"Yes, General Liu Xu's actions have always been admirable. Few people dare to do such a big thing as killing hundreds of thousands of revolutionary troops."

Qingzhi also has the potential to be a master of finishing swords. The four of them seemed to be twisted into a hemp rope when they spoke, but they didn't say a bad word to Liu Xu.

Kong sighed deeply, what is all this? The five old men of Wulaoxing didn't know what it meant, and they even asked him to call people from the Navy Headquarters to express their opinions.

Well, now people's attitudes have come out, and everyone supports Liu Xu.

Could it be that he should go and tell the Five Old Stars: The Navy Headquarters thinks there is no problem. If you kill hundreds of thousands, it will only be hundreds of thousands. It is no big deal?

He felt that he was going crazy. When did the people in the Navy Headquarters become like this?Things are too sad to think too much about.

"I understand what you mean. I will report this matter to Wu Laoxing and let them handle it themselves!"

After speaking, he waved his hand and let a few people leave.

As if going through the motions, the four of them nodded and left. They looked at each other silently, and almost gave them a thumbs-up.

When did they cooperate so tacitly? It was really rare.

After leaving the Holy Land Marijoa, Sengoku said directly to Qingzhi and Kizaru: "You two should also enter the new world to prevent that kid from doing too outrageous things. At the same time, expand the strength of the navy in the shortest time. , strive to stir up the matter of the Sea Emperor, and make sure these pirates kill each other in the shortest possible time."


Chapter 2681 Kill anyone who dares to do it

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The words are very plain, but with a strong murderous intent, the Warring States Period is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Liu Xu told him about the Emperor of the Sea, and it became clear that the whole new world would be chaotic, and those pirates would fight to the death for this position. Then they would make a move, and the fisherman would benefit and be at ease.

Qingzhi and Kizaru naturally understood the importance of this matter, nodded and began to prepare.

Here in the new world, Liu Xu and others, who had messed up the Meilijian Kingdom, evacuated the treasury properly, and what would happen to the Meilijian Kingdom was no longer what they wanted to consider.

After this battle in the new world, the revolutionary army should not be able to resist any waves. Now they can easily continue to sail and prepare for the next move.

Big Mom's declaration of war Liu Xu and the others are not very nervous, but they must always be prepared, God knows when that ugly woman will attack.

In particular, the resident of Vera must be well protected. I believe there are agents like CP9. It is still very simple to know where his resident is. You just need to do a little research.

The defense aunt's work is in full swing. Under his control, Dongri Kingdom has begun to expand its power. This country will be Vera's backup force and can expand Vera's power at any time.

"Boo-boo-boo! Boo-boo-boo!"

Liu Xu, who was enjoying the bright sunshine, was woken up by the phone bug and pressed the answer button impatiently.

"Who, don't you know that this young master is destroying bacteria?"

"Master, I was killed. There are two enemies, and they are not weak."

With a familiar voice, Liu Xu sat up with a "huh" and said, "You were fucked? Bastard, which bastard went there to make you feel uncomfortable? Tell me, this young master will fuck you back."

"Master, the attackers are Crocodile and Moonlight Moria, one of the King's Qiwuhai."

Huh?Is it these two people?Liu Xu wondered all of a sudden, how could it be them?

"Nami, change lanes!"

The fleet changed its course and rushed towards a certain place non-stop. Liu Xu felt a little anxious. What are these two idiots doing to provoke Doflamingo now?Don't you know that guy is already his subordinate?


That's right, the current Doflamingo is Liu Xu's subordinate, and all of this relies on the effect of the Heart Pill, which directly controls Doflamingo to become his loyal subordinate, including that Caesar.

One is a powerful strategist with great power and a powerful family, and the other is a genius scientist who is an essential genius for creating artificial devil fruits.

It would be a pity if such two powerful guys could not be controlled in their own hands.

Therefore, Liu Xu reluctantly used two Heart-Eating Pills to control these two people.

Gu can't control a strong man like Qiwuhai.

Just now, it was Doflamingo who received news that Crocodile and Moonlight Moria arrived in Dressrosa, and the two of them went to trouble him together.

People with shadow fruit and rustling fruit abilities are still very sure about thread fruit ability users like Doflamingo.

As for the cadres under Doflamingo, they were directly restrained by the people from Baroque Studio and Moonlight Moria's zombie army. The whole Dressrosa was already boiling, and the smell of war was everywhere.

Doflamingo, as the king of this kingdom and the king of Qiwuhai, his territory is still relatively broad, which makes Crocodile ambition.

When he heard that Moonlight Moria was here to trouble Doflamingo, he formed an alliance with him without saying a word, and he had agreed in advance that the territory was [-]-[-].

So there is the matter of Doflamingo asking for help now. No matter how good his strength is, there is still a lot of pressure to fight against two Qibukai at the same time.

Liu Xu's fleet quickly sensed that Dressrosa was attacked by artillery fire as soon as it landed, which made him immediately angry.

"Bastards, don't you know that this is this young master's warship?"

A roar rolled like thunder and spread far away at once, making the people of Baroque Studio and Zombie Legion feel a burst of familiarity and fear.

Thinking carefully about the voice and the words "Master Ben", I immediately remembered, damn it, it turned out to be that animal, oh my god, why did that animal appear?

As early as in Alabasta, Liu Xu taught the Baroque studio a very profound lesson, and when he was in the horror barque, Liu Xu also let the zombie army understand what annihilation is, which is completely crushing Strength, they have no possibility of fighting at all.

"Now, immediately, stop this young master immediately!"

Liu Xu yelled again. People from Baroque Studio and Zombie Legion couldn't calm down, and quickly stopped and gathered together. Damn, this guy is about to go crazy again, so stop quickly, or there will be no good results later .

These people stopped, but Doflamingo's subordinates disagreed. Why do you stop when you say stop?Do you think you are the young master, damn, keep doing it.

Thinking like this, these people resolutely attacked the zombie army and the people from the Baroque studio, but the other party was only passively defending, and had no intention of fighting them at all.

Liu Xu was pleased when he saw that those people had stopped fighting, but when he saw that these idiots under Doflamingo were still attacking, he immediately became angry, and the dark purple thundercloud instantly covered the entire island. It feels like the end of the world every minute.

"Get off the boat, whoever dares to do it will kill whoever!"

Liu Xu shouted coldly, and the fleet members disembarked immediately, and headed directly to Doflamingo's residence under his leadership.

The power of the heart network is unfolded, and with the help of this power, he can easily target those who are still fighting, directly control the lightning to attack from the sky, and turn these people's bodies into powder.


Chapter 2682 We are here to visit...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Tough, Liu Xu has always had a tough attitude since he came here. Anyone who doesn't obey his orders, whether it's Sand Crocodile, Moria, or Doflamingo, will do it. .

Originally, Doflamingo's people didn't understand what was going on, but they soon realized that the lightning in the sky seemed to be alive. As long as they started to attack, they would fall and strike the man to death, no matter what. Who is the other party, the unity is like this...

The strength of Xinwang has determined the location of the three Doflamingo. Now the battle between the three is not very exciting. On the contrary, it is a bit of a test. suspicion.

Liu Xu frowned. Madeline had also mentioned that the two came to the new world before, but she didn't say what their purpose of coming here was.

Sand Crocodile used to be a partner. During the first half of the great route, he provided some information about strong people, which gave him a lot of character. As for Moonlight Moria, although it is not a friendship, he has also done it. A deal.

Perhaps, now we can cooperate with these two people again. In this way, there are five people in Qiwuhai who have a good relationship with him, and there is only one Luo who has little relationship with him.

This is a very good power. With these five people, it is very simple to quickly expand the power in the new world. You don't have to attack each territory by yourself like now.

However, how would he know now that Moonlight Moria's coming here has something to do with him.

Doflamingo's residence, fighting against the two Shichibukai is a very troublesome thing, at least until now it is evenly matched, although no one has used the strongest power, but as long as time is long, he is likely to be unable to resist Go down, it will be sad then.

I became more and more anxious. Although Liu Xu had been notified before, who knows if I can catch up!

Fortunately, when the deep purple thundercloud appeared, he knew that Liu Xu had arrived, which surprised him a little.

But Crocodile and Moonlight Moria are a little confused, isn't this guy's power?What is he doing here?

Thunder and lightning raged in the sky, and Liu Xu led hundreds of people directly to the place where the three were fighting. At this moment, his residence was almost bombed and suffered heavy losses.

The first thing Liu Xu paid attention to was to look at the processing plant. Fortunately, the processing plant was not affected by the battle between the three of them, and it was intact. , there is no room for error.

"What are you two doing here? Don't you know that this is already the territory of this young master?"

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the processing plant, Liu Xu yelled at the two Shichibukai directly, making them stunned for a while.

The sand crocodile was puzzled with a cigar in its mouth. Is this Liu Xu's territory?Isn't this Doflamingo still here?How did it become his territory?Is this guy trying to take advantage of the fire?Well, this is very possible!

On the other hand, Moonlight Moria smiled strangely, and the strange body like a tumbler made people feel a little funny in addition to fear.

"General Liu Xu, are you also interested in this place? I have confirmed what you said, are you going to take credit with me now?"

Liu Xu used the fact that Doflamingo would kill him as a bargaining chip to get Brayton from him. Now that he has come here, he has confirmed that this matter is indeed as Liu Xu said. Doflamingo really wanted to kill him.

It's just that now he is under the control of Liu Xu, how could he kill Moria without Liu Xu's order?

"Hmph, this place is already my young master's territory early in the morning, are you planning to grab it?"

Ah, is that the case again?Moria and Sand Crocodile are getting entangled, especially Sand Crocodile, Doflamingo's territory is not small. If he can get half of it, he can gain a foothold in the New World. Now that Liu Xu comes out like this, it is to make him tangled The rhythm of death?He was a little upset about this.

But Brother Doflaming's actions made the two of them flustered, and he quickly walked to Liu Xu's side and bowed.



The two Qi Wuhai who were full of thoughts in their hearts were petrified in an instant, master?What is rhythm?Is Doflamingo crazy?He actually called Liu Xu his master, my God, what happened to this world?

Doflamingo's words had a great impact on the two of them, not only them, but also Columbia and others.

Liu Xu didn't tell them about this, and now it gave them quite a shock.

The person with the highest power among the Seven Martial Seas actually called Liu Xu the master?Is this the rhythm of committing crimes?

Liu Xu nodded slightly, and said, "There's nothing else for you now, just stay aside!"

Brother Doflaming didn't speak, and walked silently behind Liu Xu and stood there, as if he was a loyal servant.

"You, what's the matter with you?"

Crocodile, a conspirator, is also a little bit stuck. Doflamingo, the Qiwuhai, has recognized a master. How can this make them Qiwuhai feel embarrassed?

Liu Xu snorted again, and said, "Why, is it strange that my young master has so many servants? Now tell me, what do you all want to do here."

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