To be able to let the two four emperors go at the same time is definitely a major event, and such a thing will definitely affect the stability of the entire new world.

Liu Xu smiled lightly and said, "Beckman, what do you think will happen? You seem very nervous?"

Beckman replied directly: "Of course I'm nervous, because what's going on here will affect the whole new world, and no one will be nervous."

Liu Xu's eyes flashed, Beckman is indeed a very intelligent person, influencing the new world?

Of course, the huge number of Devil Fruits will affect the entire new world. When the army of capable users is released, it will be an easy task to take down the entire new world.

"The Buddha said you can't say it, you can't say it."

Liu Xu played tricks and didn't answer his question at all.

"By the way, the redhead, that kid Luffy has entered the new world now, why don't you take a look?"

The rhythm of changing the topic was naked, Liu Xu didn't want to talk too much about those things anymore, and he would leak his mouth if he talked too much.

When talking about Luffy, the red-haired eyebrows danced, as if this matter excited him, he nodded repeatedly: "Yes, he has entered the new world, hehe, now his power is already very good. The power of a quasi-general , how, shocked?"

Liu Xu grinned evilly, big red-haired brother, you are a little uncomfortable, didn't you see that this young master is also so young?To be so terrified in front of this young master, you are looking for abuse.

"Quasi-general? Is this really funny? I have been practicing since I was a child, and I am only a quasi-general now. I started practicing a few years ago, and now I have such strength. What do you think of Ruhe?"


The originally lively banquet suddenly fell silent. Countless people stared at Liu Xu's face, as if they wanted to see something from his face. Even Columbia and others were the same. They only started practicing eight years ago. ?

How many years did it take to reach the present achievement?This……

The wine glass in the red-haired hand fell to the ground, completely dumbfounded, can this be a happy banquet?To have made such a big thing, it seems that this is the suspicion of being a little abused.

How many years ago did you start practicing?No more than six at most, and he killed Whitebeard and Big Mom two years ago. This means that he has already been able to rival the strength of the Four Emperors in such a short period of cultivation. What will happen if he is allowed to continue to practice?

God, the world is so crazy, why is such a super genius a navy?Why was such a genius picked up by the Navy?If only I had met him first.

These people were dumbfounded, Liu Xu felt comfortable, and drank a little wine leisurely. It would be interesting to stimulate these people for nothing. I just hope that these people will not be stimulated too much, and they can just jump into the sea and commit suicide.

"Liu Xu, you are really a pervert, a super genius. No, it's a ghost, a genius who surpasses the world."

It took a long time for the redhead to hold back such a sentence, and more than [-] grass and mud horses galloped past in his heart.

He has been able to kill two of the four emperors in six years of cultivation. So, has he lived on a dog for so many years?It was hit like that.

Liu Xu chuckled, and then said, "Don't talk about these boring things, answer me a question, are you interested in taking this route?"

An important question came, the red hair recovered from the shock, his face suddenly became serious, and said, "Why do you ask that?"

"Because, I think of the final place."

The final place?It's the end of the great route, Ralph Drew!

"Oh? This idea is very interesting. Then, what capacity are you going to go with? It seems that it does not match your status as an admiral of the Navy headquarters!"

The red-haired Shanks spoke meaningfully, as if he had thought of something, and looked at Liu Xu with burning eyes.

Liu Xu laughed and stood up, facing the sea and said loudly: "I'm tired of sitting in the position of Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, of course I have to change to another identity, and go as the Emperor of the Sea!"



Chapter 2707 Challenge the red-haired Shanks


Sea Emperor, this is a position proposed by Liu Xu to the world government. It is equal to the Four Emperors, equal to the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters, and possesses various supreme powers.

It belongs to the world government and the headquarters of the navy, but it is an independent existence.

Since this position came out, almost all the powerful pirates in the whole new world have been fighting for this position. Of course, there were also those who fought for the positions of the two four emperors before, killing and injuring countless powerful pirates.

However, in the end, these two positions were taken away by the strong Golden Lion Shiki and the lonely Reid, who were at the same time as One Piece Roger.

Therefore, now there is only one Sea King position that has not been taken away by others. These powerful pirates are naturally even more crazy, and people die for this position every day.

The World Government and the Navy Headquarters are reaping the benefits of fishing. The pirate power in the New World is constantly being weakened. Everyone understands this, but driven by interests, some people continue to sprint towards this position.

"Are you sure you want to go to Ralph Drew in this capacity?"

The red-haired Shanks was silent for a long time before speaking. This was not what he wanted to see. If Liu Xu wanted to become the Emperor of the Sea, there was one problem he had to face, and that was the powerful pirates in the new world. .

What he was worried about was not that these pirates could bring him any harm, but whether Liu Xu would finish off these big pirates and then ascend to such a position.

However, Liu Xu was here to restrain him now, and stimulated him once again.

"Of course, what a refreshing thing it is to take this position! Hehe, it's not bad to kill those big pirates and become the Sea King, what do you think?"


The matter is still at this point, the red-haired Shanks is about to cry without tears now, we are pirates, don't ask this question, I don't know how to answer you.

The red-haired side fell silent, but Beckman on the other side said: "General Liu Xu, maybe this route is not suitable for you now, how about offering you one? How about the route of the Golden Lion?"


The red hair sprayed again, Comrade Beckman, you should think of a way to stop him instead of providing him with a route, this is going to be a crime.

Liu Xu's eyes lit up when he heard that, that's right, this is a very good route, it can kill some big pirates as well as the golden lion, it's really a good choice.

"You are very reasonable. How can I see you now, Master Ben is so cool. Well, it's much more fun than the red-haired guy."

Liu Xu patted the opponent's shoulders several times, and the boy said that he was very promising.

One sentence left both of them speechless, the rhythm of this pretense was really naked.

After the matter was basically settled, Liu Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and finally didn't have to worry about those things anymore.

The red-haired Shanks has no intention of competing for this route, that is, it will be cheaper for him, and he will be embarrassed if he does not accept it.

Well, maybe you don't need to do it yourself, just send Doflamingo over.

The banquet continued, and weird things kept appearing here. The general of the navy headquarters chatted happily with a group of pirates. Of course, at this moment, there were only two ships left in Liu Xu's fleet, one was the empress's pirate ship, and the other was This is his own warship.

The remaining two warships have followed Doflamingo's large force to Villa, and there are still many things that need to be dealt with by them.

Moreover, swallowing devil fruits is also very important. As long as there are devil fruits processed, they can be eaten as soon as possible, and the strength of the second and third teams can be quickly increased.

The first team has all been practicing in the empty island, there is no one to disturb, it is very suitable for cultivation.


"Redhead, how about a fight?"

Liu Xu looked at the red-haired Shanks in front of him, with an inexplicable light in his eyes. The Four Emperors have fought three times. Isn't the last one here now?Don't say too much, at least beat him down first, right?

The red-haired Shanks is also a little eager to try. He doesn't know to what extent Liu Xu's strength has reached, but now is a good opportunity to test it out and see how far the opponent has reached...

"Wait, I'll come first."

Suddenly, Hawkeye, who came to watch the play, stopped them, and the black knife behind him had already been drawn.

"...Hawkeye, what are you doing in such a hurry? It won't hurt your heart."

Liu Xu was speechless, and so were Hawkeye and Red-haired Shanks, my dear?Oh, Shet, why is this title so embarrassing, I really want to kill this guy right now.

Hancock and others have given way to an area. Now is a good opportunity to watch the show. The red-haired Shanks, one of the four emperors, and the red-haired Shanks who can compete with Whitebeard, what exactly does he have? the power of?

"Sister Hancock, Master Captain, how long will it take him to end the fight?"

Bonnie, who was dressed as a maid, had bright eyes. Under Liu Xu's deliberate training, she had already gotten used to this way of speaking.

A gluttonous girl who speaks rudely has now been trained to be a good maid, which shows how much effort Liu Xu has put in.

Of course, the location of this training is a bit special, Liu Xu has put in a lot of effort every night.

"Well, the concubine thinks it should be a few days. As long as the flaws are not revealed first, a few days is the least."

Hancock is careful, this is also a good opportunity to open their eyes, don't miss it!

"Hehe, the captain is so interesting."

Robin was already drinking a cup of tea that came out of nowhere, and his bright eyes stayed on Liu Xu's body.

"Um, is there any bonus for winning?"

Nami is most concerned about this issue. As for the issue of winning or losing, there is no need to think about it. Is it possible that her man will lose?That is absolutely impossible.

Well, that's what she thought.

"Hawkeye, since you are afraid that your little one will be hurt, let's have a game first!"

Liu Xu chuckled, and the Thunder Knife was also unsheathed at this time, and the dazzling deep purple light shot straight into the sky, making people squint their eyes uncontrollably.


Chapter 2708 Fighting Hawkeye Joe Rakel


The world's largest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, his kendo is recognized as the best in the world. He has unique insights and applications in kendo. The number one swordsman is not only an honor, but also a strength. symbol.

Hei Knife Ye, this is the knife he uses the most, and he will only draw it out when facing a real strong man. If it is an ordinary enemy, he may not even be qualified to draw the knife.

He had stayed on Liu Xu's warship for a while a few years ago, and Hawkeye was one of his few friends in this world.

During the time on the warship, he challenged Hawkeye day and night, and only used Thunder Saber to challenge, which made his sword skills grow very fast.

At the same time, in the past few years, he has constantly faced some superpowers and continuously trained his strength. Now he is very confident in his swordsmanship level.

And what about Hawkeye Mihawk?

He had countless honors in his life, and had many battles with the red-haired Shanks, especially the one battle that made Whitebeard sigh in admiration after many years, as if it happened yesterday.

Although no one knows the result of that battle, but to be able to get such a high evaluation as Whitebeard, will Hawkeye's strength be weak?

The supreme sword, the twelve-work black sword. Ye, this is his weapon for many years. There have been countless dead souls under this sword. It is a murder weapon.

The eagle-like sharp eyes stared at Liu Xu in front of him, and the people around him had retreated far away, even the red-haired Shanks was no exception.

"Liu Xu, let me take a look at your achievements over the past few years."

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