Moreover, as long as the Neptunes emerge from the bottom of the sea and attack and crush the pirate ship every minute, they will be miserable at that time. All fruit-capable users who fall into the sea are basically declared dead.

Liu Xu chuckled, and said, "It's nothing, I just saw an old friend, tsk tsk, this guy should be attracted by Thunder, after all, he has seen it many times."

In his mind, it must be the lightning that attracted it, and he also used these lightnings in Murloc Island, so everything is very simple.

It should be that this guy ran out to catch his breath, or was waiting for Bai Xing's call nearby, and happened to meet Liu Xu's thunder and lightning, so he came over to take a look.

What does it feel like to be held vengeful by the sea kings, and what kind of things will happen? No one knows this. Who would be so idle to think about these things?

"I'm afraid it's not that simple?"

Shanks obviously didn't believe it, there must be fraud in it.

Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders, and after thinking about it, he told some things about Fishman Island.

Of course, it was modified, which made Shanks excited.

"It's so interesting, there is such a thing, I really want to take a look. Brothers, there is a banquet to celebrate the appearance of the sea kings."

Shanks yelled at his subordinates, Liu Xu was completely entangled, can this matter have a banquet?

However, why not let Bai Xing sit on the Sea Emperor's throne!


The news that Big Mom was scared off by the giant sea kings spread like wildfire, and soon spread throughout the new world, making people feel very weird for a while.


All kinds of emotions appear in people's hearts. Will the four emperors who ruled the new world be scared away by the sea kings?

Aren't Neptunes just a supplement in the hands of their Four Emperors?How can this happen?

But soon they calmed down...


Chapter 2661 The Weird Volcano

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The news of the giant Neptune with a size of [-] meters broke out. People in the new world were calm about the fact that the aunt was scared away, but they were not calm about the fact that there was such a Neptune.

Sure enough, the new world is too dangerous, the first half is better, it is a paradise for pirates.

Great God, make a way for us to go to the first half of the game, we can't stay in the new world.

A few days later, Liu Xu's fleet has been staying in the waters near Fishman Island, in order to observe whether Big Mom has returned to attack.

The result is quite satisfactory, she was frightened by the Neptunes, after all, she didn't come back to her senses immediately, she didn't know where she had gone.

The red-haired pirates have already left, saying that they are going to find Luffy in the first half, and they are going to enlighten them.

As for Hawkeye, who in Liu Xu's mind is Shanks' follower, he naturally left with Shanks.

The war did not break out, and the order of the new world was still in a stable stage, and there was not much chaos.

However, some people just like to disturb this peaceful situation.

The world government stepped in, and newspapers spread throughout the New World.

Sea Emperor, only the strongest can board, that is the strongest recognized by the world government, only the strong who stand out in the new world can apply to the world government, and then they can become the sea emperor after being reviewed by the world government. .

Nervous, the calm situation in the new world began to become nervous again after the news came out, the eyes of countless strong men were all staring at the Sea Emperor's position, and there were not many vacant Four Emperor positions for a while people to pay attention.

Two years, and only two years, those who can survive in the new world and challenge countless powerful people can become the Emperor of the Sea.

Countless strong men flocked to each other, and battles started in every corner of the new world, and the air seemed to be filled with a bloody smell.

The sea kings appeared in the waters near the fishman island again, Liu Xu nodded secretly, and a dozen huge sea kings appeared on the scene, the scene was really scary.

"Little soldiers, guard Fishman Island, guard your king, and don't let anyone attack her. Whoever dares to oppose her will directly bite him and chew the enemy."

With a big wave of Liu Xu's hand, ten Neptunes of different shapes lined up neatly, like soldiers undergoing inspection, which made Liu Xu feel good for a while.

Look, look, one of the four emperors was scared away by one of the four emperors, what about us?Check ten at a stretch, and torture your psychological defenses to death in minutes.

The defense of Fishman Island was finally completed at this time, and a stone in Liu Xu's heart fell to the ground. He turned his head and said, "Continue sailing."


On the calm sea, it is rare to see such a calm sea area. Liu Xu and the others also relaxed a bit. The meeting with the red-haired Shanks was not a big deal, but it also solved a matter about the Fishman Island. In addition, it can barely be regarded as calling a friend now, generally speaking, it is quite acceptable.

"General Liu Xu, if you follow this course, the next island is Keda Island. There is a large kingdom with a population of about seven million."

Tina carefully analyzed the next route, and said things about this kingdom one after another.

"The kingdom of the Tianlong people? It's really not that the enemies are not getting together."

Liu Xu smiled when he heard the words. It was actually a kingdom built by the Tianlong family, and slavery was blatantly implemented there. Isn't this the rhythm of death?

However, this kingdom has existed for hundreds of years, and it has sufficient strength and heritage in all aspects.

"Gollum! Gollum!"

Suddenly, strange sounds came from under the sea in the sea ahead, and a large number of bubbles filled the entire sea in an instant, making the people who were talking stunned. What's the situation?

Soon, a hot breath came, and even if the distance was several kilometers, the hot breath could be clearly felt.

"What's going on? Could it be that the submarine volcano erupted?"

Liu Xu muttered in wonder, and soon things seemed to confirm his statement. After a large number of bubbles passed, hot magma suddenly appeared under the sea surface, rushed out of the sea surface, and flew tens of meters high.

"I'll go, it's true."

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed. The fleet also stopped at this time. The volcanic eruption is not a joke. All these warships were killed by accident.

The lava sprayed for more than half an hour before it gradually stopped. The battleship did not suffer any damage. Instead, it gave people the feeling of watching a free fireworks.

However, what happened next made Liu Xu unable to bear it.

"This world is too weird."

The sea water in the sea area where the magma erupted suddenly tumbled, just like the scene where the sea kings appeared, a lot of sea water was raised, a crater gradually emerged, and the surrounding sea water kept pushing outwards, causing several warships to keep retreating .

Ahead, a volcano emitting thick smoke appeared in front of everyone's eyes. This volcano actually emerged from the sea?Is it crustal movement?But the crustal movement will not be so fast!

The volcano covers an area of ​​about three kilometers. There are only burnt rocks and magma on it. It looks like a flaming mountain from a distance. The surrounding seawater is continuously evaporated into water vapor and floats in the air.

"Let's go and have a look."

Liu Xu gave the order, several warships speeded up, Liu Xu stared at the volcano that suddenly appeared, the thing was too weird, a volcano suddenly emerged from the sea surface, it was a bit like an empty island, it was directly sprayed to [-] meters high in the sky.

Soon, the four warships docked at the edge of the volcano, and the scorching heat coming from them was unbearable. The temperature of the volcano was too high for ordinary people to bear.

In the volcano with a radius of three kilometers, magma flows out slowly from the towering crater. The magma seems to be controlled by some kind of magma to form a river of magma flowing down. It is cooled and condensed by seawater at the edge of the volcano, The range of the volcano continued to expand.


Chapter 2662 Magma fruit?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu didn't lead anyone inside. The temperature here is too high, and it's better on the outside, but inside the volcano, the temperature can definitely burn a human body, and the high temperature makes the air even distorted.

The natural department has a high immunity to this kind of environment, especially Liu Xu's lightning ability, which itself has super high temperature, so naturally it will not feel much.

Stepping on this volcano, Liu Xu's face became more and more weird. This volcano is a bit weird. Unlike other volcanoes, there is no soil here, and there are no seeds that have ever appeared. Here, there are only rocks everywhere, and magma is still cooling. later rocks.

Volcanoes made purely of rock?Liu Xu was puzzled, this subverted the previous understanding!

Going further to the center, Liu Xu felt more doubts in his heart. The shape of the magma was very strange. There was thick black smoke in the magma falling from the crater, which was different from what flowed out of a normal volcanic eruption.

The normal one is pure fiery red, without black smoke, just like liquid.

"Magma fruit? Could it be that Akainu's magma fruit appeared here?"

Suddenly Liu Xu's eyes lit up. In the world of One Piece, isn't it the devil fruit that can cause this effect?

Combined with Akainu's death, then this is likely to be the birthplace of the magma fruit, and it is reunited here, God, is this a chance for God to make a fortune for himself?Or, is this the ability destined to allow him to obtain the magma fruit?

Akainu's magma fruit is undoubtedly very powerful. The super high temperature can even evaporate the sea, which shows its power.

However, it seems that he also has the ability to evaporate the sea. For a while, he had a hard time choosing, should he love this magma fruit?

Also, if you eat a devil fruit, what if you can't go into the water?

On their own boat, Nami and Breton will definitely eat Devil Fruits in the future, and if everyone eats Devil Fruits, it will be a tragedy if something happens and they fall into the sea and no one can rescue them?

Captain, after all, there must be some non-capable people, otherwise it will be too bad.

If someone blows up the ship during the battle, then everything is over.

When he was considering whether to eat the magma fruit, the volcano that was slowly flowing out of the magma started to move again.

The volcano erupted again, and a large amount of magma erupted upwards in a column, and finally exploded again, like a dazzling firework, but this firework was too dangerous.

Liu Xu directly elementalized to avoid the magma falling from the sky. This eruption took half an hour like the previous one, and then subsided again, continuing to slowly overflow the magma.

Strange, this thing is so strange.

Liu Xu scratched his hair in wonder, what's going on?

It seems a bit incomprehensible. Is this the birthplace of devil fruits?By the way, what does a devil fruit tree look like?Can it survive in the magma?So tangled, this matter is hard to understand!


Suddenly, the crater made a loud noise, and then I saw the rocks around the crater splashed, as if it was hit hard by something, and quickly fell into the sea water.

"It's so powerful, is it going to erupt?"

Liu Xu's eyes widened. The power of the magma fruit was too fierce.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was another sound of rushing, and Liu Xu was basically sure that the volcano was about to erupt. I'm afraid the warships there might be in trouble, so it's better to go back to the warships for the time being.

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