Everything is still for the status of the Whitebeard Pirates. From the overall situation, once the Four Emperors are lost, the power of the entire new world will be much weaker, which is not good for the pirates.

Now that Whitebeard is dead, the red-haired Shanks must try to stabilize the Whitebeard Pirates. After all, there are still many strong people there. If one is not handled well, the whole New World may riot. Anyone can be affected.


Chapter 2685 Completely wipe out the Whitebeard Pirates

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Therefore, his idea is good, and it is indeed very necessary to stabilize the order.

But Smoker, the White Hunter, wants to attack the Whitebeard Pirates at this time, and completely end this powerful pirate group that has been rampant in the sea for countless years. But if this happens, won't the new world be completely chaotic?

No, absolutely not messy!

Liu Xu's eyes sparkled, and there was a bright smile on his face.

"Smog, you are very thoughtful! If the G5 branch can kill the entire Whitebeard Pirates, then the G5 branch can delineate that the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates belongs to the navy, and directly give the pirates psychological support. A deterrent. Tsk tsk, when did you learn this?"

Smaller despised him and said softly: "General Kuzan taught this strategy he gave."


Liu Xu sprayed decisively, General Kuzan?Isn't that the young guy?Why did that guy teach Smoker these things!Look, how many stupid children are taught to become treacherous guys, this is the rhythm of death.

"Ahem, I'm losing. I didn't expect that the most hidden person was Qingzhi, a lazy guy. His hidden wisdom is too cruel."

Smoker was speechless for a long time, what is this all about!

Even Virgo and Overhead didn't dare to show their arrogance. A general and lieutenant general joked about these things. It seemed that they didn't have time to intervene at all!

"So, what are you going to do?"

After laughing, the smile on Liu Xu's face disappeared and was replaced by seriousness.

Against the Whitebeard Pirates, we must stand firm.

Smoker also had a serious face, and said: "I think we can attack those captains first, completely disintegrate their reserve forces, and finally clean up the entire pirate group."

However, Liu Xu directly refused, saying: "No, you go and disintegrate their reserve forces. I will lead people to attack directly. The best choice is to attack left and right, so that they have no time to support."

If you want to do it, you must do your best. Anyway, you are an enemy, so you should find a chance to kill it, and you must not let the tiger make trouble.

It's just that Ace's affairs are a little troublesome. If he is killed, Garp will probably go crazy.

Hey, what a troublesome unlucky boy.

"Smog, let's settle things like this, you can send people to act now."

Smog's face was happy, this is the best thing, and he left without saying a word, and started to prepare with people.

And Liu Xu stared at Virgo who hadn't left yet, and said, "You, stay."

Virgo frowned when he heard Liu Xu's words. He didn't know Liu Xu's current identity, so he was naturally a little worried.

"General Liu Xu, you are..."

Virgo asked softly, still maintaining a gentleman's demeanor, and everyone wanted to praise him angrily.

Liu didn't talk nonsense with him, and said directly: "In the future, things like child abduction can stop. This is a message to help Doflamingo. You don't need to know so much, and you can do what you, a vice admiral, should do with peace of mind. That's it."

Virgo's eyes trembled, and he exclaimed, "What, you?"

Few people know that he came to the Navy as an undercover agent. Even Doflamingo will contact him when necessary. After more than ten years, I am afraid that even some members of the Doflamingo family may Already forgot about him.

Now, how did this Liu Xu know?

Liu Xu stared into his eyes and said, "Don't be surprised, you just need to know that the abduction of children can be stopped from now on. If you can't do it, then the young master can only wipe you out, understand?"

Murderous aura was faintly revealed from his body, and Vergo's face changed and he nodded again and again.


After speaking, he backed out.

At this moment, Virgo was very disturbed, and Liu Xu's words shocked him too much. There must be something strange in it, and he needs to go back and check immediately.

The faces of Columbia and others who had not spoken from the beginning to the end were much more relaxed. When Liu Xu was speaking, they consciously did not interrupt. This was also to maintain the dignity and status of the captain.

If they kept jumping out to talk on some occasions, it would be easy for people to think that Liu Xu's leadership ability was completely incompetent, and he couldn't even control his subordinates.

Therefore, they are naturally very conscious, and they only think about some things in their hearts.

"Mr. Captain, Virgo abducted children?"

Columbia's face was a little ugly, perhaps because he thought of his sister, which gave him a murderous look.

Liu Xu nodded and said, "That's right. Before, he abducted many children and handed them over to Doflamingo and others for experiments. He said to the outside world that it was a shipwreck or something. He has harmed many people over the years!"

"I'm going to kill him."

With the unstoppable murderous appearance, Columbia clenched his fists tightly, and the face of his former sister kept echoing in his mind.

Liu Xu slapped his forehead, the sniper was about to get nervous and had to be suppressed.

"Sniper, calm down. That's what happened in the past. He was an undercover agent sent by Doflamingo. Now Doflamingo has been controlled by me, you, understand?"

With a light drink, the angry Columbia calmed down suddenly, his fists gradually relaxed, and the others shook their heads.

Perhaps the one who has a deep feeling about these things is the empress. She was once sold as a slave, so she can naturally understand what that feeling is.

However, now that she is Liu Xu's woman, everything must naturally center on Liu Xu.

Things settled down, Liu Xu didn't stay here anymore, and led the team to leave the G5 branch quickly, and started preparing to attack the Whitebeard Pirates instead.

One of the characteristics of the Whitebeard Pirates is unity, perhaps because they all have one thing in common, that is, they are abandoned by the world and not recognized by others.

Under this common ground, coupled with the personal charm of White Beard, so they gather together, and the friendship between them is naturally very deep.

It would take a huge amount of slaves to completely wipe out such a pirate group, Liu Xu quickly thought about the countermeasures.


Chapter 2686 Tianlong people are frightened

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Cake Island, here is the residence of one of the Four Emperors, and it is also a very dangerous place in the new world, because of the greed, greed and cruelty of the aunt.

What exactly is her Devil Fruit ability is still unclear, only that her saliva can corrode the earth, and judging from the fact that she devoured the crew, this may allow her to maintain her energy or improve her strength.

In general, this is a very mysterious Four Emperors, a Four Emperor whose strength is difficult to determine, just like the beast Kaido.

Among the Four Emperors, the only people who can see the power more intuitively are Whitebeard and Shanks. The two of them stabbed the sky and tore apart the sky. From this, we can see the power of the red-haired Shanks. Will be weaker than Whitebeard.

Being scared away by the giant Neptunes with a height of [-] meters, there is still a deep shadow in the aunt's heart, and Liu Xu's Liangzi has already been formed, and that is definitely an endless ending.

But judging from the things about the sea kings, she also understood one thing, that is, the power of the sea king Poseidon is really terrifying.

The sea kings are definitely related to ancient weapons. It is rumored that the ancient weapons can summon the sea kings to participate in the battle. The giant sea kings with a size of [-] meters have appeared. How many forces in this world can compete with them?

Needless to say, if there are a few sea kings of such a huge size, they only need to push the waves to drown the pirate ship.

And if such a huge Neptune hits the island, it will fly the island every minute.

For example, her Cake Island would definitely not be able to withstand the impact of such a huge Neptune.

The aunt who understands the key point is even more determined to seize the ancient weapon. It must be in her own hands, and she must not let others get it.

As long as he got this ancient weapon, all the desserts in the new world would be his own.

"Charlotte Lingling, what do you think of our cooperation?"

In front of the aunt is a man of about two meters, dressed in gorgeous clothes. When facing the aunt, one of the four emperors, he did not show any fear. Instead, he was confident, proud, and condescending.

"Hahaha, Tianlong people actually came to cooperate with my old lady. What is your purpose? Tell me!"

Charlotte Lingling sarcastically, the pirates around looked at this man cautiously, this guy is not simple!

You can tell by looking at the subordinates behind them, they are absolutely high and powerful.

"It's very simple, Liu Xu!"

Charlotte Lingling sarcastically, the pirates around looked at this man cautiously, this guy is not simple, as you can see from the subordinates behind him, he is absolutely high and powerful.

"It's very simple, Liu Xu!"

The words of the Tianlongren were simple and rude, and their purpose was for Liu Xu, the man who made the Tianlongren stir up trouble.

The aunt was stunned, and then burst out laughing, staring at the Tianlongren in front of her with bloodshot eyes.

"Are you going to deal with Liu Xu? Just kidding, my mother and him are brothers, what ability do you have to fight against them? Tianlong people, hum!"

In her impression, it seems that these Tianlong people are almost like this, want to cooperate with her?That's not an easy task.

That day, the dragon man's face changed, and he was already cursing in his heart. He dared to insult the noble Tianlong man. If it was before, he would have directly asked the general to crusade, but not now. Liu Xu's power is too strong for them to bear.

Moreover, what happened recently in the Holy Land Marijoya shocked all the Tianlongren families. The Madeline family subdued four Tianlongren families, and it was a very powerful method.

After some research and investigation, they finally found out the problem. In the new world, those Tianlong families who were subdued all have one thing in common, that is, their power in the new world was removed, and the people who removed this power It was Liu Xu.

Surprised, a young man who has debuted for more than three years can do such a thing, these Tianlong people feel a bit absurd.

The descendants of the [-] kings who created the world government, besides Alabasta, there is another one is Don Quixote, and now this Don Quixote family has been secretly controlled by Liu Xu, so, strictly speaking, there are five Three families were taken down by Liu Xu, and now there are only thirteen families left in the Holy Land Maliqiaoya.

The Tianlongren began to panic, Liu Xu and Madeline were like bulldozers, constantly squeezing the strength of the Tianlongren family, and finally finished subduing them.

If this trend continues, I am afraid that it will not be long before all the Tianlong family will be controlled by Liu Xu.

Who is Liu Xu?He is the patriarch of the Madeline family in the future, and the only master of the Madeline family. Even Madeline, Her Majesty the Queen, can only submit to Liu Xu. Everyone knows this very well.

Cooperation is the best opportunity for them so far. What will happen if the thirteen Tianlong families cooperate?That is naturally extremely terrifying.

However, in the area of ​​New World, due to their previous development, there was no way for them to gather them all at once, so the Four Emperors became the first choice at this time.

It's just that these four emperors seem to be all arrogant guys, and it's really a bit troublesome to cooperate with them.

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