A powerful vice-captain who can rely on a gun to fight against Kiwi, or even the guy who persecutes Kiwi, his strength is inestimable.

"That's right, Liu Xu has a weird personality, and you should be no strangers to him, let's meet him!"

The indifferent smile on his face gradually disappeared, and instead he looked serious and wise, and the confidence in his eyes was convincing.

The pirates had nothing to say. Although they had never seen Liu Xu with their own eyes, they still knew a lot about him, so they stopped talking.

Getting closer, Shanks gradually yelled at the fleet.

"General Liu Xu, come over and have a chat."

The sound was like a thunderbolt appearing over the fleet, so everyone could hear it clearly.

"Oh, it's really as bold and generous as the rumors say, and it doesn't stick to trifles!" Liu Xu said meaningfully.

There are still hundreds of meters away, so let's take a look!

Deep purple lightning suddenly appeared, and Liu Xu turned into a streak of horses and flew towards the Reid, landing steadily on the bow.

His eyes swept around, it was very strong. The people on this pirate ship were very strong. Apart from those little scoundrels, there might be only a few people who could attract his attention.

A strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he walked over from the bow of the boat. A burst of invisible pressure was released from his body. Everywhere he passed, the pirates fell to the ground, but they were already unconscious past.

Overlord, and is the power of overlord, and these little guys are simply powerless to resist.

As soon as you get on the boat, it is a disembarkation, which seems to be suspected of killing.

However, the red-haired Shanks smiled and said: "General Liu Xu, it's not good to do this, they are all my partners, put them away!"

Immediately, the pressure dropped sharply.

Will see the emperor!

Liu Xu put away his domineering look, and smiled brightly, as if nothing had happened just now, he laughed and said: "Red-haired Shanks, it's the first time we meet, please give me your advice."

Shanks has a good temper, and he didn't make any big moves because of Liu Xu's dismount, and he is still in the observation period.

"General Liu Xu, it seems that you are only in your twenties?"

The bull's lip is wrong, his question made many people break out in cold sweat, what does it mean to ask someone's age like that?Your old man doesn't have a daughter, and your old man is still single, so it's useless to ask!


Chapter 2654 Have you ever eaten the fruit of face?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu was also tangled, scratched his hair and replied, "Well, what's the matter? Don't tell me you want to rely on the old to sell the old? That's not okay, you haven't reached the state of the old man yet, have you?"


"My God!"

A group of pirates are not calm, and they actually talk to their captain like this, no, it should be said that the navy talks to the pirates like this, it's too scary, you are enemies after all, okay?

"Oh, by the way, I have a question I've wanted to ask for a long time."


"Have you ever eaten the fruit of face?"


Shanks was taken aback for a moment, then laughed.

This smile made Liu Xu sigh deeply. This guy's smile is the same as that of Luffy. It seems that he is a guy with no roots.

Well, it seems that Luffy was influenced by him.

"Liu Xu, you are so interesting, do you want to have a drink?"

"Drinking? Well, it's been a long time since I drank, come on!"

Liu Xu answered very naturally. The scene of the conversation between the two made all the pirates very uncomfortable. This, what is this all about!

Not only them, but also the people on the warship. General Liu Xu, you old man killed one of the Four Emperors, and now you have such a happy chat with another Four Emperors. Is this trying to abuse our hearts?We can't bear it!

"The captain, he..."

Nami was faintly worried.

"Don't worry, Nami. We don't understand things about men, so don't worry too much about it."

Robin smiled, stroking Nami's little head like a big sister, loving mother?Is this the image of a loving mother?


Nami laughed and started laughing, but she also put aside her worries about taking love to you. Anyway, their men will find a way to come back. Even if they are sold, they can find their way home, as long as Bailey Just don't be fooled.

The pirate thief Nami still has an incomparable obsession with Bailey. She is not only a navigator, but also the finance minister of the fleet. Every expense has to pass through her hands, how much Bailey is consumed every day, and how much is earned Li and her are clear, accurate to the level of a Bailey, which makes people admire.

On the Reid, the smile on the face of the red-haired Shanks gradually turned into a nervous smile, and he shouted at his subordinates behind him.

"It's a banquet."


The subordinates still couldn't help spraying their rice, and their eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

Party with the Navy?God, when did the relationship between pirates and the navy become so harmonious?Is it the rhythm of the beginning of the great unity of the people of the world?

In any case, the captain has already spoken, and a group of pirates quickly organized. Banquets are very familiar to them, especially on Shanks’ ship. They come every two days, and there are often Very drunk.

It is very dangerous for everyone to get drunk here in the new world, but it is a very common thing for them, and there is no such thing as danger at all.

Even if they were all drunk and the pirate ship was floating around, no one would take the opportunity to sneak attack.

It's not that the pirates are of high quality, but that they dare not.

If the people on the pirate ship are moved, the red-haired Shanks will start to lose his nerve, and then a storm will hit.

"The banquet, I really miss it. Shanks, you are very interesting!"

Liu Xu sighed in admiration. Banquets are common on his ship, but since he came to the New World, he has no time to hold banquets. Every day he spends time traveling, planning, and fighting. How can there be time for such a banquet?

After the words fell, Shanks walked directly to him, patted his shoulder hard, and said, "The admiral and the pirates have a banquet, this is definitely the headline news..."

Liu Xu glanced at him, and said disdainfully, "Why, are you so poor that you need to sell these news to make a living? How pitiful, I still have a few hundred Baileys with me, and I gave them to you."

Shanks was stunned, then laughed wildly, and said: "Hahahaha, General Liu Xu, you are so humorous, of course, you are also very venomous."

Liu Xu said, "Thank you for the compliment."

Shanks laughed wildly, this admiral is really different from other navies!

"You're still the same."

A calm and cold voice came, making Liu Xu frown. This guy's voice sounds familiar. Who could it be?

Turning his head to look inside the cabin, he saw a person walking out of it.

He has short black hair, eagle-like sharp yellow eyes, a short beard, and a black top hat with white fluff. He often wears a burgundy patterned jacket, a black vest, and white trousers, with a black knife behind him.

The familiar image, familiar tone, and familiar breath, Liu Xu could bear it at a glance.

"Why is it you, a man with facial paralysis?"

An instinctive sentence, this sentence made the red-haired Shanks and all the pirates stunned, a man with a paralyzed face?The world's largest swordsman is a man with facial paralysis?


Shanks laughed again, and almost burst into tears. It was interesting, so interesting, that his friend would have such a title, um, very vivid and appropriate.

Hawkeye has long been used to the state of these people, but he still has some opinions on Liu Xu's words.

"That's not something someone who hasn't seen in a few years should say."

Oh, is Hawkeye so arrogant?Liu Xu grinned, he found it by accident!

"Then, I was wrong, long time no see, facial paralysis."


When they met again, Liu Xu laughed out loud, and Hawkeye could be considered his friend, so some communication was naturally indispensable.

"I haven't heard anything from you in the past few years, so you won't be staying on the red-haired pirate ship forever?"

Liu Xu walked over to inquire, and Shanks followed, with busy pirates behind him.

The three of them sat down leisurely, and Hawkeye said, "Drifting everywhere all day."

Concise and clear, Liu Xu gave a thumbs up and said, "Good job, but let's talk about it."

Hawkeye's face was still calm, and he told the past few years.


Chapter 2655 Abnormal male-male relationship

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The thing is very simple. After leaving the East China Sea, he returned to the new world. He challenged the strong all day long, looking for a higher way of swordsmanship. Everyday life is like this.

It's only been two days since I came to the red-haired boat, but I'm going to take a look at the first half of the great voyage.

Moreover, Hongfa is now preparing to return to the first half of the great route, all because of one person, Luffy.

Luffy's morale was low after the battle of the top, and he was seriously injured behind him. As a sustenance of the infinite possibility of red hair, Shanks was going to go to see it and enlighten him by the way.

"No need to go, it's useless to go."

After Liu Xu listened, he directly denied the red hair's approach, and he was not polite at all.

Shanks' eyes narrowed, and he said solemnly, "How do you say it?"

Luffy is the man he thinks has the potential to become One Piece, that kind of temperament, that kind of persistence, this is what he saw in Roger.

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