Introducing the last bit of power into the volcano, stimulating the volcano to erupt for the final time, Columbia took him directly into the capital from the air, looking for the commanding heights to snipe.

"Sniper, how did I behave this time?"

Although he didn't have much strength, he still opened his mouth with a smile, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"It's fine."

Columbia's answer is simple. The sniper rifle keeps aiming at distant enemies. After eating the devil fruit, he has extremely strong eyesight even in the dark.

After being recognized, Yankeman laughed again, the smile on his face became more obvious, how should I put it, it was a bit wretched.

"Then do you think those beautiful sisters on the Nine Snakes pirate ship will take a fancy to me?"

This question gave Colombia a pause, brother, your question is a bit difficult to answer!


Yankman grinned and laughed, and his lazi was almost dripping, obviously he had fallen into his own fantasy.

This made Columbia shook his head again and again. This guy is really a living treasure. He is completely a neurotic guy. Well, he is still a very wretched little brother.

But he said that Breton, who had bombed two military camps, has returned to the capital at this moment, and now he is outside a high-end villa, still smiling crazily, his hands are already aimed down, and he is about to attack.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared from the villa below and flew straight towards him.

The dangerous breath permeated his whole body, making his hairs stand on end.

"There are strong people!"

Brayton's heart jumped, and the mechanical wings controlled the flight to avoid the opponent's attack, but it was too late, the attack was right in front of him.


Suddenly, a blue arrogance appeared under Brayton's feet, which suddenly raised his body and narrowly avoided the light.

The light flew past his ears, and he could clearly feel the fierce aura, the sword light, that was the pressure of the sword light.


Chapter 2674 Frozen fruit?Portable shells!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Stopping his body and looking down, the originally dark villa was instantly lit up, and all the lights were turned on, illuminating the entire villa.

Below that, a middle-aged man with a stern face was holding a sword, his cold and ruthless eyes looked at Breton in the sky above, even in the dark night, he could clearly see the person above.

Breton suddenly had a very absurd feeling that he was locked by him, or that the entire range was locked by the other party, and he would find him no matter where he appeared.

"People above, come down!"

The middle-aged swordsman below gave a cold cry, which made Breton feel a biting cold. This guy seems to be very inhuman. Such an indifferent voice is definitely not a deliberate disguise, but he is born with it.

But is Brayton so foolish to land?

The answer is obvious, that is impossible.

"Suffer to death!"

Occupying the supremacy of the air, he aimed at the opponent with the palms of both hands, and the laser cannon flew out directly, with a flash of yellow light, and blasted straight at the opponent.

However, a blue-white light appeared below, and it hit two laser cannons in an instant.


The laser cannon exploded in mid-air, but was directly hit by the opponent. With the scattering of yellow and blue-white light spots, his laser cannon did not cause any damage to the villa below at all.

"What a powerful attack."

Breton became completely cautious, his eyes fixed on the sword in the opponent's hand. This guy should be a fruit capable person, and the sword has changed.

Below, the silver-white sword in the middle-aged swordsman's hand has been covered with a layer of ice, which is gradually dissolving at this moment.

ice?Frozen fruit ability?how can that be?Isn't devil fruit unique?How could there be another frozen fruit ability owner?

However, he thought about it for a while. It is true that the same Devil Fruit will not appear, but there will be Devil Fruits with similar abilities. The effects of use are similar, but completely different.

After another laser cannon bombardment, Breton was a little disbelieving, and continued to shoot laser cannons, but the middle-aged swordsman below did not move a step, and directly waved his sword beam to destroy his laser cannon, leaving no room for him.

The failure of each attack made him irritable. This guy's defense alone made him uncomfortable. Although he was not worried about running out of energy at all, it would take a long time.

After thinking about it, Brayton suddenly laughed, the six guns in his abdomen activated, and the laser cannons in his hands also assisted in the attack.

"Bang bang bang!"

The continuous guns and guns formed a firepower network to directly suppress it, covering the entire villa.

"court death!"

The middle-aged swordsman below said coldly, his feet bent slightly to the ground, and he jumped up like a cheetah attacking.

"Ice Slash!"

There are no fancy names, only dangerous attacks.

As his words fell, a sword glow covered with ice swung out, and the temperature of the surrounding air dropped sharply.

"It's useless!"

Brayton shouted, the thrusters under his feet were turned off, followed by two flame cannons.


Two fireballs flew out from the muzzle under the feet and hit the ice sword light directly, successfully blocking the way forward for the sword light.

The ice shattered in the air, turning into tiny ice crystals scattered on the ground.

"Ice Cross Slash!"

The follow-up attack of the middle-aged swordsman followed closely, and the two cross-shaped sword lights approached rapidly from below. The speed was so fast that it was difficult for Breton to counterattack, and he could only rely on the propeller to lift off again.

As before, the cross slash flew by, with only a little icy chill, which made Breton grin and take the advantage of the air. How could the people below attack him?

But soon his face changed, and the air where the cross cut passed began to drop sharply, making his refined steel body feel a little solidified, and the surface of the mechanical wings behind him was also covered with a layer of ice.

Freezing, the mechanical wings were completely frozen by the ice, and the speed was so fast that he had no time to react.

Without the assistance of the mechanical wings, he can only land on the ground, and the situation will not be so optimistic. God knows if there are other powerful people in ambush below?

"Maximize energy, turn it on!"

The situation was too much to think about, Brayton mobilized the energy stored in his body at once, forced the mechanical wings to vibrate, shattered the layer of ice on the surface, and shattered the ice on his body.

And as the energy burned, the surrounding temperature rose rapidly, regaining control over the body.

"A futile struggle."

The middle-aged swordsman's face remained unchanged. He was expected to count the enemy with one blow. If he was so easy to kill, he would have killed the opponent long ago.

Breton laughed frantically again. Although he consumed a lot of energy, he has no fear at all now. He has a lot of portable storage devices, which can be replenished at any time.

Moreover, if it wasn't too careless just now, it wouldn't be counted, and you want to defeat him?I'm afraid it's not that easy.

"Come on, try the gadget I researched."

Brayton laughed, took out two oval objects from his pockets, and threw them down.

grenade?This is the portable artillery shell developed by Breton, the rhythm of abusing people every minute.

The middle-aged swordsman had never seen such a thing before, and he didn't have much sense of crisis. Brayton gave him the feeling that he was just an ant occupying the air, which didn't surprise him too much.

Facing the two fallen portable artillery shells, he stretched out his left hand directly and grabbed the two portable artillery shells in his hand.

However, as soon as he grabbed this thing, the middle-aged swordsman felt that something was wrong. What was the fire that suddenly appeared?When his face changed, and when he was about to throw the thing away, it was the shell that exploded.


The dazzling fire and the violent shock wave spread from the center of the cannonball, blasting the middle-aged swordsman's body all at once. Even some of the guards around him couldn't bear the power of the shock wave and were directly overturned to the ground.


Chapter 2675 Revolutionary Army Abilities

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Ah ha ha!"

Breton covered his eyes and praised his opponent thirty-two times. The middle-aged swordsman is like an angel radiating light. If he doesn't go to hell, who will go to hell?The light is too bright, a bit dazzling.

This kind of bomb is self-made by borrowing the thunder and lightning of nature, and its power is of course needless to say. The big hole with a diameter of more than five meters that was blasted out at the moment can be proved.

"Are you dead?"

Breton shot his eyes around, and finally locked on the position where the middle-aged swordsman was blown away.

"Huh? Come again?"

Breton's eyes widened suddenly, and at that place, another blue-white sword light slashed over, more powerful than the previous one.

The enemy is too ferocious, just like the undead Xiaoqiang. The two bombs did not kill them. Brayton's intuition is a bit difficult. If he continues to fight, the battle of others will be over, so he is not the slowest one. already?

Resolutely unable to wait any longer, Breton shouted, ready to continue bombing with sturdy missiles.

"Scientists, don't be too nervous."

Suddenly, Liu Xu's voice appeared beside him, preventing his next move.


Breton was struggling. It seemed that he had no record so far, which was a bit difficult.

Liu Xu's body was floating beside him, but his eyes fell on the middle-aged swordsman with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Natural glaciers have the same ability as frozen fruits. This is where the Revolutionary Army is stationed in the Kingdom of America. Naturally, there are experts guarding it. It's normal that you can't take it down. Don't think about it."

This remark made Breton feel a lot better. I dared to feel that he rushed to the station. This is a bit suspicious. Fortunately, he didn't run down there. Otherwise, I don't know how many traps there will be. .

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