"Of course it's to find him to figure things out so that we can settle the account."

Moonlight Moriah's answer was very sad, with a deep embarrassment on his face. Now that Doflamingo has become his subordinate, can he still settle accounts with the other party?

The obvious answer is that it can't.

Don't talk about his status as a general, just talk about his strength, the rhythm of crushing them every minute.

Crocodile's expression changed a few times before he calmly said: "We are here to visit..."


Chapter 2683 Devil Fruit

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Visit your sister, ghosts will believe what you say."

Liu Xu couldn't help but spray, has anyone visited someone's place like this?Do you think this young master doesn't understand your situation?You greedy guy must be trying to take advantage.

"Anyway, Brother Doflaming is now my subordinate, and this place belongs to me. Don't have any illusions, just leave, and I will forgive the past."

The words are very righteous and awe-inspiring, without considering the feelings of the two people at all.

"Do you think we can back off so easily?"

Crocodile snorted coldly, but was upset by his attitude.

As he spoke, the power of the Shasha fruit was also mobilized, and a large amount of fine sand appeared around his body, ready to attack at any time.

Moonlight Moriah's eyes rolled around, and he didn't plan to do it directly!

Originally, he came to Doflamingo to confirm the matter. If the matter was true, he would definitely fight against the opponent and solve the opponent earlier.

But now that Liu Xu has come out, it means that the matter of Doflamingo will not be established, and he naturally has no intention of fighting anymore.

It's just that he is also an ambitious person, otherwise he would not have fought with Kaido, and finally left the new world in despair.

"Want to attack Aijia's man? That depends on whether Aijia agrees or not."

Empress Hancock stood up at the right time to express her attitude.

And Doflamingo looked at the two with cold eyes, the meaning was obvious, if you dare to move, you will be slaughtered immediately.

Columbia and the others also acted quickly, and the sniper rifle aimed directly at the opponent's head.

Yankeman's arms appeared magma. This scene changed the faces of the two people. It turned out to be the power of the magma fruit. Liu Xu had another general under his command.

The two Qi Wuhai stood on Liu Xu's side, together with his own strength and these subordinates, they completely occupied the commanding heights of strength and looked down on the two of them.

The disparity in strength was too great, Moonlight Moria looked at Crocodile and said: "There is no need to fight here, everything is just a misunderstanding, let's go!"

With that said, he walked away staggeringly.

And Crocodile gritted his teeth bitterly. Now he lost face, but he had no choice but to leave first and make plans later.

The departure of the two Shichibukai brought Dressrosa back to its former calm, and Liu Xu and others also stayed directly.

The arrival of the two made Liu Xu a little puzzled. Moonlight Moria is okay to talk about, but Crocodile is not so easy to talk about. Who knows what that guy means. A conspirator came here with another Shichibukai, The percent is for other purposes, probably related to himself.

"Doflamingo, how is the devil fruit production going?"

What Liu Xu is most concerned about is the number of devil fruits, which is an important weapon for him to equip the army of capable users, and it is also an important foundation for gaining a foothold in the new world.

"Master, a hundred pieces have been prepared, and there are devil fruits of various animal types."

Doflamingo, who is controlled by Heart Eater Pill, is the most loyal servant, and there is no possibility of betrayal.

It is not impossible to get out of the control of the heart-biting pill, and that is the antidote for Jin Glittering.

"One hundred? It's really... Devil Fruits are sold by the catty..." One hundred devil fruits of the animal type is already a very good figure, Liu Xu's eyes lit up, and said: "Hurry up and take me to see it, hurry up. "

Doflamingo nodded his head and led the way in front. Where can we see the arrogance of the past now?Even the cadres of the Doflamingo family who kept coming from behind were also very surprised. Why did the young master in their minds call him master?What the hell is going on here?

No one dared to step up to block or ask questions. In their minds, the young master will always be the young master. They can only do things for him obediently, without worrying about too many other things.

When I came to the processing factory, it was still the familiar environment. Caesar had returned to his own place to make the raw materials for Devil Fruits.

A hundred devil fruits were arranged neatly, each with a different shape and color. Liu Xu was full of joy when he saw it. His first thought was to take them all back to Vera and arrange some people to start training.

"Captain, when will so many devil fruits be used!"

Breton swallowed hard. Before Columbia got the devil fruit, his strength improved a lot, which made him have a strong interest in this kind of sea treasure. If it can provide him with strength, then he can also consider eating it. One, but I don't know if eating it will affect the current power.

Liu Xu chuckled, with a deep smile in his eyes, and said: "It will be used up soon, and these things will be sent to Vera, and some soldiers will be selected to start taking them. This young master wants to build an army of capable people. Kill everyone."


Now his words have shocked many people, Legion of the Powerful, do you old man think the Powerful is cabbage?Why are we so cruel to our fragile minds?

"Doflamingo, speed up and continue to produce in the shortest possible time."

After speaking, Liu Xu put away these devil fruits, ready to start his big plan.


After coming out of Dressrosa, Liu Xu breathed a sigh of relief. This time, the harvest was not bad. He solved the problems of the two Shichibukai and collected a lot of devil fruits along the way.

As for the problems of Doflamingo's subordinates, it is not something he needs to consider, and Doflamingo will handle them properly.

Continuing their voyage, Liu Xu and the others rested comfortably, and there will be more battles to come!

Things around the Eastern Sun Kingdom have been handled well, and the next thing to do is to wait for the opportunity and expand the strength again.

"General Liu Xu, news from the New World Navy Division."

Tina came over with a document.


Chapter 2684 Navy G5 Branch

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Naval Division?It seems that after coming here, I have never had any interaction with the navy here. What does this mean?

Liu Xu took the document full of doubts and looked at it. His brows were wrinkled when he saw it. The navy branch's appetite is too big. They are in such a hurry to kill the Whitebeard Pirates?

The news from the navy branch is very simple, that is, a request for cooperation to eliminate the Whitebeard Pirates, who is this instructed?Could it be the Smog guy who ordered it?

At this moment, Smog has been promoted to the middle, and has been dispatched to the New World branch to guard and capture pirates from all sides. If it is his request, it is very possible.

"Do you know the situation of the naval branch here?"

Tina nodded and explained the situation here.

The new world G5 branch, the base commander Vergo, the vice admiral, is called a gentleman-like navy, the strength is very good, and the weapon used is bamboo.

The brigadier general is a tyrannical navy who belongs to Vergo's subordinates.

Lieutenant General Smog and Da Zuo Da Siqi, both of whom came to the G5 branch later, don't know much about what they do.

Liu Xu nodded silently. There are only these people in the G5 branch. The request to attack the Whitebeard Pirates should have nothing to do with Smoker.

It is absolutely impossible for Virgo to ask Liu Xu to act with him. The basic principle of the pirates in the new world is to catch them as soon as they come across them. Of course, he will not deliberately go out to find pirates.

As for the brigadier general, let alone overdoing it, he is just an arrogant and unreasonable guy. How could he have come up with such a plan?

Taken together, it should be Smoker's request.So, should I agree to his request?Killing the Whitebeard Pirates is something that must be done, but does it need to be so fast?Also, is it possible to use this event to make some articles?

"Let's go to the G5 branch and see what that fellow Smoker can say."

Liu Xu put away the files with an inexplicable smile on his lips.

When the order was issued, Nami quickly turned the ship's bow and headed for the G5 branch. The location of the G5 branch was awkward and surrounded by the power of the four emperors. If you wanted to pass, you had to pass through the territory of a certain four emperors. This is for the navy. is a very dangerous thing.

After rushing all night, they soon came to the G5 branch. From a distance, they could see the huge naval base and those naval soldiers with a strong aura.

In the G5 branch, Liu Xu and others have already come to Smoker’s office with the navy soldiers. The office dedicated to him is very spacious, but now there are some more people. Si Qi three people.

The arrival of the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters here is a very important matter for the entire branch, and naturally it should not be sloppy.

"General Liu Xu, welcome to the G5 branch."

Virgo saluted. He was a gentleman, humble, and his words were full of politeness.

Liu Xu, who knew his details, did not expose him, and it seems that it is not easy to expose him now, but the matter of child abduction is a bit serious!

Once things are exposed, it is easy to put this branch into a situation where there is no redemption.

"Liu Xu, you have reached the position of general in just over three years. Did you rely on nepotism?"

Smoker's tone on the side was a bit sour. Although he didn't care much about his military rank, he was a little upset no matter how he thought about being crushed on his head by a younger and more handsome guy!

Liu Xu rolled his eyes fiercely, and said with disdain: "Smog, you are not really so stupid to think that my young master needs to rely on nepotism? Hmph, don't you look at what I have done in the first half of the entire great route Look, and the war with Whitebeard, apart from fighting against one or two captains, you didn't see you kill a single person!"

Naked contempt, Smoker has nothing to say all of a sudden, when did this brat become like this?

In other words, it seems that he did not kill anyone during the battle on the top.

Thinking of this, Smoker's heart felt cold, this bastard was exposing his sore spots!

"I'm too lazy to tell you."

Smoker, who was suppressed, said something harshly, but it is unknown what he was thinking in his heart.

Virgo and Guotou glanced at Liu Xu and the others. Neither of them participated in the top battle, but they knew the situation there quite well, so they naturally understood Liu Xu's current status and strength. How horrible.

Liu Xu laughed, and said, "Smog, now tell me the reason why you asked me to come here. I don't think it's as simple as asking me to chat with you to relieve boredom, right?"

Smoker grinned with a cigar in his mouth, and the joke just now disappeared with the wind.

"Of course, the power of the Whitebeard Pirates has been compressed to the extreme. Among the Four Emperors, Big Mom and Beast Kaido have already started attacking Whitebeard's territory. Moreover, there are still many big pirates in the New World who have also attacked , the Whitebeard Pirates are now on the verge of collapse, without the Four Emperors in charge, the Whitebeard Pirates are easily defeated. Now the red-haired Shanks is fighting to stabilize the Whitebeard Pirates' territory, but it doesn't help .”

The red-haired Shanks once prevented Liu Xu from fighting with Big Mom. In his words, it was for the sake of order. For the order of the new world, at least Liu Xu and Big Mom could not be allowed to fight in a short period of time and disrupt the new world. order.

What he said in a short period of time was very interesting, and Liu Xu understood the key point after thinking about it.

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