Red-haired Shanks laughed as soon as he heard this, was he on fire?If the fire was really full, the island would have been destroyed long ago.Moreover, with full firepower, what will the crew do?

In the blink of an eye, I was dumbfounded, bastard, how can these guys run faster than rabbits?When did you get on the boat?Why doesn't he know.

Even Liu Xu is the same. The power of Xinwang has been on Shanks before, and he didn't pay attention to other people at all. Looking at it now, these guys have all returned to the boat, that is to say, the island is now Apart from the two of them, there was no one else on the road.

"For the sake of providing us with such a good fighting place, let's go all out!"

Liu Xu said helplessly, then closed his eyes slightly and then opened them suddenly, only to hear a thunder explosion in the early morning sky.

Then the rolling thunder kept coming, and the sapphire blue sky was covered with dark clouds in the blink of an eye, adding a touch of cold to the already slightly cool morning.

The raging thunderclouds and raging thunderbolts covered the island under effective control. Although the area was not very large, it was compressed and the clouds were thicker.

The red-haired Shanks smiled helplessly, it seems that he must use all his strength!

The power of thunder and lightning began to be officially used, and the constantly rolling thunder cloud gave people a shocking feeling. The body released a deep purple arc, and the whole body was bathed in thunder and lightning, as if the sky had descended on the mortal world to judge everything.

Chapter 2714 Competing for dominance


The red-haired Shanks on the opposite side took a deep breath, and the western sword quickly attacked, swung out five white sword lights in succession, and the man also followed behind the sword light and charged forward, with a tendency to directly destroy the opponent in front of him with one blow.

However, at the moment when his white sword glow had just been activated, Liu Xu's eyes burst into dazzling light, and when he raised his hand, five thousand bird sharp guns shot away.

The deep purple Qiandori sharp spear shot out, and instantly hit the white sword light, which easily dissipated the five sword lights, shattered like a mirror, and turned into a spot of light and quickly disappeared.

However, the figure of the red-haired Shanks behind the sword light also appeared, and the Western sword stabbed directly.


There was thunder in the sky, and a dozen lightning bolts poured down, reaching the front of the red-haired Shanks in an instant, directly blocking his Western sword.

Upon seeing this, Shanks added a domineering look of armed color to the western sword. The dark western sword passed through the lightning directly, but the current of up to [-] million volts entered his body, causing his movements to stagnate.

"good chance!"

Liu Xu seized this rare opportunity, swayed his body from side to side, and appeared behind the opponent, raised his foot, and threw it down with a whip.

"It's so fast! It's too late!"

Shanks' eyes trembled. Although he could feel the opponent's attack, his body couldn't react at all. He was directly thrown on the waist by the opponent's whip leg, and his body fell forward uncontrollably.

All of this was completed in just a split second, from the thunder and lightning's falling attack to Liu Xu's whip leg, all in just a split second. This is the speed of light, which is unattainable for human beings.


The body of the red-haired Shanks fell heavily on the ground and dragged for dozens of meters before stopping. His whole body was covered in dirt and dust, but his eyes were always looking at Liu Xu.

Suddenly, the pupils of his eyes shrank sharply, and Liu Xu's figure disappeared. He could only see the light shining on, and he could no longer find the other party's figure.

"Seeing the color!"

Shanks meditated in his heart, and the domineering aura of knowledge and knowledge unfolded in an instant, in order to judge the possible attack.


Xiyangjian stabbed towards the side suddenly, only a crisp sound was heard, and the Xiyangjian actually blocked Liu Xu who was attacking from the side.


Shanks had a smile on his face, it would be good if he could block this blow. Although he was slightly injured and his back was still hurting, but if he could block the follow-up attack of the first move, then the latter would no longer be a problem.

Liu Xu naturally understood this, so instead of continuing the stormy attack he had prepared, he drew his knife, used the shaved blade to leave the spot in an instant, and appeared [-] meters away in front of the opponent.

Arcs were released from his body again, and the thunderclouds in the sky responded to his call, and deafening thunder continued to appear, which stimulated everyone's hearts to beat violently.

Shanks also stood up from the ground and twisted his waist. The leg just now was really uncomfortable. If he hit it twice, I'm afraid the bone would be broken.

"Armed Color Hardened!"

With a soft drink, his whole body hardened, and at the same time, an unparalleled aura came from his body, forming a tyrannical pressure that swept everything around him, and rushed towards Liu Xu.

The coercion swept across his body, Liu Xu's eyes moved, did he look like a king?Applying the power of Overlord Color to actual combat, the effect should be very good.

When the opponent suddenly strikes without warning, even if it fails to make the opponent fall, it can delay the enemy's speed and create an excellent opportunity for himself.

The application of bully color can be very extensive, not just the random release of momentum in the crowd as others think.

The opponent has already come here for a while, Liu Xu has no reason to show weakness. He also released his domineering power, and the oppressive, domineering, and raging kingly aura rushed out of his body, confronting the opponent's domineering aura , The collision of the two momentums formed a vortex, and the air was twisted under the two forces.

Shanks smiled, now is it going to be a competition of overlord?Then come on!

Thinking like this, Shanks's overlord color was unreserved, and he released it all, charging the opponent fiercely.

However, Liu Xu's overlord color is not weak, and it has its own characteristics. His overlord color is more destructive under the body of its own thunder attribute.

Ascension, constantly increasing the strength of the overlord's domineering domineering, the two looked at each other resolutely, and neither took a step back one after another.

The overlord-colored confrontation lasted for a few minutes, and the two just stood there, seemingly doing nothing.But the vortex in the middle can prove that the current contest between the two does not need to be weak before. The vortex continues to grow, and there are signs of breaking at any time.

"Let's get some food!"

Liu Xu yelled loudly, and the domineering power of his whole body poured out. The stormy momentum as deep as the sea made the power of the vortex in the middle lose its balance, and it exploded all at once, and Liu Xu's domineering color drove the vortex The force of the explosion directly crushed the red hair.

How could Shanks have thought that Liu Xu's domineering color would suddenly release so much, and he would be caught off guard, unable to stop the extremely domineering power of his domineering color from passing through his body.


The red-haired Shanks snorted, and his spirit actually loosened a little. He was directly affected by the power of this overlord. At that moment, it was as if a thousand steel needles were pierced into his brain, and the pain was unbearable.

Is this the power of overlord color?No, it was the power of thunder and lightning and the vortex created by the previous confrontation between the two. It was equivalent to saying that it was a combination of three forces that hit the red hair at the same time, which was the reason for his pain.

"What a domineering domineering look!"

The power of domineering is not the same for everyone, there are strong and weak, high and low.

Just like Liu Xu's overlord-like arrogance will be greatly enhanced in the state of Thor in the end of the world and in the state of Thunder of Heaven's Punishment, which is even more deterrent.


Chapter 2715 The island is gone


Under these two states, the power of the overlord's color has joined the power of the thunder and lightning itself, creating a god-like power. This is Liu Xu's overlord's color.

Although he hasn't used this state yet, the red-haired Shanks was still taken aback when he suddenly enhanced his overlord look.

The domineering overlord color is also the momentum of the king, the red-haired Shanks is a little more peaceful, but it is a little weaker in this nature.

Having received such a high evaluation from him, Liu Xu laughed straight away. Many people said that Shanks' overlord color is the strongest overlord color. is the strongest?

As for Luffy's overlord power, don't think about him for the time being.

Taking advantage of the fact that the red hair hadn't completely slowed down the kung fu of God, Liu Xu took the offensive again, reaching the speed of light under the elementalization of his whole body.

"Finger Gun Tiger Roar!"

The left hand clawed towards the back of the red-haired Shanks, the fingertips carried white arrogance, like a tiger howling, the dull sound made the red-haired Shanks in front react.


Shanks, who was fully armed and hardened, hit Liu Xu's hand accurately with a backhand sword, deflecting his attack trajectory.

The tiger roared past Shanks, and the strong wind that brought him tore his clothes apart.

The advanced power of the finger gun, Tiger Roar, is no longer used by a single finger, but can be used by all five fingers. Not only the attack speed and strength are enhanced, but also the fingers can be protected from bending damage when the enemy is defending. .


The figures were staggered, the two of them threw a punch at the same time, and the two bodies were staggered, instantly opening a distance of hundreds of meters.

"Shanks' reaction speed is too fast, it is still difficult to defeat him in a short time."

Liu Xu was struggling in his heart. This was just a contest, not a life-and-death struggle. If he wanted to use a more powerful skill, he might destroy the island with one blow. At that time, one person must fall down.

"Liu Xu's speed is above me, and his arrogance is above me. How can he fight?"

Shanks also had countless troubles in his heart, and the battle with Liu Xu made him feel very difficult.

Let him use domineering and swordsmanship to fight against a strong man who has abilities, six styles, swordsmanship, and domineering. He was not on the same starting line from the beginning.

He has never eaten a devil fruit, so naturally he does not have that ability.However, his physical skills, swordsmanship and domineering are recognized by countless people. These alone have made him the Four Emperors admired by many people in the New World.

If he ate the Devil Fruit, his power would undoubtedly be even more terrifying. At that time, few people would be able to resist his attack.

"We must fight quickly!"

Thinking in his heart, Liu Xu carried out elementalization again, and the thundercloud summoned from the sky also responded to his call.

"[-] million vodka, Thunder's Wrath!"

The Thunder's Fury, which has enhanced the current strength, has the same attack form, but its attack power is increased.

As the voice fell, countless thunderbolts were suddenly released from the thundercloud, and the dazzling lightning changed the color of the sky and the earth in an instant, bathing everything around in deep purple light.

Under his control, all the thunder and lightning beams with thick arms that landed directly blocked all the red hair's escape routes.

"It feels so dangerous, it's not so easy to bear."

The red-haired Shanks showed a little helplessness on his face. The entire island was covered by these lightning beams. He had no time to hide, and there was no place to hide, so he had to take it hard.

The western sword was raised again, and the whole person rushed forward, and at the same time cut out several sword beams towards the sky, in order to open a path.

And Liu Xu had already prepared another attack when the Thunder Fury landed, which can also be said to be a kind of experiment.

"Crazy thunder shakes the sky!"

With a shout of anger, the thunder and lightning falling from the sky suddenly gathered together to form several huge sword glows, which were a thousand meters long. Such sword glows were exactly the same as the spring thunder storm, but they were magnified countless times .

The slash composed entirely of thunder and lightning shone with an unfathomable deep purple light and fell instantly, blocking the path forward for the red-haired Shanks.

The violent thunder strikes the sky, no longer using the thunder knife to perform it, but it is composed of countless thunder and lightning, directly forming the deadliest slash.

At the moment when the Nine Dao enlarged version of the spring thunder storm formed, the red-haired eyes stared fixedly, and the helplessness on his face became more obvious. Could this bastard's attacking moves be inexhaustible?Why do you always have so many skills?I really don't know what kind of attack method he has.

When the slash fell, the red-haired Shanks held the western sword with both hands, and a fierce aura appeared on his body. In an instant, a cyclone filled the surroundings, and the cyclone quickly surrounded the western sword and spun around.


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