However, some revolutionary troops soon picked up their shields and continued to resist the enemy's attacks.

And these shields not only blocked the attacks of guns, but also blocked the attacks of Nami and others, which made them horrified. When did the shields have such powerful power?

"Hailoushi, actually used Hailoushi as a shield, when did the revolutionary army become so rich?"

Liu Xu looked very sad, those shields were actually made of sea stones, such a powerful defense even the world government doesn't have much, and the rhythm of killing people every minute.

After Imazuna confirmed that Liu Xu had lost her combat effectiveness, she threw herself into the battle without saying a word.His target is those soldiers. Only by solving these soldiers in the shortest time can he reduce his own casualties.

Thoughts are good, actions are sad.

Brayton stood in front of him all of a sudden, and the laser cannon directly bombarded him.


The two laser cannons made Yimazuna tremble. I have seen the power of this thing just now, it is not easy to follow, and it is decisive.

The laser bombardment made a loud noise on the beach, a large crater with a diameter of more than five meters appeared, and a strong shock wave swept everything around.

"Ahaha! Come here and continue to fight with me!"

When Brayton came to battle, he turned into a neuropathy. The laser cannon and the six guns in his abdomen kept aiming at each other and bombarding him, forcing him to flee around.

It seems that the power of cutting the fruit can't be exerted at this time, which makes him anxious.

However, there is something even more tragic.

Columbia had already flown into the air, and the target was locked on him. The sniper rifle kept pulling the trigger in the air, and a black bullet bombed him down.

The bullets attached to the domineering and domineering weapons are also very lethal to his superhuman type, so naturally he does not dare to resist.

With the passage of time, Yimazuna, who was full of confidence in the past, has lost her confidence. The original perfect ambush plan has been torn into such a state by the other party. Who will believe it?

Underestimating these people, Imazuna secretly sighed. She only knew Liu Xu's strength before, but she ignored the combat effectiveness of his subordinates.

Under Liu Xu's light, although these subordinates were surprising, they were still overshadowed by his light after all.

If, this time, we can be more careful and find a few more people to help, maybe the battle situation will not be like this.

The battle gradually came to an end. Liu Xu, who was sitting on the ground, nodded repeatedly. Although it was the first time to cooperate with the soldiers from the Daughter Kingdom, these navy soldiers could still cooperate well, which was very gratifying.

"Then now is the time to move on."

Liu Xu got up, and Liu Xu directly tore the big net covering him, making the soldiers holding the big net stunned for a moment, and Liu Xu led his body towards him.

"get out!"

Liu Xu stretched out his right hand without even looking at it, and several balls of dark purple lightning flew out from his fingertips, pierced through the bodies of the soldiers, and exploded.


The explosion here is very eye-catching. This is already the rear of the revolutionary army, where Liu Xu was suppressed. How could there be an explosion?

A few people looked over, and their eyeballs almost popped out.

Liu Xu actually tore up the Hailou stone net with his hands and threw it on the ground at will.

"What? How is it possible?" Imazuna lost her voice.

Even the Colombians were a little surprised, what's the captain's situation?Why was he able to move freely after being controlled by Hailoushi?

Liu Xu patted the dust on his body, and said with a satisfied smile: "You guys have done a good job, just want this rhythm. Well, how good it is!"

"What's going on? What's going on?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at Liu Xu who had escaped.

"Impossible, how could it be possible for a capable person to act under the control of Hailou Shidawang?"

Immazuna shook her head, unable to believe what she saw.

Liu Xu, on the other hand, smiled disdainfully. He turned into a pair of ponytails and rushed to the opponent's side. He directly suppressed the domineering look, and grabbed the opponent's neck with one hand, saying: "Hai Loushi is really effective against people with devil fruit abilities. But when did this young master say that this young master is a devil fruit capable user? You idiot. Oops, I accidentally revealed the secret. Then, I can’t spare your life today!”

Imazuna was dumbfounded when she heard his words, isn't she a devil fruit person?No, how is this possible, how could he not be a devil fruit person?If he is not an able person, how did he get the power of lightning?

"Cutting fruit? Can you cut the hardest substance? Heh, since you guys like to be a revolutionary army so much, then I will help you choose. Go underground and play with Hades, and see if you can be a revolutionary army there!"

Liu Xu completely despised him, and made no secret of his dislike for the revolutionary army. With his arm, he directly twisted the opponent's throat.


Chapter 2669 This is the rhythm of destroying the sun and slaughtering the beauty!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Imazuna's body trembled and struggled a few times, and then her body gradually relaxed, completely losing all her strength. She looked at Liu Xu in front of her with her eyes wide open, but her heart had stopped beating.

"Little ones, leave a few jobs, kill the rest, and collect the spoils!"

Liu Xu yelled, but then returned to the warship. Now this place is handed over to these soldiers. Otherwise, if you have to fight any battle by yourself, what do you need these soldiers for?Is it used by Deser?

Hearing Liu Xu's order, the soldiers moved more quickly, Hancock and others also accelerated their attack speed, and the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army kept falling.

The battle that followed was much simpler. In less than half an hour, only a few of the [-] revolutionary soldiers were kept under control, and the rest were slaughtered.

However, Liu Xu's side also suffered some injuries. In addition to the initial ambush attack, more than [-] of his soldiers were killed. s reason.

"Captain, these are the guys, they seem to be the captain."

Breton threw a few Revolutionary Army soldiers over. Their clothes were the same as other Revolutionary Army soldiers, but they were able to command attacks in battle, which proved their identities.

"Hey, tell me about your business."

Liu Xu looked at these small captains coldly.

"Don't think about it!"

A small captain is very stubborn, so what if the other party is the general of the Navy headquarters?Even if it is death, he will not be afraid.


Liu Xu replied, then kicked his head in the air, kicked his head, and shook his legs, wondering: "Really, it's getting more and more out of control, and it's going to be messy when it cramps."


The other team captains swallowed hard, this, it shouldn't be this kind of rhythm, it should be tortured, and then they have to work hard to pry their mouths open, how can they just do it? ?

Liu Xu's eyes turned to the other team leader, the meaning was obvious, there is no need for my young master to talk nonsense, just explain obediently.

In the end, with a cold snort, the team leader turned his head away, and Liu Xu raised his eyebrows, ah, you are really stubborn!


Another kick, knocking the heads of several squad leaders one after another, came to the last one, considering whether to directly use the power of Xinwang.

"No, I said, I said..."

When Liu Xu hesitated, the team leader couldn't help the fear in his heart and spoke up.

Liu Xu secretly laughed in his heart, it seems that not everyone is so stubborn!


The captain nodded again and again and said the matter.

After receiving the order from the Revolutionary Army, Imazuna searched for the sneak attackers all over the New World. For this reason, he spent a lot of time sailing at sea every day, trying to attract Liu Xu's attention.

But it was all in vain. It wasn't until a few days ago that he found out that someone was following him, so he went directly to the island that had been prepared in advance.

The result was very sad. When I met people like Liu Xu, they were finally wiped out by the group.

And there is another shocking news, the Meilijian Kingdom on the Meilijian Island is actually one of the bases of the Revolutionary Army.

This country is secretly ruled by the Revolutionary Army. More than half of the hundreds of thousands of troops here are soldiers of the Revolutionary Army, and this number is gradually expanding.

Many of these revolutionary army soldiers set off from this kingdom to other kingdoms, causing bloodshed in various kingdoms in the new world, thereby subverting the rule of the world government.

"There is such a thing..."

Liu Xu frowned, and then killed the team leader.

The revolutionary army has always been a negative image in his mind, and it can even be said that the dragon is not a righteous image in his mind.

This world is under the rule of the world government. Except for those pirates who keep jumping their heads, the order in all other aspects is still good.

However, the revolutionary army rose up under the pretext of the dark rule of the world government, and provoked wars in various kingdoms, thus strengthening their power.

Perhaps the rule of the world government is somewhat lacking, but that was hundreds of years ago. If a political power center wants to maintain it for a long time, it is absolutely impossible if there is only blind light.

Therefore, there must be darkness behind the light, otherwise anyone can just find a reason to start a war, and the world government will be saddened?

Some dark means may seem cruel, but without such means, the world government will be treated as a soft persimmon.

Therefore, the revolutionary army rose up under the pretext of the former dark rule, which became the reason why Liu Xu hated them.

Furthermore, if the Revolutionary Army hadn't provoked wars around the world, the world might have been much more stable.

"Little ones, guard this place and collect the spoils. Let's go to the Kingdom of America, the Revolutionary Army? Humph!"

Liu Xu snorted, he couldn't lead the soldiers this time, it would be too conspicuous.

"General Liu Xu, what are you going to do this time? Tina is very confused." Tina asked in a low voice.

Liu Xu said directly: "Kill the revolutionary army here, and if necessary, kill this island!"


A kingdom controlled by the revolutionary army, but also a large kingdom with hundreds of thousands of troops, what a terrifying thing.

The method used by the revolutionary army to provoke wars around the world is very simple, that is to incite people's hearts, let their local soldiers rise up to resist, and finally complete the revolution.

Therefore, the general revolutionary army does not have many people in some kingdoms, and a thousand or eight hundred is already a very good number.

For those who directly control a kingdom like the one now, one can imagine how important this country will be in the eyes of the revolutionary army.

Liu Xu himself already hated the existence of the Revolutionary Army. Now that he heard about this incident and the name of this country, Mei Lijian, it made people want to kill him no matter what.

Just after killing an Eastern Sun Kingdom, another Meili Room popped up, well, this is the rhythm that forces this young master to destroy the sun and beauty!

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