He actually lost face in front of this guy, it would be impossible if he didn't get back his face.

The bodyguard in black suit responded, and then stepped forward to kill Liu Xu.

"Stop! Who dares to move?"

An angry shout came from outside the door, which made the faces of these bodyguards change, bastard, why did this guy come out?

When the two young people heard this, their brows furrowed tightly. Damn, why is this person?It's really frustrating.

Turning around, the red-haired young man shouted at the person who came, "Badman, what do you mean? You still dare to stop this young master?"

The person who came was the middle-aged man who had left earlier, the person in charge of the restaurant.

Badman walked in, stood directly in front of the red-haired young man, with a cold killing intent flashing in his eyes, and said, "Master Zha Hua Sheng, Master Tos Sheng, if you want to die, you can continue to be arrogant now. "

"How courageous, you, a slave, dare to be so arrogant!"

The two young masters were upset, and wished they could kill this guy right now, but they didn't dare!

Although this is a slave, he is a slave with great status.

Badman ignored the two and walked directly to Liu Xu's side. None of the bodyguards along the way dared to stop them, and they consciously moved out of the way.

"Master Patriarch!"

Badman, who walked to Liu Xu's side, made everyone's faces change drastically when he said a word, patriarch?

What's the meaning?This young man is the patriarch?

Things seem to be a bit confusing, is Badman trying to scare them?How could this person be that adult?No kidding, it's absolutely impossible.

Liu Xu nodded slightly, and said, "Well, Badman, right? Who are these two dog slaves who have eaten the heart of a bear and the gall of a leopard?"

Badman bowed in response, and immediately revealed the identities of the two.

It's very simple, these are the two Tianlong people, and they are also the young masters of the two families. They have a distinguished status and have been in charge of their family's trade in this small town for a long time, so they can be regarded as acquaintances.

The young master of two families?This sounds like a bit of an awesome feeling!In this world, he can be regarded as a very noble person. If he can become the heir, it will be even more awesome.

The ease on his side is in stark contrast to the embarrassment of the two young people. The attitudes of Badman and Liu Xu both showed his identity, which made the faces of the two of them change drastically. This one seems to have to pay a little price today, I just hope not to be too vicious.

"You guys, come here."

Liu Xu glanced sideways at the two of them, their faces were ugly, they were so bullying.

"Our patriarch tells you to go over there!"

Murderous intent flashed in Badman's eyes, and he appeared behind the two young men in a flash. He kicked the two young people to the ground, and then kicked them over. The two rolled over like rubber balls. Liu Xu stopped under his feet.

Chapter 2720


The faces of those bodyguards changed suddenly, and when they were about to go to the rescue, there was a burst of murderous intent behind them, which made these bodyguards break out in cold sweat, and almost forgot the existence of Badman, this is not a simple character!The strength is very good.

Badman's skill and decisive behavior made Liu Xu's eyes shine. This is a very good talent, and his strength is also very good.

"You, you can roll if you lose one arm each."

Liu Xu glanced at the bodyguards. The cold murderous intent in his eyes and the aura of the superior made them feel like falling into an ice cellar. This guy is definitely not easy to mess with.


While these bodyguards were hesitating what to do, Liu Xu had already made a move. With a wave of his hand, more than a dozen dark purple lightning bolts flew out, and each lightning bolt hit the right arms of these bodyguards. It exploded.


The bodyguards screamed, and the lightning directly blew their entire arm into ashes. Under the action of the powerful current, there was no bloody picture.

"I have to do it myself!"

Liu Xu's tone was cold, and then his eyes turned to the two young men who were lying on the ground trembling.

"Tell me! How do you want to die?"

The indifferent words are like snow in the cold winter, making people stiff and trembling uncontrollably.

"Don't, don't kill me."

The blue-haired young man's liver trembled, he wanted to go home, he didn't want to play here anymore, the people here were too cruel, and a patriarch would pop up every now and then, this was the rhythm to scare them to death.

They are just young masters. Although they are distinguished, they are really insignificant compared to a patriarch.

The Tianlongren family will not lack any heirs. They can easily cultivate a genius heir, and naturally they don't care about their life and death, especially when they offend a patriarch.

"The eyes just now are very good, gouging out the eyes first!"

Liu Xu said, sitting on a chair, looking down at the two wagging beggars.

Without his active orders, Badman on the side had cleaned up the bodyguards, walked over to the two with a dagger, squatted down, and grabbed one of the heads.

"No, no... ah!"

The blue-haired young man screamed in horror, but he couldn't stop Badman's movement. The dagger was slashed, and two eyeballs were picked out and jumped on the dagger.

Badman let go of his head with a cold snort, and blood kept flowing from the blue-haired young man's eye sockets, bloody and bloody, extremely terrifying.

The young man kept struggling, covering his eye sockets with his hands, and curled up with all his strength, but he still couldn't relieve the pain, and the harder he tried, the more painful it would only intensify.

The screams were repeated, and only the constant screams could vent the pain in his heart, and his head kept hitting the ground, distracting the source of the pain.

The red-haired young man's liver trembled, and the tragic state of his partner made his liver and gallbladder split. When he thought that he would face such a situation in the future, his body became weak for a while, it was over, it was over.

Indeed, Badman had no pity for this man, and went straight out of his eyes, and the two fell to the ground and screamed again and again.

"Well, good job, cut a human stick and throw it out!"

Liu Xu nodded approvingly. Hearing this, Badman struck again, chopping off the opponent's hands and feet, and then directly threw them out.

As the two of them left, the screams became weaker and weaker. Looking at the blood on the ground, it was directly covered by lightning, completely turning the blood into ashes and dissipating.

"Let's go, let's go to other places for a while."

Liu Xu chuckled, and left with a few women whose faces remained unchanged.

They who have experienced the war have already seen through this kind of scene, and there is a more tragic situation on the battlefield. They have also seen it, and naturally they will not have any fear.

After dealing with the two little bugs, Liu Xu's mood improved a little bit, which can only be regarded as a little spice of life.

However, two families?This is a very good reason!

After leaving the restaurant, several beauties who were full of wine and food continued to play in this bustling street.

Naturally, a resort cannot lack a variety of programs. In the huge playground, all kinds of beauties twist their waists and dance, attracting passing tourists to spend and play.

A day of crazy play did not stop until late at night. Liu Xu and the others returned to the restaurant and started the main theme of the night in the only suite on the top floor.

Sleeping together!


In the early morning of the next day, Liu Xu and the others came to the street again. It is difficult to visit this bustling town in one day. Naturally, we will continue today to see the customs and customs here.

It's just that when he just left the restaurant, he met someone, a person he didn't expect.

Short blue hair, resolute facial contours, wearing a pair of sunglasses, more than two meters tall, shirtless upper body exposing knotted muscles, a pair of black trousers and a black coat are majestic, the right arm is different from ordinary people's, it is a huge At first glance, it looks like a strong and sturdy old man.

It was this image that made Liu Xu stop in his tracks, staring at him with star eyes. Judging from his aura, he was definitely a strong man, a strong man without a doubt.

"Former Admiral Zefa? The current NEO Admiral!"

Recognizing the other party's identity all at once, Liu Xu was a little shocked. It was unexpected that he would meet this person at this time.

Seeming to be aware of the different gazes, Zefa, who was passing by the restaurant, stopped and turned to look at Liu Xu.


It was just a glance to see the unfathomable strength of the other party, Zefa was surprised, unexpectedly meeting such a strong person here, really did not expect.

By the way, is this a pirate?Or someone else?

Zefa is a character who hates pirates. He is powerful and has a strong army. He is determined to destroy pirates all over the world.

However, he never killed a single pirate in his life, he just defeated them and crushed their beliefs.

Chapter 2721 Black Wrist Zefa


He is also a sturdy mentor. There are many strong men who have come out of his hands. Among them are the three former generals, Kizaru, Akainu, and Qingzhi, but now only two of these three students are still alive in the world. .

It seemed unreasonable not to say hello to a strong man, so Zefa went straight to Liu Xu's side and said, "I'm Zefa, are you?"

Very straightforward, very forthright, Zefa didn't feel any pride because of his current identity, and when he spoke, it made people feel very comfortable, and there was no sense of arrogance.

Liu Xu grinned and looked at the other party's sunglasses, and said, "Liu Xu, General Liu Xu of the Navy Headquarters!"

Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?Liu Xu?These two nouns reminded Zefa of something, and his face became weird all of a sudden, but he quickly returned to normal, admiring, and said: "It turned out to be you, and you are as young and promising as the rumors say. Let's have a drink together." How about it?"

The name Liu Xu resounds throughout the New World, so Zefa, who is active in the New World, is naturally familiar with it.

He is a character who advocates heroes. Although the other party seems to be much younger, it does not prevent him from having the idea of ​​making friends, which is a very pure idea.

Of course, he is also a person who is disappointed with the navy, otherwise he would not have left the navy, came to the new world to create the NEO navy, and wiped out the pirates with his own justice.

Zefa invited him to drink, and Liu Xu had no reason to refuse. He was thinking about the task of Commander-in-Chief Kong before, to bring Zefa back to the World Government and let them handle it.

Although I feel that the world government should not embarrass Zefa, it can be seen from Commander Kong's sentence "don't hurt his life".

But Liu Xu is still not willing to accept such a thing in his heart. He should lose a lot of freedom when he returns to the world government.

"Then come on! Let me invite you! After all, you are a respectable senior." Liu Xu grinned.

Hancock and other beauties did not follow into the restaurant, but formed a group to visit the town directly.

Entering the restaurant, he sat down at a wine table under the guidance of a waiter. Badman had already arranged everything, which made Liu Xu even more satisfied.

It is a very comfortable thing to drink and eat meat with a bold senior. You don't need to pay too much attention to the details, just pick up the cup and dry it.

Zefa drank several cups in succession, put down the cup, laughed, and said, "Not bad, you young man is really nice. You should have recognized me early in the morning, right?"

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