Several warships rushed over without stopping. It took a long time to reach Palm Island from here, and this time was also the time for everyone to rest.

While the fleet was sailing, Liu Xu was still enjoying the gentle breeze and the warm sunshine on the balcony on the third floor. This was a rare peaceful time, and perhaps such a time would disappear soon.

"Captain, where are we going after taking down Palm Island? Can we take a good rest?" Nami handed over the helm to the soldiers, and asked in a low voice, leaning against Liu Xu.

Liu Xu put his hand on her shoulder naturally, closed his eyes and said softly: "Rest? How to rest?"

"Of course, find a place to relax, enjoy the beach, or find a place to enjoy the time after the afternoon, okay?"

Nami's eyes released little stars, and it was rare for her to be in such a state.

Liu Xu's heart trembled, such a simple request?Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that although I was with them all day long, I ignored their feelings a lot of the time.

These women have never asked for anything, not for great power, nor for endless money, the only request is that simple.

The time of sailing at sea is very boring, very boring, facing the endless ocean every day, but there seems to be nothing else.

Thinking back carefully, a trace of guilt also appeared in Liu Xu's heart, and this trace of guilt quickly expanded.

"No problem, after finishing the palm island, let's find a place to have a good rest, um, how about Murloc Island? Or Sky Island? Or Vera? Or East Sun Kingdom? Or Dressrosa?"

Now he has a lot of territory, and there are naturally many places that can provide him with leisure and entertainment.

Every place has its own characteristics, and every place is worth staying.

Nami nodded again and again, this is the most appropriate thing.

Smiles also appeared on the faces of several other women, and the spring blossoms were intoxicating.

They were also very concerned about this matter, but no one spoke up.

Liu Xu chuckled, and continued to enjoy this rare quiet moment with his eyes closed.

As night fell and the full moon hung high, Liu Xu's stomach began to protest, and the leisurely day he enjoyed with the girls was coming to an end.

It's just that there is always something to stimulate at this time. When Bonnie came over with dinner, a carrier pigeon flew down.


Chapter 2693 The Whitebeard Pirates Surrender

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Nami began to bargain wildly, and finally took some newspapers to Liu Xu, and drove the pigeon away viciously.

Liu Xu was sweating profusely. After all, he now has almost inexhaustible Baileys. Do you care a little bit?

Picking up the newspaper and reading it, he almost tore it apart.

Today's headline news is very shocking, and it can indeed make headlines. This news will definitely bring many variables to a pirate group.

The phoenix Marco, the captain of the first division of the Whitebeard Pirates, was recognized by the World Government and officially became one of the Seven Wuhais under the King.


What could be more ridiculous than this?Brother Pony becomes Qiwuhai?What is rhythm?What does this mean?

Liu Xu was completely messed up, what was this little Ma brother thinking about?Is it showing weakness to the world government?To seek a chance of survival?No, absolutely not, he's not the type to betray his partner for his own life, so what the hell is going on?

Continuing to look down, this matter soon became clear.

The current captain of the Whitebeard Pirates is Marco. This matter was unanimously approved by all members, and the name of Whitebeard remained unchanged.

With Marco joining the Qiwuhai, the Whitebeard Pirates are now justifiable. As long as they don't do vaguely outrageous things, the world government will not strangle them.

"Shameless, this guy is too shameless to use such a method to protect the Whitebeard Pirates."

Liu Xu was aggrieved, and continued to read, which almost made him nervous.

Not only the Whitebeard Pirates were saved, but even the dozens of pirates were saved, but the battle formation transformed from the Pirates into the Whitebeard Pirates still retained the previous designation.

This, is this to torture people to death?

"If this is the case, doesn't that mean that the power of the Whitebeard Pirates has a chance to grow again?"

Liu Xu, with black lines all over his head, passed the newspaper on, causing everyone to exclaim.

Marco is really convinced that he would use such a wretched method.

"Captain, do you want to talk to the World Government?"

The corner of Breton's mouth twitched, and he was about to go to Palm Island to have a fight, why did such a thing happen?

Liu Xu was full of grief and indignation, finally nodded, and directly contacted Kong, the commander-in-chief of the world government, with a phone bug.

"Hello, I'm empty!"

As soon as the phone worm was connected, the voice of the commander-in-chief Kong came over, with a little joy, as if something made him very happy.

Liu Xu exploded when he heard the tone, and shouted right away.

"Commander Sora, why did you let Marco become the king's Qiwuhai? Don't you know that this will give the Whitebeard Pirates a chance to grow again? Also, this may be a conspiracy by Marco, don't you all?" Did you think about it?..."

"...Well, who are you?"

Commander-in-Chief Kong is at a loss, who could be looking for him?Hearing this seems to be a little familiar, but it seems that I can't remember it.And, why bother him when he's having such a good time?This is a bit of a suspicion of death!

Marco of the Whitebeard Pirates has become the king of the Shichibukai. This is a great thing for the entire world government. It is not because of the increase of such advanced combat power, but because of the entire new world!

Marco became the king of the Seven Wuhai, which means that the Whitebeard Pirates have shown weakness to the World Government. If the World Government or the Navy Headquarters wants to intervene in the new world, it will be a simple matter.

In a sense, the territory that Whitebeard belongs to is no different from that of the world government. Moreover, is this a good opportunity to fight against the great pirates of the New World, directly destroying their psychological defense.

The Whitebeard Pirates are convinced, so can they still refuse?

In other words, after Marco became the king's Shichibukai, it can be confirmed that the world government already has a powerful force in the new world.

But, will things really be as simple as he thought?

Marco is also an arrogant guy. From his battle with Kizaru, it can be seen that he is an existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the general. Will he really agree to such a subordination to a Shichibukai?

If it is said that he competes for the position of the Four Emperors, it is still easy to be accepted, but Qi Wuhai is unacceptable.

"I'm Liu Xu!"

Liu Xu was depressed, and he was stunned for a long time because he didn't know who he was, which was a bit sinful!

Commander Kong finally understands now that it is this kid who has come to find him, but, what could come to him, when is this...

"General Liu Xu, it's already so late, what else do you want from me?"

Marshal Kong is not an idiot either, so he would only look for him if he knew something important was going on.

Liu Xu let out a sharp breath and told about Marco.

Commander Kong was silent for a moment. It turned out to be for this matter, but this matter is a foregone conclusion, and it is impossible to change it now.

"General Liu Xu, it is very beneficial for the world government that Marco becomes the king of Qibuhai. No matter what purpose he has, even if he wants to give the Whitebeard Pirates a buffer time, we must agree. It is expected that they will not make any big moves for the time being, and we can carry out our plan. The plan of the Sea Emperor and the other two four emperors will be the top priority, so you must be mentally prepared."

Regarding this, Liu Xu could only spout a few words, but he couldn't make any changes. There were advantages and disadvantages, so he could only evaluate this matter in this way.

"I understand, I will try my best to cooperate."

After Liu Xu finished speaking, he hung up the phone. The grief and indignation on his face was obvious. It seemed that it was impossible to attack the Whitebeard Pirates now.

Wouldn't it be good to just kill him if he committed a crime?After killing them, they will still be able to strongly control most of the territory in the New World.

"Changing the road, going back to Villa, and resting temporarily."

Liu Xu gave the order properly, and everyone heard what happened just now clearly, so naturally there would be no doubts.


Chapter 2694 The queen asked me to be the patriarch

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


It has been a week since Marco became the king of Qibuhai, and Liu Xu's plan has been temporarily put on hold, but the matter of the Sea Emperor and the two Four Emperors is still in full swing. Every day, people in the whole new world are chasing These three positions competed for life and death, and finally died of hatred.

Another news came out, and this news was even more shocking and surprising than the news that Marco became the king of Qiwuhai.

In the holy land of Marijoya, Madeline announced in a high-profile manner that Liu Xu became the patriarch of the five Celestial Dragon families, which did not include the Don Quixote family.

The news was very simple, but it surprised everyone, including Liu Xu himself.

The king asked me to patrol the mountain, uh, the queen asked me to be the patriarch!

Coming to the New World, it is true that he attacked some Celestial Dragon clans, and also met some Celestial Dragon experts. After the battle, their strength was also disintegrated, giving Madeline a chance to subdue them.

However, why did Madeline choose to announce in such a high-profile manner that he would become the patriarch of the five Heavenly Dragon clans?what is this?

After contacting Madeline, Liu Xu couldn't calm down for a long time.

As soon as the phone bug was connected, Liu Xu asked impatiently, "What's going on? Why is it so sudden?"

Madeline in the Holy Land smiled lightly when she heard this, and said, "Surprised? You are surprised to be the patriarch of five families?"

"Of course, but now it has pushed me to the cusp of the storm, what do you think?"

"This is after careful consideration by me. I am tired after so many years. Since you are my man, you should support me, right?"

The words have already reached this point, and Liu Xu didn't continue to struggle with this issue. As she said, since he is her man, he should support her and share her pressure. Women, It's better to be under the care of a man, no matter how queenly she is, she is her own woman after all.

"I see. I'll go back to the holy land of Marijoa after a while. Since I'm already the patriarch of the five families, I have to have a good chat with those guys. Leave the future to me!"

"Well, I'll leave it to you, my man." Madeline hung up the phone after she finished speaking.

But Liu Xu fell into deep thought. A man should be responsible and not allow his woman to suffer. This is absolute.

Saint Mary Joya, wait for Master Ben!

As the patriarch of five Tianlongren families, this identity alone can make countless people envious. This identity is too heaven-defying, even the patriarch of a Tianlongren family has almost supreme power.

Among the nineteen families, including Don Quixote, the actual control of six families has reached six, and Liu Xu has the supreme power.

However, facing the joint counterattack of the remaining thirteen families, there will still be a lot of pressure.

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