Redhead's words were concise and clear, he would never let this battle happen, and would do his best to prevent it.

And if the aunt is not willing to let it go, then you have to try whose fist is harder.

Liu Xu also quickly added at this time, "Charlotte, as long as you dare to attack Murloc Island, I will immediately kill your entire pirate group, including you."

While speaking, his body was also elementalized. Countless black arcs flashed across his body, and the sky instantly darkened. Black clouds covered the entire sky, with a radius of about ten kilometers.

"Apocalypse Thor!"

The elementalized body quickly rose up, turning into a [-]-meter-high lightning giant floating in the air, holding a thunder knife, and there were bursts of rumbling sounds from the black clouds in the sky as if responding to him.


Chapter 2659 It's not that the four emperors never killed me...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Countless black arcs flashed across his body, and the sky darkened instantly. Black clouds covered the entire sky, with a radius of about ten kilometers.

"Apocalypse Thor!"

Liu Xu's elementalized body quickly rose up, turning into a [-]-meter-high lightning giant floating in the air, holding a thunder knife, and there were bursts of rumbling sounds from the black clouds in the sky as if responding to him.

The black thunder and lightning constitute the apocalypse Thor, which means that the current in it has exceeded [-] million volts, and even space can be shattered under such thunder and lightning.

In the sky, countless thunder and lightning fell in an instant, which was just a little power released by the thunder clouds.

The black lightning fell into the sea water, and the sea water quickly disappeared and turned into nothingness.

Under the sea, a huge figure swept past quickly, the speed was astounding.

Big Mom, Hongfa and the others were dumbfounded. How could Liu Xu have such a powerful force?Why is this look familiar?My God, it turns out that's how the title of Thor of the End Times came about.

The black lightning that kept flashing past, the oppressive aura that kept emitting, and the rapidly disappearing sea water all gave them a very terrifying feeling.

Liu Xu's strength is really not weaker than them, and this move is enough to compete with them.

The title and status of Thor of the Last Days were spread through newspapers. At first, they didn't feel much about it. After all, the shooting was not very clear.

Now I can see clearly, the boundless dark clouds, the rolling thunder and lightning, what can I say about such a tyrannical force?

If you really attack the Big Mom Pirates regardless of the consequences, then as long as the thunder and lightning continue to break up the pirate ships, the pirates above will be miserable, and their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced if they fall into the sea.

And if it's someone with abilities, such as Big Mom, then needless to say, just wait for death!

The power seems to be very strong, and the aunt is also surprised, but she will not stop there, and will not retreat so easily, otherwise the name of the four emperors will be difficult to explain.

"Redhead, you support him so much, do you know what's on Fishman Island?"

Big Mom angrily reprimanded Shanks, not giving him any face.

There was still that little smile on the red-haired face. Although he was also surprised by Liu Xu's strength, it was still within the bearable range.

"What do you think."

Intuitively, there should be something hidden in it, otherwise the aunt would not be able to continue to entangle with the other party showing such strength and her own persistence.

"Ancient weapon, the sea king Poseidon is the current mermaid princess, what do you think this will be?"

The aunt grinned, and the mucus kept dripping from her mouth, which easily corroded the deck into an area.

Everyone's complexion changed suddenly, especially those on the red-haired side, their complexions suddenly became ugly.

Sea King Poseidon?Is Liu Xu going to use this ancient weapon for something?Once the legendary ancient weapon with the power to destroy the world falls into the hands of an individual, he will have almost unparalleled power.

Liu Xu and the others were also surprised that Big Mom would know that Bai Xing is an ancient weapon. What's going on?Could it be that someone leaked the secret?

"It can't be Lu Qi's facial paralysis?"

Liu Xu felt a little bit secretly resentful. If he knew that he couldn't let those guys go, he should have killed them all. Now that Bai Xing was exposed so quickly, the situation was not good for him.

"Liu Xu, what happened to the ancient weapons?"

There was caution in the red-haired eyes. If a strong man like Liu Xu had ancient weapons, it would be a dangerous existence for the whole new world, even though he is still dangerous in his current state.

The Doomsday Thunder God incarnated by Liu Xu glanced at him, and suddenly said with disdain: "What's the matter? Princess Baixing is my student, what do you think is the matter? Some people sent people to Fishman Island, I'm afraid she is Wasn't the purpose pure from the beginning?"

It means something, who wouldn't do something like a rake?It's up to you whether it makes sense.

The aunt snorted angrily, and said: "Ancient weapons are very important. This thing seriously affects the order of the new world. My mother must control this thing..."

The words sounded high-sounding, but it also revealed her purpose. Everyone knew that once the ancient weapons were possessed, the balance between the four emperors would be broken, and the whole new world would not be stable.

thing?These two words made Liu Xu feel uncomfortable all over. This aunt is too self-righteous.

"Shut up, when will it be your turn to comment on my young master's students? Otherwise, hmph, it's not like I haven't killed the Fourth Emperor..."

Furious, Liu Xu doesn't mind offending her completely here, it's even better if she offends, so that there is a reason to go ahead and get rid of this guy completely.

Black lightning kept falling into the sea, and Liu Xu didn't bother to say anything. He directly controlled the lightning and was about to kill this thing, but his action had just begun, and the sea below was churning. It was suddenly stirred up, and it seemed that there was an undercurrent surging, making it difficult for even the huge battleship to control it.

"what happened?"

Hancock and others searched for the reason, but they couldn't find it after all. Here, there are only rising sea water and undercurrents, and there is no way to control the battleship to leave here.


Suddenly, something seemed to break through under the rising sea water, and the sea water fell towards the battleship, hitting people directly.

"Fuck, what a big sea king."

"Damn, what the hell is this?"

The pirates panicked, what the hell is this?How can there be such a horrible thing?

A snake-shaped Neptune with black and white stripes appeared, with scarlet eyes and a dinosaur-like head. This is not a problem. The problem is that the size of this guy is thousands of meters in size.

The pirates panicked. They have never seen the sea kings thousands of meters away. Is this the rhythm to scare people to death?

Even the aunt is the same, she looks at the sea kings dumbfounded, even the red hair is the same, such a big sea kings, it is very troublesome to kill them!

But Liu Xu and the others were a little bit happy, okay, it would be nice to have Neptunes come over!

Hehe, things are much easier to handle, it's time to frighten this unlucky woman.


Chapter 2660 Let Bai Xing sit on the Sea Emperor's Throne!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Hey, big man, look here."

The Doomsday Thunder God yelled at the huge sea king, and Baimi's body finally attracted its attention, and his eyes turned around.

"Get rid of this pirate ship!"

Liu Xu pointed directly at Big Mom's pirate ship, but what he said made the red-haired pirates and the Big Mom pirates dumbfounded, and burst into laughter. Is this guy stupid?You actually want to communicate with Neptunes, who do you think you are?

Neptune looked at Liu Xu tilting his head, as if he was thinking about something, his eyes gradually changed, and then nodded, he opened his mouth towards Big Mom Pirates, and there was a shocking neigh, and the tail hidden under the sea suddenly appeared. It came out and swept directly towards the aunt.

Damn, it's scary.

The members of the Big Mom Pirates were terrified. What does this Neptune mean?Why listen to this guy?My God, when did Neptune understand human language?Or who used to speak too softly for the sea kings to hear?

Flash, flash decisively.

The navigator controlled the pirate ship and fled quickly, with full firepower.

However, the attack of the Sea Kings was unsuccessful, and the huge tail hit the sea directly, causing a huge wave, which rushed to all the battleships, continuously raising the hulls of the battleships.

Very decisive, the retreat of the Big Mom Pirates was so decisive, without any hesitation.

Liu Xu and the others had already laughed. They really didn't expect such a situation.

As soon as the Neptunes came out, even the Big Mom Pirates were frightened.

Indeed, the figure of more than [-] meters is a bit scary!

"Stop chasing!"

Liu Xu stopped the Neptunes who were about to turn around, chase?In fact, it's just a turn around. With a body size of more than [-] meters, even if only some of it is exposed outside, it is extremely huge. As long as it moves, it can immediately attack the pirate ship.

"You will obediently guard Fishman Island here in the future, remember the pirate ship just now, especially their flag, these bastards wanted to attack your king just now, so you will be near Fishman Island in the future. Protect, otherwise your king is in danger. Understand? Just nod your head."


The sea kings raised their heads and neighed, and then nodded again and again. The red-haired pirates were dumbfounded by this scene. Well, how did General Liu Xu do it?

Only Liu Xu's subordinates were calm, because they had already seen this Sea King before, and they saw it when they were in Fishman Island.

When Shirahoshi was training on Murloc Island, this sea king was the most active. It appeared every time Shirahoshi called, even when he was on Mermaid Beach. Therefore, these soldiers have long been familiar with this sea king. up.

This is why when such a large sea king appeared, the soldiers did not fear, but laughed.

The sea kings with a size of seven kilometers, don't need to attack much, just hit the pirate ship directly, what kind of consequences will that be?

Needless to say, just a light touch is enough, as long as there is a light bang, the pirate ship will definitely fall apart.

It should be noted that such a huge Neptune can directly knock the island into the air.

"Well, it's good to understand. Remember, notify your kind to come and protect Fishman Island, and the pirate group will appear in the future and eat him directly."

Liu Xu laughed, and almost went up to touch the other person's head. This is completely like a child. Huge sea kings like them are already wise, but they are still relatively simple after all, and they are easy to fool.

Neptune nodded again and again, turned his eyes and dived into the sea, and swam in the direction of the windless belt.

"Ah, what an obedient Neptune, actually, these guys are quite cute."

Liu Xu laughed out loud, and Thor's state was lifted.

After dispelling Thor of the Doomsday, the red-haired Shanks and Hawkeye came directly to his warship, and immediately asked, "What happened to you just now?"

Shocked, Shanks is still in a state of shock.

Compared with Thor of the Doomsday, he valued the power of the sea kings more. Even his warships couldn't resist the huge sea kings, and they would be knocked over easily.

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