Breton took a few breaths.

"Well, put a map cannon and kill them all."

Liu Xu said it so simply.


Chapter 2679 Thunder, Rain and Dew Are All Your Grace

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Breton froze for a moment, killing so many people made his spirit a little numb.

In order not to hurt too many innocent people, he could only use close combat, which also exhausted his spirit.

Liu Xu said: "The reinforcements should have arrived by now. We can't delay too much time and kill those reinforcements directly. Let me do it! You guys, destroy the defense of this capital and attack them psychologically."

Ferocity, these words are so cruel, hundreds of thousands of troops will be destroyed as soon as they say it, if this matter is spread, it will cause shock to the whole world.

Hancock and others are used to it. Anyway, things have been done, so if you don't do it, you will be destroyed.


Everyone responded and left, starting to attack the defensive offensive here.

"Revolutionary Army, I hope this time I can give you a wake-up call. Not everyone will allow you to cause troubles in the world, and not everyone will obey your so-called 'justice' and cause countless slaughters."

Liu Xu thought to himself, until now he didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did. If the world is to be stable, there can be no revolutionary army.

It is still feasible to sacrifice a small number of people and maintain the order of the entire world.

"[-] million volts. Thunder God of the End Times!"

The dark purple light flashed instantly, and Liu Xu was covered by purple lightning, and the purple lightning that filled his body raised his body continuously, turning him into a purple glaring thunder god.

Countless thunderclouds also condensed in the dark sky, and deep purple arcs shuttled in and out of the thunderclouds, as if the world was ending.

The electrons in the air rioted due to the arrival of the apocalyptic Thor. From a distance, the [-]-meter-high apocalypse Thor was very conspicuous and clearly visible from several kilometers away.

The revolutionary army, who was passing through the crack, was dumbfounded when they saw that Thor, what rhythm was this?How could such a monster appear in the capital?

In their stunned gazes, the god of thunder of the end of the world flew towards them.

As the God of Thunder approached, the thunderclouds in the sky dropped countless thunder and lightning, directly bombarding these soldiers.



"Run away!"

The soldiers suddenly became chaotic, and the generals didn't know how to face this scene. Even if they had good strength, they were just ordinary people, and they were no match for this capable person at all.

What's more, this is a strong man who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Whitebeard.

Liu Xu, who has become the God of Thunder in the last days, is very familiar with thunder and lightning. The thunder and lightning in the world seem to be his servants, inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

As long as one thought, one movement, and one word, the thunder and lightning can be brought down easily.

"God-like power."

Liu Xu thought silently in his heart, and the thunder and lightning kept falling.

In the face of these thunder and lightning, the revolutionary army has no strength to resist at all. This is not within the range they can bear. In this regard, they can only choose to retreat and make plans later.

As long as there is one breath left, the kingdom will return to their hands.

But, how could Liu Xu agree?

"Thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of the king, accept my gift of thunder! The baptism of ten thousand thunders!"

In an instant, thousands of thunderbolts descended from the sky and bombarded the revolutionary army that had already begun to flee. Each thunderbolt could take the lives of several enemies.

Hundreds of thousands of troops, there is not much resistance under Liu Xu's thunder and lightning.

Thunder and lightning, one of the most powerful attacks of nature, is impossible for ordinary people to resist.

The revolutionary army kingdom of millions of people, this news is enough to shock the whole world. I really don’t know how the previous revolutionary army was hidden.

However, this matter is also a bit strange, and it is impossible for everyone to keep a secret, so is there any other way to seal it?

Liu Xu turned his eyes and quickly locked on one of them. Under his control, the thunder and lightning did not attack him at all.

The lightning attack lasted for a few minutes before it stopped, and Liu Xu grabbed the person who was not attacked without saying a word.

Dressed in armor, the obvious difference from those soldiers is his attire, which is the golden armor that can only be possessed when he arrives. It can be seen that the revolutionary army also has a strict hierarchy.

The general caught by Liu Xu was terrified, half an hour was a nightmare for him, an endless nightmare.

The falling thunder and lightning caused great shock, fear, grief, anger, and unwillingness to his heart, but he couldn't change anything, and he couldn't do anything when he watched the people die beside him.

"Bastard, you actually killed so many of us, you devil!"

The general couldn't help roaring with grief and anger in his heart, the anger in his eyes wished he could burn the person in front of him to death.

Liu Xu smiled disdainfully, and said contemptuously: "Put away your hypocritical expression, there are only hundreds of thousands of people. Because of the existence of your revolutionary army, and because of the wars you provoked, there are at least millions of people every year. Innocent people are dead, why don’t you say you are demons? Cough cough, speaking of it now, this young master is a pure angel, a pure angel who destroys you demons.”

"You are a devil!"

The general roared, this guy is talking nonsense, they all have great ambitions!They are for peace and stability in the future, they are for overthrowing the rule of the world government and exposing the dark past of the world government!

Liu Xu didn't argue with him, but went straight to the point: "Now, tell me about this kingdom, how did your revolutionary army keep the news from being leaked? And how many of you are there in the new world?" , where are they distributed.”

The general's eyes showed a struggle, said?Do not say?This is a difficult question to choose.

In the end, he still sighed and told the story of the revolutionary army here.


Chapter 2680 Naval headquarters unanimously support

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


In fact, the affairs of the Revolutionary Army here are relatively simple. The troops here are all mobilized from all over the New World, and they will only be dispatched when they are needed in certain places.

As for the matter of keeping the mouth shut, it is much simpler. There is a very strict law enforcement team within the Revolutionary Army. As long as anyone who leaks the news is discovered, they will be killed immediately. Under such iron and blood methods, no one will spread the news here.

After hearing these things, Liu Xu's face was very strange. It was really unexpected that it would be like this.

I thought it was just a kingdom controlled by the revolutionary army here, but I didn't expect that this was the military station of the revolutionary army in the whole new world.

Now that this garrison point has been removed, I am afraid that the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army should also be anxious.

Also, the power of the Revolutionary Army in the New World should be hit hard, that is, the Four Seas and the first half have not had much influence.

"The Revolutionary Army is really a speechless organization."

Liu Xu gave such a sentence at the end, and he was deeply speechless to this organization.

Law enforcement team?It's really interesting, I didn't expect that there would be such an existence inside.

There may be only one person in the entire revolutionary army who can really make him care, and that is the leader of the revolutionary army, Long!

The son of Garp, Luffy's father, under his leadership, the strength of the revolutionary army continued to grow.

He is definitely a person standing at one of the pinnacles of the world.

With one blow, the general's life was directly resolved, and he glanced at the battlefield like a purgatory on earth, then shook his head.

His goal is to kill the revolutionary army here, and the follow-up matters are out of his control.

Hundreds of thousands of troops were abruptly killed under the cooperation of Liu Xu and the others. From this, we can see how huge the power level gap in this world is.

The strong can destroy an island with one move and split the sea.

For example, the power of the Four Emperors like Whitebeard, and the top swordsman like Hawkeye, they can almost be said to be the power to destroy the world.

And these ordinary people can only accept the master of fate.

The new world was shaken, and the news of the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of revolutionary troops spread to every corner of the new world, shocking all the pirates and civilians.

Hundreds of thousands of lives were completely wiped out in two days, and it was a powerful kingdom, which no one could have imagined.

The name Liu Xu is destined to resound throughout the world again, and the situation of the world government is not very optimistic.

"Liu Xu actually killed so many revolutionary troops?"

Commander-in-Chief Air has already called out Sengoku and Garp and other naval powerhouses. In this era of sailing, the navy is one of the main combat forces of the world government.

Zhan Guo, Karp and others had weird expressions on their faces. Why did Liu Xu make such a move?This is completely different from his usual image. Could it be that there is something hidden in it?

"Commander Kong, there should be some special things going on here, otherwise Liu Xu wouldn't have done such impulsive things."

The mind of the Warring States Period quickly analyzed that it is impossible for a person's personality to change in such a short period of time. There must be something strange in it, and there must be something unknown.

Garp, a naval hero who usually dozed off, couldn't calm down anymore, and a strange feeling appeared in his heart.

It was unmistakable that the Revolutionary Army was under his son's command.

And Liu Xu is now attacking his son's subordinates, from this point of view, he is a little unhappy.

However, he was very relieved to start from the corner of the navy. Liu Xu has done a very important thing for the world government.

With the loss of so many revolutionary soldiers, the strength of the revolutionary army in the new world will be compressed to the extreme, causing them to only be able to move in the first half or all over the world in the future.

"Kong, Warring States, no matter what that kid does, the old man will support him."

Karp's statement is very direct, this is the young man he values, and there is no reason not to support it.

Zhan Guo nodded, and expressed his opinion at the same time, saying: "Yes, that kid is still very measured, this time should be an exception, let's see his follow-up actions!"

The two super-powerful people talk like this, so Kong is a little bit out of stage. Damn, you two also criticized him a few words, let us have something to say, now it seems that we have to support him.

The wretched man Huang Yuan curled up his lips, rolled his eyes back and forth on the faces of several people, and said slowly: "General Liu Xu's strength is very good, and he killed the man with the white beard. supporters."

God made up the knife, Kong's face was even more ugly, why did this old boy talk like this?Do you really think that kid is the future of the Navy?

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