Breath, a bitter breath came from Tianlongren's body, the entire huge dark room was filled with oppressive atmosphere, a whirlwind was constantly spinning around Tianlongren, visible to the naked eye, very fierce.

The messy and irritable aura swept across everyone present, making people feel the fierceness of the cyclone, which is definitely a force that can make people tremble.

The faces of the pirates changed suddenly. Is this guy going to fight here?It seems that this is not an easy bone to gnaw off!

Big Mom looked at the Tianlongren who was much shorter than her with bloodshot eyes, and finally laughed.


Chapter 2687 Simple and rude cooperation

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Not bad, not bad, with such strength, I am indeed qualified to cooperate with my mother. So, how many strong people like you are there among the Tianlong people?"

The power of the Tianlong people gave the aunt a big surprise. Although it can't be compared with hers, it is still very powerful and will not be weak.

Hearing this, the Tianlongren just said plainly: "I'm just an ordinary elder of the Tianlongren family, how many elders are there, how about it?" As he said that, his aura gradually disappeared, and his goal had been achieved...

Aunt opened her mouth and laughed. It would be nice to have such a partner. Although the other party is a Tianlong person that many people hate, but as long as they have the strength, they can cooperate in any way they want.

Strong people who have reached their level are more open-minded in many things, and will not understand some things one-sidedly.

For example, many people now say how incompetent the Tianlong people are, and how disgusting the Tianlong people are.

but?An elder of the Tianlongren family already possesses considerable power, so can it still be said that the Tianlongren are incompetent?

Since it exists, it makes sense.

If the Celestial Dragons were really so incompetent, so weak, and so frightening, they would have been killed by the world government long ago. How could it be possible for them to exist for hundreds of years without being wiped out a single family?It can be analyzed from these things that Tianlong people are definitely not such simple guys.

"How are you going to cooperate?"

The aunt asked, the way of cooperation is still very important.

Unexpectedly, that day the dragon man said directly: "Don't care about the way of cooperation, what we advocate is strength, as long as you have the strength to kill him. You send strong people to help, and we also send strong people. Just besiege and destroy him." .As for the territory and wealth left after he was destroyed, it belongs to you, and we can just keep the original territory."

Huh?This seems to be a very cost-effective cooperation!

Moreover, simple and rude.

It feels a bit like organizing a group to kill someone, and after the killing, brother gently waved his sleeves without taking away a cloud.

This is a completely beneficial cooperation for Big Mom, she just needs to provide some strong people to help.

Of course, another point can also be seen, that is, the Tianlong people are too rich, so rich that they can directly ignore the places captured by Liu Xu.

"No problem, we are already partners." The aunt grinned, "Lu Qi, I leave it to you to follow Liu Xu."

Lu Qi came out from one side, bowed and left resolutely, without looking at the dragon man from the beginning to the end.

The cooperation between Big Mom and Tianlong people brought some unstable factors to the world again, and then a more shocking news came out, the Zhenzhen Fruit, the devil fruit once owned by Whitebeard appeared.

The power that Whitebeard once used made the whole world tremble, and that kind of power that destroys heaven and earth is still unforgettable to this day.

But now, this fruit appeared in the sphere of influence of the aunt, which made countless pirates feel desperate. Didn't God give them a chance?In Big Mom's territory, who would dare to provoke her?Who dares to seize it?

But some people dared to do this. Liu Xu, who originally planned to attack the Whitebeard Pirates, decisively chose to change his course after the news of Zhenzhen Fruit came out.

This fruit is too powerful. If the aunt got it, I am afraid that her subordinates will soon cultivate a super strong man, which is definitely not good for him.

Now regardless of whether the red hair will come out to stop it on the grounds of the new world order, Liu Xu will go there resolutely. As for whether it is a trap or something, it is completely ignored.

One after another, people in the new world feel that their brains are not enough, why are there so many things happening in this period of time, so many that they can't react at all.

The island near Cake Island, Liu Xu's fleet has already appeared here. According to the news from the intelligence, the Zhenzhen Fruit should appear on this island. As for where it will be on this island, you need to be careful. look for it.

"Everyone, get ready to start searching. If there is anything, please call me. If you come across someone from the Big Mom Pirates, be sure to notify me."

Liu Xu was also cautious. If it wasn't for the Zhenzhen Fruit, he probably wouldn't be here now. Fighting Big Mom prematurely is definitely not a good thing.


Hundreds of people responded loudly, and then everyone disembarked and entered the island that seemed to have never been set before.

The entire island remains in its original state, with dense forests, and even the roads are very small. At a glance, you can see that this is an ancient island, and few people set foot here.

Liu Xu is in a group with Hancock and Robin, and he is absolutely worried about acting alone here.

"Liu Xu, could this be a conspiracy?"

Hancock looked worried, and if this was a conspiracy, it would be horrific.

Liu Xu thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Probably not, who would be so boring to spread the news of the Zhenzhen Fruit? It should be true."

He has a lot of enemies, but now there should be not many enemies who will spread the news. After all, if there is a shock fruit, you only need to investigate it.

The Empress sighed faintly, things were still too confusing, she intuitively told her that there must be something strange, but she didn't figure out the key.

Finding a Devil Fruit on a primitive island is a very sad thing. There is no road, so you can only cultivate it yourself. When you encounter obstacles, you can only forcibly break through.

The search this time is destined to be regrettable. After searching for two days and three nights, he finally failed to find the existence of the Zhenzhen Fruit, which made Liu Xu a little discouraged. Could it be that the Zhenzhen Fruit has already been obtained?

"Go back. If you can't find it, you can only forget it. Now this fruit is likely to have fallen into the hands of the aunt."

Liu Xu looked up to the sky at a forty-five degree angle and sighed, he was almost messed up in the wind.

It was very sad, and everyone who didn't find the Devil Fruit went to the beach.


Chapter 2688 ruin you

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Liu Xu, maybe this is really a conspiracy, could it be the conspiracy of aunt?"

Empress Hancock insisted on her thoughts, and this insistence also shook Liu Xu's heart a little. Could it be that there are really some strong people who have nothing to do with these little tricks?

Generally speaking, strong men who have reached the realm of the Four Emperors rarely use these deceptive methods, unless it is a very special thing.

And how special this matter is, it is very difficult to say.

"Maybe it's really a bit strange!"

As soon as Liu Xu's complexion changed, the power of Xinwang unfolded instantly, and this expansion made his complexion change even more violently.


With a soft drink, Liu Xu instantly sped up and headed towards the beach. Hancock and the others instinctively felt that something must have happened, so they also sped up their pace.


On the beach, hundreds of navy soldiers and daughter country soldiers confronted the pirates and samurai in front of them.

"Charlotte, I didn't expect you to actually use such a heart-to-heart method."

Liu Xu's face was dark. Damn, it's really a trap spread by this guy, aunt. It seems that I thought wrong before. This guy is also doing anything for revenge.

Big Mom was standing on her pirate ship. Next to her pirate ship were several battleships that were firmly controlled by iron chains. They were the battleships of Liu Xu and others.

"Liu Xu, as long as you can kill you and wash away the shame, it's okay to use some tricks. My mother has cooperated with these people now, and you can't run away today."

The aunt's words were very arrogant. This time, she brought Baron Dandan and Leo Man, as well as those who cooperated, in order to destroy the enemy in front of her.

Liu Xu's eyes swept over those people, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Strong, these few are definitely strong, and they are also Tianlong people, but why haven't they heard of it before?

"It turned out to be a Celestial Dragon, Charlotte, have you fallen to the point where you need to cooperate with a Celestial Dragon? Forget it, I'll kill you today."

With a harsh sarcasm, Liu Xu resolutely pulled out the thunder knife regardless of the pirates whose faces changed suddenly, and rushed towards the aunt with one foot, and a deep purple knife light blasted out instantly.

Seeing this, the others immediately launched an attack. This time, it was a trap, a trap laid by one of the four emperors.

"Captive Arrow!"

As soon as Hancock made his shot, he launched a large-scale group attack. The pink arrows passed through the enemy's body and instantly turned them into stone.

"Lanjiao. Bailian!"

Not to be outdone, Nami jumped up, and countless crescent-shaped white slashes fell.

The dark purple sword light fell from the air and slammed directly into Auntie's pirate ship, the speed was astounding.

However, Auntie's reaction speed was not slow. I saw a burst of acid sprayed out of her mouth and directly hit the dark purple sword light, and a pungent smell spread, making people sick.

Under the action of this acid liquid, the dark purple sword awn gradually shrank, and finally disappeared completely. It can be seen how powerful the acid is corrosive, and even the sword awn can be corroded, which is indeed fierce.

"court death!"

The aunt snorted coldly, and pressed her hands forward suddenly, countless green gas flew out of her hands, covering the entire beach in an instant.


The beach covered with green gas is like a purgatory on earth, and the soldiers screamed in agony. Even the pirates on the beach did not care about their lives at all.

Liu Xu's face changed, and he quickly mobilized the power of thunder and lightning, and countless deep purple arcs appeared around his body, flooding the beach and driving away the green gas.However, this seems to be a bit of a feeling.

Liu Xu's rescue action gave Big Mom an opportunity, she jumped off the pirate ship and landed on the beach. The beach trembled violently in an instant, and at the same time, a more terrifying green gas appeared on the entire beach, blowing towards the forest in the distance. continue to extend past.

Where the green gas passed, the trees began to wither, as if they had been corroded, which was creepy.

"Bastard, this ugly woman wants to kill everyone."

Liu Xu couldn't help but yell, this thing doesn't fit the plot a bit!

It is too inconsistent with the rules of combat to directly attack these soldiers so quickly.

"Everyone back away and hide in the forest."

Hearing this, the soldiers quickly retreated and ran directly into the forest to avoid the attack of the green gas.

"Shen Lei Hell!"

With one slash, Liu Xu fully exerted the power of Shen Lei's Hell, and with the power of rotation, eight dark purple sword lights flew out, and bombarded the aunt who was still releasing green gas.

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