"Of course, General Zefa, who has never killed an enemy in his life, I don't think there are many people who don't know, especially now that you have formed the NEO Navy, which makes people pay more attention to you..."

Liu Xu also put down his glass, and told some things about Zefa like a few treasures, which made the other party amazed that he knew so much about him.

After listening, Zefa thought for a while, and said, "Then I have a question to ask you, what do you think of the NEO navy I formed?"

It was a very mysterious question, which he would never ask normally, but in front of Liu Xu, he asked it very naturally, without any awkwardness.

Perhaps, it is because it is more comfortable to see this young man!

Liu Xu was in a bit of a dilemma all of a sudden. This question is hard to answer. After all, the NEO Navy is not formal, and in some respects it even makes the Navy Headquarters and the world government feel very embarrassed. From this point of view, this is not a a satisfying thing.

But from another point of view, the NEO Navy has played a big role in the New World, arresting many pirates and controlling the number of pirates in an area.

"It's hard to say, let's talk about it from two aspects! First, from the perspective of the general of my navy headquarters, I absolutely don't want to see the appearance of a NEO navy like you. Don't ask why, you know the reason. On the other hand, That’s my personal point of view, meow meow, you NEO Navy is really good, praise.”

A very simple answer, this answer made Zefa smile and laugh.

"Interesting, you are so interesting, I like it."

Just an answer made Zefa smile and recognize the young man in front of him even more.

During the period when he established the NEO Navy, many people said that he was deviant, betrayed the justice of the Navy, and even said that he had never killed a pirate before, because he had long disapproved of the Navy, but for some special reason to remain in the navy.

This kind of remark is very sad, at least it makes him, a veteran powerhouse who has dedicated decades to the Navy, speechless and full of sorrow.

Now there is an Admiral of the Naval Headquarters who knows his past better and also agrees with his NEO Navy. This has to be said to make him feel happy. Perhaps there is nothing more exciting than this.

Looking at the old man who was laughing in front of him, Liu Xu was also deeply moved. It is really rare for an old man in his seventies to persist in pursuing his dream.Moreover, Zefa's past is more tragic.

His family members were killed by pirates, and he was even attacked by pirates when he took students to practice when he was a naval instructor.

"Zefa, do you plan to keep catching pirates here in the New World as the NEO navy commander?"

An idea appeared in Liu Xu's mind, and this idea made him feel a little excited. This might be a good opportunity.

Zefa still had a smile on his face and said, "Of course, it's a good thing to continue to operate in the New World as the NEO Navy in the future. Why do you ask this? Does the Navy Headquarters or the World Government have anything against me? action?"

Speaking of the back, Zefa's face is a bit weird. This is really a bit of a tangled matter. If the World Government or the Navy Headquarters has an action against him, then the young man in front of him will definitely take action. I really don't want to do it with this young man. .

Chapter 2722 Armored Beauty


Liu Xu nodded, and said truthfully: "Indeed, the World Government asked me to take you back, provided that I bring you back intact without hurting your life. The World Government should still hope that you can return to the Navy Headquarters , Continue to serve in the Navy Headquarters."

What Liu Xu said may be the determination of the world government. For a very influential superpower, it is indeed not appropriate for him to act as the commander-in-chief of the NEO Navy in the New World. If he can be subdued again , It is beneficial to the entire world government and the Navy headquarters.

However, when he heard Liu Xu's words, Zefa's face changed drastically, his smile gradually narrowed, and he shook his head and said: "Boy Liu Xu, the World Government and the Navy Headquarters have let me down, do you think I might go back again?" Is it? I think the task they gave you should be to take me back forcibly if I don't agree to go back?"

Smart, he has already thought of the crux of the problem. After so many years of service in the Navy Headquarters, how could he not know the ways of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters?

Liu Xu was a little embarrassed, and finally said: "Zefa, you are a very just person, but your methods of carrying out justice are different. Of course, I don't need to carry out the tasks of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters. They don't have the power to order me yet. However, I still hope to be a colleague with you, which should be very exciting."

"The same is true for me, but it is a pity that different ways do not work together, and we are destined to become colleagues."

"No, maybe there is another possibility, come to my fleet, how?"

Zefa was a little stupid when he heard the words, go to his fleet?What does it mean?He is the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters. When he is on his fleet, doesn't that mean that he himself has returned to the Navy Headquarters?No, absolutely can't do that.

Zefa decisively shook his head and refused. It was impossible for him to return to the naval headquarters. How could he go back to an organization that had already disappointed him and saddened him?

Liu Xu had already expected such a result, and was not disappointed, but continued: "I am not going back to the Navy Headquarters, and I am not inviting you as the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, but as the King of the Sea." ,how?"

"Sea Emperor?"

Zefa screamed, how could this kid say this identity?Could it be that this kid is going to compete for the status of the Emperor of the Sea?uh, this is really interesting...

"you sure?"

Liu Xu said: "Of course, you should understand the dignity and importance of the status of the Sea Emperor, so I invite you as the Sea Emperor. I will definitely get the position of the Sea Emperor. Also, you are indeed a very respectable person." Senior, I don't want a righteous person like you to be missed because of some trivial things in the future. You are definitely a strong man worthy of my shot. In the new world, there must be one or two men who are reassuring. You said Woolen cloth?"

The words have been made very clear, that is, to be his leader.

But, would Zefa be such an easy-to-compromise person?

Zefa's face sank, looking at the cup in his hand and thinking.

Liu Xu's words are undoubtedly a huge temptation. Becoming the commander-in-chief of the NEO Navy is a choice he made under unavoidable circumstances. Although he is disappointed with the Navy Headquarters, he still longs for that place deep in his heart. After all, there It is a place he has devoted to for decades, how can it be so easy to let go?

However, now become this kid's subordinate?This is a bit too embarrassing, General Zefa can't afford to lose this person!

It seemed so strange for a man in his seventies to be the subordinate of a man in his twenties.

"I refuse, I will not be your subordinate."

In the end, he really refused the invitation.

Liu Xu sighed in his heart, it seems that this matter is not so simple, so now he can only act according to the rules of the strong in this world.

"Since the invitation is unsuccessful, then follow the rules of the jungle!"

"No problem, I really want to fight with you."


The strong rule of the strong in the world of the strong, this is an eternal rule, that is, the battle, the loser has no right to choose, and life and death can only be decided by the victor.

Strong confrontation, Zefa is already old, and his strength may not be as good as before, but it is undeniable that even if his power has declined a little, he is still a strong man.

In the current situation, fighting is the best choice. There is no need to worry that Zefa will regret it after the defeat, and there is no need to worry that he has the heart of rebellion. Liu Xu is still very confident in this point.

Getting up and preparing to leave, the same is true for Zefa. In fact, he does not have much confidence in his heart this time. One is an old strongman, and the other is a young strongman who is in the limelight. What else do I need to say?

However, his arrogance does not allow him to retreat like this, and the self-esteem of the strong is also urging him to fight.

If the other party is an ant, he will not pay attention to the other party's provocations. This is the peculiarity of this world.

However, just as they were about to leave the restaurant, a shadowy figure broke into the sight of the two of them, and rushed towards them in a straight line.

Pink hair tied into a whip, wearing a helmet in the style of an ancient Roman soldier, a green cloak and golden shoes, a big sword behind his back, and a round shield in his hand. There is not much armor on his body, but a very tempting set The three-point golden clothing can only cover a little key point.

A different kind of temptation. At first glance, she looks like a capable woman. She can't see her face clearly, but she can also guess that she is definitely a beautiful woman.

The armored beauty walked up to Zefa, knelt down on one knee without saying a word, and said, "Commander Zefa, I beg you to let me join the NEO Navy!"

huh?The two were stunned at the same time, joined the NEO Navy?What does this mean?A beauty wants to join the NEO Navy?It's kind of funny and a bit out of character.


Chapter 2723 Shocked and cute


Liu Xu was entangled. He only felt that this image was familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was, so he could only wait for the development.

Zefa grinned and said, "Little girl, do you understand what it means to join the NEO Navy?"

The armored beauty lowered her head and said: "Understood, but I must join, I must take revenge, and also to destroy that hateful pirate, the one that took my country!"

Um?This is interesting, join the NEO navy for revenge?And her country was taken by pirates?

"Tell me what's going on."

Zefa frowned when he heard about pirates, is it pirates doing evil again?


The beautiful woman in armor responded and told the story, which left Liu Xu speechless for a long time.

The armored beauty is named Rebecca. She is a member of the Riku royal family in the Dressrosa Kingdom. She is the granddaughter of the previous king, King Riku. was also affected.

In order to regain the former glory and the throne of the Riku family, she paid a lot, and even fought continuously in the arena of Dressrosa, in order to one day be able to obtain evidence of Doflamingo's crimes and his weaknesses.

It's a pity that after the last battle between Liu Xu and Kaido and the Golden Lion, the whole country relocated, and almost everyone went to Vera, leaving an island that has no role.

And she fled there with several partners and subordinates in the center, but in order to recapture those citizens who should have belonged to her, she still embarked on this road of revenge.

Wanting to become a member of the NEO Navy is to crusade against Doflamingo.

After the matter was finished, Liu Xu was speechless. There is such a thing?This is really... a crime.

And Ze Fafa looked serious and said, "I regret that your country was destroyed, but if you join the NEO Navy for revenge, then I can't promise you!"

Rebecca trembled and said loudly: "Why? Is it because of my revenge that I am not allowed to join? I am also trying to destroy more pirates. Pirates are all hateful and sinners!"

To be honest, these words shocked Zefa, because he also had the same idea, but after years of fighting, he had changed a little bit, and now this girl let him see who he used to be.

"It's not impossible if you want to join, but you have to ensure that you don't endanger the NEO Navy, and you must never think about revenge when you don't have enough power. The NEO Navy can provide you with a shelter, but it is absolutely not Will use the power of the entire organization to take revenge for your hatred, understand?"

A flash of struggle flashed in Rebecca's eyes, but she finally nodded and said, "Understood!"

"Okay, welcome to the NEO Navy!"

"Well, wait a minute! I really want to know, those so-called citizens who should have belonged to you followed Doflamingo, and it should have been their own volition. Why do you have to force them?"

Rebecca looked at him. She had been staring at Zefa just now, but she didn't realize that there was such a person.

"It must have been forced by him. My citizens will never follow such a guy to that dirty place in Villa."

Uh, Liu Xu was taken aback, and almost slapped this silly woman to death, why did she say it so firmly?How can you say that Villa is a dirty place?

"As far as I know, Doflamingo was the orthodox royal family of Dressrosa before. Speaking of which, he just took back the territory of his ancestors. It seems that you are the invaders!"

This is the truth, this is the past of the Don Quixote family, who used to be the rulers of Dressrosa.

Rebecca snorted and said, "What do you mean by speaking for him like that? Could it be that you and he are in the same boat? Doflamingo is a robber, a shameless robber."

There was no way to explain the matter clearly to her, so Liu Xu rolled his eyes and said, "Don't you know that Dressrosa belongs to me now? Don't you know that Doflamingo is my servant now ? Don’t you know that the so-called dirty Vera in your mouth belongs to me?”


Rebecca and Zefa couldn't believe it, how could this happen?

Especially Zefa, he is the one who knows Liu Xu's identity now, he is the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, how could the future Sea Emperor be the master of that Doflamingo?Also, he has already established some territory in the new world?Vera, Vera, isn't that the kingdom that has risen in the past two years?The speed is staggering!

And Rebecca felt a little dizzy, is Doflamingo his servant?How could this be true?When will that Shichibukai become someone else's servant?It's absolutely impossible, this guy must be lying.

"Stop talking big, it's absolutely impossible for Doflamingo to be your servant, it's absolutely impossible. That robber is so powerful, it's absolutely impossible!"

The words are very firm, Doflamingo is almost impossible to be defeated in her heart, which is doomed to her tragedy today.

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