
The aunt ignored the flying sword lights, but yelled at her subordinates. Immediately, Baron Eggy and others quickly chased them and entered the forest directly.

But on the boat, the few Tianlong people hadn't made a move yet, they just looked at Liu Xu coldly. In their minds, Liu Xu would definitely die today, and no one could save him.

Charlotte Lingling's fighting power should be lower than that of White Beard, but she didn't worry too much about the eight sword qi, only to see that her body quickly turned into pitch black, and she turned out to be armed and domineering.

"Bang bang bang!"

Eight sword beams landed directly on her body, and a muffled sound came, Charlotte Lingling's body retreated again and again, and the dark body was not hurt except for a little white scratch.

"Huh? The strength is still good. However, I must kill you today, and dare to set this young master up. It is unforgivable."

Liu Xu became murderous. Anyway, he had already killed one of the four emperors, so let's kill another one now. As for the positions of those four emperors, don't worry too much, someone will replace them.

With such determination, and looking at the green gas released by the aunt, an idea appeared in Liu Xu's mind, a quick solution.

Turning his gaze to Auntie, Liu Xu sneered and said, "Auntie, this is the blow that ruined Whitebeard, so I will give it to you now!"


Chapter 2689 Three Kings Become Two Kings

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The sky was covered with thunderclouds, and lightning rained like rain.

Holding the handle of the knife with both hands, with the tip of the knife facing down, all kinds of energy on the body gathered at this time, and a dazzling white light burst out from Liu Xu's body, illuminating the entire beach, and the beach seemed to be bathed in white light .

Countless thunderballs gradually radiated from the tip of the knife. These thunderballs floated gently in the air, emitting electric light.

Thousands of thunderballs circled and flew towards the aunt. The thunderballs were agile and elegant, like wind spirits.

Gorgeous, this attack is very gorgeous, so gorgeous that people can't help themselves.

He once relied on this move to kill Whitebeard, and even completely shattered Whitebeard's powerful body.

Now using Charlotte Lingling, the weakest Four Emperors in Liu Xu's mind, what will be the ending?

Auntie's face turned ugly when she heard what Liu Xu said, was it a blow to ruin Whitebeard?

Bastard, I will let you know what the Four Emperors are. Don't think that if you kill Whitebeard by chance, your strength will be comparable to that of Whitebeard.

"It's not right."

The few Tianlong people on that boat looked solemn. They had seen such an attack in the screen broadcast by the video phone bug. It was not ordinary tough.

"Dong dong!"

A few abnormal noises came, Liu Xu turned his gaze, but saw several Tianlong people had jumped into the sea and dived to the bottom of the sea.

"Heaven strikes thunder and slays the real dragon!"

Countless thunderballs flew towards aunt, tens of thousands of thunderballs put a lot of pressure on auntie, her armed body hardened and domineering, and she repeatedly slapped her palms, but how could she catch the trajectory of the thunderball with her speed? ?

Under the speed of light, the thunderball hit her body almost instantly. How could she be able to resist such a tyrannical attack that even Whitebeard couldn't resist?


The thunder ball passed through her body, just like when Whitebeard did, countless thunder balls quickly crushed her, the speed was unbelievable.

How could the aunt who was still alive and kicking just now be killed in one move?It's not scientific, it's so unscientific.


Simple, fast, and the battle with the aunt took less than ten minutes to completely smash the opponent's life. Could it be that Liu Xu's strength is already so strong?

Surprised, is the fighting power of one of the Four Emperors so weak?Is Liu Xu, admiral of the navy headquarters, so powerful in battle?

In fact, this matter is easy to explain. A powerful move such as Thunder from the Sky and Tu Zhenlong is already at the level against the sky, and the aunt doesn't know what kind of power Liu Xu's move possesses. Under these various factors, Tian Da Lei Slashing Tu Zhen Long played the best role, easily piercing through the opponent's body.

If the aunt did not choose to resist but choose to avoid, then she might not have such a sad situation and be directly crushed.

Just like, just because you can avoid nuclear weapons doesn't mean you can resist nuclear weapons, that's the reason.

As for Liu Xu's strength, being able to kill Whitebeard has already proved his strength. It is definitely one of the top existences in the world, at least comparable to Whitebeard.

That is to say, if he is among the Four Emperors, Liu Xu is also a sturdy existence.

Furthermore, Big Mom is the one with the worst fighting power among the Four Emperors. If Kaido of the Beasts were to destroy her, it would be a matter of minutes, and it would not take too much effort at all. huge gap.

Using a conspiracy to lure him here, and already cooperating with the Tianlong people to ambush, this incident has made Liu Xu murderous. This guy has no possibility of keeping her. Killing her directly is the best choice, and using force Killing Charlotte Lingling has another advantage, that is, to declare her territory to be her own. In the future, she can directly compete with the red hair or even Kaido. It is possible for the three to carve up the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates. things.

The other pirates on the beach were dumbfounded. They already felt something was wrong when Liu Xu used the gorgeous sky and thunder to strike Tu Zhenlong. The sky is falling, and after Big Mom was dismembered, these pirates have already collapsed.

Their leader is dead!

Three emperors become double kings!

"Scumbags, it's time to take care of you now."

Liu Xu's eyes turned to these pirates, and without a word, he used a few tricks of spring thunder to kill them, directly killed these pirates on the beach, and then quickly entered the forest.

After Liu Xu entered the forest, those Tianlong people emerged from the water and looked at each other. This was beyond their expectation.

The aunt who was originally thought to be their powerful help was now killed so easily by Liu Xu. This matter has gone out of the script, leaving them at a loss as to how to proceed.

In the end, an older one said: "Go back first and report what happened here to the Patriarch."

Several other people also quickly slipped away. This incident was so weird that they thought they were dreaming.

In the forest, Liu Xu's soldiers, Hancock and others all entered. Behind them were the Baron Eggy, the Lion Man and countless members of the pirates who came to pursue them.

What a pleasure to chase after the Navy in this way!

However, the green gas permeating around here also caused them a lot of trouble. If these powerful acids that can dissolve human bodies stay in it for a long time, they will easily corrode their bodies.

Suddenly, the green gas gradually disappeared, and the people who were fleeing to the interior of the forest suddenly stopped. What's going on?

"Sister Hancock, what's the matter?" Nami asked in a low voice.

This situation confused her as a navigator. Could it be that the enemy is playing some tricks?


Chapter 2690 You all stay!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Hancock looked around, and then looked at the members of Big Mom's pirates who had already chased him, finally shook his head, and said, "I don't know, it should be that Big Mom didn't use any other methods, everyone be careful."

"Hmph, mom's strength is not something you can compete with, even Liu Xu."

Baron Dandan seemed to be swearing, maybe in his mind, Liu Xu was able to kill Whitebeard, it was just his luck.

After all, it is war, who can prove how many people attacked Whitebeard before fighting him?

If it's a dying white beard, it's useless!

"Captive Arrow!"

Hancock didn't bother to talk to these men, and when he made a move, he attacked in a large area, and countless pink arrows flew out. As she adjusted her direction, more arrows swept across the pirates in front.

Captive's Arrow does not need to have love, even inanimate objects can be petrified.

The pirates in the front are the best examples. Bewildered by Hancock's beauty, they didn't react immediately. They were directly petrified by the power of the sweet fruit and became statues.

The pirates in the back are relatively better, with the ghosts in front of them, they escaped.

"Magma. Riot!"

Yankeman's magma fruit ability also began to show, and he pressed his hands on the ground, and the ground began to tremble violently.

Boulders of magma suddenly flew out of the land below those pirates, and directly bounced these pirates away, with a diameter of about half a narrow distance. Although the size is smaller, it is better than the large number.

"Little brother, you played well!"

Breton slapped the opponent's shoulder hard, grinning his teeth in pain.

Afterwards, Brayton's laser cannon also began to exert its power, and directly bombarded the pirates.

Those soldiers raised their guns and kept shooting.

Pirates who can become the subordinates of the Four Emperors are naturally not so weak. After a little confusion, they quickly maintained their formation, relying on the terrain of the forest to defend and counterattack.

However, the battle had just started, and Liu Xu's voice had already been heard.

"Everyone's interest is really good, my young master is also coming to participate, although I just killed that disgusting woman Sherlock."

The sound is not heavy, but it can reach everyone's ears, making everyone forget about attack and defense and stay in place.

Killed auntie?Um, what the hell is going on here?Shouldn't it be a battle that took more than a few days and nights?How did it happen all of a sudden?

In everyone's astonishment, Liu Xu quickly appeared in front of Hancock.

Slaughtering Big Mom, one of the Four Emperors, is a huge blow to the entire pirate group. Liu Xu's appearance has completely explained the problem, making Baron Dandan and others feel what it means to be afraid.

Lu Qi and the others were right behind Baron Dandan, and they knew something was wrong when they heard Liu Xu's words. Liu Xu would not lie about this kind of thing, because the lie would be exposed in an instant.

So, what should they do now?

With an icy face, Lu Qi turned his head and whispered to several of his subordinates: "Wait for the battle to start, and flee immediately."

All CP9 members nodded slightly, and ran away again!

It doesn't make much sense to them, since agents have to endure things that ordinary people can't tolerate.

Now, completely stress-free.

Working under the aunt's hands is a daily fear, especially when they see her devouring the crew, it makes them even more terrified.

"I will resolve the battle here soon. This time, you don't need to take action."

Liu Xu spoke softly to Hancock, almost giving himself a [-]% credit for his gentle tone.

Hancock's eyes were obsessed, and the riot was blank, he only knew how to nod in response.

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