In a word of sarcasm, Liu Xu satirized the opponent unceremoniously. Now that the two famous swords have been destroyed by him, although it did not cause any harm to Shi Ji himself, it also restricted some of his attacking moves, such as chopping waves.

Without the assistance of two famous knives, the power of chopping will be greatly reduced, and it will not be easy to block it by then.

The golden lion naturally understands this truth. Looking at the two people who want to swallow him, his heart is a little empty. If the two join forces to attack him again, I am afraid that he will be difficult to resist.

Now, to continue the fight?Or a temporary evacuation?

For a while, the golden lion was a little tangled, and this matter was not such a good choice.

If he leaves, then the devil fruit will not be with him, and if he stays, he may have to face the attack of two strong people.

On the other side, Liu Xu's fleet had withdrawn so far that it could only rely on binoculars to view it, while Columbia relied on his powerful eyesight to constantly observe the situation.

"Sniper, do you see anything?"

Hancock asked softly, her man was fighting there, but she couldn't help, which made her a little tangled.

"The three of them are deadlocked now, but the Golden Lion seems to be in a tragic situation. Mr. Captain may join forces with Kaido to kill him first."

Columbia easily observed the facial expressions of the three people. Although he didn't know what they were talking about, he could definitely see that the Golden Lion's current situation was not very optimistic.

"Joint together? It seems that the captain's choice is correct."

Nicole Robin smiled lightly, still drinking tea leisurely, causing several people to look sideways, beautiful Robin, why are you so calm?Sure enough, this kind of temperament cannot be learned.

And Hancock understood when he heard this, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, it seemed that she didn't have to worry too much about it.

As long as they didn't team up to attack Liu Xu, it would be fine. If they teamed up, she might be able to do it too. Even if they couldn't succeed, it would still be able to increase the auxiliary effect a little.

"By the way, find a team to meet Doflamingo."

Nami seemed to have remembered something, her eyes flickered with a certain light, and she urged her again and again.

"Yeah, you go and meet him."

Hancock suddenly realized that he almost forgot Liu Xu's things, and quickly assigned the female fighters of the Nine Snake Pirates to go.

Brother Doflaming, brought a group of men to the processing factory, and put away all the Devil Fruits without a word.

"Move away immediately, don't stay at all. And take away the entire family's funds, everything that can be taken away."

Doflamingo urged, now the battle outside does not know how it is going, no matter what, move things away first.

Caesar also saw some clues, and put away the two Devil Fruits, two?

"Young Master, where do we evacuate from?"

One of his subordinates asked cautiously, and this question made Doflamingo freeze.

That's right, where to evacuate from later?Is it from the coast or somewhere else?Going from the coast is undoubtedly very dangerous, and going from other places may encounter ambushes.

Although he is not afraid of ambushes, it is still very inconvenient to carry so many things. He will be killed by the enemy easily. God knows what the owner will think if the devil fruit is not handed over to Liu Xu.

"Take it first and then talk, wait and observe later!"

Doflamingo, who couldn't think of it for a while, could only choose this way, and started to slip away with a pile of supplies.

And just as he was getting ready to escape, a group of female soldiers appeared in front of him and said directly: "We are here to meet you, let's go!"

Brother Doflaming glanced at them, then nodded and led someone to slip behind the female warrior.

In this way, during the battle between Kaido and Shiji and Liu Xu, Doflaming also slipped away from the side, boarded the Nine Snakes pirate ship, and returned to the fleet with a huge amount of supplies.

I can't see the situation of the fleet here, but Liu Xu's heart network power can accurately capture those voices, and a smile appears in his eyes. It's good that things are transferred. As long as the devil fruit and the method of making it are in hand, everything will be fine. If you can do it all over again, then, now is the time to have a good fight with these two guys.

After making up his mind, Liu Xu quickly mobilized the lightning power on his body, and the black lightning kept condensing on him.

"Golden Lion Shiki, Hundred Beast Kaido, are you ready for another battle now?"

Liu Xu shouted loudly, and thunder and lightning billowed in the sky, as if responding to his words.

"Hmph, let's go ahead!"

Kaido naturally wouldn't be afraid, and directly responded with a sentence, and Shiji was also ready to go.

The war is about to start!

Chapter 2703 Battle to the ground


The domineering Kaido, the wild Shiki, the two powerful Four Emperors never feared anyone, even the former One Piece Roger couldn't make them fearful, only competitive.

In the face of Roger the Pirate King, they are more competitive and competitive, forcing themselves in various desperate situations to achieve breakthroughs.

The golden lion Shiji is also the owner of the domineering and the domineering. The Piao Piao Fruit, a devil fruit that many people think cannot exert a strong power, has developed a tyrannical power in his hands, from being able to Based on the fact that the non-living body floats, almost objects in the entire world can be controlled by him. This is the tyrannical ability, and various transcendent powers are obtained from it.

"Thunder Fury!"

Liu Xu preemptively struck, and dense thunder and lightning kept falling from the sky. Although it was not black lightning, it also had powerful attack power and was fast.

Tens of thousands of thunderbolts fell, and Kaido fully exerted his tyrannical physical and physical strength, armed domineering, wrapped around his body, and blasted dozens of punches straight to the top of his head. Every punch caused the surrounding space to vibrate. Those falling thunderbolts It also changed its trajectory due to the vibration of the space, and fell beside him, constantly bombarding the ground, completely destroying the entire coast.

It is the use of this technique again, his fist seems to have the power of Mount Tai, and it is easy to make the space vibrate, thus avoiding the intensive lightning attack.

And that Golden Lion Shiki is much simpler.

"Lion Wei. Hundred Volts Roll!"

The voice fell, and the ground on the entire coast trembled, and in the blink of an eye, it was overturned under his tyrannical force, and quickly formed a state of a lion to protect him under him, facing the continuous falling thunder and lightning.

Defense skills, this is one of the defensive skills of the Golden Lion Shiki. Sure enough, these moves are the same as his nickname, all in the form of a lion.

"Bang bang bang!"

When the thunder and lightning fell, there were muffled noises from the lion, and debris flew, but it still held its head high, like a king who did not succumb to others.

The continuous thunder and lightning bombardment lasted for a few minutes. Liu Xu continued to control the thunder and lightning, while the two kept defending and did not suffer any damage.

It's just that the bombing of two Four Emperors in a row is the rhythm of hatred!

The thunder and lightning gradually stopped, and Liu Xu no longer simply controlled the thunder and lightning. The God of Doomsday Thor clenched his fists and gradually landed. If he continued to use thunder and lightning bombing, it would be difficult to attack the two of them for a long time.

However, the thunder and lightning had just stopped, and the golden lion below had already started to fight back.

"Lion Wei. Pentium!"

The voice fell, and the lion, which was originally defending, suddenly ran, and with the acceleration, he sprinted and jumped, and it was directly parallel to the head of Thor in the end of the world, and it opened its mouth and bit it.

Liu Xu's eyes flashed, and as he was descending, he punched the lion directly on the jaw and gave a soft drink.



As soon as the voice fell, the jumping lion was directly hit by a punch and fell into the sea, turning into mud and disappearing.

As soon as he landed on the coast, Kaido's attack followed, and he jumped up with the help of a distance of hundreds of meters, and after several consecutive somersaults, his right leg fell.

The huge body stirred the fluctuation of the surrounding air under the powerful force, and the air in the whole area seemed to be torn apart. pain.

Aggressive, arrogant, this is Kaido's tyrannical attack.

The attack had already come, and it was too late to simply dodge it. Liu Xu controlled the Doomsday Thunder God with his arms crossed above his head, ready to resist his leg.


The right leg slammed firmly on the body of Thor, Kaido's domineering and fierce eyes showed a hint of joy, which increased the output of power, and kept pressing down, with a great rhythm of kicking the opponent away.

The Doomsday Thor took Kaido's kick hard and resisted the unbearable attack, but soon the Doomsday Thor's legs bent a little, and it turned out that when Kaido continued to increase his strength, he appeared a little weak , let him be shocked.

The physical and physical strength of Beast Kaido may be the most tyrannical body in the world.

In the end, the power of thunder and lightning is an attack of the natural system. Although the state of Thor in the last days has provided him with strong defensive power and attack power, it is still much worse than a guy like Beast Kaido who has a completely condensed body. , This kind of physical strength, this kind of physical quality is simply not comparable to ordinary people.

If you think about it carefully, if you let him fall from a height of [-] meters, without using elementalization, even if he doesn't die, he will still suffer a lot of injuries.

And what about others?Jumping down from a height of [-] meters to commit suicide, the result was that he was completely uninjured. How many people would feel pain? Even the kid like Luffy who opened his halo indiscriminately couldn't do such a thing.

It can be seen that the strongest part of Kaido should be his physical strength, completely crushing physical strength.

As the power became stronger and stronger, Liu Xu felt that it was already difficult to resist, and if it continued, he might only be suppressed. Moreover, there was a golden lion Shiji by his side, watching him fiercely and attacking at any time.

The situation cannot be waited for, and he will continue to be disturbed by it. Liu Xu's eyes are hardened, his body is stretched back forcibly, and his hands suddenly push up with mana, forcing Kaido's right leg back a little, and then he kicked hard with both feet. Stepping out of Kaido's attack range.


Kaido's kick lost the target and slammed heavily on the ground, smashing the coast into a pothole with a diameter of tens of meters and a depth of more than three meters. There were irregular cracks on the ground around the pothole, which seemed extremely scary. .

Liu Xu, who forcibly blocked Kaido's attack, felt that the light of Thor of the End Times had dimmed a lot, and his arms began to feel a little numb under the influence of the domineering armed color.

However, just when he avoided the opponent's attack, the golden lion Shiki's strong attack had already arrived.


Chapter 2704 Pick me up for the ninth strike of the Purple Thunder Saber Technique...


"Thousand Cut Valley!"

Shi Ji, the golden lion, kicked his feet again and again, countless blade lights flew out from the broken knives under his feet, and bombarded directly in Liu Xu's direction. crack.


Liu Xu cursed secretly, are these two girls planning to unite and be themselves first?It seems that things are not so easy today.

Flying into the air again, this is the best place to take refuge. Liu Xu flew into the air just under his feet, and continued to confront the two people below.

The apocalyptic Thor, whose sword light did not hit him, flew directly into the forest, forcibly clearing a large area of ​​the forest, the trees fell one after another, and the bottomless cracks were like a big rift, which was shocking.

"What a terrifying attack. It seems that this old man is going to fight desperately. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to kill him directly!"

Liu Xu thought silently in his heart. The World Government had missions before, one of which was to kill the Golden Lion. Judging from the current situation, it might be difficult to kill him all at once.

Under the power of two Four Emperors, it is not easy to kill one easily.

It was a stalemate again. The Golden Lion and Kaido did not continue to attack. The battle has continued until now, from the morning until now. After a while, it will be dark, and I don’t know how long it will last.

"Liu Xu, hand over the devil fruit, today's battle ends here."

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