However, his own woman has already made a move, so is there any reason for him not to make a move?

It's just that it doesn't matter if you kill one family, but if you have to kill several, then this matter is much more dangerous.

"Golden glitter, is there anything else to control people?"

"Heart Devouring Pill?"

"It's cheaper, the Heart Biting Pill is too expensive."


"What price?"

"Three percent of the original energy!"

"What? Isn't this more expensive than Heart Biting Pill..."

"Mother Gu can produce Gu worms every month, dozens of them at a time!"

"You did it on purpose! Why didn't you tell me last time?"

"I forgot."


"I have collected so many treasures, how can I remember so many?"

"you are vicious."

"Do you want it or not?"

"Yes, change."

Being robbed of [-]% of the original energy by Jin Xingxian, Liu Xu felt a pain in his heart, and he managed to recover from the [-]% last time.

Liu Xu tried his best to comfort himself, this is of great use, just use it if you use it.

Liu Xu spent the night in this kind of optimist self-comfort, and when he woke up the next morning, he was a little listless, as if he was entangled in something.

Staggering to the side of a few partners who got up early, Liu Xu yawned and looked into the distance like them. Seeing this, he immediately regained his energy. Damn, it's finally here.

Several warships are slowly approaching in the sea ahead, the typical navy flag, and the majestic soldiers and navy on the deck, all of these look so ferocious!

As the warship gradually approached, the people on it could finally see it clearly, and the most dazzling ones were the two lieutenant generals in naval justice coats.

One of them wore a helmet engraved with a double-headed dragon pattern, had a fierce expression, and was dressed in a black navy uniform.The other one with long red hair, about [-] years old, is a swordsman with a knife hanging from his waist.

The two lieutenant generals, this is the most eye-catching place, the other ones dressed in Chinese costumes are not so attractive, but there is a vague aura about them.

"General Liu Xu, Ghost Spider and Lieutenant General Johansen, both of them are very strong."

The experienced Tina immediately explained by her side, revealing the identities of the two.

Liu Xu nodded, but there were infinite doubts in his heart.

He knows the ghost spider, but what the hell is this Johnson?Why is there never any information on this person?Judging by the appearance of the other party, he is in his twenties, why does this young lieutenant general not know?

The warship docked, and a large group of soldiers rushed down from above, directly surrounding Liu Xu and others.

The two lieutenant generals behind him walked down slowly, and before they arrived, the ghost spider said: "Liu Xu, you have been dismissed from the position of general by the Tianlong people, now follow us immediately."

recall?Hancock and the others were stunned, but Liu Xu laughed, and replied unceremoniously: "What are you, ghost spider, you dare to call me by my first name. Also, you said there was a dragon man that day. Is he qualified to dismiss me? Does he want to die or what?"


Chapter 2644 Are you ready to die?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Remove a general?And it was under the hands of Tianlong people?If this matter gets out, it will really make people laugh to death, and they dare to say such things without looking at who the target is, and they are not afraid of Feng Da's tongue flashing.

Liu Xu's shameless words made the ghost spider hate him secretly. This guy is still the same as before, so arrogant and so annoying.However, now that there are Tianlong people by his side, everything is easy.



Before the ghost spider's words were finished, there was a thunderstorm in the sky, and a thunderbolt with a thick arm bombed at his feet in an instant, scaring him back a few steps.

"Be careful what you say. If you say something wrong, you will be struck by lightning. These useless Tianlong people are not qualified to dismiss my young master. It is almost the same if I dismissed them. Also, what do you mean by surrounding young master with you scum? Rebellion?"

Liu Xu tidied his clothes leisurely, ah, it seems that he doesn't need to tidy up much!


"What are you, ghost spider, you are so brave, you dare to lead people to besiege and plot to kill the nobles of the world, do you want to die?"

Liu Xu interrupted him again with a yell. Ghost Spider blushed so angry, but he couldn't say anything.

He was stunned, and Lieutenant General Johansen didn't speak. He just stared at Liu Xu with murderous intent in his eyes. This guy really wants to kill him!

"Clap! Clap!"

Continuous applause sounded, and from behind the ghost spiders, several people dressed in Chinese clothes, familiar world nobles, two middle-aged people, two young people, and an old man.

Five Celestial Dragons?This formation seems to be a bit stronger, everyone's aura is not weak, even the aura of those two young people is only weaker than that of the ghost spider.

"I have heard for a long time that General Liu Xu is eloquent, but today I saw that he is indeed so, I admire, admire."

There was neither sadness nor joy on the old Tianlongren's face, it seemed that the situation here could not make him have much emotional change at all.

Liu Xu followed suit, and immediately sneered, saying, "Hey, the old man who has already stepped into the coffin has come out too? What about your master? Tell him to come out, you are not qualified to talk to me yet."

Trampling, that is, trampling on the dignity of these Tianlong people so nakedly, the perfect hierarchy, and using this to bully them.

Tianlong people have a strong concept of hierarchy, a servant is a servant, even if you have the identity of a Tianlongren, you are still a servant, and you will not receive much attention among them.Moreover, there are not many Tianlong people who really have the blood of the king, only a little.

Like this old man, and even like the housekeeper Chawad, those who were born and raised in the family were named Tianlongren, which was a gift to them.

Therefore, there are not many orthodox Tianlong people, so there are Liu Xu's current words.

He is Madeline's man, so naturally he will be in charge of the Madeline family in the future, so he can completely despise these shoddy Tianlong people.

The old man's expression changed immediately when he heard Liu Xu's words. Damn it, he actually talked about his pain. This guy is really annoying.

And the other four Tianlong people are also angry, this kid is really disgusting.

"You mean fellow, what method did you use to trick Madeline into your hand, she would actually take a fancy to a fellow like you, it's really a hell."

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