"Come out, there's no point in hiding it, right? The other two capable people!"

Liu Xu scanned the other two places, and after a while, he saw two people coming out of those two places.

They are all young people, but their aura is very sharp, and they are not simple characters at first glance.

Liu Xu smiled. The three capable persons are guarding here. It seems that the Revolutionary Army still values ​​this place very much.

Well, since you value it so much, then this young master will completely kill this place.

Breton was about to break out in a cold sweat. Damn it, there were still two people ambushing below. Fortunately, they didn't go down, otherwise it would be really sad.

It is very unfortunate to be surrounded by three capable people.

"The Eight Wildernesses of Sword Swing!"

Without too much nonsense, Liu Xu slashed down with his sword, and three dark purple sword lights roared out, heading towards the capable person in three directions.

"Tips for carving insects."

A look of disdain flashed in the middle-aged swordsman's eyes, and he still wanted to compete with himself on this level of ability?

But soon he felt that something was wrong, the speed of the sword light was so fast that he didn't have any time to react.

Moreover, why can the physical attack of the knife light attack him?

The long-term sense of superiority made him unacceptable for a while, and the knife Mango Duan flew over his shoulder and chopped off one of his shoulders.

The situation of the other two capable people is much better, they are not arrogant like the middle-aged swordsman, but very cautious.

"Rhino horn!"

One of them suddenly had a huge and sharp horn growing on his forehead, directly touching the dark purple blade glow, his body steadied his horse, and even blocked the blade glow.

The other one is much simpler, and the body swayed lightly to avoid the attack of the sword light.


The knife beam slammed on the building behind him, and the house shattered in an instant, the ground cracked, and the entire villa was divided into two and shattered directly.

"go with!"

The person with the rhino fruit ability raised his head and successfully shot the sword light into the air, turning it into a shimmering light and disappearing.

Liu Xu raised his brows. It seems that the achievements of these two young people are invincible. When did the revolutionary army recruit such talents?

"Captain, I'm going to kill him."

Brayton was gearing up, and his target was naturally the middle-aged swordsman of the natural department.

However, before he started to act, the middle-aged swordsman who had lost one arm spoke coldly.

"The glacier is coming!"

Hearing this, the expressions of the other two young men changed and they quickly retreated, as if something terrible was about to happen.

The middle-aged swordsman inserted the sword in his hand into the ground and closed his eyes slightly as if performing some kind of mysterious ritual.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew up and spread around the entire villa with him as the center. Snowflakes floated in the sky, and in an instant, it condensed into a glacier and fell directly from the sky.

Liu Xu looked up at the glacier falling from above, and sighed hard in his heart. This guy is definitely making a lot of money doing the cold drink job. How many copies does he have to sell for such a big glacier!

Just kidding, Liu Xu still slashed the thunder knife upwards.

"Spring thunderstorm!"

A crescent-shaped dark purple sword light flew out, about ten meters wide, and it came in an instant, hitting the glacier!

The glacier covering the entire villa fell from the sky. With the strengthening of the glacier fruit, the surrounding air dropped below the freezing point, making it unbearable for the extreme cold.

The deep purple sword light hit the glacier with one blow, and the sharp sword light and tyrannical electric current entered the glacier in an instant, smashing the structure from the inside.


The glacier turned into powder under the sword light, and the fine ice crystals fell from the air. The middle-aged swordsman below was still indifferent. Even if an arm was chopped off, he did not frown, which was in line with his glacier's indifference. a feeling of.

The two young men seemed to have known each other's attack methods early on, and had evacuated here long ago, so they dared not stay any longer.

But when they saw the shattering of the glacier, their faces changed. From here, it seemed that their strength was still slightly inferior.

They are also strong in the revolutionary army, but they are still a little short in terms of age and experience.


Chapter 2676 Supersonic speed is still far from the speed of light

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu didn't have any surprises when he shattered the glacier in the sky with a knife. This was expected. It was just a small glacier. To put it bluntly, it was an iceberg. The range was not particularly wide, and it could be broken easily. .

Qingzhi's Devil Fruit ability is freezing ability. The freezing ability he uses is even more ferocious than this middle-aged swordsman. It is the ability to directly turn an island into ice.

Breton laughed straight, and rushed down without saying a word. With Liu Xu joining, he would not worry about being surrounded and beaten at all.

In close combat, he had to use the domineering armed color. His target was still the middle-aged swordsman. He rushed down directly, and the black fist covered with the domineering armed color slammed down.

The middle-aged swordsman's expression did not change, he raised his sword and fought with the opponent.

"Little guys, this young master has come to take good care of you."

Liu Xu chuckled, landed from the sky, and used the thunder knife properly to directly fuck the two of them.

"Savage Clash!"

As soon as Liu Xu just fell, the rhinoceros ability user turned into a five-meter-tall white rhinoceros and rushed over. He was still very sure about physical attack and defense.

"Phantom Thorn!"

Another young man also rushed over, his body was like a fox spirit, his movements were extremely ghostly, and he came to Liu Xu's side in the blink of an eye, much faster than his partner.

His arms turned into sharp military thorns, attacking from above and below.

The joint attack of the two cooperated very well, Liu Xu avoided the phantom thorn's attack, and the white rhino had already bumped into it.

It was very powerful, every step of the white rhino made the ground tremble, and the huge horn of the rhino flickered coldly. If it was hit by this blow, it might not die or be disabled.

However, it was still a physical attack after all, so Liu Xu directly elementalized and let the white rhino rush over his body, turning around with his backhand was a knife.

There is no dazzling blade, only a silent blade.

When the knife fell, blood splashed on the white rhino's leg in an instant, and the white rhino also slammed into the fence, smashing through the thick wall, leaving a big hole.

Then, a faint cold light flashed from his side, and Liu Xu held the thunder knife across his side.


Han Mang and Thunder Knife collided, and the powerful force made Liu Xu take a step back.

"Strong physical attack, the application of gravity acceleration?"

Liu Xu quickly saw through the opponent's attack method. Superman is a devil fruit ability user, and his speed is very fast. He is a speed master.

When the speed reaches an extreme, powerful power can be generated without using any terrifying moves.

It's like the reason that a person who throws a soft bread from the train and hits the person can easily knock the person unconscious.

Under the strong inertia, the power of young people naturally increased a lot.

"Yes, then can you avoid my supersonic attack?"

The young man is still a little impetuous, to say such a thing.

Supersonic speed, that is, a speed exceeding [-] meters per second, which can be called supersonic speed.

It can be seen that the speed of young people has reached an extreme.

For this person, Liu Xu can only hehe, supersonic speed, and it is far from the speed of light!


The young man's body suddenly disappeared, leaving only a faint afterimage. This is really supersonic speed.

However, Liu Xu could clearly feel the opponent's attack trajectory, or be able to see the opponent's attack path.


Blocking, blocking the opponent's military stab again, Liu Xufei quickly kicked the opponent's abdomen with his kick, and then retracted his foot.


The young man's eyes were about to pop out. If it was better luck that the opponent blocked his attack, what does the sudden heavy blow to his body mean?Thinking that the speed of the other party has surpassed his own, reaching a realm that he cannot see with the naked eye.

It was the first time, the first time that someone was suppressed in terms of speed. The young man's eyes floated a little, but he felt a little unconfident in his heart.

It is undeniable that this is a talent, and it is not easy to achieve such an achievement at a young age.

Given time, this will definitely become a strong party.

It's a pity, but now he ran into Liu Xu.

Here in Breton, it is a very wise choice to use the armed arrogance to fight the opponent. The armed arrogance can directly capture or attack the body of the natural system, and it is perfect to fight with the middle-aged swordsman with such power.


Brayton fought like a madman, living up to his mad scientist title.

Fist to flesh, each punch hit the opponent's body or the sword, the powerful force changed the cold face of the middle-aged swordsman a little.

I had hoped that the opponent would fall down to fight, but I didn't expect the opponent to be armed and domineering, and his strength was also very fierce, making it difficult for him to resist for a while, and even a lot of scars appeared on his body.

"Glacier. Blizzard!"

Glacier fruit ability users are very similar to the ability of frozen fruit, and belong to the natural ability.

However, the ability of frozen fruit is manifested in freezing, that is, using ice to freeze a person's body or turn it into ice to attack.

As for the glacier, it is a bit exaggerated to become a glacier, but it can borrow the attack form of the glacier, such as summoning the snowstorm, summoning the glacier, etc., which are all possible things.

As the middle-aged swordsman's voice fell, without any warning, a heavy goose feather snow suddenly fell in the entire villa, covering everyone at once.

This doesn't seem to have much effect, Liu Xu thought maliciously, if it is used to solve drought or high temperature, it is definitely the best choice.

But soon the Blizzard's attack power was revealed, and the falling snowflakes were swept up by a force, forming a tornado and swept towards Brayton.

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