Why are all of Liu Xu's subordinates so cruel, bastard, when it comes to killing people, no one can compare to him.

The same is true for Brother Doflaming. He never thought that Liu Xu would use this method to threaten him. If he disagrees, will Liu Xu kill him?After killing him, how to explain to Kaido?It's over, this matter is not easy to handle!

"So, what's your decision now?"

Liu Xu had a smile in his eyes, this Caesar is not such a stubborn person, seeing his body trembling and his little eyes turning.

Caesar swallowed hard, armed with domineering, a general used armed domineering to deal with him, it seems that they have no way to escape with the power of the devil fruit, as long as the opponent makes a slight movement, his life will follow end.

"I, I'll think about it."

Caesar's facial muscles trembled fiercely. This incident was so exciting that he never wanted to step into this place again.

"Agree or die?"

Liu Xu raised his eyebrows, and the Thunder Knife moved a little, cutting a small wound on his neck. Blood spilled from the wound and stained his clothes red.

This scene made Doflamingo's heart rise to his throat, and now he has the urge to cry, why did he agree to the other party's cooperation so easily?

Well now, if Caesar is dead, then he will be in trouble.


Chapter 2652 The cook becomes a maid, Four Emperor Shanks

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"No, I agree."

The tingling pain made Caesar's legs weak, and he decisively agreed to the other party's request. Anyway, let's escape this time first!

A bright smile appeared on Liu Xu's face when he heard this, and the thunder knife quickly returned to its sheath.

"That's right, why did you go early? It's fine if you agree early on. You have to make so many things before you agree. By the way, these two fruits still need to be studied carefully, so why don't you go over and talk?"


Caesar responded quickly. Now the other party is the uncle. If he angers the uncle, he will definitely kill him without hesitation. Even Doflamingo can't save him.

Doflamingo was tangled, should the two of them talk in the past and listen?

After thinking about it, he finally sighed and said, "Forget it, give them some space!"

As he said that, his eyes swept to the other side, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

There, Columbia's sniper rifle was gradually retracted to the back, Breton's laser cannon was gradually closed, and the Empress's sweet fruit ability was gradually put away...

Who are these people? Sure enough, unity and friendship is the best choice.

Liu Xu, who was alone with Caesar, came back soon, with an inexplicable smile on his face. This time, it was really perfect.

"Brother Doflaming, let's have a chat too? Very good thing!"

Liu Xu came to Doflamingo's side with an inexplicable smile in his eyes, and reached out to pat him on the shoulder.

Doflamingo stared at him behind his sunglasses, why did he always feel something was wrong?What is the reason?

Doflamingo, who couldn't figure it out, nodded, and came to the place where Liu Xu and Caesar were before. When he saw Caesar standing there, he seemed to be thinking about something.

Behind him, Liu Xu's fist turned into pure black, and he punched down.


In the unpredictable sea area, Liu Xu and others have left Dressrosa.

Liu Xu, who came out from there, still has a smile on his face. It has been two days, and there is always such a smile on his face, which makes several partners very suspicious!

What happened to him?He has been like this since he talked with Caesar and Doflamingo, and he can't stop at all.

The current target is another kingdom controlled by Chavard, the butler of the Bartholomew family. That is, on the island formed by the East Japan Kingdom in about three days, a large and small kingdom, the Kingdom of Kansana, has a population of about over a million.

"General Liu Xu, there are still two days away from Kansana Kingdom, I suggest adding supplies."

Tina spoke softly beside Liu Xu, and behind him, the beautiful cook Bonnie was holding a plate of fruit and drinks, her gaze was always on Liu Xu in front.

"Are you out of supplies? Then I really need to replenish it, Breton, and I'll leave it to you."

Roaring down, Brayton responded and directly used laser cannons to attack the sea. Sea beasts are very good supplies.

"Master Liu Xu, please enjoy the fruit."

Bonnie's face is a little weird, what does it mean to wear this dress for her now?Isn't that what those little maids wear?And this tone of voice, why must it be delicate, soft and weak?

Liu Xu responded very comfortably, and said, "Bonny, you are making great progress! Just keep it like this, it's too perfect, you are the best."

Little maid, Liu Xu giggled in his heart, training a beautiful cook into a little maid seems to be a very good thing.

Although she is still a little unaccustomed to it now, there will always be a time when she gets used to it.

How exciting it is for a woman who is used to boldness and rudeness to be taught to submit to all kinds of gentle little maids.

"Dear Captain, we found a pirate ship ahead."

A figure in the sky approached quickly, and when it approached the deck, it stopped suddenly, and the spread wings gradually closed, giving Feng a good show.

Columbia, who is now an ancient phantom beast with the ability of the Huast giant eagle, has a strong reconnaissance ability when he enters the human-beast state.

"Oh? What pirate group makes you care so much?"

Liu Xu was surprised. It's normal for pirates to appear on the sea. Here, look at the pirate ship swaying past beside it. It's just a few scumbags, and I don't bother to pay attention to it.

"The red-haired pirates are coming towards us."


He took a sip of the drink decisively, the red-haired Shanks, one of the Four Emperors?

Ah, no, it should be the red-haired Shanks, one of the Three Emperors, coming this way?Was it for him?

"Why did he appear here? This is just the beginning of the new world. I'm depressed, go and take a look."

Liu Xu was a little confused, the fleet quickly increased its speed and drove forward, and with the appearance of the red-haired Shanks, everyone on the fleet became a little nervous, even the Qiwuhai like the Empress.

Each of the four emperors who ruled the new world was the strongest of the strong, although one of them had already died.

As the fleet sailed, a huge pirate ship appeared in sight.

Shanks is well-proportioned and handsome, with red hair, three scars over his left eye, stubble around his mouth, and missing a left arm.

He was wearing a white shirt that was only half-buttoned, a long black cape, a Western sword at the waist and crotch, baggy cropped trousers, and sandals.

The image is very easy-going, and he looks like an uncle who is easy to get along with.

However, under that easy-going manner, there is a kingly aura that belongs exclusively to him. The domineering and condensed eyes that inadvertently reveal his strength, and also show that he is definitely not a simple character.None of the Four Emperors is simple.

Red-haired Shanks, the pirate ship is a huge battleship Reid that has been sailing for decades, and the dazzling claw-marked pirate flag makes it easy to identify his identity.

Liu Xu's fleet slammed directly towards the opponent. There was no reason for him to miss such a number one person, but his crew seemed to be entangled.


Chapter 2653 Will see the emperor

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Captain, the Red Hair Pirates are very powerful in the New World. Captain Red Hair Shanks is also one of the Four Emperors. It is very unfavorable for us to fight with them."

As a veteran of the New World, Breton still understood these things very well, and was worried. If a battle broke out, these warships would be easily sunk by the opponent, and the safety of hundreds of soldiers here would become a big problem.It is still very easy for the Four Emperors to overturn their warships.

However, if the captain wants to kill the other party's pirate ship, it is equally easy.However, by then, only those with high-end combat power will be able to survive.

And on this side, there are more devil fruit capable users, and it is very dangerous to count warships in this sea.

He thought of a lot of things, and this was just a talk from experience. His past experiences in the new world made him still deeply remember that the new world is a place where people can eat people without spitting their bones.

Liu Xu only knew that he was from the New World, but he didn't understand everything thoroughly, so he was immediately confused.

"Why do you want to fight with him? Isn't that what you have to do when you have nothing to do?"

"Uh, Captain, the other party is a pirate, it must be very troublesome if we meet at that time."

Immediately, Breton felt that there was no love. Doesn't the captain understand what this means?

Liu Xu nodded calmly, and said: "Oh, pirates are also very normal. We meet when we have nothing to do. Anyway, we will meet in the future. By the way, aren't you very hot-tempered? It's a bit different now."

Such calm words made Breton feel a pain in the ass, Mr. Captain, can we chat happily.

"Liu Xu, if you encounter the Four Emperors, it's best to avoid them."

The Queen's words were also very serious, this matter was not a joke.

Others also agreed that this is not a small matter. A fleet that may have been in business for more than three years will be destroyed.

"Don't worry, I still have a certain degree of confidence in dealing with red hair. Besides, I didn't say that I have to be so close to them, just take a look."

Liu Xu is not bragging, but he really has something to rely on. Not to mention the God of Thunder in Nine Songs of Mieshi, now that there is another Jin Shining, even if he can't beat him, it's no problem to get out of his body.

While speaking, the fleet was able to see the figure of a huge battleship, which was the pirate ship of Shanks with red hair.

The eyes of everyone looked over, it seems that now there is no way to hide!

Then, we can only bite the bullet.

The fleet is getting closer and closer to the Reid, and Liu Xu's face is also wearing a wider and wider smile. The red hair seems to value Luffy very much, but the current Luffy has not achieved the achievements he expected.

On the Reid, the red-haired Shanks looked at the fleet ahead through the binoculars, with an indifferent smile on his face, but his subordinates were entangled, Captain, that is the fleet!

"Captain, do you want to fire?" the sniper Jesus Bu asked.

He who advocates freedom is also a little entangled at this time. When did the navy fleet sail in the New World so openly?

Shanks put down the binoculars, the pirates on the deck are ready for battle, navy?Then fuck them.

"Don't be impulsive. That's the fleet of the newly promoted admiral Liu Xu. It's not good to act rashly. Moreover, they don't know their purpose yet."

It was not Shanks who spoke, but his subordinate Ben Beckman. This is a guy with a super high IQ. At least no one on this pirate ship can surpass him in IQ. He is the red-haired right-hand man. Also the deputy captain here.

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