A young Draconian looked furious, as if this was something unforgivable.

Liu Xu's face turned dark immediately, it seemed that he was another guy who wouldn't survive the second episode, and he couldn't do it unless he was beaten to death.

That's right, don't need to think too much, this must be a man who pursued Madeline, but obviously he didn't succeed.

"Chop Suey, this young master will end you now."

Liu Xu, who already had murderous intentions in his heart, no longer hesitated. Anyway, he was here to fight, so let's kill this guy first.

With this thought in mind, Liu Xu rushed out quickly, and suddenly appeared behind the young man under the speed of light of the thunder and lightning, kicked him directly, and a current of [-] million volts entered his body in an instant...


With a muffled sound, the young man's body suddenly turned into black dust and dissipated, and Liu Xu also returned to his position immediately.

Huh?So fast?Solved a Celestial Dragon so quickly?This seems a bit unscientific!

Several Tianlong people were stunned. Even the ghost spider and Johansen didn't expect Liu Xu's speed to be so fast. Although they already knew that his strength was very strong, they never thought that it would be so strong.

The Tianlong man who was killed just now is clear to them that his strength is definitely above the major general, and he is infinitely close to the lieutenant general.


The ghost spider roared and was about to rush up, but at this moment one of the few people who had been watching the show spoke up.

"Wait, who asked you to do it on my site?"

Brother Doflamingo, the guy who said the battle counts for him spoke at this critical moment and stopped the ghost spider that was about to rush up.

"Doflamingo, what do you want to do?"

The ghost spider said angrily, even the other four Tianlong people are also very angry. Doesn't this guy want to cooperate?How dare you stop them.

"Hey, then, what do you want to do, ghost spider? How dare you meddle in the internal affairs of the Tianlong people, tsk tsk, this can easily give you a charge of conspiracy to rebel and subvert the world government!"

Doflamingo's treacherous laughter was still the same, but his words caused the ghost spider's complexion to change dramatically, and even Johansson's complexion, who had always been calm, changed a bit.

It is not a happy thing to be charged with such a crime!

"We are only ordered by the Tianlong people now. It is our duty to kill you, otherwise it will be difficult to explain. As for the future, we will talk about it later."

Johansson spoke at this time, and his tone was full of blood, just like his knife and momentum.

Liu Xu raised his eyebrows, this guy seems to be very reasonable!

"So, are you ready to die?"

Liu Xu chuckled, and then rushed forward.


Chapter 2645 Sauron?do not know!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


When Liu Xu uses the lightning ability, the speed is the speed of light. This is a very terrifying speed, and it is difficult for human eyes to track and judge.

Same as before, Liu Xu once again used the power of thunder and lightning to appear beside another middle-aged Tianlong man, and with the same kick, he directly turned that middle-aged man's body into black dust.

[-] million volts of lightning is more than enough to kill a quasi-general.

Seeing this, the two lieutenant generals rushed towards the other three Celestial Dragons. They felt that Liu Xu was going to kill these Celestial Dragons. If they didn't protect them well, their naval career might end here.

However, the situation was not as they thought. After Liu Xu killed the two Tianlongren, he rushed towards the ghost spider, and the thunder knife was unsheathed in an instant.

"Spring thunderstorm!"

The dark purple sword glow swung out, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the ghost spider, and the dark purple sword glow slashed down with a tyrannical current.

Seeing this, Johansen rushed to the rescue, drew out the blood-red broadsword at his waist, and saw a blood-red light flashing past, and the same sword light appeared, which forcibly beat Liu Xu's spring thunderstorm off the track. Swipe past the ghost spider.

When the other navy soldiers saw that the battle had already begun, they hesitated, as if this matter was too serious for them to participate in.

At this moment of hesitation, Empress Hancock also made a move, and a huge pressure emerged from her body and dispersed to the surroundings.

Wherever this pressure passed, all the soldiers fell to the ground one after another, even Liu Xu's soldiers did the same.

"High-level battles are not something you can participate in."

The empress looked contemptuous, the domineering look has this advantage, these soldiers can't stop it at all.

"Oh, oh, oh, it's so much fun."

The movement of the empress made Doflamingo laugh wildly, he saw a little under his feet, and his whole body appeared beside the three Tianlong people in an instant.

There was also a tyrannical pressure from him, and this pressure directly crushed the three of them, restraining a young man in an instant, the middle-aged man staggered and stopped, and the old man was holding back. His face was flushed and his body was motionless.

Fierce, Doflamingo's overlord color is also so ferocious, you don't need to take any shots, just this pressure can make people kneel.

"Really, why don't we fight too?"

Nami and the others, who were about to fight, stopped their movements. Judging from the current situation, they only need to be a good audience, and there is no pressure at all to fight.

Just, is there really no pressure?

The old man's eyes burst into flames, and his flushed face returned to normal. He even thought of Doflamingo rushing over under the pressure, only to see his arms turned pure black and blue flames burning on his body.


Doflamingo's face changed a little bit. This old man is not simple. Withstood the pressure of his domineering look and was able to fight back. This should be a person with ability.


The old man's fist hit Brother Doflamingo, who was too weak to guard against him, and he knocked Brother Ming's body into the air with a solid punch, and he was about to go in the direction of Liu Xu.

However, as soon as he took a step, his body seemed to be stopped by something, and his face changed suddenly.

The knocked Doflamingo appeared beside him, and it took only one second from being knocked to reappear. It can be seen that his speed is still very fast.


After all, he was still a tyrannical old man. He reacted very quickly before the battle. His body instantly turned pure black, and the flaming flames turned white. Only a few cracking sounds were heard, and his body regained freedom at this time.

One punch, another punch!

This circle is domineering with flames and armed colors, which is no small matter.

Doflamingo's eyes narrowed. Just now, this guy's flame was still blue. Why did it suddenly turn white now?Moreover, the temperature of this white flame is very high, so high that it can easily destroy his string fruit ability, this old man is not simple!

For Liu Xu, there is really no pressure to fight with the two lieutenant generals, but he still wonders the existence of this lieutenant general Johansen. Who is he?This little look means several things.

"Hey, what do you mean by those little eyes? You don't need to stare anymore, it's a big deal, it's still the same as mung bean eyes."

Maliciously attacking the other party, he did such a thing very smoothly and easily.

The murderous intent in Johansen's eyes was undisguised, and he said coldly: "Liu Xu, you frightened my junior brother a lot before and insulted the reputation of our dojo."

"Oh? Junior Brother? Dojo?"

Liu Xu frowned, what the hell is she talking about, can't she just say it out quickly?After finishing the fight, I can go back to eat!

"Zoro, you should be familiar with this name."

Johansen said a name, and this name made Liu Xu spit, Sauron?

Since when did Sauron have a brother?Dojo?Is it really his apprentice?The world is getting more and more crazy, and there are always some weird guys popping up.

In other words, this guy Sauron actually has nepotism, which really blinds my young master's eyes.

"Zoro? I don't know!"

Liu Xu shook his head resolutely and denied it, but the other party was angrily reprimanded.

"There's no need to hide it, your eyes have already betrayed you."

Liu Xu became angry immediately, mother, will you die if you don't expose it?

"Johnson, take your life."

As he spoke, he rushed forward, raised his knife and slashed.

As for the ghost spider, he completely ignored it now, let's kill this guy first.

"Hey, don't ignore me."

The ghost spider let out a roar, held two knives in its hands and slashed across.

"Quack, get out!"

Without turning his head back, Liu Xu continued to slash at Johansen with the thunder knife, and a dark purple beam of lightning flew out from the palm of his left hand.

As soon as Johansen looked fierce, he raised his knife to block upwards, trying to block the opponent's attack in vain.

The ghost spider shielded two knives in front of its body to resist the opponent's attack.


Chapter 2646 The Strongest Little White Face in History

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



A knife!

A beam of lightning and light!

The sharpness of the Twelve Works of the Supreme Kuaishou Knife is not comparable to that of ordinary knives. Coupled with the strength of the user, it is naturally not to be underestimated.

Johnson couldn't block the knife.

From the moment the two knives came into contact, he understood that the strength of the opponent was much greater than his own. Even though he thought he was young and promising, he had already achieved the position of lieutenant general at a young age, but he still couldn't compete with him. The opponent's strength competition.

Under the opponent's knife, his knife unexpectedly showed a little bit of shattering marks, which made his heart beat wildly. This is the knife he only found after a lot of hard work!


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