The red-haired Shanks shouted and slashed down with a sword, and the cyclone formed a long and narrow sword that flew away from the western sword and instantly hit the eight sword lights that fell.

"Bang bang bang!"

The two forces collided violently at this time, and violent shock waves and rays of light swept the entire island in an instant.

"not good!"

The two of them drank softly at the same time, and jumped towards the sea decisively.

The moment they just acted, the entire island began to collapse, not divided into two, but directly smashed and sank, and the shock wave was constantly raging and approaching the two.


Liu Xu has the speed of light. Seeing that the shock wave was about to ravage the red-haired body, he came to his side without saying a word, grabbed his shoulder with one hand, turned into a purple horse and returned to the warship in an instant .

"Boom boom boom!"

The islands are sinking, and the sea is constantly making waves.

Liu Xu, Hongfa and the others looked at the sinking island in silence, while Hancock and the others stared blankly, destroying the island, is this the power that can destroy the island?


Chapter 2716 Beat up my crew!


It has been said before that those strong men can destroy an island with a single knife, but they have never seen it with their own eyes after all, and now the magnificent sight of the island's silence really opened their eyes.

Even the red-haired subordinates are the same, they are very cruel, and this kind of power is very cruel.

The thoughts of Liu Xu and Hongfa are a bit strange. They think this island is too fragile.

If you let them know that the two of them think like this, then you can't give them a slap, so that the two of them are sober and not bullying people like this.

When the island was completely submerged, Liu Xu turned around and said with a chuckle, "Red Hair, let's find another place to compete. This place is too small to withstand damage."


Everyone was a little petrified when they heard the words, and stared blankly at Liu Xu's bright smiling face.This place is too small?Master Liu Xu, can you not be so exciting?

The red hair was a little speechless when he heard his words, but shook his head and said, "No, no, I've already lost." As he spoke, he scratched the back of his head, as if he didn't care at all.


Everyone was dumbfounded, the red-haired Shanks, one of the superpowers of the Four Emperors, admitted that he had lost?What is rhythm?Even Liu Xu was a little puzzled, he hadn't had enough of it yet!

You can tell what these people are thinking by looking at their expressions. The red-haired Shanks shook his head and said, "I lost the last blow just now. If it wasn't for Liu Xu's speed, I would have been affected by that shock wave. I'm afraid that if I don't die, I will be seriously injured. Also, I don't have much strength to fight against him now."

"Yes, our captain does not have much strength."

Beckman and others also came to Liu Xu's warship, and immediately uttered such a sentence as soon as they appeared on the stage, a little helpless, their captain lost, this is not a good phenomenon!

Hearing someone say this, Columbia and others carefully observed the condition of the red-haired Shanks, and finally saw some clues.

Although the red-haired Shanks didn't suffer any injuries, his chest was slightly heaving at the moment, which is the phenomenon of unstable breathing, which means that his body is exhausted.

Looking back at Liu Xu's state, although his chest rises and falls more than usual, but the magnitude is much smaller than that of the red-haired Shanks. From this point, we can see the ending just now.

According to this situation, if the fight continues, then the red-haired Shanks will be defeated in the final result, and there will be no surprises.

"Not bad, good ending."

Liu Xu naturally saw it, and his bright smile remained unchanged.

Everyone is speechless, it is a good ending for you, but it is not a good ending for the red-haired Shanks, one of the four emperors!

At least, his face-saving fruit is a little bit invalid!

The red-haired face fruit ability, ahem, seems to be like this, people give him face wherever he goes, but now?Being fucked by Liu Xu...

Seeing Liu Xu's cool look, the red hair is also a little upset, you're starting to get nervous, no way!

Looking at the slightly contemptuous looks of those under him, he felt even more upset.

"Now that Hawkeye and I have been defeated by you, are you interested in defeating others?"

The red-haired words are a little wretched, and they look a little treacherous no matter what.

"What do you mean?"

Liu Xu suddenly became cautious. This guy definitely has no good intentions, at least he is calculating himself.

The red hair patted him on the shoulder and laughed loudly: "Don't be so nervous, maybe you can compete with my subordinates, their strength is still very good."


The pirates resolutely sprayed it, Captain, there was no injustice in the past and no enmity in the past. What do you mean by this, old man?Didn't you see that you just sank an island in the battle just now?Why are we still fighting him?Doesn't this let us torture him?

Is this a competition?

It's all about, "You're going to beat up my crew!"

Liu Xu was also speechless. The red-haired guy is really neurotic. He is neurotic like Luffy. Is it appropriate to cheat the crew like this?

"I reject!"

"Why? It's still very good!"

The red hair persisted, Liu Xu wanted to beat him up here.

This guy is so obscene that the pit crew didn't even bat an eye.

"They're too weak."

Naked contempt, Liu Xu's words dealt a heavy blow to the spirits of the already sad crew members, why bother to bully them like this?Can't you say something nice?

The redhead was also puzzled, how could this kid not be fooled?Oh, what a pity.

"Okay, since you've already been beaten up, today's affairs will end here temporarily, please!"

This is Liu Xu's rhythm of chasing someone after beating him up. Hearing this sentence, the red hair began to resent in his heart.

"Wait a minute, I can't just leave like this, I have something important to tell you!"

"whats the matter?"

"Of course there are two other existences, the golden lion and the lonely Red."

The golden lion and the aloof Red are the newly promoted four emperors, the four emperors who ruled the new world. At this moment, the red hair mentioned these two people, which really surprised Liu Xu.

"What's the matter? Tell me!"

The redhead nodded and said: "The golden lion and the lonely Reid are both powerful men at the same time as One Piece Roger. Their power is very powerful, especially the lonely Reid, his power is even more profound. It is very strange, and the ability is very strange. Few people can survive after seeing his power. I believe you will definitely meet them this time. Well, you have already encountered the golden lion, such a lonely thunder Well, I want to cooperate with you, I wonder if you mean that?"

Cooperation?Those two words changed the expressions of everyone present, and the red hair actually said such a thing?Said to cooperate with the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters to deal with a pirate?What is he doing this for?


Chapter 2717


Liu Xu pondered for a moment, it would be very lucky to be able to cooperate with Hongfa, but with his current status, it is absolutely impossible to cooperate with him.

If he cooperated, he would not be able to explain himself in front of many people. Although he could not care about those things, it would not be justified in terms of face and reason.

Especially the ones from the Navy Headquarters, if you don't say anything else, just say Sengoku and Garp, it's hard to explain it yourself.

Shaking his head regrettably, Liu Xu said: "You have a good idea, but it is impossible for us to cooperate now. I will figure out a way to deal with the aloof Reid by myself, and I won't bother you."

The red-haired man laughed, but there was a wise gleam in his eyes.

"No, it doesn't have to be to cooperate now, it can be later. After you become the emperor of the sea, we will cooperate to kill him, how about it?"

Huh?This is really a good idea, and Liu Xu was a little moved.

Becoming the Emperor of the Sea would allow him to have more power. Although he could already ignore this power with his current status, it was a good choice to get it.

He has the same status as the Warring States, belongs to the Navy Headquarters and the World Government, but is an independent existence, which means that he can do whatever he wants.

However, it is not an easy thing to achieve the Sea Emperor, at least you have to kill some of the four emperors and then achieve the position of the Sea Emperor, so that you can ensure that your position will not be shaken.

"Forget it! I'll think about this matter first, and I'll talk about it when the time comes. Now, it's time to go to the Golden Lion route, and see how the old man is living his life now."

Regret, great regret, the red hair shook his head, and said: "The battle between you and the golden lion and Kaido has already spread throughout the new world. I am afraid that he is worried all day long, and I am afraid that you will go to find him. Hahaha , The Golden Lion will also have such a situation, I really look forward to seeing how ugly his face will be."

"You are too evil."

Liu Xu despised it, and Hongfa and the others also left the warship and continued their own voyage.

Naturally, Liu Xu and the others also set sail. The matter of coming to find the red hair has been resolved, and now it's time to go to the trouble of finding the golden lion.

Damn, a wretched old man, it's too bad if he doesn't give him a good lesson.


On the sea, Liu Xu's fleet continued to speed up, returning from the original route, and then sailing directly from the entrance of the Golden Lion route.

While everyone was busy preparing to fight the Golden Lion, Liu Xu had already contacted Mermaid Island.

It would be a waste if Shirahoshi's power is not well utilized. Thinking about the powerful ability to summon sea kings at any time, all sea kings in the sea, no matter how big or small, can be summoned by her as long as they are nearby.

What a powerful force this is. If hundreds of powerful sea kings are summoned to crush the entire new world, wouldn't it be able to quickly promote the achievements of the sea king?

Now on his warship, not to mention the strength of those elite navies, it is the combat power of Columbia and others. The weakest is the existence of the major general level, and can break through to the strength of the lieutenant general level at any time... For example, the brand new Yankeman A person with magma fruit ability already has the power of a major general after all kinds of special training to the death.

Nicole Robin and others are at the level of lieutenant generals, and some are at the peak of major generals. This is the result of more than a year of hard work, and only you can understand the ups and downs.

After learning that Bai Xing already possessed the strength of a major general, Liu Xu decisively notified Bai Xing to come to the warship and sail together.

The Golden Lion Route, this is the territory ruled by one of the four emperors, the Golden Lion Shiki. Of course, it does not mean that the entire route is under his rule, but that the key islands and sites on this route are all under his control. Under the rule of , others were divided by some big pirates.

Here, the golden lion Shiji has supreme power and can easily decide the life and death of a pirate group and a country.

The two warships have slowly entered, entering the first island on this route, an island with a prosperous town - Battle Town.

"Captain, the town of Battle is rich in humanities and culture. It is a resort. Let's go for a walk, shall we?"

The big secretary Tina reported the situation, but she also had a little selfishness.

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