The iconic navy flag is pierced by a deep purple thunderbolt, the bow is in the shape of a dragon, and the cannons on the bow and hull look different from other warships.

It was Liu Xu who arrived at the most critical time, but he directly announced his ownership of this place.

"Liu Xu, Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?"

Kaido hasn't recognized him yet, but the golden lion has already revealed the identity of the other party. It can be seen that he still pays attention to many things, at least he can recognize the origin of the other party at a glance.

After he said this, Kaido seemed to remember something, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

fear?Kaido would be afraid?Liu Xu has the ability to make Kaido jealous?

As the warship approached slowly, Kaido took a few steps back, and the golden lion also flew back, forming a triangle.

The warship was getting closer and closer, and thunderclouds appeared in the sky. The rumbling thunder was deafening, making people tremble. The area of ​​the thundercloud not only covered the entire island, but also covered countless seas. down to the distant horizon.

It seems that this is a bit of a feeling of dismounting, and it is really surprising to directly use dismounting in the face of the existence of the Four Emperors.

The warship docked, and Liu Xu slowly walked down from the warship. At this time, Doflamingo, who was fleeing far away, also landed on the warship, and heaved a sigh of relief.

His actions changed the faces of the two of them. His actions seemed to be announcing one thing, which was the servant Liu Xu had mentioned before.

Doflamingo is his servant?This, this matter is a little more fun.

"Liu Xu, Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, what do you want to do when you come to this old man's territory?"

The Golden Lion Shiji was also a little apprehensive, and he didn't blindly attack directly. The opponent was the man who killed the Shuanghuang.

Liu Xu looked at him when he heard the words, and his first feeling was that he was tyrannical. This person is very strong, and he is indeed the guy who was able to push Roger into a desperate situation in the past.

The second feeling is wildness, the aura of this whole person is very wild, just like his nickname, it has the majesty and courage of a lion.

Another feeling is wondering, how could such an existence be killed by that kid Luffy in the original book?

According to the original book, Luffy's strength is now a quasi-general. How did he kill him?

Impossible, the power of the quasi-general cannot compete with the Golden Lion. No matter how the power of the Golden Lion is weakened, it is definitely at the level of a general, or even higher.

There is only one explanation. Luffy's protagonist's aura is not only turned on, but also exploded.

Looking at Kaido again, the first feeling is also tyrannical, tyrannical strength, the second feeling is domineering, the domineering of the beasts, the convincing domineering.

The two have their own characteristics, and their strength is not ordinary.

"Doflamingo is my servant, so what do you think I am here for?"

Liu Xu smiled calmly. Could it be that the golden lion didn't hear what he said clearly just now?Doflamingo is his servant, so this place naturally belongs to him.

However, the golden lion did not buy his account, and snorted coldly: "Hey, this is my sphere of influence, everything here belongs to me, do you want to intervene?"

"Golden lion, if you keep messing around, I will burn your golden hair later, do you believe it? Before you became the fourth emperor, Doflamingo was already my servant. Who do you think is interfering? Think Designate this place as your territory? Hmph, have you asked my opinion?"

Domineering, Liu Xu also has his domineering side, since there are people messing around, let's try whose fist is hard enough!

Deep purple electric arcs entwine around the body, and the eyes also burst out with strange electric light, ready to go, as long as there is a disagreement, they can go to war.


Chapter 2699 I haven't fought two Four Emperors at the same time!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The two people who heard Liu Xu's words froze for a moment, and Jin Shizi was speechless. It seemed that he was really the one who meddled, right?

Kaido's face changed suddenly. His reason was simple. Brother Doflaming had already cooperated with him, and now he was Liu Xu's servant.

Then a question arises, is the person he is cooperating with Doflamingo or Liu Xu?This is a question worth considering.

"Then, let's talk about Doflamingo!"

Kaido thought for a long time, and finally spoke.

Both of them came here for the Devil Fruit, especially Kaido, who had already cooperated with Doflamingo earlier in the morning, and now that Liu Xu is here, he naturally wants to figure out what's going on.

Liu Xu raised his eyebrows and said softly, "Talk? Then let's talk!"

It's weird, the scene is surprisingly weird, the three of Liu Xu actually sat down on the dilapidated coast, this scene is so weird no matter how you look at it.

Kaido was thinking about what to say, his eyes swept over the faces of the two, and asked: "I want to know what happened to the cooperation with Doflamingo before? Is it with you or with him? "

The key question is now, which involves all aspects. If a bad answer is not good, there will be a lot of trouble in the follow-up.

After Liu Xu thought about it, he still told the truth.

"Before Doflamingo worked with you, I had nothing to do with him. I came here a year and a half ago and took him as a servant. It's that simple. Correspondingly, since he is my servant, everything here It's already mine, what do you think?"

Kaido's face changed, and the matter had reached the moment he was most unwilling to face. If he didn't cooperate with Liu Xu, it meant that he had to fight him if he wanted to get the Devil Fruit.

It's just that no one can predict the outcome of this battle.

Golden Lion Shiji is much calmer. After all, he is a latecomer, and he does not know how to do it. He only knows that the devil fruit must be obtained before his dream can be realized.

In the past, there were four emperors sitting in the new world, so he couldn't make a difference.

Now he is also the Four Emperors, so naturally he has to continue to fight for his dream.

"So, do you want to continue to cooperate now or..."

Kaido didn't say what he said later, but everyone knew very well that the devil fruit was what any force wanted to get.

"Kaido, I'm afraid this matter can't go as you think. I have no obligation to provide you with devil fruits. Moreover, I am the admiral of the navy headquarters, the patriarch of the Tianlong people. Do you think it is possible to provide you with devil fruits?"

The words are straight to the point, Liu Xu has made up his mind, even if he wants to do it now, he will not hesitate to do it, just to test the achievements of this year and a half of cultivation.

The domineering Qi suddenly rose, and Kaido's armed domineering energy instantly wrapped around his whole body, and Liu Xu was enveloped in murderous intent. The meaning was already obvious, and if he didn't cooperate, he could only do it.

Overlord, Kaido is a powerful existence with overlord-like arrogance, and there are very few people who can compete with him under such power.However, Liu Xu was an exception, directly ignoring the domineering look of the other party.

"Kaido, if you want to fight here, then I am happy to fight with you. But, you have to consider whether you still have the life to enjoy the glory these devil fruits bring to you after this battle And status. Golden Lion, you too! Speaking of which, I haven’t fought two Four Emperors at the same time!”

seek death?Provoke the two four emperors directly?No matter how you look at Liu Xu's behavior, he is suspected of committing suicide.

It would be better if they came one by one, but now there are two at once!

However, it is precisely because of such arrogant words that the two of them are a little bit afraid, and the two join forces?Don't be kidding, they can't afford to lose this person...

Moreover, even if they join forces to kill Liu Xu, what will happen next?Everyone wants to monopolize the devil fruit, and everyone wants the highest power. If the other party comes to play tricks at the most critical moment, it will not be worth the candle.

Silence, the two fell silent again, this situation was too weird.

The hearts of the people on the warship were tense. It would be best if the battle did not break out. Once the battle broke out, they could only stay away from here, the farther the better.

Suddenly, Liu Xu laughed and said, "Can't choose?"

"Since you can't choose, then I will arrange it for you. There are only two paths. First, leave! Second, fight. In the end, whoever dies depends on his ability."

Master Liu Xu, why are you so obsessed?The comrades on the warship were about to cry, and Liu Xu's words were so exciting that they didn't know how to describe it.

When Kaido heard this, he frowned, and the armed domineering and domineering domineering swept the entire coast, irregular cracks appeared on the ground, and shock waves continued to rush around.

Liu Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, and the shock wave lifted his broken hair flying, but his body remained motionless, even the golden lion Shi Ji, who was not shaken by the existence of Overlord Color.

The overlord color can shock people and make people unconscious, but when it comes to the existence of the golden lion, even if he does not have the overlord color, he can still be unaffected and directly ignore this kind of power.

The three-legged situation has emerged, and now a question is placed in front of them, do or not?

"Liu Xu, are you sure you want to be my enemy?"

Kaido roared, the world changed, and the thunderclouds brought by Liu Xu were blown away.

Liu Xu stood up when he heard the words, and said calmly: "We are enemies, aren't we? Doflamingo, put away all the devil fruits, here, leave them to me!"

After the words fell, Liu Xu released a raging dark purple arc.

"[-] million volts. Thunder God of the End Times!"

Liu Xu stood up when he heard the words, and said calmly: "We are enemies, aren't we? Doflamingo, put away all the devil fruits, here, leave them to me!"

After the words fell, Liu Xu released a raging dark purple arc.


Chapter 2700: The Pirate Who Shakes Up the Strongest Creature in the Sea, Land and Air World

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"[-] million volts. Thunder God of the End Times!"

The strong purple light instantly lit up, Liu Xu's whole body was covered by purple lightning, and the purple lightning that filled his body continuously raised his body, turning him into a purple glaring thunder god suspended in the air.

The electrons in the entire world rioted at this moment. As a year and a half passed, Liu Xu's power gradually increased, and his control over thunder and lightning became stronger.

The thunderclouds in the sky kept rolling like the end of the world. Countless thunderbolts fell from the sky, blasting the sea water continuously, and the forests on the islands were also burned by the high temperature of the thunderbolts.

It's just a power. This island has already undergone such changes. If it is attacked again, what kind of scene will it be?

The combination of domineering look and apocalyptic thunder god makes Liu Xu's state even more majestic, like a god looking down on all living beings in the sky, which makes people feel a sense of awe in their hearts.

Power, this is the power of Thor and Overlord in the last days, which made Kaido's eyes light up. This ingenious combination seemed to open a door for him.

He is a strong man himself, and it is very simple to learn some skills from other strong men.

"Kaido! Ski! Do you still want to fight me?"

Liu Xu's tone was very soft, but there was a majesty without anger in his voice, and the sound spread all over the island, so that everyone could hear him clearly.

Those pirates in the distance trembled violently, looking at the apocalyptic Thor in the sky, the fear in their hearts continued to magnify.

They have seen this kind of power and power before, that is, they have seen it during the Battle of the Top, and that kind of terrifying power and power is still unforgettable.

"General Liu Xu, it's General Liu Xu."

These pirates cheered, and they cheered when the general came?

Yes, they are so crazy, they are different from other pirates, they are the subordinates of one of the Seven Martial Seas, so naturally they will not be afraid of the navy.

In addition, the relationship between Liu Xu and Doflamingo was exposed before, letting them know that this person is a friend rather than an enemy.

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