The sword light galloped along the ground until it disappeared under the horizon.

A crack with a width of two meters and a depth of ten meters appeared under his feet. There was no violent sound, and there was no earth-shattering momentum.

It seems that the ground has been gently removed from the middle like a jelly, it's that simple.

"Which one has the best excavator technology... Ah, no, the profound truth. The sword sweeps the world!"

Liu Xu activated his skill again after one blow, and the sword light appeared again to expand the crack, repeating the same action constantly, expanding the crack.


Chapter 2672 Blocking the enemy mission, complete

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


In that night sky, Breton, who unfolded his mechanical wings, controlled his agile movements, and soon arrived at a military camp. Looking at the mighty soldiers below, who had already gathered, Breton laughed.

"Ahaha! Try the great gift I gave you! Mystery. Intercontinental missile!"

The voice fell, a mechanical arm opened, and a green missile was taken out from it, and without saying a word, it threw it directly below.

Under the control of his power, the intercontinental missile fell with a cracking sound. Some soldiers seemed to have heard something, but before they had time to look up, they were shocked by a loud noise.


The intercontinental missile exploded in the barracks below, dazzling sparks and billowing smoke appeared from the center of the explosion, followed by a strong shock wave.

The shock wave flew around with the flames, and the soldiers' bodies were directly thrown away, and those soldiers who were closer were directly torn apart by the shock wave.

"Taste it well!"

Columbia laughed wildly, then took aim at another military camp, and flew over without saying a word.

Below, the barracks bombed by ICBMs was like a purgatory on earth. The explosion of the missiles triggered the explosion of the arsenal in the barracks. The continuous explosions left these soldiers with little time to defend and could only passively bomb.

"Defense! Defense!"

A general roared, but his voice was covered by the explosion after all, and no one could hear his voice at all.

"Asshole, this must be a premeditated attack, the volcano is definitely not simple!"

This coming has already been confirmed in my heart, and the matter tonight is definitely not simple.

The volcanic eruption in the middle of the night made him mobilize the army to check it out, but he was bombarded at this time. Could it be that simple?

"Hua Sheng Dun is in danger!"

The general turned his head to look at the capital that was being continuously bombed by the volcano, and his instinct told him that something must have happened there.

"Send the order, go to Huasheng Dun!"

Pulling over an adjutant beside him, the general roared and fled towards Huasheng.

The adjutant also quickly conveyed the order, and finally gathered some soldiers and marched towards Huashengdun.

The same thing happened in another barracks, same way.

What happened tonight was so bizarre that these battle-hardened veterans felt terrified and kept heading for the capital.

Here at Liu Xu's place, continuous sword swings blocked the road to the capital, and cracks up to [-] meters deep and [-] meters wide suddenly appeared. This is the best defense, completely cutting off the route of reinforcements.

"The task of blocking the enemy, complete, hehe..."

Liu Xu looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction. Although it didn't take a lot of energy to create these cracks, it needed precise control, otherwise the island might be pierced at any time.

Destroying the island is the last step, and it must not appear unless it is a last resort.

The power of Xinwang has captured a large number of troops coming here, and they are almost there.

The soldiers who came to support the capital in a steady stream were quickly stunned. What's the situation?Why did the brother who was in front of me just disappear all of a sudden?Did you fall?


More and more soldiers fell into the cracks, and the general who led the team suddenly shouted, and the troops gradually stopped, and the unnecessary casualties were barely controlled at this time.

The general walked to the front of the team and looked down. With the help of a torch, he was able to see clearly the situation ahead...

This look scared him almost out of his wits. Damn, when did the road to the capital have such a big crack?God, what's going on?

The other soldiers also discovered the situation, and there was a lot of discussion. The inexplicable fear circulated among these soldiers, which almost made them collapse.

The weird volcanic eruption, the sudden missile attack, and the sudden crack, everything tonight was like a work of ghosts and gods, which made them unbelievable.

"Build a bridge, no matter what, you must pass here!"

The general shouted, and the soldiers moved into action, looking for trees and ropes to make bridges to the opposite side.

Liu Xu returned to the capital and cut off the reinforcement route. Now the capital is like a helpless child, and the city defense army of less than [-] in the capital can't play much role at all.

In the dark night, Liu Xu quickly rushed towards the palace, and what he saw and heard along the way also surprised him.

Ah, this guy Yankeman has done a lot of crimes, and they have caused such a big commotion. Seeing each of them reveal their true colors, the appearance of volcanoes and thunderclouds made them feel like the end of the world. It's perfectly normal to burst out of nature from time to time.

"It seems that this young master is indeed the purest, and cannot be compared with these people!"

Liu Xu muttered, and after deeply despising the people here, he appeared outside the palace.

The palace, here is the residence of the king. It is the place where officials meet the king every day and report on various situations. Here, the defense force is also the most stringent in the entire capital.

The eruption of the volcano did not affect the palace, and it was no longer possible to move forward on the street two kilometers away from the palace, but Yankeman's strength was insufficient.

The soldiers in charge of guarding the palace did not participate in the rescue and fighting, their task was to strictly guard the palace.

But how could this stop Liu Xu?With the cover of armed forces again, they easily climbed over the towering wall and entered inside.

In the palace of King Obama, he just fell asleep after a busy day of government affairs. He was thinking about which country he should go to continue to frighten, and was awakened by a burst of dazzling fire and explosion. He was so frightened that he didn't even have time to put on his clothes, so he went on the balcony.

Looking at the erupting volcano and the falling magma, he was suddenly speechless.

Did this god deliberately come to fix him?It took a long time to increase the number of citizens. For this reason, he kept tricking people from other countries into joining them, and he gathered talents from all over the world.

Now, what does this volcanic eruption mean?Could it be that what he did was too immoral, and God came to rectify him directly?Oh, Shet, I really want to fuck God too.


Chapter 2673

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Your Majesty the King!"

A general in armor ran in, but when he saw the naked king standing on the balcony, he was blinded and turned his head away.

As the saying goes, the wind blows, the little bird is very cold, I wonder if His Majesty the King will?

In other words, what does it mean that His Majesty the King ran to the balcony naked in the middle of the night?Is it a dry gun from a distance?Oh so creative.

Obama turned his head when he heard the words, and immediately became embarrassed. He smiled awkwardly, and the dark wrinkles on his face could catch mosquitoes.

"What's the matter?" Obama asked, the general turned his head and said, "Your Majesty, in the capital..."

"Needless to say, I know what's going on, let's mobilize the forces in the palace to participate in the rescue! Well, mobilize the troops outside to thoroughly investigate what happened tonight."


After the general responded, he left quickly, leaving Obama alone to tangle. This king is not easy to be a king. If he can't handle it well, he will be impeached by those guys, and his position will not be guaranteed at any time.

But Liu Xu here, after infiltrating the palace, quickly unfolded the power of the heart network, and all the voices in the entire palace were under his control.

With his voice, he can judge whether there are strong people here and how many people there are.

The heartbeat and pulse of the strong are surprising to ordinary people, and they can be easily judged.

"There is no strong man? Is this a joke?"

Liu Xu couldn't help but patted his forehead. There is no strong person in the palace of such a sturdy kingdom?how can that be?

But he didn't understand, the revolutionary army controlled this kingdom, and the power of this kingdom was very strong, so why would he worry about someone coming to sneak attack?

Therefore, the revolutionary army did not arrange any strong men in the palace at all. If there were strong men, they were outside the palace. They were the strong men responsible for guarding the capital, and they were the barriers to ensure the position of the revolutionary army in this kingdom.

It's easy to find the king, just grab someone and ask, and decisively rush to Obama's bedroom.

However, Liu Xu, who had just arrived outside the bedroom, suddenly felt the thunder rolling, and his lightning ability was almost overwhelmed. A king appeared on the balcony in naked clothes. Could it be that he was engaging in body art?This is too trendy, right?

Unable to look directly, Liu Xu couldn't believe what he saw, and without saying a word, a little lightning force popped out to kill Obama who was posing, and then decisively evacuated.

From entering the palace to slaughtering the king, it only took a few minutes. Liu Xu had already completed the assassination, and then resolutely reaped the lives of the revolutionary generals in the capital.

The revolutionary army that can provoke wars all over the world is naturally not weak, and the revolutionary army generals in the capital quickly reacted. This is definitely someone attacking the capital, not to mention the fact that they are patrolling the capital with soldiers. stand up.

"Catch any suspicious characters and never let them go."

A general roared, this is one of the important strongholds of the revolutionary army in the new world, how can it be breached casually?


With a muffled sound, the arrogant general fell to the ground at once, which made the soldiers stunned. What's the situation?

Soon, these soldiers discovered the situation and ran over to help him up.


However, this has no effect. A thumb-sized hole appeared on the general's forehead, and blood mixed with brains flowed out through the hole.

Chaos, the soldiers suddenly became chaotic, everyone was in danger, there were assassins, and there were assassins by their side, which was terrifying.

A kilometer away from them, Columbia silently shifted the muzzle and aimed at another place.

"Sir, rest in peace, I will mourn for you in silence."

After saying a word, he pulled the trigger again.

Beside him was the exhausted Yankerman, panting heavily.

Continuously controlling the eruption of the volcano requires a lot of physical strength, and after holding on for more than an hour, I finally couldn't bear it.

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