"Puff puff!"

The white sword glow hit Chun Lei Baoshi, and penetrated directly into it. Chun Lei Baoshi's attack speed slowed down immediately, and was forced to stop by those white sword lights.

The use of skills, this is another use of skills, the red-haired Shanks used continuous burst defense to resist the spring thunderstorm, which was beyond Liu Xu's expectations.

Chapter 2712 Four days and four nights of fighting spirit


With the intervention of the white sword light, the power of Chun Lei's violent death was finally shattered, leaving only the deep purple electric light gradually dissipating in the air.

And the powerful pressure of the slash has been offset by the white sword glow.

However, with the same result, the white sword light also quickly disappeared after consuming the power of Chun Lei's violent death, and did not continue to attack Liu Xu.

It can also be seen from this point that the collision between the two is comparable this time, at least no one has taken advantage of it.

"It's not good to masturbate!"

Liu Xu thought silently, how long will the battle with Shanks last?

No one knows this, the key depends on who reveals his flaws first, as long as whoever reveals his flaws first, then he will have to bear the opponent's follow-up attacks like a storm, and the consequence is often defeat.

In a duel between masters, the outcome of the battle can be decided in just one breath.

The red-haired Shanks, who had broken the spring thunder storm, suddenly rushed towards Liu Xu, and it turned out to be an active offensive mode, no longer a passive defense.

The western sword struck again and again, and the red-haired Shanks' body kept changing direction, like a ghost, making it impossible to see where he was at all.

However, Liu Xu has such a powerful ability as Xinwang, how could he fail to catch the opponent's figure?

It is easy to judge the opponent's position. Under the power of knowledge and domineering and the navy's six-style paper painting, he avoids the opponent's attack every time, and launches a swift and violent counterattack from time to time.

"Liu Xu is very powerful."

The red-haired Shanks still had a serious face, but there was already a huge wave in his heart.

He was surprised by the decisiveness of the opponent when he counterattacked. If it were someone else, even Hawkeye would have difficulty counterattacking with such a swift attack.

Because of his fast attack speed, one may be hit by him if one is not careful.

But Liu Xu was so decisive, he seized the opportunity and started to fight back.

The speed of the counterattack was very fast, and the Thunder Knife Thunder Knife slashed down one after another, but they were all avoided by the opponent one by one. The red-haired Shanks was also a domineering person with knowledge.

Although it doesn't have the power of Xinwang, it can predict the opponent's next attack through a little change, and quickly dodge it.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The continuous battle between the two continued in the constant crisp sound, attacking, defending, and counterattacking, constantly switching between these three.

The battle between the two became more and more intense, and the island that had been destroyed and dilapidated was hit hard again. Starting from the coast, it continued to go beyond the other side of the island. The overflowing energy shatters directly.

The island, which was shrinking step by step, was defeated by the tyrannical power of the two, and the two did not notice all this at all, they only knew that they were constantly fighting.

"Shaved! Moon step! Shaved! Finger gun!"

Liu Xu meditated in his heart, using the six naval styles continuously, using the power of the shaving to jump into the air, then using the moon steps to move freely, then using the shaving to appear behind the opponent, and finally using the finger gun with his left hand to attack.

The movements are flowing and interlocking, just like a magician, and the perfect movements make people feel a visual feast.

The strong wind coming from behind made Shanks understand what was going on, and it was too late to turn around, and without saying a word, he directly wrapped the power of the armed color to every corner of the body, and carried out the full-body armed color.

The skin turned pure black, and the red-haired Xiangke's defense and attack were boosted in an instant.


With a muffled sound, Liu Xu pressed his fingers on the opponent's back, but the opponent's defense made him frown, and his attacking fingers were slightly bent, but the opponent did not move at all!


Using the power of the Six Forms again, Liu Xu evacuated directly from the spot, while the red-haired Shanks had already turned around and slashed down with his sword...

Countless sword glows flew out of the Western Sword, and they were in front of Liu Xu in the blink of an eye.

"One hundred million vodka, Chidori sharp gun!"

Liu Xu stretched his left hand forward, and five dark purple beams of thunder and lightning flew out from the fingertips of his five fingers, piercing through the white sword light in an instant, blocking several sword lights.

"Is it the power of thunder and lightning?" Red-haired Shanks looked at the other party and could easily see what kind of power the other party was using.

"But that's useless." How could the super strong be frightened by this kind of power?The redhead rushed over to take the initiative to attack again, approached the opponent's body at once, and adopted a close combat method.

This kind of thinking has achieved results. In close combat, Liu Xu can only use the navy six style or swordsmanship to fight. It is best to keep a little distance when using the power of thunder and lightning, so that the attack power will be stronger.


The fighting continued, and the battle between the two wrecked the island.

With the passage of time, half of this deserted island was destroyed by these two people, as if half of it had collapsed below the sea surface, and there was no trace of it anymore.

The island has been beaten to nothing!


"Little brother, how long has it been?"

Breton called out to Yankerman, who was watching with relish.

"Well, it's been four days."

Yankeman said without turning his head, his eyes were shining, and he continued to stare at the battle ahead. He was not afraid of the battle that was getting closer, but excited.

"What are you so excited about, kid? It's almost here. If we keep fighting, we'll be on the boat."

Breton patted his forehead, why is this unlucky kid so ignorant?Haven't you seen that people have already destroyed half of the island?If they continue to fight, they will be in danger here.

"It's okay, I'll keep watching."


The battle between Liu Xu and the red-haired Shanks continued, and four days and four nights had passed. The two people fighting did not feel tired at all, but became more courageous and energetic as they fought.

Every collision is like a landslide. Close combat is the simplest and most rude way of fighting. The competition is based on the physical fitness and skills of the two.

Chapter 2713 Let's go all out



The swords are facing each other, the hard and domineering Lei Dao and the soft and changeable Western sword are intertwined, the collision produces a little spark, and the eyes of both of them stay on the sword.

"The red-haired swordsmanship is definitely not weaker than that of Hawkeye, but it is a pity that he lost an arm, otherwise his strength would be even more terrifying."

Liu Xu thought in his heart, this is the real Four Emperors, the Four Emperors with superior strength.

"Liu Xu, continue!"

The red-haired Shanks was smiling and full of energy, his hand holding the western sword trembled.

Liu Xu's eyes flashed, the Western sword vibrated continuously under Shanks' control, and whipped on Lei Dao Lei Dao's blade, the continuous force made his hand almost unable to hold the blade.

And this just happened to give him a chance. Taking advantage of the shocking power from the Western sword, Liu Xu jumped back and slashed twice in succession.

The deep purple light lit up in an instant, and the two strokes of spring thunderstorm slashed downwards from two directions, and the whistling sword glow with the momentum of thunder directly blocked the roads on the left and right sides of the red hair.

Under the attack from the left and right, the red-haired Shanks was very calm, the western sword slashed left and right, and two white sword lights flew out in the shape of a crescent, directly hitting the whistling sword light.


The substantial explosion was followed by a strong shock wave, causing the surrounding dilapidated earth to be hit hard again.

And Liu Xu took advantage of the light produced at the moment of the collision of the sword light and the sword light as a cover, and his body in mid-air abruptly moved sideways and fell back to the ground. With his feet on the ground, his body flew down against the ground like a cannonball.

"call out!"

Another burst of dark purple light lit up, and Liu Xu's thunder knife thunder knife slashed towards the opponent's ankle, the speed was astonishing.

However, at this moment, the red-haired Shanks jumped up, and his body in the air turned downward and landed quickly, with the western sword facing down.

Quickly reacting to the battle, Liu Xu knew something was wrong after he lost his target. He slapped the ground hard with one hand, and turned his whole body to the side to avoid the attack from above.


After all, the red-haired western sword failed to hit Liu Xu, and penetrated deeply into the face, which also made people's eyes bright. Just watching the battle between the two is already a kind of enjoyment.

This is the use of skill, the grasp of timing, and the manipulation of power.

Liu Xu's spinning body stopped, landed firmly on the ground, and pointed at the red-haired Shanks.

The red-haired western sword was also pulled out from the ground, and he looked at Liu Xu on the opposite side leisurely. This is the opponent, a very strong opponent.

"Shanks, I am amazed at how fast you are."

Instead of fighting immediately, Liu Xu spoke slowly, but agreed with the opponent's speed.

As he said, Shanks' attack speed is very fast, defense speed is also very fast, and counterattack speed is also very fast. It is difficult to directly hit him from close combat, so there are other options.

The red-haired Shanks, one of the Four Emperors, still has many doubts about his power. It has been many years, and no one has ever seen his real shot.

Especially the kind of life-and-death battle that few people can see.

However, this will definitely not affect his status, nor will it make people doubt his strength.

After reaching this level, there is no need to make any moves. Just think about it, and you will know that only one battleship can establish the status of the Four Emperors in the New World. What a powerful force and what a powerful team it must be?

His crew is not as many as Whitebeard's, but each of his men is very powerful.

Even a rookie can be offered a reward of more than [-] million Baileys, so what about the others?

One of the cadres already has a bounty of [-] million Baileys, and the other combatants, such as Jesus Bu, must have a reward of at least [-] million, perhaps in the range of [-] to [-] million.

With such a strong team, how can their captain be weak?Do not make jokes.

Hearing Liu Xu's praise, Shanks shook his head and said, "I can't beat you in terms of speed. If I remember correctly, your speed should be the speed of light. But you didn't use that kind of speed just now. speed."

huh?Has it been seen?But do you need to use it now?joke.

A meaningful smile hung on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth, and he said, "But, didn't you also not use your full strength? Come on, keep fighting, this time you have to use all your firepower, otherwise it will be very dangerous."

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