"Boo-boo-boo! Boo-boo-boo!"

Marine Fanduo Naval Headquarters, Sengoku, who had fallen asleep, was awakened by the voice of the phone bug, and impatiently pressed the answer button.

"I'm Warring States, who are you?"

"Ah, with a long beard, you have a very grumpy temper. What are you doing? Which navy girl are you talking to? Tell me honestly."

Liu Xu's teasing voice made the already impatient Zhan Guo angry, and roared back.

"General Liu Xu, it's impolite to disturb people's sleep in the middle of the night, do you know that?"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have disturbed the pure sleep of you and the navy girl, I'm really sorry."

Liu Xu's tone was very sincere, almost like an ascetic monk.

Warring States is extremely angry, this guy is really getting more and more nonsense, and his words are getting worse and worse.

"Tell me, what's your business?"

Suppressing the unhappiness in his heart, Zhan Guo asked calmly.

If he called in the middle of the night, there must be something important. If not, Liu Xu would never have played around with him like this.

Liu Xu stopped teasing him, and said seriously: "Marshal of the Warring States Period, I am going to talk to you about the new world. At present, there are only three emperors left here, and someone has already started to fight for the position of White Beard. It will weaken the power of the New World Pirates, which is a good thing for the expansion of the Navy Headquarters. However, if the Navy Headquarters wants to expand in the past, there is no legitimate reason after all. Many people here have already died under the rule of the Four Emperors. Get used to it. If the navy liberates them, it may have the opposite effect. Therefore, the navy headquarters will definitely not be able to take action directly..."

Speaking out his thoughts, the Warring States in the naval headquarters was speechless for a long time, things were too crazy and unacceptable.

Liu Xu's idea is to create, in the new world, to create a throne above the Seven Martial Seas, equal to the Four Emperors, equal to the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, belonging to the Navy, but also an independent existence, who can do things according to his own wishes .

The power is much higher than that of Qiwuhai, but there is one thing, that is, like Qiwuhai, when necessary, it must accept the dispatch of the Navy Headquarters and the World Government to assist them.

Now that Whitebeard's position has not been replaced, it seems a bit superfluous to create this throne now.

"Is that appropriate?"

Zhan Guo couldn't keep his peace of mind, the matter involved too much, he couldn't make a decision on his own, it might take five old stars to decide this matter.Judging from the other party's words, he is ready to ascend to this position.

Above the Qiwuhai, it is naturally the position of an emperor, so that it can be parallel to the four emperors.

"Why is it inappropriate? Although I want to create this position, it has another important role, completely disrupting the new world and we will not be affected. This position does not limit the navy, pirates, civilians, nobles, as long as it is If you have the ability, take this position. At that time, there will be many people competing for this position, and this throne is in the new world. What is the most in the new world? Pirates! If Whitebeard's position is replaced, then many The pirates will look at this position, and when they fight, we will be a lot easier."

This is Liu Xu's plan, a big net that completely envelops the New World pirates.

"Are you sure? According to your idea, it can indeed weaken a lot of the power of the pirates, but what if this position is finally taken away by someone?"

The key question came, Liu Xu smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, no one in the new world will be able to get that position, and only I will get it in the end. So, you can rest assured Go ahead, tell this matter to Commander-in-Chief Kong or Wu Laoxing, I will get news tomorrow."

After Liu Xu finished speaking, he hung up the phone and let out a hard breath. It was too exciting. This matter was too exciting. If he could succeed, then the throne should belong to him in the end.

But the Warring States side has already become entangled. Liu Xu's words have given him a great impact, and Liu Xu is the sustenance of him and Karp.

Helpless, I still found Karp and Crane directly. This matter still needs to be discussed with the two of them.


Early the next morning, one thing shocked everyone, the whole world boiled, and the most boiling was the new world.


King of the sea!

This supreme throne was born, surpassing the Qiwuhai, equal to the New World Four Emperors, belonging to the navy, an independent existence, and able to possess a lot of power.

Crazy, the whole new world went crazy in an instant, some pirates who were vying for the position of Whitebeard fell silent, what should I choose now?

"Conspiracy, this is definitely a conspiracy!"

A big pirate roared, filled with righteous indignation.

"What about the conspiracy? As long as you can get that position, you can get supreme power. Hmph, Sea Emperor, I want it."

The other pirate scorned for a moment, and a wave-like aura surged out.

Shanks and Hawkeye looked at the newspaper in their hands, the news on it made them frown, how could such a big thing happen?What does the world government want to do?What kind of conspiracy will it be?

This newspaper has the seal of the Five Old Stars, showing that this was something they personally approved and approved, which made them feel troublesome.

And the initiator of this incident was looking at the two people on the Ryder on the warship, with inexplicable smiles on their faces. Beside him, there were also a few people reading the newspaper, and the whole warship was full of people. Discussing about the Emperor of the Sea.

"It's interesting and more exciting, isn't it? Hahaha! New world, let's get excited!"


Chapter 2658

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The new world is full of turmoil due to the advent of the Neptune, and the pirates of all parties have one more choice and a more ambitious goal.

Neptune, as long as you have enough strength, no matter what kind of existence you are, you may get and enjoy all kinds of privileges given by the world government.

Moreover, this is the throne obtained through bloody competition, and it is a symbol of strength.

Obtaining this throne is equivalent to laying down a world of your own in the new world.

Everyone here is boiling, even Breton and others.

"Neptune? This throne can only be sat by a man who loves his family."

The empress looked at the newspaper in her hand and clenched her small fists.

"Captain, shall we start working on this throne?"

Breton's eyes flashed brightly. He was above the Qiwuhai, on the same level as the Four Emperors, and on the same level as the Admiral of the Navy. What an honor this is.

Liu Xu nodded secretly. This is already a pre-determined throne, which basically only belongs to him.

Making this thing is also to lay a foundation for his conquest and stability in the new world.

The people of the new world can easily accept the name of the emperor of the sea to grab the territory.

"There is no need to rush this matter, there will always be that day. Take your time, um, you can consider expanding outward from Vera, and then use Dongri Kingdom and Kansana Kingdom as foreign aid to gather the surrounding areas, Determine the sphere of influence."

Speaking lightly, several people also understood his thoughts. This is the rhythm of not going to use the strength of the naval branch here, and preparing to directly slap.

"Captain, shall we return to Villa then?"

Nami is also a little excited, Neptune, isn't she the Neptune's woman, equivalent to the imperial concubine?Ah, what a wonderful feeling.

"We'll go back when the matter on Fishman Island is settled. The water has been muddy this time. It's time to fish."

Liu Xu chuckled, gearing up.


There was one more ship in the sailing fleet, which belonged to the Red-haired Pirates. As the fleet sailed, it was getting closer and closer to Fishman Island.

"Captain, that's it."

Columbia, an aerial reconnaissance sniper, dropped to the deck and pointed in a direction where there was nothing, nothing on the sea.

Liu Xu had no doubts about him, the fleet adjusted its direction, and soon saw a pirate ship.

Wearing thick lipstick and painting the pirate flag with sweets such as lollipops, this image is easily recognizable.

On the pirate ship, there was a woman who was several times larger than the average person, with bloodshot eyes, a thick lipstick, a big mouth with saliva dripping from time to time, and a woman with seriously uncoordinated body proportions.

One of the Four Emperors, Charlotte Lingling!

"Have you met so soon?"

Liu Xu muttered to himself, it was very lucky to see the two four emperors in a short time, but it was obviously not so pleasant now.

"Surround her!"

The order was scattered, and the two warships and the Nine Snakes pirate ship spread out, showing that the pirate ship approaching the aunt was surrounded by a circle, and the main ship and the Red were attacking head-on.

The combination of the navy and the pirates made the members of the Big Mom Pirates tangled up. Could this be a joint military exercise?

In other words, that should be the pirate ship of the red-haired Shanks, what does he want to do?Do you want to start a war?

The warship and the pirate ship stopped, and the combat team members on both sides immediately prepared to confront each other.

The huge and uncoordinated aunt on the deck took a step forward and said, "Navy, do you want to fight my old lady? Who gave you such courage."

Liu Xu on the balcony twitched his mouth, ah, this is still a violent woman, look at this body, look at this appearance, scaring people to death without hesitation.

"Charlotte, Fishman Island is my territory, and it has nothing to do with you. Did you come here this time to fight me?"

The words revealed his identity, Liu Xu's stomach was already churning, it's better to be called Charlotte, if he was called Aunt, he would be taken advantage of.

If you call Lingling, oh, Xie Te, let me vomit for a while.

"Boy Liu Xu, my mother told you that I will definitely win the Fishman Island."

The aunt doesn't care about the other party at all, she absolutely wants to get that thing!

Liu Xu wanted to go to war immediately, is it inevitable?You really don't regard our general as an officer anymore, do you?

"Charlotte, Fishman Island is my territory. Anyone who has just attacked them without authorization will bear my wrath, and I will kill them completely!"

Tit for tat, Liu Xu didn't show weakness, and didn't talk too much nonsense with her, he directly pushed back, which made the aunt's anger completely burst out, a boy dared to talk to her like that, he really wanted to die.

"My old lady killed you."

Big Mom let out a roar, and the cannon of the pirate ship adjusted its angle in an instant.

The pirates were angry. After so many years in the new world, no navy dared to talk to them so arrogantly.

kill?Let's see who kills whom!


A shout came from the red-haired pirates, and Shanks jumped onto the bow. His appearance stunned the Big Mom pirates. What is he doing now?Is it really necessary to jointly attack them with the navy?

The emperor sees the emperor!

"Redhead, what do you mean?"

The aunt's voice is stern, and she is not afraid of Shanks as the fourth emperor.

"For the sake of order, you must not be allowed to fight Liu Xu here, or the new world will become chaotic and everything will be over."

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