Doflamingo was described by Admiral Aokiji as an extreme alien in the Qiwuhai. As a dragon, Doflamingo didn't even look down on Admiral Sengoku, but when he mentioned Kaido's name Doflamingo will also show fear, which shows that Kaido's strength is extraordinary.

"Doflamingo, it's time for you to hand over your stuff."

Another sentence made the Doflamingo in front of him feel deep fear in his eyes. This guy is still so fierce.

"Master Kaido, there are some problems with the processing of Devil Fruits. I am afraid that there is no way to provide so many Devil Fruits. It is being improved. There are about twenty in stock."

Doflamingo said carefully, when facing the strongest creature in this world, he could only put down his arrogance and try not to provoke the anger of the other party.

Devil Fruit?What Kaido wants is the Devil Fruit?

Yes, the former Doflamingo cooperated with Kaido. Kaido was one of his biggest business partners and the one he sold the most devil fruits to.

But, is it still possible to sell so many devil fruits to him now?

"What?" Kaido got angry when he heard the words, twenty devil fruits?Where is this little enough for his subordinates to use? "You processed twenty devil fruits in more than a year? Do you want to die?"

A fierce breath erupted from the furious Kaido, instantly stunned the pirates on the beach. Only Doflamingo was able to keep standing, but his condition was not so optimistic, his waist was a little bent down.

Confronting this man head-on is simply courting death.

Facing his fury, Doflamingo could only continue to say: "Master Kaido, there is really no way to make so many Devil Fruits, and now there is a problem with the processing steps, a lot of materials have been wasted, and more consumption is needed. Only a lot of materials can be manufactured, as long as it is manufactured, I will send it to you as soon as possible."

After saying this, the furious Kaido gradually calmed down, and said coldly, "Give me the twenty pieces. I'll have someone bring you the materials you need."

For his many years of desire, for those powerful subordinates, Kaido also made a lot of money to help Doflamingo with materials?

Doflamingo's eyes were filled with joy, good guy, someone has come to take advantage of it, tsk tsk, if he provided the materials, he would naturally be able to create more Devil Fruits.

"But if I find out that you lied to me, then say goodbye to this world forever!"

Kaido leaned down, staring at the other party with eyes full of evil spirits.

Although he has well-developed limbs, it does not mean that he is simple-minded.

Who can become the existence of the Four Emperors, which one would be such a stupid guy.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Doflamingo nodded again and again, as long as he could get away with it, that would be the best thing.

The Devil Fruit matter was confirmed, Kaido did not rush to leave, but sat down directly.

"Doflamingo, your island is within the reach of the Golden Lion, has he ever come to you?"

Golden Lion?Isn't that one of the four new emperors?Of course, Kaido is no stranger to this character. After all, they are all strong in the same era, so how can they not know anything about it?

"It doesn't seem like..." Brother Doflaming groaned inwardly, but said in his mouth: "I haven't found me for the time being, but I believe I will find it soon. After all, this kingdom is also a very good place."

"Then, Dressrosa moves to my place!"

Kaido made a decision for him in an instant. It turned out that he wanted Doflamingo to relocate to his territory. , who would think that Kaido is simple-minded?


Chapter 2697 Flying Pirates, Golden Lion Shiji

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


His words made Doflamingo panic and move to his place?God, how did the master explain it?What if there is no way to provide the devil fruit to the owner?

This is a very troublesome question. If he disagrees, Kaido may kill him in a few minutes now, and if he agrees, it will be difficult to explain to Liu Xu.

It is impossible for Doflamingo, who swallowed the Heart Pill, to betray Liu Xu, but in this case, how should he choose?

The opposite Kaido stared at this guy, ants, what should you choose now?Twenty Devil Fruits?Go cheating!

Sure enough, Kaido didn't believe Doflamingo's words in his heart. The processing of Devil Fruits is a very strict matter, how could there be mistakes?And there was a problem, why didn't he notify in advance, but waited until he came to collect the devil fruit?What is he for?Do you want to build your own army of capable people?Or to sell to other people?

The domineering Kaido will not let things that should belong to him fall into the hands of others so easily. In his mind, this processed product of Doflamingo is already his private property, and others want to share a cup. soup?I'm afraid it's hard to say...

"Can't answer? Doflamingo, do you know what the consequences of deceiving me are? Say, where are the other Devil Fruits? You bastard!"

Doflamingo didn't reply for a long time, which made him completely annoyed and confirmed his thoughts. He was furious immediately, and stood up with a "huh", continuously releasing his domineering arrogance.

One of the Four Emperors, how could Kaido, who is known as the strongest creature in the world, not be domineering?

It's just that there are still many people who can't understand his power, and no one knows how much his power has reached.

But judging from his various deeds, pure physical strength has already surpassed countless people. He jumped down from a height of [-] meters and committed suicide.

In the battle of the top, he took advantage of Whitebeard to go to the naval headquarters to send troops to crusade to rescue his fleet, but was stopped by the red-haired Shanks, and a fierce battle broke out between the two sides, but no one knew the result of the battle. .

From these kinds of deeds, it can be seen how powerful his power is. Maybe he is a super defensive existence, but his fighting power cannot be ignored, it is too ferocious.

"No no."

Doflamingo was even more flustered, thinking about this kind of response in his heart, but he rejected them all.

"One of the four emperors, Kaido, the beast, what do you want to do when you come to my site?"

Just when he was flustered, a voice suddenly appeared from the sea.

The sudden voice surprised both Doflamingo and Kaido. Who would appear at this critical moment?Since he knew that Kaido was one of the four emperors, why did he dare to provoke him?

Kaido turned his head and glanced at it, and it was this look that made his resolute face frown, how could it be this guy?

In the air behind them, an old man with blond wild long hair, a beard on his chin is also golden, dressed in a taupe kimono, with a rudder on his head, this is nothing, the key is his feet, that It turned out to be a prosthesis made of two knives, which made people look a little weird.

"Golden Lion Shiji, what are you doing here?"

In a word, Kaido revealed the identity of the person, but he is one of the new four kings, the Golden Lion Shiki, who is also a legendary pirate who escaped from the big prison, the captain of the Flying Pirates, nicknamed the Flying Pirates super strong.

He has everything of a lion, the hair of a lion, and the inviolable majesty of a king like a lion.

Not only that, he also has the ambition and courage of a lion roaring around the world and swallowing the world. This is how to describe him, a legendary pirate!

He was once as famous as Roger, Whitebeard and others, and promoted the first pirate in the history of the city to successfully escape from prison.

"Jie Hahahaha! Kaido, I should ask you what you are doing here, right? This is the old man's territory. As an outsider, shouldn't you say hello to the old man?"

Golden Lion Shiki is indeed a man with the majesty of a king, and he is not afraid of Kaido's body that is countless times larger than him, and his eyes fall on Doflamingo.

"Little guy, now that the old man has officially taken over here, send your tribute!"

Wild and domineering, his words completely ignored Kaido in front of him, as if all this was so natural.

And the tribute he mentioned is also a normal thing.

Now that people are ruled by others, they must either resist their own lordship, or surrender and offer tribute, so as to ensure that they will not be attacked by him, and they can also accept the asylum of the other party when necessary.

There are roughly four routes in the second half of the Great Route, and these four routes are occupied by the Four Emperors, and only a small part of the place is divided up by other forces.

These are the four emperors, the four emperors who rule the new world.

"Golden Lion, you seem to have forgotten my existence."

Kaido didn't get angry immediately, nor did an earth-shattering battle break out, but he spoke very calmly, which didn't seem to fit his image as an emperor.

Doflamingo swallowed hard, it was a bit too scary that there were two four emperors patronizing his place all of a sudden.

Tribute?What kind of tribute does this master want?

In other words, even if the two emperors came here, even if they fought, it seemed that he would not suffer very much. Also, did he know anything about the golden lion?

"What kind of tribute do you want? Why do I have to give you a tribute?"

Justice is awe-inspiring, these words made Kaido feel better, although he deceived himself just now, but just for these words, let him be spared for the time being!

"Ski, Dressrosa belongs directly to me, if you want to fight, then come!"

Kaido turned to face the golden lion floating in the air, it doesn't matter if he occupies this place, but there is a prerequisite, that is, the processing industry and Doflamingo's forces all move into his range, otherwise, it will be avoided. talk.


Chapter 2698 Is it really okay for you to be so messy on my site?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Unexpectedly, the golden lion laughed again.

"Jiehahahaha, Doflamingo, hand over the item, something that Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, can come to pick up in person, a devil fruit!"


Did he also know about the Devil Fruit?Who the hell leaked this information?Damn, is there a ghost in the family?

Doflamingo's heart suddenly became irritable. The devil fruit thing is very serious. If others find out, I am afraid that his small days will come to an end. At that time, he will have to hide everywhere and live a dark life.

"Golden Lion, give me enough time!"

Kaido roared, the sound waves rushed forward, and even the sea was detonated by his sound waves, directly blasting dozens of water columns.

"Kaido, do you want to fight the old man? Take away the devil fruit on the old man's territory, don't you think you need to leave something behind?"

The timing of the golden lion is also unyielding, and a large number of devil fruits are involved, so this matter cannot be left alone.

As long as he can get those devil fruits, he will be one step closer to the dream of One Piece.

Going to fight?

A gleam flashed in Doflamingo's eyes, this is a good opportunity, it's best to fight right away, and then we can have a double kill, and double kill the four emperors, what a wonderful rhythm.

"Golden Lion, if we want to fight, how about we go to other islands? It's not a good thing to destroy this place." Kaido said slowly.

The golden lion Shiji smiled proudly, and said: "Then go to other islands, I believe that destroying the devil fruit is not what you want to see."

In the final analysis, it is still for Devil Fruits. The huge number of Devil Fruits gave him a desire. Those who have a huge number of abilities will be one step closer to the throne of One Piece.

"Let's go then!"

After Kaido finished speaking, he took a step and headed for another island.

But just as he was taking a step, another voice came from the sea: "Is it proper to make such a mess where my servants live?"


The Golden Lion and Kaido shouted at the same time and looked over, but they saw three warships slowly approaching here, two warships and one pirate ship.

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