When he was about to turn and leave, he seemed to see something out of the corner of his eye, which made him stop immediately, and an incredible look appeared in his eyes.

The crater, as the surrounding rocks were shattered, a huge gap appeared, and below the living mouth, a huge arm made of magma grabbed the edge of the living mouth, and then another arm appeared, directly grabbing On the edge of the gap, a huge magma head emerged from under the crater and continued to rise.

"Is this a magma giant?"

Looking at the growing body, Liu Xu was stunned for a moment. A giant made of magma suddenly appeared in front of him. He was about [-] meters tall, with thick smoke billowing all over his body, and hot magma was constantly flowing inside his body.

"Finally out!"

Suddenly, the magma giant opened his mouth, his voice was like thunder, and he seemed a little immature, as if he was still very young.

"Magma fruit? A person with magma ability? Damn!"

Liu Xu looked at it stupidly, and soon understood in his heart that the fruit of Ganqing magma had been swallowed by someone, and it was the magma giant that appeared, well, I was so happy.

"Who are you? Why did you appear on my site?"

The magma giant turned his head to look at Liu Xu. Liu Xu in short black and white clothes was still very conspicuous in the charred volcano, especially the justice coat behind him, shaking a bit blindly.

"Liu Xu, Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, by the way, why don't you show your true colors and chat for a while? It's very impolite for you to look like this, child."

Liu Xu said angrily, you kid got the magma fruit thanks to the blessing of Master Ben, otherwise, you think you can still have fun here?

The magma giant pouted, sat down on the crater, and said, "I'm being rude, why?"

"Fuck, does this have a personality?"

Liu Xu couldn't help shouting again, this guy is definitely, definitely a neurotic person.

"It's just so unique." The magma giant wiped his hair coquettishly after hearing his words.

Well, the avatar magma giant has no hair to touch, forget it, it's not bad to touch the big head!

Liu Xu shook his head. It was the first time he saw such a narcissistic guy. It was my young master who lost, because of his narcissism and shamelessness.

"It's time to get back to normal."

The magma giant muttered, then got up and walked in front of Liu Xu. His body shrank rapidly, and stopped when he shrank to about [-] meters. The magma on his body disappeared, revealing his true colors.


Chapter 2663 High-end combat power

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


About [-] years old, with black shawl and long hair, slightly soft facial lines, thin body shape, white long-sleeved trousers, piercing eyes with a slightly wretched look, and an inexplicable expression on the corners of his mouth. smile.

"Damn, what a brat."

Liu Xu said something directly, dissatisfied with the young man who was stroking his hair and pretending to be coquettish. How can we be called a kid with such a handsome appearance?You can say a big brother!

"Hey, I'm Christy Yankerman, I'm not a brat, I'm a man! A big man!"

Yankeman's face was twisted, his eyes were half-closed, and his head moved a little closer to Liu Xu.

"Fuck you, a brat is a brat."

Liu Xu instinctively slapped the other person on the head, and this unlucky kid actually leaned over. Is this the rhythm of looking for death?


Yankman roared and covered his head, feeling depressed, how could this guy who looked equally young hit him?Since getting the Devil Fruit, physical attacks have no effect on him, how could this still happen?

"Tell me about you, or I will beat you to death."

Liu Xu had an arrogant face. Since he is a little kid, then you don't have to be polite. When it's time to beat him up, he is a very accomplished little kid!

Yankman snorted, but wilted when he saw the raised hand of the other party, and shrugged his head to tell his story.

Christy Yankman, a native resident of the New World, also yearns for a life at sea, so he was lucky to sail alone in a small boat a year ago, except for encountering a few pirates in half a year , Surprisingly, he didn't suffer any harm, and relied on the strength he learned at home to avoid the only few times.

In the end, he came here. Like Liu Xu and the others, he was frightened by the sudden appearance of the volcano, but it didn't erupt at that time.

It was on this island that he accidentally got a devil fruit, which is the magma fruit.

Knowing the power of the devil fruit, he naturally swallowed it without hesitation. After swallowing the fruit, the volcano began to erupt, and he also began to practice for several months with the help of the volcano, and he did not escape until now .

Liu Xu nodded secretly. Judging from the time, half a year has passed since the top battle, and this time period is also suitable. It seems that this guy is not lying.

"Boy, since you yearn for a life at sea, are you interested in coming to my fleet and becoming my partner? My partners, all of them are strong!"

But it was this kid's idea that a magma fruit capable person might be as powerful as Akainu in the future. What a wonderful thing this is, and it must be recruited.

"Navy? That's right! You just said it! You are the admiral of the Navy Headquarters. If that's the case, then I——refuse!"

With a long voice, Yan Keman finally gave an answer when Liu Xu was about to beat him up. This answer also gave Liu Xu a sigh of relief.

"Let your kid be disobedient, let your kid talk nonsense, and let your kid refuse."

Liu Xu's fist was covered with armed force, and he punched the opponent's head, knocking him dumbfounded.

Unscientific, this matter is unscientific, why does he always hit me?

Yankman was about to cry in his heart. It was hard for him to feel that he was strong enough to come out frantically, but why did he meet this guy as soon as he came out?When the navy?Be his partner?What an uncomfortable thing that was.

"stop fighting!"

With a roar, Yankeman's body quickly elementalized, and his fist covered in magma slammed towards Liu Xu's face.

"Good boy, you dare to be seductive after only a few months of cultivation, right?"

Liu Xu yelled back, completely ignoring the power of this magma fruit. After all, it is only a few months, and it is impossible to achieve a strong power at all.

Sure enough, Liu Xu directly intercepted his fist with only armed force, grabbed his wrist firmly and lifted it up, and then fell heavily to the ground.


A dull and pleasant voice sounded, and Yankeman's back straightened suddenly, and this fall almost broke his waist.

Pain, a painful expression appeared on Yankman's face, this navy is too cruel, why can't he let him think about it?Isn't it just refusal, is it worth it?

But he didn't know what Liu Xu was thinking. The magma fruit was very powerful, and he had the experience of fighting red dogs. As long as he came to teach him personally, he believed that he would soon be able to develop a powerful force to help him.

In front of such a good thing, how could Liu Xu let him refuse?Moreover, this guy has already achieved such an achievement after only a few months of cultivation, which proves that his talent is indeed very good.

"Boy, there are too many strong people in this world, but you don't want to make progress. I can't even teach you well if I want to. It's too disappointing."

Liu Xu dropped his fists as he spoke, completely regarding himself as the other party's teacher, as if he hated iron for being weak.

Yankerman burst into tears in his heart, he can't do it, if he continues to fight, he will be disabled, what should he do if he can't get a crush?The matter of inheriting the family cannot be vague!

When wretchedness meets strength, the best choice is to obediently listen to the other party.

Yankeman wept silently in his heart, and comforted himself silently, it's okay, just listen to Cuihua from the next door village, follow him!

"Boss, I'm done, I'm done."

After thinking it through, Yankeman yelled in a very bachelor way, this is what Cuihua from the next door village taught him, it must be right.

Liu Xu's fist stopped abruptly, turned into a palm and patted the opponent's clothes, and said with a smile: "That's right, it should have been like this a long time ago, why did you go there before, stupid."

This is a bit of an overreaching meaning, but it is undeniable that he is in a very good mood now.

With the existence of a red dog general who can be hanged shoulder to shoulder in the future, the high-end combat power of the fleet is gradually rising.


Chapter 2664 These five are all the wives of the captain...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


In the new world, it is very difficult to subdue those strong people. After all, people only get that power after years of training. The strong people prefer freedom. How can they surrender to others so easily?

Therefore, when there is a future powerhouse who has just cultivated and has achieved little success, it is a good opportunity to conquer. As long as these people can be obtained and trained, they will not be weaker than the old powerhouse in the future.

Liu Xu's vision is still very high. Without a certain talent, he will never accept it casually. Moreover, after having a talent, it depends on the external conditions. What's the use of taking these people over?It's just a waste of food.

"Boss, can I make a request?"

Yankeman sneered viciously in his heart, but he said something different in his mouth.

"What's the matter, tell me!"

Liu Xu said happily, and as soon as Yankeman rolled his eyes, he immediately came up with a plan, which was a wish he had missed for countless years.

Shy, Yankeman became a little shy when he thought of that wish, and said, "Boss, I want a girl."

"Pfft! Can you get better, bastard."

Liu Xu roared, and punched him again, knocking him down directly.

Yankeman, who fell on the ground, suddenly became embarrassed, and said with a mournful face: "Boss, you don't know the pain in my heart! I have been single in the village for twenty years. Although Cuihua next door often looks for me, she It looks a bit scary. There is also the widow Wang in the village who often flirts with me, but she is a widow after all, and I am still an innocent little man, I can't bear it! Boss, I feel miserable!"

After crying, Liu Xu got goosebumps.How could you accept such a top product?Are you in pain?You fucked up with Widow Wang, you are happy and happy every day, what pain do you have?

"So, boss, you must help me find a girl who has a beautiful face, a protruding figure, and a curvy figure. The key is to treat me wholeheartedly."

Yankeman talked more and more vigorously, his eyes were already narrowed, and some unknown liquid was still hanging from the corner of his mouth. From this look, he knew what the other party was thinking.

Liu Xu broke out in a cold sweat, this guy is just a wretched man, he only thinks about these things in broad daylight, and it's the first time we've met!

Although you are now the young master's younger brother, you are too slandering the image of the young master.

"Go, go, girl, you have to find it yourself, go, go back to the warship."

Liu Xu rolled his eyes, grabbed the opponent's shoulder, turned into a dark purple horse and left the island, appearing on the warship in an instant.

Everyone who was on the warship leisurely saw the leader coming, and immediately took aim, eh?Why is there an extra young man?

"Wow, beauty!"

Yankman's eyes lit up when he came to the warship. Five beauties, five big beauties, made his heart warm up.

This is the perfect warship, so perfect.


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