Chapter 2670 Volcanic Eruption

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Killing the entire island when necessary, Liu Xu's heart also became ruthless. There are millions of residents on this island, and hundreds of thousands of revolutionary troops. This is a huge number, and this place is full of life.

Destroying a large island is not unheard of, just like O'Hara, it was turned into nothingness under the Demon Slaying Order.

A superpower at the general level can also have the power to destroy an island.

Especially after reaching the realm of the Four Emperors, it is much easier, even the sky can be cut, so what else can they not do?

The incomparable power of the tsunami and earthquake caused by the Zhenzhen fruit, the acid corrosion of Big Mom, the powerful arrogance and swordsmanship of Shanks, and the mysterious and unpredictable power of beasts of Kaido.

Each of these is the ultimate power, how many people in the world can be like them?

There were only Liu Xu and a few people who went to the Kingdom of Meilijian, a total of nine people, each with impressive strength.

The easiest way to defeat a country is to attack directly from the capital, just like the Eastern Sun Kingdom, without giving them any chance to breathe.

Get rid of the king here and the secret forces of the revolutionary army, and everything will end.

That's the beauty of power, it's easy to do these things in great power.

And if there is no such power, then honestly follow the game between kingdoms to fight!

Huashengdun, the Kingdom of Meilijian, is the capital, the center of political power in the country, and the place where the military power in the country is most concentrated.

Ninety percent of the country's military forces are here, which is very puzzling. Generally speaking, no kingdom will station so many troops near the capital, but disperse them, and disperse them all over the country. control effect.

If you hit too much near the capital, it is easy to cause rebellion, and it is difficult to control.

However, this kingdom did such a thing, which made Liu Xu puzzled. He felt that there must be some secret in it, otherwise the king would be so stupid to do this?That's not purely looking for a draw!

And there is another characteristic, that is, in addition to their military strength here, they act as good people in the surrounding kingdoms, sending many soldiers into other kingdoms to help solve some rebellions, and sometimes they are sent far away. .

"Boss, what should we do? The defense here is very strict."

Yankeman's small eyes were looking around. This place is about [-] meters away from the gate of the capital. The first unit stationed here is only [-] kilometers away from the capital, which is very close.

It is very troublesome to fight a strong enemy, Liu Xu scratched his hair, it seems a bit difficult, so many people, it is very troublesome to kill, you can only outsmart them.

"Little brother, I've arranged a task for you, um, have you seen the lake to the southwest? I'll make magma there tonight, can it be done?"

Yankman looked at it and made magma in the lake. Does that mean he wants to make a volcano?Could it be that the capital should be burned directly?Ah, boss, you are too cruel.

"Don't think too much, it's your task to attract the attention of the troops. Well, the sniper will assist you, don't worry, you won't die, at most you will be beaten by one person."

Liu Xu rolled his eyes at him, what is this kid thinking, this young master is so pure and kind, there is no other in the world.

Yankman smiled awkwardly, then nodded, after all, he is still too young!

"Scientist, your mission is to destroy the fortifications, do you see those turrets? Kill it! Take advantage of your air superiority, and hand over the two surrounding military camps to you. Intercontinental missile bombing. Hancock, you are scattered with me. In the capital, I will create obstacles, and you will kill those officials. Remember, we only have two days, and the support troops of the Revolutionary Army should be able to cross the obstacles in two days. Make sure to kill all the officials in the capital within this time. ."

Everyone's tasks were arranged, and a careful plan was born in Liu Xu's mind.

As night fell, Liu Xu and others sneaked into Huasheng Dun and started pre-war reconnaissance.

This is a prosperous country. Even in the middle of the night, there is a lot of people here. The night market mode is turned on, and the people in the tavern are constantly shouting. After a busy day of work, I come here to have a little wine, which is very comfortable. things are up.

There are no patrolling teams like the East Longitude. It is rare to see the city defense army here, only one or two teams pass by occasionally. It seems that they are very confident in the defense of their capital and don’t think anyone can make any tricks here.

Liu Xu sighed fiercely, and said, "Sure enough, it is a kingdom that is enough to be frightened! So you like to be the world's policeman? Then this young master will let you have a good time, and see if you still masturbate."

Whenever he thinks of what a country did in the past, he feels a burst of indignation in his heart. Since the nature of this country is so similar to that country, then he will give them a big gift, but he doesn't know if that guy Long will be crazy.

Well, it would be nice if he showed up, really wondering what his devil fruit ability is.

The power to call wind and rain seems to belong to the natural department, but it doesn't look like it. The natural department can't create so many weather phenomena. It should be other abilities.

At midnight, in the small lake outside the capital, Yankman was ready, and the power of Rockberry was mobilized.

"Volcanic eruption!"


At midnight, the capital Huashengdun was still very lively. Ordinary people had closed their doors, but those who were active in the dark night were extraordinarily energetic.Pubs, nightclubs, and various entertainment venues are booming.

At this moment of the messenger of the night, it seems that something needs to be adjusted. On the lake in the southwest, ripples began to appear on the calm lake surface, and there seemed to be something under the lake that was about to burst out.


The lake was broken through, and a small volcano containing babbling magma appeared in the lake and quickly rose up, occupying the entire lake.


Chapter 2671 Which Excavator Technology Is Strong...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



A loud noise disturbed those who were active in the dark night in the capital, and they all looked southwest.

"Wow! So beautiful."

"Is it a celebration? Beautiful fireworks."

"Celebrate, friends."

The people praised it one after another. The dazzling fireworks seemed like a gift from heaven to make them excited. This was the first time they had seen such a huge firework.

But soon someone noticed something was wrong. Why were the fireworks getting closer and closer to the capital?

Moreover, the fireworks seemed to be different, they didn't disappear like normal ones, but with raging flames.

Soon, these people saw clearly what the fireworks were.

Those were fireballs with a diameter of about one meter. The flaming flames lit up the capital red, and the blooming flames could be seen even ten kilometers away.

"Bang bang bang!"

In the eyes of people's horror, the flames descended, and the fireballs fell on the streets, houses, and city walls. There were rocks in them, and they destroyed everything they hit in an instant.There is no mercy, only endless cruelty.

As if the end of the world, the people came back to their senses at this time, and a shrill scream came from their mouths, helplessness, despair, sadness, fear!

The soldiers patrolling the city wall trembled as they watched the sudden abnormality. They couldn't explain what it was like, and they couldn't stop it from happening.

"Look, what is that?"

A soldier pointed to the location of the volcano in the southwest, and even more fear emerged in his heart.

The other soldiers looked over and were completely dumbfounded for a moment.

To the southwest appeared a volcano, an erupting volcano.

Facing the eruption of the volcano, do they have the power to stop it?

"Go, go and have a look!"

A small captain struggled inwardly, but in the end the soldier's mission to protect the people was still controlling him.

"team leader!"

Several soldiers screamed, but the squad leader waved his hand and shouted: "Needless to say, make sure to find out what's going on!"

With that said, he took the lead to head to the location of the volcano.

The same thing happened to many soldiers, and even the military camp several kilometers away discovered this situation. The atmosphere of the entire military camp was instantly ignited, and all soldiers immediately entered a state of wartime alert. , Countless soldiers rushed to the site of the volcanic eruption.

In the capital, the flames shone on Liu Xu's face, and he walked forward with his head half down. It wasn't that a fireball flew past him, and it couldn't cause him the slightest confusion.

Yankman gave him a surprise. Originally, he just wanted to use the volcano to attract the attention of the revolutionary army. He didn't expect that he would play so much and attack the city directly. .

Countless soldiers rushed out, and a pair of sturdy and nervous soldiers passed by him.

There is awe-inspiring murderous intent in Liu Xu's eyes, the palace is getting closer!

The same is true for Hancock and others. The capital is crowded with people. Countless people were awakened by the magma attack and came out of their homes. Frightened crowds are everywhere on the streets.

They soon understood what happened, the volcano erupted, and a volcano erupted near the capital.

Despair, the breath of despair is permeating...

In desperation, riots are easy to break out, and some people with distorted psychology have begun to act, smashing shops, injuring people wantonly, and burning, killing, and looting gradually spread.

A volcanic eruption seems to be a test of human nature.

Human nature is fragile at this moment.

Before dying, many people will inspire the things they most desire in their hearts, and the dark side of people is easily drawn out. Most of the things they do are things they want to do but dare not do.

Hancock and others frowned, how could this country be like this?Shouldn't we be united to resist together in the face of disaster?

In her heart, the Daughter Country of Nine Snake Island will not have such a situation, and it can be said that such a situation will never occur.

Almost all female warriors on Nine Snakes Island have no words to describe their respect for Her Majesty the Queen.

For Her Majesty, they can give up their lives without hesitation.

Therefore, Hancock simply could not understand why this happened in this country.

However, there is no need to think too much about it.

Now is the time to act.

Several people were scattered in the capital, and their figures appeared near the conspicuous buildings. The reconnaissance had been completed during the day, and now it was time to put them into action.

Sneak in quietly, and soon there was a slight scream, and then one by one corpses were thrown into the falling magma, and their bodies were completely burned.

Liu Xu, his actions are different from the others. What he wants to do is more brutal, blocking the advance route of the enemy's reinforcements.

The nearest military camp here is only a few kilometers away, and the soldiers respond very quickly. If they don't act in the first place, they will break through soon, and they will be surrounded by heavy siege.

Leaving the capital, the thunder cloud appeared under the call of the ark's motto. The rumbling thunder made the crimes in the capital more intense. Crimes are nothing more than normal at this moment.

The thunder knife was unsheathed, and Liu Xu raised the knife and cut it off.

"Absolute meaning. Sword swings all over the world!"

A fierce aura appeared on Liu Xu's body, and the Thunder Saber was raised high to slash down, only to see two dark purple sword glows whizzing out to the left and right.

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