Returning to the holy land of Marijoya, Liu Xu left aside the affairs of the new world for the time being. The Whitebeard Pirates have stabilized and the Big Mom Pirates have been destroyed. No matter how chaotic the place is now, it will not go anywhere.

"Liu Xu, this is the situation of the other thirteen families."

In the dormitory, Madeline handed over a thick plate of documents to Liu Xu. Now that this man has taken care of everything for her, she is naturally at ease. She can be a serious woman and doesn't have to worry about family affairs anymore. .

Liu Xu took the information and read it. It has been more than a week since he came back here, and the whole holy land of Marijoya is full of tension, especially around this castle, there are always some inexplicably more people.

Don't think too much, this must have been sent by those Tianlong family, the purpose is naturally to check the reality here.

"Medline, don't worry too much about the affairs of these families for the time being, and they won't be able to make any waves in a short time. The snipers have already investigated, and it is estimated that their focus will be on the new world, where there are even bigger resources. If they want to fight us, they can only start from there.”

"Yes, it should be like this."

Madeline nodded in agreement, more than a week is enough for her to adapt to her current life, the power rests with Liu Xu, he is her god.

The new world is full of many unknowns, full of all kinds of enviable powerhouses, which cannot be compared anywhere else.

There is a clear rule in the holy land of Marijoa, that is, bloody battles cannot take place. So far, all people have followed this rule, and the Tianlong people are the same.

Madeline's ability to control those families is also her skill.

"Now that they have gone underground, it is not that easy to find them. Just wait, we will take action when they come out of their own accord."

Throwing the information in his hand aside, Liu Xu stretched comfortably, pulled the beauty in front of him into his arms, and took a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry for making you wait so long. I'll treat you well in the future."

Madeline's body trembled slightly, her eyes flickered eagerly, but she said in her mouth: "It's been fine all along, hasn't it?"

"Yes, then there are better ones."

There was a deep smile and love in Liu Xu's eyes. He was really an irresistible Her Majesty.

Lowering his head to hold the fragrant lips, Liu Xu instinctively tightened his arms, completely controlling the beauty in his arms.

A night of wanton madness, deducing the symphony that human beings most yearn for.


A year and a half has passed in a hurry, and it has been a year and a half in the holy land of Marijoya. Except for occasionally returning to Fishman Island to check, Liu Xu never left here, but relaxed wantonly with his woman.

"Liu Xu, are you ready to leave now?"

Hancock asked softly, although the information she received recently made her know that she had to leave, but she also felt a little bit reluctant in her heart.

The Sanctuary Marioja brought her pain when she was young, but now the Sanctuary Margioa brings her joy. Although there are some disputes, they can be easily resolved.


Chapter 2695 New Four Emperors and Qiwuhai

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"I have to leave, otherwise, how can I be worthy of the notification from these four emperors? It gave me such a big surprise, so I have to give them a little response, right? The new four emperors? The new Qiwuhai? Haha, it's really interesting. ."

Liu Xu's eyes shone with a sharp cold light, and there was an aura of majesty on his body.

The new world has already undergone earth-shaking changes in more than a year, and the speed of change is a bit unexpected.

The new Four Emperors were born. Except for the red-haired Shanks and the beast Kaido who still maintained the title of the Four Emperors, the other two Four Emperors rose rapidly in more than a year, and it only took a month. Time has secured the throne of the Four Emperors.

Patrick Redfield, also known as the aloof Redfield, is of the same generation as Garp, Sengoku, Whitebeard, Roger and others, and he is no less powerful than any of the above. The appearance of this character made Liu Xu fiercely was shocked.

Unexpectedly, this guy escaped from the bottom of the big prison, and became one of the Four Emperors so comfortably.

Although, he does have such power to become the Four Emperors.

Another person became the fourth emperor, that is, the golden lion, this powerful pirate who belonged to the same era as Garp and others, who turned the world upside down, he has also become the fourth emperor.

These two characters became the four emperors, which brought about major changes in the situation of the entire new world.

It's not that the four emperors ruled the world, but the battle between the four emperors. The territory of the Navy Headquarters in the New World remains unchanged, and the territory captured by Liu Xu is also the same, and it is even expanding in secret.

Under such circumstances, the golden lion and Reid actually began to compete for the territory of the red hair and the previous white beard, and the battle between the four emperors broke out.

Another important thing is the Qiwuhai, and the birth of a brand new Qiwuhai, Hancock, Hawkeye, Doflamingo, Luo, Marco, these five people remain unchanged, and two more people appeared, the swordsman Mo Chess, and Tianlongren Feriroroa.

Liu Xu didn't have much impression of the latter two people, and he didn't know what abilities they possessed to be able to become Qiwuhai. Moreover, these people had already entered the new world, which added a lot to the struggle in the whole new world. few.

In addition, Moonlight Moria and Crocodile were delisted and their whereabouts are still unknown.

Stimulated by all these things, Liu Xu has made up his mind to set sail again.

In the new world of Dressrosa, Doflamingo, who has become a servant, is still urging the processing of devil fruits in the processing factory as usual. Caesar has come here some time ago, and this time he came here. the results.

Superman is a giant power devil fruit, and nature is a storm devil fruit.

Liu Xu once asked him to develop these two devil fruits, but now, these two devil fruits have already produced results, and they are waiting for the final processing and production.

"Doflamingo, the devil fruit requested by the master can already be put into production, have you thought about producing more devil fruits?"

Caesar is also a eater of Heart Biting Pill, so naturally everything has to be considered for Liu Xu.

Brother Doflaming glanced at him, then shook his head, producing more Devil Fruits is indeed a very good idea, but he has to do what he can, if it is beyond his ability, he can't do it.

More than a year ago, Liu Xu collected a hundred Devil Fruits, and Liu Xu's soldiers gradually improved in combat power, but it has not been revealed yet. Even the Navy Headquarters and the World Government have not yet known how powerful the team is. .

In order not to attract attention, Liu Xu even arranged this team on the empty island, and only waited for it to be used when necessary.

All members of the first team devoured the devil fruit, which made the second and third teams envious, but there was no way, Liu Xu didn't give them the devil fruit, so they could only continue to wait.

"Caesar, while giving the master devil fruit, you have to deal with another existence, otherwise our affairs will be easily exposed."

Caesar was silent. He was very clear about what the other party said, and he also understood who the person he was dealing with was. However, is there such a thing as easy to deal with?

That tyrannical existence is not easy to fool, if the other party is not satisfied, I am afraid they will have to perish here.

"Has the master said anything about this?"

The last hope seemed to be on Liu Xu, and Brother Doflaming gave him a contemptuous smile.

"If everything is going to trouble the master, what else do we need to do?"

Caesar smirked and replied, "Yes."

That is, at this time, there was only a loud noise, and the whole island seemed to tremble violently, which shocked the two of them. Could it be an earthquake?No, it shouldn't be, right?

Soon, a cadre broke into the processing plant and came directly to Doflamingo.

"Young master, someone attacked."


With a loud shout, murderous intent burst out from his eyes, and he even dared to come to his own territory to make trouble. Don't you know what the current situation is like?

The brand-new Qibuhai not only represents power, but also represents a higher status.

Especially him, the veteran Shichibukai who has been in the new world for many years, is an existence that should not be underestimated.

It seems that in the past, he was the only one who attacked others!

When he was in a rage, suddenly a wild voice came.

"Doflamingo, hand over my things right now!"

The sound rolled like thunder and spread throughout the entire island in an instant.

Everyone could hear clearly, giving people the illusion that that person was speaking in their own ears.

And it was this tone and voice that made Doflamingo's face change, and he looked ugly for an instant, and his body trembled slightly.


Chapter 2696 One of the Four Emperors, Beast Kaido

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"he came!"

With a sigh, Caesar and others around him were amazed, who could make him so frightened?

Without further ado, Doflamingo walked directly outside, towards the coast of the island.

On the coast, a huge monster looked coldly at the little ones in front of him, and he didn't pay attention to the pirates who were waiting in full force, with a fierce look in his eyes.

Under his gaze, the pirates below retreated again and again, and they were able to keep these people retreating just by looking at them.

"Doflamingo, don't come out yet!"

The giant roared again, and the sound wave was like a shock wave that could not be detected by the naked eye.

After the giant shouted, he took steps forward, each step made the ground tremble deeply, each step left a huge footprint on the shore, it seemed that even the shore could not bear his body.

"Lord Kaido, why are you in such a hurry? Heh heh heh heh!"

Just as he continued to walk forward, a voice appeared in his ear, causing his footsteps to stop, and a cruel smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

"You finally came out."

Doflamingo came quickly, anxious in his heart, looking at the person in front of him and didn't know what to do.

The incomparably huge body, the muscles are knotted, the head has double horns, the two black beards hang down to the abdomen, and a hemp rope is wrapped around the waist, which looks like the image of the Bull Demon King.


One of the Four Emperors, Beast Kaido!

The old-fashioned powerhouse, the old-fashioned Four Sovereigns, with countless achievements, he is known as the strongest creature in the world, and his strength has reached an unshakable level.

His hobby is suicide, and he has failed seven times.One person was captured eighteen times when challenging the other four emperors and the navy, and was tortured more than a thousand times.

Kaido has been sentenced to death forty times. If he is hanged, he will tear off the chains. When he is pressed on the guillotine, he will also shatter the beheading knife. When he is stabbed by a gun, he will also break the gun. The huge prison ship sunk by him As many as nine ships, no one has killed him so far, including himself.

Sturdy, how can he describe him other than that?

Why is he here now?

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