However, all of this is within an understandable range. After sailing for a few days, he finally followed the merchant ship to a giant island.

"Tina, what is ahead?"

"General Liu Xu, ahead is the island of Meilijian. There is a kingdom of Meilijian on it, and its military strength is not bad."

Tina said slowly, the kingdom of America?Why does this sound so uncomfortable?

As the caravan in front docked on the coast, Liu Xu's fleet looked for a place to dock as before, and led everyone off the warship.

“Nice island.”

Liu Xu got off the warship and stretched hard. The environment of this island is still very good, with golden sand, rows of tropical fruits, and a forest behind.

The soldiers behind him gradually came down and rushed directly to their destination.

It's just that the accident happened just after the action.

"Bang bang bang!"

A loud explosion spread on the beach, and the sand below was blown up by shock waves one after another, and the coast was instantly swallowed by flames.

"There is an ambush!"

Liu Xu roared, and quickly elementalized his whole body to resist the shock waves of these explosions.

Several other people also showed their skills, but those soldiers were not so lucky. The shock wave of the explosion caused them a lot of damage, so they had to retreat.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and Liu Xu's face changed suddenly. The catapult turned out to be a catapult!

A huge rock with a diameter of at least one meter flew over from the forest and finally landed on the coast, which caused a huge shock to the soldiers.

The attack power of the catapult is very powerful. Generally speaking, this kind of thing is used for siege, and it can play a major role on the battlefield.

Now, it's surprising that these things are here.

"Rush over!"

Liu Xu yelled again. He himself was not afraid of these things, but his soldiers were not good. Facing things like catapults, if they were hit by a huge boulder, they would be seriously injured even if they didn't die.

The rear is the continuous explosion of the ground, and the front is the catapult attack. At this time, it is the wisest choice to choose the impact.

Under the order, the soldiers quickly rushed towards the forest, but at this moment, a group of about [-] troops suddenly rushed out of the forest and blocked their way.

"Damn it, I got scammed."

Seeing this situation, Liu Xu couldn't help but scream.

The number of troops rushing out of the forest in front was more than three times that of Liu Xu's troops. This number was so disparate that Liu Xu couldn't help frowning.

The people in front of that team don't seem simple, are they combatants of the Revolutionary Army?

"General Liu Xu, please stay safe, this is a great gift for you."

The person in front of him looked a little weird, with half orange and right half white hair and a double-colored sweater with the same color as his hair, holding a wine glass in his hand, and wearing 3D glasses. This appearance reminded Liu Xu of a name.

"Imazuna, I didn't expect to meet the cadres of the Revolutionary Army here. It's really an honor."

Liu Xu sneered, the anger in his eyes almost burned him to death.


Chapter 2667 Hailoushi's sealing ability?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


This time, I was a little careless, I didn't expect to be ambushed by the enemy here.

However, it can also be seen that this matter must have been premeditated, otherwise it would not appear so accurately here.

"How did you find us?"

Imazuna laughed and said, "Isn't it easy, General Liu Xu? Our troops in Villa were attacked, and the merchant ships in Rogge Town were also attacked. You were the one who appeared when they were attacked." When you said, can we not pay attention? Now you appear in the new world, which surprises us, but everything can only go so far. "

Liu Xu curled his lips. After talking so much, he still didn't give any answer. Everything was based on guesswork, which was really annoying.

"If I'm not mistaken, there are only two places on this island where ships can dock. One is where you docked just now, and the other is where we are now, right?"

His brain is not bad, so naturally he quickly figured out the key point. This is definitely an island they carefully selected, otherwise the attack this time would be very difficult to succeed.

If there are more places where the island can dock, it will be full of randomness.

Who knows where they'll dock, so it's definitely calculated.

Imazuna did not answer his words, he is a calm and composed person, what can be said and what can't be said, he is still very measured.

The explosion continued, Liu Xu's soldiers were intercepted, and the continuous explosion caused them heavy losses.


Unable to wait any longer, Liu Xu shouted and rushed out first.

Imazuna sneered, threw away the red wine glass in her hand, and turned her arms into two giant scissors, rushing towards Liu Xu.

Fruit ability user, another fruit ability user!

It is quite normal to encounter a person with devil fruit abilities in the new world. Liu Xu sighed fiercely, and the thunder knife came out of its sheath, and slashed at the opponent's sight.


The scissors and Thunder Knife collided violently, and then Imazuna's body was directly bounced away, but his strength couldn't compare with Liu Xu's.

He won't be forgiving, if the time delays, the casualties of his own soldiers will be heavier, fuck him!

Thinking of this, Liu Xu leaped into the air, raised the Thunder Saber above his head and chopped it off with one blow.

Suddenly, a large net appeared above Liu Xu's head and enveloped him directly, which made him very surprised, and then a force came, and he was pulled down from midair.


Liu Xu fell to the ground hard, and soon sat up again, looking at the net wrapped around him, he was speechless for a while.

"The net made of Hailou stone, you are really extravagant."

Liu Xu was powerless to complain that what happened to him was this kind of thing. In other words, is this kind of thing useful to him?

Several soldiers pulled Liu Xu's body to Immazuna's side. He had stood up after being bombarded, looked down at Liu Xu, and said with disdain: "It's so disappointing that the general of the Navy headquarters is so Vulnerable."

Calm and calm, he couldn't help complaining. According to the consensus of everyone in this world, Hailoushi can seal the power of a devil fruit capable user, and a pair of handcuffs is enough.

And now, it's a whole big net, why can't they easily catch a capable person?Even if other great futures are covered by such a big net, they can only kneel.

"Vulnerable? Oh, Shet, how can you say that? Little ones, I leave it to you..."

Liu Xu yelled to the soldiers, full of energy, and it seemed that he was not too tired because of the big net.

The soldiers who had stopped because of Liu Xu's capture couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed over decisively again. As for Liu Xu's safety, it is natural for those talented people to solve it.

"Hmph, the dead duck has a stubborn mouth. I'll see if you can still laugh later. You without strength are like an ant in my eyes, and you can be crushed to death at any time."

Imazuna didn't care, she didn't believe you could still fly.

Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders, feeling the still surging power in his body and secretly laughed in his heart, wanting to seal the power of thunder and lightning?Go to hell, my young master, this is not the ability of a devil fruit!

"Is there really no strength to resist? I'll show you a big show later, let's fight, Sao Nian."

His words made Yimazuna feel uneasy for a while, but she didn't understand where the unease came from, so she could only put it aside temporarily and fight with the enemy rushing in front.


Among the people who rushed over, Brayton was the first to shoot. His palms were opened, and the laser cannon bombed directly at the revolutionary army soldiers in front. The sound of the explosion suddenly covered up the explosion at the rear.

"Really, I don't want to do that either."

Columbia spread its wings, stretched out one hand to the sky as if leading Fengsao, and then flapped its wings to fly into the air.

"Goshawk Pendant!"

The body that flew into the air stopped, his hands waved downward continuously, and countless white slashes flew out of his hands, bombarding the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army directly.

"You guys, outflank."

The Empress played the role of a leader, directly ordering the naval soldiers and her Daughter Kingdom soldiers to attack, surrounded from both sides, and vacated a space in the middle of the battlefield.

"Captive Arrow!"

After ordering the soldiers, the Empress decisively used the power of Sweet Fruit.

As the king of the Daughter Kingdom, the Empress followed Liu Xu on the voyage this time. Naturally, those warriors from the Daughter Kingdom would not let her come alone. They carefully selected hundreds of elite fighters from the country to follow, and the passengers on board were also It is the Nine Snake Pirate Ship of the Empress.

Although they haven't shown any strong fighting power until now, no one will deny their strength.

The fighting spirit that is not afraid of death rushed out under the order of the empress, using mostly firearms and bows and arrows, as well as some weapons such as scimitars.


Chapter 2668 Not a Devil Fruit Ability User

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


More than [-] female soldiers and more than [-] naval soldiers separately outflanked and surrounded [-] revolutionary soldiers at once. It is indeed a bit scary to use the armed domineering in the hands of the soldiers of the daughter country.

But after all, they are only a minority, and the most are knowledgeable and domineering, which is more.

Keen to capture the enemy's position, the weapon attacks swiftly.

Armed and domineering rampage, directly breaking the enemy's defense line.

These are the battles of ordinary soldiers, and there are not many bright spots. If there is a bright spot, it may be just those female warriors who use armed colors and domineering.

The offensive methods of naval soldiers are relatively monotonous, but they can show their strong combat effectiveness. The modified firearms have strong combat effectiveness, especially those equipped with shells, which release flames and shock waves in minutes to kill the surrounding enemies.

For a time, the total number of soldiers about [-] actually beat the [-] soldiers of the revolutionary army into retreat, and they were completely powerless to resist.

With the addition of Nami and others, the battle situation changed rapidly, and the soldiers of the revolutionary army were defeated almost instantly.

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