Nami and the others broke out in cold sweat, sister Hancock was still so weird, and Liu Xu settled it with just one word.

Turning around, Liu Xu faced the strong men of the Big Mom Pirates, the lion man, the three-eyed woman, the Baron Eggy, and the members of CP9. These are all the strong men in the Big Mom Pirates.

"You all stay!"

Today, they are destined to deeply experience the breath of death.

The sky darkened in an instant, and Liu Xu's whole body was filled with deep purple arcs. Riotous electrons were scurrying around in the air, and his eyes glowed with strange lightning.

Hancock and the others had retreated to the rear, and the moment Liu Xu arrived, the fighting had stopped.

Baron Dandan took a few steps back, but Liu Xu glanced at him. A fear from the depths of his soul made him back a few steps involuntarily, and bumped into the pirate behind him.

"Everyone, come on!"

Baron Eggy came back to his senses and quickly let the pirates attack. Hundreds of pirates rushed out at once. Their choice between life and death was very simple, breaking the shroud of death and fleeing.

Liu Xu stood where he was, ignoring these pirates who were like tigers coming out of their cages, and murmured in a low voice: "Weak people are weak after all. Since you have become a pirate, you must be enlightened."

As soon as the voice fell, the thundercloud covering the entire island suddenly dropped the thunderbolt with its thick arm, directly hitting the front pirate.

"Well, it's scary."

The lion man stopped in time and was not hit, but the pirates in front of him were not so lucky. The super high temperature and penetrating power of the lightning directly turned their bodies into powder and scattered in the air.

Baron Eggy jumped up immediately when he saw this, passed through the pirates in front when the first wave of lightning attack stopped, and appeared in front of Liu Xu in the blink of an eye.

With a kick that fell like a whip, he of the Shenwei Long-legged Clan still has an advantage in this respect, and he can easily launch a melee attack within a certain distance, but the opponent cannot attack him.

Liu Xu raised his left arm to block the opponent's kick. Baron Eggy instantly lost his strength and retracted his foot. Then he moved out with both hands and feet, attacking Liu Xu continuously like cannonballs.


Chapter 2691 bigmom pirate group, destroy

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


How could the speed of light be hit by him?

Liu Xu completely avoided the opponent's attack by shaking his body slightly, and the opponent's attack had no effect at all.

However, this kind of continuous attack also gave the pirates behind a chance to charge up directly, and several strong men surrounded Liu Xu in the middle.

The lion male Pokmus is good at using armed domineering, and now he is naturally using his strength, his fists are covered with armed domineering, and he keeps hitting Liu Xu one after another.

The bounty of [-] million Baileys can prove that his strength is not weak. The aunt is lucky to be able to collect such subordinates, but it is a pity that such a combat power is not enough for Liu Xu What a difference.

When Liu Xu dodged Baron Eggy's attack, he felt the strong wind coming from behind him, and he immediately understood that he was going to be surrounded and beaten!

But is it useful?

"[-] million volts. Thunder God of the End Times!"

Liu Xu yelled, and countless electric arcs flew out of his body, illuminating the entire forest in an instant, and his body quickly rose up, turning into a deep purple angry thunder god [-] meters high, suspended in the air, watching with his eyes For the pirates below, a coercion descended with the God of Doomsday Thunder.

Domineering and domineering, this is Liu Xu's domineering and domineering look!

In actual combat, if you can freely use domineering overlord color, you can give the enemy an unexpected impact, and can also decide the outcome of the battle.


The Lion Man's armed attack hadn't had any effect before he was hit by the electric arc all over the sky, and his body was directly bounced away. The same was true for the Eggy Baron. The arc passed through his legs, and there was no blood dripping scene. Just that tiny hollow.

The three-eyed woman and the others are treated with caution. Now that the other party has turned into the god of the end of the world, they can't fight the other party at all when the disparity in strength is too great, so they can only be anxious.

"I pronounce the sentence again, you perish!"

Liu Xu's voice has a kind of majesty, especially under the blessing of overlord color, it can be seen just by looking at the pirates below who are already lying on the ground, they have no strength to resist at all, nor do they have the courage to resist .

After Liu Xu finished speaking, he pointed to the sky with one hand, and countless thunderbolts descended in an instant, passing through the bodies of the pirates below, directly crushing their bodies.

Liu Xu looked at Baron Ladandan and other strong men again, and several black lightning bolts followed his gaze, completely reducing them to ashes.

The Auntie Pirates, the pirate group that ran rampant in the new world, was destroyed in one day. Moreover, all this came without any warning. The only thing that was there was Auntie's declaration of war.

However, all of this no longer exists, and the BIGMOM pirates have all been wiped out.

The matter of the Big Mom Pirates quickly swept the whole new world like a virus, leaving many people speechless for a long time, never believing that things would come so quickly.

Four Emperors, that is one of the powerful pirates of the Four Emperors, not those cats and dogs, how could they be killed in such a short time?

Didn't aunt declare war in a high-profile way before?

Moreover, shouldn't the war between these two powerhouses be as brutal as Whitebeard's battle against the Navy Headquarters?Why so fast?Why is it so silent?What happened during the war?How was it eliminated?The Big Mom Pirates are destroyed, so what about Liu Xu's power?Did any of his subordinates also die?Is his strength now also impaired?

Too many problems made these people go crazy. With Da Ma's downfall, many people can be sure that Da Ma's territory now belongs to Liu Xu.

But, will Liu Xu covet Big Mom's territory as they thought?

The answer is no, not at all.

The plan with the G5 branch has been drawn up, and what needs to be done now is to kill the Whitebeard Pirates and completely wipe out this pirate group that has been criss-crossing the New World for countless years.

In this way, the power of the G5 branch and the navy will be sublimated. At that time, the navy may be in a stalemate with the other two four emperors in the new world, and the two sides will divide the world equally.

At the first half of the great voyage at this moment, the red-haired Shanks looked at the newspaper in his hand for a long time and was speechless. All this was too much beyond his imagination, and too much beyond his expectation.

Fast, it was too fast, the speed at which all this happened gave him no time to react.

He also knew about Big Mom's declaration of war, but in his mind, even if war was declared, it would be impossible for a war to break out so soon.

It is possible that this war will not break out until several years later, or even more than ten years later.

But now?

The war broke out in less than a month, and there was no warning when it broke out, only the news of a shocking fruit spread.

"Could it be that Charlotte Lingling used this devil fruit to attract Liu Xu?"

The smart redhead had already thought of the possibility, and was suddenly annoyed. What was this brainless woman thinking? Now that this kind of consequence has caused the whole new world to become chaotic.

"Captain, do you want to go back to the new world now?" Jesus Bu asked.

This matter exceeded everyone's expectations, and he was no exception.

Ben Beckman said at this time: "It's too late. People in the New World have already started fighting for the position of the Four Emperors. It won't help if we go back. Two Four Emperors, one Sea Emperor, Liu Xu has completely disrupted the balance of the new world, and he cannot be blamed for what happened this time."

With an almost unmatched IQ, he analyzed everything at once, shaking his head again and again.

The redhead had absolute trust in this vice-captain, nodded and said, "Yes, your analysis makes sense. Going back now doesn't make much sense. If you want to go back, you have to wait for this kid to regain his fighting power. ."

Turning his gaze to the thin figure in front of him, the red-haired man secretly sighed, when will this brat rekindle his will to fight? I can't get up at all.


Chapter 2692 Go to Palm Island

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Jesus Bu still had a lot of worries in his heart, and said, "Then when we go back, will we..."

Beckman directly denied his idea, and said leisurely: "Don't be nervous, just because those guys can't shake the status of the Fourth Emperor, it is not an easy thing to become the Fourth Emperor, you must go through the baptism of blood and fire. And , who can become the other two four emperors in the shortest time, there are only two people in the whole new world. The other people, hum, are not qualified for their abilities."

Only then did Jesus Bu secretly breathe a sigh of relief, that's fine, otherwise, if he returns to the new world at that time, but the land has already been occupied, wouldn't it be sad?

"Luffy, come here."

Feeling restless, the red hair called Luffy over.

Lu Fei turned his head to look at him, there was a flicker in his eyes, he walked over slowly and lowered his head, and asked, "Uncle, what's wrong?"

With a little smile on his face, Shanks said slowly: "Luffy, now I'm teaching you the importance of partners again..."

Luffy, who had gone through the Chambord Islands and the battle on the top, had already been defeated. Although Raleigh, the king of the underworld, had tried various methods to restore it, none of them had any effect.

The partner disappeared and was hit hard in the top battle. Although Ace did not die, this is also the most critical point.

There is no way for Ace to arouse the anger in his heart without death, and there is no way to rekindle his will to fight.


Here in the New World, Liu Xu, who killed a Four Emperors, was not overly excited. Instead, he was very calm, so calm that it was unbelievable.

"Sniper, you need to patrol more during this time. I'm afraid some juniors will come to sneak attack, no matter who the other party is, kill them."

The participation of the powerful Tianlong people made Liu Xu vigilant. Perhaps to a certain extent, the now united Tianlong family is more terrifying than the superpowers like the Four Emperors.

Because they can penetrate everywhere, they can appear in any place, and they can give you a fatal blow at any time.

He doesn't know how many strong people there are in the Tianlong family, but there is one thing, that is, Madeline has the domineering aura, so what about the other people?

People with domineering color will achieve very high achievements, there is no doubt about it.

Therefore, things about Tianlong people are even more terrifying and unpredictable.

"Yes, Mr. Captain."

Columbia responded softly, the news that they have heard these days has made everyone excited, but in addition to this excitement, they need to be more careful.

"Nami, go to Palm Island, now it's time to take care of the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Yes, Captain."

Nami on the deck responded, and then went to take out the record pointer of Palm Island, and the fleet rushed out instantly.

Palm Island is the base of the Whitebeard Pirates in the New World. It is very close to the legendary place, which means it is more dangerous.

The sphere of influence of the Whitebeard Pirates is very wide. There are dozens of pirates around Palm Island, and even further away there are pirates under the Whitebeard Pirates.

Even though Whitebeard has been killed, these pirates have not left the Whitebeard Pirates so far.

This is the terrifying cohesion of Whitebeard, the shocking cohesion.

Smog of the G5 branch is ready, and directly attacking the lower palm island can give a huge blow to the Whitebeard Pirates, and can also eliminate countless strong people inside, and may even bring people from other Pirates to come. , take the opportunity to solve them.

And for those pirates that didn't come, as long as they took the Palm Island, they would definitely be in chaos, and they would be able to defeat them easily.

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