In the end, under his horrified gaze, the blood-red blade was completely shattered. The opponent did not use the powerful blade light, nor did he use the power of the fruit, but, relying on the sharpness of the blade and his own strength, he was able to kill him The knife cut it into pieces.

His knife, Da Kuai Knife Twenty-one Works, a knife full of blood!

If a swordsman loses his sword, can he still be called a swordsman?

Johansen's heart was beating wildly, completely uncontrollable, and was directly blown away by the force of the opponent's blow on the knife.

And the ghost spider, the lightning beam slammed on his two knives, and a strong shock wave suddenly dispersed to the surrounding, and then the force of the shock sent his body flying, and fell heavily on the coast.

It came in an instant, and Liu Xu's tyrannical attack came in an instant, causing them to be sent flying without even having time to react.

The fast battle here distracted the old man over there. When he turned his eyes, he was controlled by Doflamingo's thread fruit again. The thin thread that could not be seen by the naked eye cut his skin and stinged. The feeling made him pale, and he reacted.

"Three-color flame armor!"

The old man's veins were exposed, and the white flame suddenly changed. Blue, white, and red flames alternated. Under the blessing of the three flames, the temperature rose to a terrifying state. From a distance of [-] meters, you could feel the flame that could almost dry people. Temperature, and this is just the flame suppressed on the surface of the body. If the flame is covered on the island, the consequences will be disastrous.

Under the high temperature, Doflamingo's thin wire was melted in an instant.

"咈咈咈咈咈! Such a powerful flame, interesting."

Doflamingo wasn't too surprised. He knew the power of the opponent's fire from the fight just now, which is also reasonable.

It's a pity that he didn't kill him directly, after all, it was the fault of his slow movements!

However, if it is only the power of the flame, then this is definitely not enough.

He has more means of attack, and naturally more means of deterrence.

Overlord, using the power of Overlord again, invisible pressure instantly enveloped the old man, compressing his flames.

On the other side, the middle-aged Celestial Dragon has already stood up, and he doesn't seem to have much advantage against Doflamingo. Well, let's find a woman to attack the head office, shall we?

"Well, beauty, a good choice."

The middle-aged man had already chosen his target, pulled up the young man who was lying on the ground, and the two rushed directly towards the empress.

"Hmph, even a dirty man dares to approach Aijia."

The empress showed deep contempt, raised her proud head, and completely despised the other party.

Stress comes with it!

As if the sky had collapsed, the empress released a tyrannical pressure. Columbia and the others had already retreated. When the empress said those words, they had already understood that this is definitely the rhythm of preparing for dominance!

As for the domineering look, it does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.

The coercion directly shrouded the two Tianlong people who rushed over, and they were sadly urged.

I was just about to come here for a while, and I could take a look at this beauty by the way, but I didn't expect to lie down again. The empress's domineering look seemed to be even more ferocious, with a kind of contempt in it, which made people feel deeply inferiority complex.

The two lay on the ground, shook their heads in the distance in Columbia, and then raised their sniper rifles.


Two bullets flew out of the gun, and the two Tianlong people opened their eyes wide and instinctively dodged to the side.

"Huh? Was dodged?"

Columbia was a little surprised. It seems that he was hurt by the empress's words just now. Dirty man, do you think everyone else is a dirty man except for the respected captain?

Indeed, in the eyes of the empress, who else could be considered a man besides her man?

Liu Xu on the other side also noticed the situation of the two of them, and immediately laughed, yo, is this the rhythm of wanting to be domineering?So come on!

Looking at the two lieutenant generals who rushed over again in a blink of an eye, Liu Xu took a deep breath, then clenched his fists tightly, pouring out his domineering power.


Liu Xu's domineering look is even more domineering. Once the power of the domineering look comes out, it directly overwhelms the domineering aura of the empress and Doflamingo, forming a strong aura, and the clouds in the sky seem to be cut off by this aura. Split in the middle.

Shanks and Whitebeard can split the sky with a single blow, and Liu Xu's domineering look soars straight into the sky, tearing the clouds in half.

The two lieutenant generals who rushed over were overwhelmed by Liu Xu's domineering look, their bodies could not move forward and gradually began to tremble. Well, how could this guy's strength be so terrifying?

The three overlord-colored forces shocked the Tianlongren, the lieutenant general, and the soldiers, reducing the combat effectiveness of several people to the extreme in a short time.

"This seems to be very good. Do you want to cut off your feet?"

Liu Xu smiled and walked to the side of the ghost spider.

"You, little white face..."

The ghost spider became angry all of a sudden, and wanted to cut off its own spider arm, which is unbearable!

Boyfriend?Liu Xu raised his brows and said, "Really? But my little boy is the strongest boy in history. He possesses strength that surpasses that of a general. In a war, the generals Whitebeard, Blackbeard, several captains, and several captains are powerful. Get rid of the pirates. You, can you do it? If you can't do it, then countless people in this world are not even as good as a little boy, and you are the same."


Chapter 2647 Slaying ghost spiders with a knife, deterring Tianlong people

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu sneered, and then slashed across with his knife, without hesitation, chopping off the six legs on the opponent's back that hadn't shown their strength until now.

No matter how the name "little boy" makes people uncomfortable, Liu Xu does not deny that some of his previous affairs were solved by Madeline's help.

However, he is also struggling, and he is constantly improving his strength.

But there are still many people who think so, but when a person's identity is too noble, it is easy for people to ignore his previous struggles and his strength.

Bearing that noble status, Liu Xu continued to improve his strength, and within a short time after going to sea, he had achieved the position of general.

Moreover, many people have forgotten one thing, that is, he was already a major general in the first year of going to sea, the youngest major general!

He kept breaking through the history of the Navy Headquarters, and all of this was obtained on the basis of his own strength.

However, there are still many people who choose to forget.

With one slash, the ghost spider suddenly screamed. The pain of being separated from the limbs was unbearable for him, and he still screamed out with the image of a tough guy.

"Ghost spider, when you don't have absolute power, never try to provoke someone who is more noble than you, and never try to provoke someone whose power exceeds your limitless power. Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters? It's very interesting, then you can continue to be one. Lieutenant General, but let's be this Lieutenant General with shame!"

With a sarcastic smile on Liu Xu's face, he slashed across again.


With a muffled sound, the thunder knife directly slashed across the ghost spider's body, blood mist splashed, and one of the ghost spider's right arm and left leg was chopped off.


The thunder light flashed, and the separated arm and leg were hit by a thunder light, and instantly turned into nothingness.


The ghost spider opened its mouth and roared, six of its legs were cut off, and now its main body's arms and legs were also cut off, what ability would he have to fight the opponent?Even if it is desperate, it is unbearable!

Johansson on the side looked at him in a cold sweat. This guy is as ferocious as the rumors, and he has committed a crime. He has to go back and talk to the Air Commander. Otherwise, what will happen to the cute little junior when he encounters him?

Thinking so, Johansson rushed out.


A loud roar suddenly sounded, and the old voice resounded through the entire coast, making everyone's movements slow down. Which bastard is so scary?

Looking away, it was the old man of the Tianlongren. At this moment, he had removed the three-color flame armor, his old face was cold, and his eyes were full of wisdom. His eyes were constantly on Doflamingo, the empress and Liu Xu swept back and forth.

"Three overlord color owners, your strength is indeed very strong. Johnson, go back."

After finishing speaking, the old man moved step by step under the tremendous pressure, and the eyes of Liu Xu and the others also turned accordingly. What does this old man want to do?

And the Johansson who ran out was at the side of the ghost spider at this moment, and lifted his body directly.

It seems that there is no need to continue the battle.

Two Tianlong people died, and one lieutenant general was deposed. They have not taken advantage of this battle so far.

"What a cunning old fox."

There was a smile on Liu Xu's face. This old man had a lot of ideas. He knew he couldn't beat him and wanted to slip away. But, is it that easy?

"Lightning strike..."

"Wait a minute, General Liu Xu."

Someone came out to stop it, and it wasn't Johnson or the old man who stopped it, but Doflamingo.

"Hey, just now I said that I saw you have a show, now you are not going to shrink back, are you?"

There was obvious dissatisfaction on Liu Xu's face. This guy had said it well before, and the battle counted for him.

Well, he's already counted, but what do you mean now?This young master wants to kill these Tianlong people, then this young master's girl will be much more relaxed.

"General Liu Xu, how boring is it to kill them so quickly? There are other fun things, and keeping them alive is the first request of the partners, how about it?"

Huh?not kill them?Require?Liu Xu's eyes lit up, although he didn't know the reason, but let it go, let them live, but.

"Eighty million volts blessing. Chidori sharp gun!"

Four tiny dark purple beams of light flew out from his fingertips, instantly hitting those four guys who had yet to react in half.


The four of them were shocked at the same time, and the deep purple light beam flew directly through their shoulders and flew into the distance, and finally landed on the warship they drove over with a bang.

The power of [-] million volts blasted a large hole in the hull, and the violent explosion also woke the comatose soldiers and stood up screaming.

Among the four people whose shoulders were pierced, there were three Tianlongren, and the other one was naturally that Johansen.

Anyone who dares to show murderous intentions to himself will have to be taught a lesson no matter who he is.

What about Sauron's senior brother?Now that Sauron is here, as long as he dares to show a little killing intent, he will not hesitate to teach him a lesson. Injury is the lightest, and maybe he will be killed, although Ting actually likes this guy when watching anime.

Now in this world, there are not many people who can surpass him only from the inside.

In addition to those unpredictable four emperors, there are also guys like Wu Laoxing who have never met before, and the other is Kong, the older generation of powerhouses, and some hidden Tianlongren powerhouses. Compete, others, can you?


Johansson's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he actually abolished his right arm. He is not left-handed, and without his right arm, his sword would not know how to use it, which was equivalent to ending his career as a swordsman.

"Shut up and go back!"

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