"General Liu Xu, why did you see Caesar? Is it really just those devil fruits?"

Brother Doflaming immediately became cautious. Liu Xu said before that maybe they could cooperate to give him more devil fruits, but this matter has not been discussed yet.

Moreover, there is no suitable bargaining chip, and Doflamingo will not make such a foolish promise to him.

After all, he now has an even more brutal partner, Kaido!

"Of course, I'm just asking about other Devil Fruits. Excuse me, what are you afraid of?"

Liu Xu half-closed his eyes and met the other's eyes, his eyes were so clear that he was almost moved.

"Tch, I'll arrange for him to come over."

Doflamingo turned his head and finally agreed.

M. Caesar Courant, the former scientist of the Science Force of the Navy Headquarters, was expelled and wanted by the Science Force for conducting various inhumane experiments, and then cooperated with Don Quixote Doflamingo, one of the King's Shichibukai, Hiding in Punk Hazard, manufacturing SAD, the raw material of artificial animal devil fruit S-MILE, abducting children for giantization experiments, and selling the poison gas weapon developed by himself to various forces in the new world.


Chapter 2650 One night slap, Devil Fruit Illustrated Book

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


This is a very good guy, a mad scientist, and he can think of things like artificial devil fruits. It can be seen that his research spirit can still be affirmed.

Brother Doflamingo just values ​​his talent, and has properly reached a cooperative relationship with him.

"Brother Doflaming, for the sake of this young master's career, you should be wronged and make some sacrifices!"

In the room, Liu Xu laughed, but he was about to start making a fool of himself.

Doflamingo, who was staying in the processing factory, trembled fiercely. Is this the rhythm of something going to happen?


"Captain, why don't you rescue those little people?"

After the rain, Nami lay in Liu Xu's arms, drawing circles on his chest with her slender hands, and expressed her doubts at this time.

Several other women also felt it. The kind of treatment suffered by the little human race really made people feel blocked. In the end, Nami, who was too kind in her heart, spoke first.

Liu Xu let the opponent's hands do things to him, put his arms around Hancock and Robin, and his eyes wandered to Tina and Bonnie in front of him.

Nami's question made him silent. Maybe he would have saved these little people before entering the new world, but it's different now.

If you save these little people, your plan will probably be hit. It is very necessary to build a powerful army of capable people.

"Now we are in a state of cooperation with Doflamingo. If those little people are rescued, the progress of the Devil Fruit will slow down. At that time, it will not be a good thing for Doflamingo. As a result, another strong man took revenge, so he couldn't be rescued for the time being. However, there is another way to deal with it, just let Doflamingo treat those little people better. Cough cough, I will do it again Holy Mother, I will take the lead in this matter."

Liu Xu didn't let go of his plan because of what Nami and the others said. When it comes to his key interests, he can only wrong these little people.

Nami nodded lightly, and this seemed to be the only way to go.

"Liu Xu, why do you want to cooperate with him? Wouldn't it be better to take this place directly?"

The empress held down the hand of the other party who was playing tricks on her, this matter is still incomprehensible!

Didn't the Fishman Island and the Eastern Sun Kingdom be directly robbed?Why is it so troublesome to get here?

"You don't understand this. The identity of this guy is not that simple. Although he is not a Tianlongren now, he has cooperated with Kaido, Wulaoxing, Tianlongren, etc. It will be more troublesome to kill him rashly. So, let's cooperate, or there is another way to become the BOSS behind the scenes, what do you think?"

Liu Xu stretched out his hand suddenly, causing the empress to be coquettish, this guy is really messed up, what should I do when it explodes?

"The BOSS behind the scenes? What is it?"

The beautiful cook Bonnie was inexplicably excited, and she threw herself on him and joined Nami.

Liu Xu gasped. Bonnie, the delicate and beautiful cook, was so precise that she hit her directly when she rushed over.

To stabilize the impetuousness in his heart, Liu Xu spoke eloquently.

"The boss behind the scenes is a very interesting thing. Just like the Eastern Sun Kingdom, Chavad has become my most loyal slave, and the entire Eastern Sun Kingdom is naturally under my control. And if Doflamingo Also become my loyal slave, so do you think this will be an interesting thing? And that Caesar is the same."

How many women were physically beaten by his words, loyal slaves?Does he have any ability to do this?

God, this is too scary.

A few beauties stared at him in a daze, until his raging flames continued to burst out. It was too bad, and he had to do another exercise.

Slapping through the night...

The next day, Liu Xu left a few women in the room to recover, found Columbia and Brayton and went directly to Doflamingo's factory, and continued to study those animal-type devil fruits.

A Devil Fruit Illustrated Book appeared in Liu Xu's hands. This was Liu Xugang's first "command" after accepting Robin. The collected, arguably the most complete Devil Fruit Illustrated Book, included introductions to various abilities. very detailed.

Constantly making comparisons and constantly researching the abilities of those fruits that he has not seen before, the ancient mythical beasts are naturally what he wants to see the most, and those fruits that can satisfy him are in Doflamingo’s. The factory didn't see it.

"General Liu Xu, would you mind giving me a copy?"

Doflamingo was a little jealous, this thick book was like a treasure, it was worth the price of a few devil fruits.

"Yo, you're thinking beautifully. This young master paid a huge price to get it. There is only one copy."

Liu Xu refused without looking up.

Doflamingo made a cut, and turned to ask: "Caesar has arrived, should you call him over now?"

When the crucial matter came, Liu Xu's eyes lit up, he should have been sent here a long time ago, why are you asking, what a sad child.

With an impatient tone, Liu Xu yelled again and again: "Let him come here quickly, I didn't expect this guy to be very fast."

Brother Doflaming despised him a little, you are too easy to expose your heart, it's okay, so you can control it a little bit.

Under his summons, Caesar quickly entered the processing plant. However, the first meeting was destined to not be so pleasant. The scientist who originally belonged to the Navy Headquarters has now defected and met the Navy. So what will this look like?

"Admiral? Bastard."

Caesar had already come and saw Liu Xu in front of him, and he was immediately full of murderous intent. These marines were really irritable and followed no matter where they went.


Chapter 2651 Agree or die?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu didn't care about his words, but carefully looked at the guy who could turn the new world upside down.

He has long purple-blue hair, looks like a ghost, wears black gloves with the word CC on his hands, and has a pistol at his waist. This is his image, and it is perfect for scaring children. .

"You are Caesar? Sure enough, it is as rumored. You look really ugly."

From the very beginning, Liu Xu attacked with a poisonous tongue, crushing the other party's self-esteem unceremoniously.

This sentence made Caesar's ass hurt, bastard, this is his proud appearance!

Although many people say it's ugly, the grass on the graves of those people is already two meters high. Do you, the navy, want to come and die?

However, the smart one still didn't get angry directly, but turned to Doflamingo and said, "Why is there a navy here? Why did you ask me to come over?"

Doflamingo glanced at him. This guy is his partner, but his attitude is still quite arrogant.

If it wasn't necessary to produce those devil fruits, I would have driven you a thousand miles away, old boy.

"Liu Xu, Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, you should have heard of it. Now he has something to do with you, you can talk about it. By the way, a friendly reminder, he is now my partner."

After speaking, he stayed aside as if he was nothing, with a relaxed expression.

Liu Xu also walked up and stared at the other party's eyes, and said: "Caesar, I heard that you are very successful in making artificial devil fruits, so I want you to help me make two fruits, one with the power of giants and one with the power of manipulation." storm!"

The straightforward words made Caesar frowned. He instinctively took two steps back and frowned, "The power of giants? Controlling the storm? Why should I help you do that?"

These two are not the researches he is currently conducting. If he wants to abandon these current researches to conduct research on these two fruits, then he will definitely spend a lot of energy, which seems not worthwhile!

"I am a collaborator with Doflamingo, and now I am asking him for these two fruits, and you are his collaborator, so it is natural that you must do this."

After a few words, Liu Xu pushed back directly. Caesar has a lot of secrets in his hands. With the things he researched, if they are really used well, they can easily shake the entire new world and shake the entire world. foundation.

Devil Fruit Legion, how many people dream of that?Even the Celestial Dragons don't have such a powerful army, and if his devil fruit is produced in large quantities and used on some people, it will be extremely powerful.

The price of a devil fruit is very high, and it is still the kind that has a price but no market. It takes at least [-] million Baileys to get one.

Although there are many capable users in the new world, they will not be too many to an outrageous level.

"I reject."

Caesar directly refused, as if there was no room for it.

"Well, that's really a pity."

Liu Xu felt a pity for a while. It seems that this is a dead end. This expression made several people look weird. Could he be the person who gives up so easily?

Soon Liu Xu's actions proved that he could not be a person who gave up easily. When he turned his body, a deep purple lightning suddenly appeared, and he had already appeared beside Caesar. neck.

"Cough, sorry, my hand is a little cramped. In fact, this young master doesn't want to do this, but this knife is so disobedient, it always likes to stay on other people's necks."

Liu Xu looked angry again. This familiar look made Columbia and others praise him angrily. Mr. Liu Xu, it should be like this, and this guy can't be too frightened.

Caesar and Doflamingo were dumbfounded. This guy doesn't play cards according to common sense, why did he do it so quickly?

"Mr. Caesar, it's better to agree. General Liu Xu sometimes loses his power."

Columbia spoke gracefully, as if speaking for him!

Breton despised him deeply, and said, "No, you'd better not agree, you have to be like a man who is not afraid of the enemy's power, even if you die, you can't agree."

"It's enough for the two of you, don't say such funny things anymore."

Nami's head was full of black lines, just a few strokes on the heads of the two of them.

"Caesar, don't agree even if you kill him, your head is very valuable, and you can sell a lot of Baileys."

"Kill this dirty man!"

The empress looked at each other with contempt.

A few people here are talking very well, and Caesar's face over there is already ashen, who are these people!

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