Columbia next to him took the place of Liu Xu. Although he didn't know who the other party was, it was right to give him a chestnut.

"This gentleman, those five wives are all the wives of the respected Mr. Captain, put away your wretched smile!"

There is still a smile on his face, but what is the dangerous light in these eyes?

Mrs. Captain?If Yankeman was struck by lightning, these people are all the boss's women?God, this is still a perfect warship, it is a warship that hurts people, and a warship that makes people envious.

Liu Xu glanced at him and shook his head secretly. This guy's temper needs to be improved. Forget it, with Columbia here to teach him a lesson, there shouldn't be any problem.

Afterwards, he introduced Yankeman's situation to several people.

Soon, everyone accepted the existence of Yankerman.

Since it is a new partner brought by the captain, then naturally he has his reasons, and he can just accept it obediently, but is it a magma fruit capable person?That seems to be the fruit ability of Admiral Akainu, right?It's so sad, so envious, that it fell into his hands.

Yankman quickly got along with everyone, but a few beauties obviously didn't like him, and kept staying away from him, making him keep petrifying. Fortunately, wretched people would not be so easily attacked, and they recovered quickly. Take a look at the female warriors on the Nine Snake Pirates from time to time.Unfortunately, still can only be greedy.

"Yankeman, close your eyes! Those are the warriors of the daughter country of Jiusnake Island, many of whom are proficient in armed domineering, and it is not advisable to abuse you."

Breton also unceremoniously attacked this new kid. Why is this feeling so cool?Boy, let you show a wretched smile, scare you to death.

Sure enough, when he heard that most of those female fighters were armed with domineering colors, Yankeman's face changed suddenly. When Liu Xu was introduced just now, he mentioned the armed domineering, which is the power that can directly attack his own body .

And most of those female fighters have these powers, that is to say, those female fighters can directly surround and beat him, and he will have no place to cry when the time comes.

In an instant, the wretched smile and eyes were put away, and his expression was serious, at first glance he looked like a pure young man.

Liu Xu laughed, as expected, he was still young, so he was frightened all of a sudden.


Cake Island, also known as Cake Island, is the residence of Charlotte Lingling, one of the Four Emperors, in the New World. It is composed of countless large cakes and cream. It looks like a cake standing on the sea. Very eerie place.

The encounter with Liu Xu and others in the waters around Fishman Island made her feel a lot of anger. It would be fine if it was a big battle, but now the rumors spreading in the new world made it difficult for her to suppress the anger in her heart.

The aunt, one of the majestic four emperors, will be scared away by the sea kings?Although it was a super giant Neptune, it also weakened her reputation too much.

Encountering giant sea kings of seven kilometers, which is rarely seen in the whole world. These sea kings mostly live in the deep sea in the windless belt. Pirates rarely cross the windless belt. Naturally, It is rare to see such a beast.


Chapter 2665 You Want To Fight That Fight

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Unconvinced, decisively unconvinced.

The aunt couldn't suppress the anger in her heart, especially now that the ancient weapons were known, but they couldn't get them, which made her feel itchy and painful.

"Go to Fishman Island with my mother again!"

After thinking about it, anger continued to impact her heart, making her make such a decision.

"Mom, I'm afraid it's dangerous to go this time."

Baron Eggy stopped him with a sad face, but the aunt seemed unable to listen.

"I don't know if the other party will lay an ambush there. If we are attacked by the sea kings again after we pass, then our situation will be very dangerous."

Baron Eggy spoke again to stop it, the matter was serious, at least in his mind.

"No matter what trap Liu Xu has, I will definitely kill him."

The aunt's eyes were bloodshot, the horrible sulfuric acid dripped from her mouth, and there was a pungent smell.

"According to what I know about Liu Xu, the Murloc Island has definitely been covered by him, and the sea kings are definitely protecting the Murloc Island, without exception."

Lu Qi in CP9 appeared, with the usual calmness on his face. Since the last time he came back from Fishman Island, everything was as he thought, things subsided quickly, and the aunt had no doubts about him.

The aunt turned her head to look at Lu Qi, who had just joined, her expression softened a little, and she asked, "Then what can you do?"

Lu Qi nodded slightly, and said: "There are still some methods, but they are more extreme. Once used improperly, it will easily attract Liu Xu's counterattack. At that time, our situation will still be very dangerous."

Immediately, Lu Qi said his plan in his heart, which surprised several people present. This Lu Qi is a bit sinister. As expected of CP9 who escaped, it is so insidious.

After hearing this, the aunt also fell into deep thought. Lu Qi's plan is still a little feasible for her.

As Lu Qi said, this method is more extreme, and it is easy to attract Liu Xu's counterattack.

However, it's still worth a try.

"Lu Qi, then follow your plan! From now on, declare war on Liu Xu and pass it on."

The aunt said viciously, Baron Eggy and other high-level pirates had no choice but to be helpless, it seemed that this was the only way to go.

Soon, the news of Da Ma declaring war against Liu Xu spread, and the whole new world suddenly boiled up. This incident was unexpected by many people.

For a while, the battle between Liu Xu and Big Mom became the focus of attention. Even the world government is always paying attention. Liu Xu has a lot of things on his body. If he is killed, many of their plans will not be able to be implemented. .

The news of the aunt declaring war soon spread to Liu Xu, and he could only say that this ugly woman was too disgusting, and even dared to declare war after being scared away by the sea kings.

"Boss, this woman is so ugly and dares to declare war on your old man? Could it be you who did something to her?"

Yankman looked at the newspaper passed by Breton, and his startled appearance made people speechless.

Liu Xu didn't even look at him, a dark purple electric light popped out from his fingertips and quickly landed on Yankeman's feet, scaring him so much that he regained his posture.

"Don't talk so much, just practice your horse steps. Well, Breton will fight with you in the afternoon to improve your anti-strike ability."

That's right, the plan to deceive people just appeared. Yankeman's face was embarrassed. Sure enough, the boss can't make fun of it, and now he feels like shooting himself in the foot.

Although Yankeman is a magma fruit capable person, after all, he only has a few months to get this fruit. No matter how powerful his talent is, he can't get too powerful in a short period of time.

Except for Bonnie and those soldiers on this warship, almost everyone can easily abuse him. This is his current strength.

Therefore, now Liu Xu has once again experienced the feeling of being a teacher, and he couldn't help admiring: "People's teachers are great, they work so hard to cultivate a young seedling to thrive..."

In such a ferocious sea area of ​​the New World, without strength, everything is empty talk.

Therefore, Yankman received inhuman treatment almost every day, gradually improving his strength.

The declaration of war by the four emperors was a very serious matter for Liu Xu. If it had happened before, it would have been difficult in the new world.

But now it's different, the new world is already in chaos, what's the point if a Four Emperors come to declare war?Does she dare to come out in full force?Countless pirates rose up after the world government announced the Sea Emperor incident. The aunt is very powerful, but when facing Liu Xu's fleet, would she dare?

All the nests came out, the rear defense force was empty, and the territory was easily occupied by other pirates. Yes, she had no place to cry when she cried.

Although he didn't feel much, but everyone declared war, he naturally couldn't sit still and do nothing, soon, Liu Xu's choking sound came out.

"Charlotte Lingling, do you want to declare war? Yes! If you want to fight, you can fight! If you are not afraid of the destruction of your entire pirate group, then you can come and definitely destroy your entire pirate group."

Such high-profile remarks spread throughout the new world, and there was a lot of discussion for a while.

The turmoil of the declaration of war set off a frenzy in the entire new world, and countless pirates were shocked but also excited.

What a wonderful thing!The whole world is in chaos.

If someone responds to the Four Emperors' declaration of war in a high-profile manner, then they will have the opportunity to occupy more of their own territory.

After all, the territory left by Whitebeard is still too little, and they need more space.

The turmoil in the new world spread, and Liu Xu received newspapers about it one after another.

Looking at the stack of newspapers next to him, Zhi Liu Xu curled his lips. These people are really idle, and they publicize this matter in different ways every day. Is it interesting?

Be on the defensive, little ones, and prepare to fight against the Big Mom Pirates!


Chapter 2666 Ambush

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


A week has passed, but everything is still calm. It was originally envisaged that there should be a lot of attacks, but until now, no one has been seen.

"It's definitely not wrong, aunt is just pretending." Liu Xu got impatient and said to his partner.

After a week of emergency alert, the soldiers were highly concentrated, which also made them feel deeply tired.

"Mr. Captain, maybe that lady is really pretending."

Columbia said uncertainly, could the incomparably powerful Four Emperors be such a person?Or is it that the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds?

Liu Xu nodded in response, the waiting time is always boring, but now he can only continue to wait.

"Captain, I found several merchant ships with strange movements."

Nami, who was at the helm, yelled to attract his attention, picked up the binoculars and checked.

Seven large merchant ships, full of cargo and deep draft, seem to have a lot of cargo inside.

It is a bit strange to encounter such a merchant ship in the New World. This merchant ship has neither naval protection nor hired pirates to protect it. This seems a bit strange.

"Could it be Tianlong people? There are masters on it?"

Liu Xu's heart suddenly heated up. Now that he has seen the power of the Tianlongren family, he already has this idea. If it is a merchant ship of the Tianlongren, there are definitely valuable things on it, which can definitely make his small treasury Become a big treasury.

The heart net was activated and instantly covered the caravan four kilometers away in front of him, and this inspection made him stunned for a moment.

"Could it be that the appearance of the Revolutionary Army is to let the young master kill me and earn some Bailey?"

Liu Xu's heart almost collapsed. It turned out to be a caravan of the Revolutionary Army again. Isn't this a crime?

I have encountered the Revolutionary Army so many times, but until now I have basically seen their caravans, and other high-level personnel have never seen it at all, which also makes the Revolutionary Army even more mysterious.

"Slow down, the same as with Villa."

Liu Xu gave an order depressed, seven merchant ships, there will be an unknown amount of goods on them, the young master can't refuse, so he can only accept it.

Nami has already understood that this is definitely a rhythm with Bailey, and it is definitely a rhythm for her to develop.

The fleet slowed down, and the caravan in front soon disappeared. Liu Xu's heart network power was always following him, but he was still thinking about it. If the revolutionary army hasn't come out yet, my young master will almost forget them exists.

Xinwang power is so relaxed, following the caravan all the time, Liu Xu's fleet has always maintained a speed.

There is nothing more perfect than the power of Xinwang for tracking navigation, but this time the voyage is a bit tangled. It's speeding up again, which is puzzling.

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