Kaido yelled and clenched his fists.

The golden lion rolled his eyes, but said: "Liu Xu, if you think you can win with the cooperation of the two old men, then you can try again and see who falls first in the end!"

Threat, this is a naked threat.

Liu Xu was furious when he heard that, do these two guys really think that they are number one in the world?

"Don't think about it, if you still want to continue fighting, then come on!"

The power of thunder and lightning emerged again during the speech, and the dense thunderclouds in the sky quickly turned black, and the color of Thor in the end of the world also deepened and turned black.

The thundercloud surged, and its shape changed in an instant, directly turning into the appearance of an eye, and a sinister and terrifying power came from it, which made people tremble from the soul, powerful, this power is too powerful.

Black lightning, black lightning appeared again, just like the god who judged all things in the world, the black lightning attack speed is almost no speed, only in an instant, it directly acts on the human body, giving the strongest attack.

If you want to avoid such an attack, unless you can react immediately, and it is an unconscious reaction.

Human physical activity is executed by the brain, and if you want to avoid such an attack, it is only possible if the body's response is faster than the brain's response.

"Since you want to fight, let's show you what God's punishment is!"

The overlord looks domineering, and the Eye of Thunder Tribulation in the sky also reflects an endless majesty and magnifies, and the two people below suddenly feel the pressure from above, and their hearts are extremely shocked.

It was this kind of lightning again. It was this kind of lightning that directly shattered the two famous swords of the Golden Lion. Now that the lightning appeared again, can it still be avoided like before?

The golden lion has no bottom in his heart, and the same is true in Kaido's heart.

They only know that Black Thunder is very powerful, but it is not clear to what extent it has reached.

Can Kaido, the world's strongest creature with almost the strongest defense, use his body to resist the black lightning?

Not clear, all this is not clear.

However, Kaido seems to be a little eager to try, maybe it would be a good thing to try, not only to know the opponent's lightning power, but also to know the extent of his body's tyranny.

It was just that his thoughts were quickly dispelled, and many light spots were condensed in the eyes of Thunder Tribulation in the sky, and the diameter of these light spots was about three meters.

Kaido was a little dumbfounded, his facial muscles twitched violently, why is it different from the attack just now, didn't there be only a few black lightning bolts when he smashed the Golden Lion Sword just now?Why are there so many here?

At first glance, it is definitely thousands of black lightning bolts, and the diameter is dozens of times thicker than the previous one. The previous one was only as thick as an arm, but now it has reached three meters.

The number has increased, the power has increased, and the diameter has also increased, Kaido feels a little guilty.

If it was the kind of lightning just now, then he could still try it, but now that there are so many black lightnings, he doesn't want to try it.

This kind of lightning is definitely the same as the one just now, at least it can easily smash the famous knife.

You can judge your physical strength when you are hit by one or two strikes, but it will be different if you are hit by so many lightning bolts.

That's not testing one's own physical strength, but trying to die, purely dying.

The same is true for Shiji the Golden Lion. He knows best about his own sword, and he was easily crushed by the opponent to prove the power of these thunderbolts. Now that there are so many of them, even his fluttering fruit ability can fly freely in the sky. , or defend on the ground.

However, with so many thunderbolts coming down, and the attack speed is so fast, there is no time for him to react at all!

It was luck to be able to avoid it for the first time, but would luck always befall him?That is impossible.

Moreover, if you are defending and being bombarded by the opponent in such a series, it will only take minutes for the defense to be shattered.

Hesitating, I started to hesitate when the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment appeared, should I continue?

The hearts of the two are a little entangled now, and if it continues, I'm afraid it will really be an endless situation.

Seeing the two of them in the sky, Liu Xu drew his saber in his hand, held up the Thunder Saber, and said with a sneer, "Take the ninth strike of my Purple Thunder Saber Technique..."

Thinking of this, the black thunder and lightning in the eyes of the thunder calamity rushed towards the thunder knife, entwined around it, and the rumbling sound was like a dragon's roar, shaking the sky and the earth.


Chapter 2705 Actually, I haven't learned this trick yet!


"Strategic retreat!"

"The old man is leaving first!"

The two shouted at the same time, resolutely retreated to the sea, and kept going away.

But Liu Xu had already laughed out loud. I really didn't expect the two of them to have this side. This is definitely explosive news.

The two four emperors retreated, and they dispersed after Liu Xu expanded the attack range of the black thunder and lightning. This was both expected and unexpected.

"Actually, I haven't learned this trick yet!"

Looking at the backs of the two who were walking away, Liu Xu finally breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know what happened just now.

If the two four emperors knew that his black tear lightning ability can only be used five times a day, and the ninth strike of the Zilei sword technique is just a fake, then the situation may be different, and it is precisely because of Liu Xu. I don't understand, this has led to the two people's current retreat.

The strength of the attack, the duration of the attack, and the duration of the attack are all unknowns. In this case, retreating is also a correct choice.

The fleet quickly approached and docked, everyone got off the warship, and Brother Doflaming came directly to Liu Xu's side, "Master, do we still need to move out of here now?"

This problem made Liu Xu entangled immediately. It would be too troublesome to move away from here, and if they don't leave here, then these two people may continue to come here later, not to mention destroying this place, but stealing the devil fruit here It's all possible.

"Leave, let everything here move to Vera, and you will be stationed there in the future to protect everything there."

In the end, Liu Xu gave such an order because it was still not safe here.


Doflamingo responded, but his words made those pirates very depressed, master?It seems that the young master has already chosen a faction, is he ready to be with the navy completely?I don't know if it will change in the future.

The people of the Don Quixote family are still loyal to Brother Doflamingo. Basically, as long as it is his order, they will not refuse, but there is still an undercover cadre in this family. Will there be any rebellion in the future? thing, it is not very clear.

Moving out of a country is very troublesome, not only all kinds of things have to be prepared, but also all aspects of personnel.

In the Kingdom of Dressrosa, although many residents have been transformed into toys, there are still many residents here. If these people leave together, it will be the most troublesome, and the ships that need to be used are very large.

Fortunately, Doflamingo has already made some preparations for these things, and the mighty migration activities have begun. Thousands of huge ships are filled with all kinds of characters, and they all go to Vera.

But Liu Xu and the others went to another place, and now there is a person who must go to meet, so as not to keep that kid talking, it seems that the kid has not been very happy for more than a year.

Thinking of that character, Liu Xu had a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth.

I don't know what expression he will have when facing these identities. The patriarchs of the six Celestial Dragon clans are already gradually integrating. The integration of the five clans in the holy land of Marijoa has basically been completed. Now it is Don Quixote. For the integration of the family, it is very important to organize these people into one family and replace the previous family name.

The red-haired Shanks is a more tangled character among the Four Emperors. He is powerful, but he has always been in a state of nowhere at sea. Few people know where he will appear.

But one thing is certain, if it is not an important matter, he will never appear on the route controlled by the other three four emperors. After all, it is a very unpleasant thing, and a battle will break out at any time.

Following this line of thought, Liu Xu chose the only route and went directly to Shanks.


On the deserted island, Liu Xu and the others half-closed their eyes and looked at the nervous man in front of him shouting for a banquet, and ten thousand muddy horses galloped past in their hearts.

This guy is still the same as before, still so funny.

Beside him was Hawkeye Mihawk, who seemed to have had sex with him, and directly blinded Liu Xu's eyes. What is the relationship between these two?Why do you always see the two of them together?Is the red-haired Shanks really a flaw in the future?God, things are too sad, it's better not to think too much.

The crazy banquet was held, and Liu Xu sighed again and again. It seems that since he found the red-haired Shanks, the banquet started in less than three sentences. Do you have to say something during the banquet?Also, what is the rhythm of the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters getting along so happily with a powerful pirate?

"Redhead, aren't you going to ask something? Also, are you going to keep wandering like this, aren't you going to make some land or something?"

Liu Xubai asked boredly, saying that if the red-haired Shanks also started to officially compete for territory, then this new world would be really lively.

So far, the red-haired Shanks has not clearly occupied any territory. If there is any, it is these deserted islands.

Speaking of which, he can be regarded as the poorest of the Four Emperors.

Shanks stopped the wine glass in his hand, laughed and said, "I'll ask you the question later. As for this territory, I'm not interested. What I want is unlimited adventure, which is what it means to be a pirate." In the true sense, advocating freedom and sailing freely on the sea.”

What he advocates is freedom. Like the previous One Piece Roger, there is no territory, but in the end Roger won the highest honor - One Piece, so that the world will always remember his existence.

Liu Xu shook his head. The idea of ​​red-haired Shanks may be very good, and it is also a good wish.

But the reality is cruel. Just like Luffy, who he placed high hopes on, he said that he likes endless adventures, but in the end he still competed for the territory. This is absolute.

Chapter 2706 Change to another identity


"By the way, you are now the patriarch of several Tianlong people families, what do you think?"

Shanks asked such a sentence after answering his own question. Like a curious baby, his eyes were wide open, as if he had discovered something interesting.

Liu Xu curled his lips and turned his head away, and said, "Isn't it just the patriarchs of a few Tianlongren families? What's the matter? Everyone has dreams, and there are many ways to achieve them. way?"


A simple and rude answer, that is just a way, a way to let him ascend to the supreme throne.

The power of the Tianlong people in this world is too great. Although this is an era of great navigation, there is another very fatal problem, and that is the land.

As long as you are a person, you will eventually go to land.

The land is the place controlled by the world government and the Tianlong people. Whether it is in the four seas or the first half of the great route, no one dares to offend the majesty of the Tianlong people.

Even in this new world, the Celestial Dragons have great power, but few people have known about it.

Therefore, Tianlongren may be the last checkpoint, the last checkpoint of the Supreme Throne.

Being able to rule all the Celestial Dragons means being able to rule the entire world, including these pirates, and that is no exception.

There is a problem that has been ignored by people all the time, that is, when Roger became the One Piece, the Tianlong people never showed fear, they only said that the sinner needed to be dealt with.

So, what keeps the Draconians from being afraid of a One Piece?What is supporting them?

"Is it the way?" The red-haired Shanks grinned, but a deep caution flashed in his eyes, "How about having my co-captain come and have a chat with you?"

After the words were finished, Beckman had already come to the side with a glass of wine, and he drank a glass without saying a word, which made Liu Xu feel a little more comfortable.

The red-haired Shanks wouldn't even admit here that he needed his co-captain's super IQ to help him think about something.

"General Liu Xu, what do you think of the future situation in the new world? Why did Kaido and Shiji go to Dressrosa? Why did you appear there?"

What Beckman asked was much more straightforward than that of the red-haired Shanks, and this is the one that has been making a lot of noise these days.

The two four emperors fought with Liu Xu, and finally left for unknown reasons. This is something that everyone can't figure out. What happened here?

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