
The small town of Battle, a perfect resort, rich in human culture and various special snacks is undoubtedly the most attractive place here.

Rich and diverse diets make the place prosperous. There are characteristic pubs everywhere on both sides of the wide road, including mermaid-themed pubs, queen-themed pubs, aristocratic-themed pubs, prison-themed pubs, etc., all kinds of which emerge in endlessly.

There are also some special barbecue foods, such as grilled meat, grilled vegetables, grilled fruits, etc., which are very peculiar.

This kind of town is undoubtedly the most attractive to Bonnie. When I heard Tina talking about this town, my saliva almost drooled. If it wasn't for the maid's thought restraining her, she would have left the crowd and ran inside to feast on it. .

I have stayed in the holy land of Marijoa for more than a year and haven't come out much. Basically, I went to Murloc Island to see Little White Star, and Vera's place was more handled by other people, and the loyal members of the family were sent. It is a perfect thing for the subordinates to go there.

As for the families that have been subdued, it is not too difficult to control them. Under the effect of the Heart Biting Pill, it is as simple as that to control the most important people.

This more than a year has basically been spent in cultivation, which is why the crew members have the power to rise rapidly.

"No problem, let's take a good turn! That's what sailing has to do to be interesting."

Liu Xu smiled slightly, took off the coat of justice on his body, and threw it directly on the beach chair.

"Little ones, leave twenty people to guard the warship, and the others are free to move around and make their own arrangements."

After yelling at his soldiers, Liu Xu jumped off the warship decisively, and headed for the small town of Battelle with a few charming beauties.

Chapter 2718 Happy Barbecue


The only port in the town, the business here is very developed. There are dozens of merchant ships docked at the port. It is hard to imagine that a small town can have such prosperous trade activities.

On the streets, the eyes are overwhelmed by the dazzling array of goods, and the characteristic artworks and snacks are mouth-watering.

"Xu, would you like to buy some of this?" Hancock pointed to a candy maker's stall.

"Yeah, you also like this kind of little girl thing?"

Liu Xu pinched the opponent's little nose, and his words were full of pampering.

Hancock blushed, his body wobbled and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Liu Xu had quick eyesight and quick hands, otherwise he would have put on a show for others to see.

Nodding, Hancock walked over and asked to pinch out a few sugar figures according to their shapes.

"Here." Robin handed Liu Xu the candy figurine to him, with an elegant smile on his lips, "It's delicious."

A narrow look flashed in Liu Xu's eyes, and he said, "But I want to eat yours."

Robin was taken aback and asked, "Why? Aren't they all the same?"

"But, I want to eat you!"

Liu Xu smirked, snatched the sugar figure from her hand and put it in his mouth, making Robin blush, bit Liu Xu's sugar figure in his mouth, and made several women laugh continuously.

"Master Liu Xu, I want to eat, okay?"

Bonnie rubbed her stomach, she was almost starved, and she couldn't bear to eat any more.

Liu Xu glanced at her for a moment, then turned his head again, and said, "Ah, did someone talk just now? It's still so early, buy some balloons or something. Let's take a good look around!"

Bonnie almost collapsed when she heard this, Master Liu Xu, without such a bully, the little maid is really hungry.

With tears in the corners of her eyes, Bonnie pursed her mouth and said, "Master Liu Xu is too bad. If you don't give me food, I want to protest, it's too bad."

Liu Xu deliberately didn't look at her, his eyes rolled around, as if he was thinking of something.

Bonnie was even more wronged, it was too bad.

"Master Liu Xu, the little maid is hungry. I, I, am really hungry. In the evening, you can do whatever you want, Master Liu Xu."

After speaking, the voice weakened, which made the eyes of several women shine. The little maid at night is very cute, and the various assists are very interesting, and there are various obedient postures, tsk, so interesting.

Liu Xu felt relieved, it's still very loving to tease the little maid if it's okay, but it shouldn't be too much, otherwise the happy life will be gone.

"Ahem, it looks like it's time for dinner, let's go and eat."

With a wave of arms, several women cheered, found a restaurant that looked more luxurious and went in, chose a top-level suite and started masturbating directly.

Barbecue, I came to the restaurant to eat barbecue. Liu Xu felt that his brain was not enough. Is it really good to eat barbecue in such a high-profile place?

However, a few women obviously ignored him and asked to be sent to the oven, but they were ready to do it themselves.

Seeing a few women busy there, Liu Xu curled his lips. He was good at barbecue and so on. Thinking about it, when he was on the small island in the East China Sea, if it wasn't for his skill, he would have starved to death.

In other words, why do these women like to eat meat so much, but they always maintain such a good figure?What is this for?Can't figure it out.


The door was opened, and Liu Xu looked over in a blink of an eye, but saw a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes with a small tattoo on his neck walk in, and walked directly to Liu Xu's side.

I was happy to see this middle-aged Liu Xu, it turned out to be these guys.

"Patriarch!" The middle-aged man bowed respectfully beside Liu Xu and said.

This person is one of Liu Xu's family members.

Now all the properties of the five families, no, it should be said that all the properties of the six families belong to Liu Xu alone. The so-called Tianlong family with countless wealth also has many of their properties in the New World, and this restaurant is one of them. one.

"Well, let someone bring up some grilled meat and vegetables, if you have nothing to do, go down!"

Liu Xu said lightly, from the first moment he saw this person, he had already transformed his temperament. Majesty, dignity, indifference and other auras were intertwined, forming his unique aura of superiority.


The middle-aged man responded and left, not daring to look at those women from the beginning to the end.

The barbecue is in full swing. This is a barbecue banquet exclusively for them. It is a bit embarrassing to have a barbecue in a luxurious suite. Charcoal-grilled barbecue tastes better, but it is easy to get smoky.

Of course, Liu Xu didn't care, as long as his woman was happy, he completely ignored this.

"Little cats, can we start enjoying it?"

Liu Xu yelled helplessly, after some charcoal roasting, the women were just playing around in the back, and everyone's face was more or less stained with charcoal ashes.

"Oh! Oh! Don't cover my eyes, I can't see."

Bonnie almost jumped up, holding a bunch of golden-grilled chicken wings in her hand, which was ready to be killed.

It's a pity that Nami's eyes were already covered, and Robin waved his hand lightly, took the chicken wing off the fork, and elegantly opened his mouth to bite down.

"Hee hee, Robin, I want it too."

Nami let go of her hands and ran to Robin's side, smiling and talking, causing Bonnie to jump three feet high, almost hitting the ceiling.

However, as a qualified little maid, she still couldn't lose her temper, so she could only deflate her little mouth, fix the barbecue again, and continue to roast.

Liu Xu watched and sighed in his heart, this is life, life is for enjoying, of course, the premise is that you have the ability to enjoy.

"Xu, here you are."

Tina brought a piece of grilled meat to him. The grilled meat was golden brown, and the top was still "sizzling" with oil and water. The fragrance was mysterious and made people salivate.

Xu, this title belongs to his woman. When there are outsiders, it is called according to the previous one, but when there are no outsiders, it is naturally this kind of more intimate title.

Chapter 2719 Jumping the beam clown


After receiving the barbecue from her, Liu Xu took a bite and said vaguely: "Tina, your cooking skills are really good."

"Mine are good too."

The little maid, Bonnie, brought a piece of barbecue to him, and looked at Tina as if showing off.

Liu Xu's face turned dark all of a sudden, little maid Bonny, what do you mean by this?It's not like showing off, at least wait until you're done baking, right?Look at it is still bloodshot, this is the rhythm of committing crimes!

"My darling little maid, are you going to make something like this for me to eat?"

Liu Xu leaned over with malicious intentions, grabbed the other's red lips with a sharp bite, and put a mouthful of roast meat directly into the other's mouth, and added his lips in satisfaction. This feeling is really good.

"Well, it's necrotic."

Bonnie blushed, chewed the barbecue a few times and swallowed it, and then ran away when she saw the bloodshot barbecue.


Liu Xu laughed straight, took another bite of the barbecue, and fixed his eyes on the empress who was concentrating on flipping the barbecue. A smile flashed in his eyes, and he tiptoed over.

A barbecue banquet gradually came to an end under the laughter of a few people. No one could escape his claws. It was all eating, but the way of eating was a little different.

"Huh, I'm so full...so full..."

Bonnie patted her bulging belly. She had already said such a thing, so no one else needed to say more.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside the door, and then the door was kicked open and slammed into the wall, stunned a few people who were enjoying their leisure time after dinner.

The smile on Liu Xu's face disappeared, replaced by a cold murderous intent, damn, you dare to make trouble when my young master and his wives are relaxing, you are looking for death.

Two young men in fine clothes walked in surrounded by a group of men in suits and leather shoes, and behind them were two students in uniform who were pushed aside.

"Sir, you can't go in!"

The two fog servicemen shouted loudly, but those people turned a deaf ear and didn't bother to pay attention.

"This young master wants to see which bastard dares to occupy this young master's long-term private room, courting death!"

One of the red-haired young men roared, a look of contempt flashed in his eyes when he saw those barbecue tools, and a strong colored light appeared in his eyes when he turned to a few women.

Another blue-haired young man had already looked at several women, and his lazi was about to flow down.

"Hey, you leave immediately, this young master spares you not to die, these women stay."

The red-haired young man pointed at Liu Xu, with a strong arrogance on his face, and he ignored the person in front of him at all.

"Jumping Clown!"

Liu Xu gave a soft drink, and those bodyguards in black suits instantly stood in front of the two young men, looking imposing, with the aura of looking down on the world.

"Bastard, you dare to insult this young master and kill him!"

The red-haired young man couldn't hold back anymore, especially when he saw the blue-haired young man's obviously contemptuous expression.

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