Zefa looked at Liu Xu's face, and said after a long time: "He didn't lie, and there is no need or possibility for him to lie! Liu Xu, the admiral of the navy headquarters, the future emperor of the sea, you think he will lie about these things ?"

These words made Rebecca feel like being struck by lightning, and she was petrified on the spot. Is today her Good Friday?He came to Zefa with hope and successfully joined his command, but before he had time to be happy, such an explosive news was exposed. This, this is completely sinful!

"Besides, I'm still five, uh, now I should be said to be the patriarch of the six Tianlong family, what do you think?"

Liu Xu seemed to feel that the blow was not enough, so he added a little more force, which directly stimulated Rebecca's fragile heart, causing her to stand up and take a few steps back.

Chapter 2724 Let's fight


Some people in the restaurant nodded when they saw this. Could it be that something good is about to happen?Hurry up and watch!Even if it's just being a crowd of onlookers who don't know the truth!

Not only Rebecca was dumbfounded, but Zefa was also a little dumbfounded, the patriarch of the six Celestial Dragon families?Is this a joke?How could he have such an identity?With this status, even the commander-in-chief of the world government, or even the five old stars, can't compete with him!Since this is the case, what does he want the position of Admiral of the Navy Headquarters for?

Unable to figure it out, Zefa instinctively resisted such a thing, and kept telling himself that it was definitely a joke.

Well, looking at the smiling face of the other party, it is definitely a joke.

It's a pity that Zefa still doesn't know about the thing announced more than a year ago, or it should be said that some people don't know about it at all.

"Are you really the master of Doflamingo?"

Gritting her teeth, Rebecca almost untied the big sword behind her back and gave this guy a sword.

Liu Xu looked leisurely, and said: "Of course, is this still false? It was also my plan to let him move away from Dressrosana, and it was also my plan to go to Villana. And you have to be clear, Wei La is not the dirty family you call it. Since I took over, it has surpassed many kingdoms. Of course, now that Doflamingo is my servant, he enjoys more power and supreme glory The Don Quixote family has restored the noble status of the Draco people, what do you think? Do you dare to attack the Draco people? Are you ready to bear the crazy revenge from the World Government and the Navy Headquarters? Are you ready to let those so-called Has your nation accepted the catastrophe? And your mother, Princess Scarlet, and aunt, Princess Violet."

A few questions made Rebecca's face pale. Although she was covered by her helmet, she could still feel the panic behind her, her panicked and helpless eyes.

"Liu Xu, that's enough."

Zefa frowned, why does this kid just talk like that?Let's see how it hits people.

Liu Xu glanced at him. Could it be that people are old and their brains are not working well?How could such a pure and kind-hearted young master hit people casually?

"Take off your helmet and let us see where your pride as a princess of the kingdom lies!"

Command-style words, Liu Xu's temperament changed when he said these words, just like a high-ranking emperor ordering his courtiers, making those watching the theater bow their heads quickly, while Zefa was stunned , he has seen this kind of aura before, it is the aura that only a very noble person can have.

Rebecca's body trembled violently. Liu Xu's words shocked her a lot. If it was the same as what he said, it was definitely not a scene she wanted to see.

What's more, the commanding words made her unable to resist, a feeling she had never felt even in her own grandfather.

Trembling in her heart, Rebecca slowly stretched out her hand and took off the Roman-style helmet.

After the helmet, a youthful and beautiful face appeared in front of my eyes, which made people praise fiercely. This is indeed a very good beauty.

She was only in her teens, with exquisite facial features, and a pair of blue eyes with stubbornness, forming a different kind of attraction with her slightly childish appearance.

Especially with this special costume, it makes people have a strange idea.

Liu Xu stared into her eyes, and said directly: "What I said just now, have you made a choice? Is it for your so-called glory to attack Doflamingo and let those citizens lose their lives, or swallow Humiliation, return to Dressrosa, and develop again?"

Um?Seems like things have turned around?Liu Xu What does this mean?

The struggling look in Rebecca's eyes became more obvious. It was unexpected for Doflamingo to regain her status as a Celestial Dragon, and it was also one of the biggest mistakes.

After struggling for a long time, Rebecca said with tears in her eyes, "I understand."

After speaking, he silently walked behind Zefa.

And Zefa was a little upset. This little girl reminded him of his former family at a young age, and he suddenly became upset.

"Liu Xu, what do you mean by bullying her like this?"


Rebecca seemed to have compromised, but Zefa was already upset.

The girl's past reminded him of himself, when his family was brutally killed by pirates, and so was his student.

Perhaps, part of his lifelong endeavor to eradicate pirates was for revenge.

"Zefa, what are you so excited about? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

There was a smile in Liu Xu's eyes. This righteous old man was still a little interesting, and he would speak for her at this time.

Zefa snorted angrily, with anger on his resolute face, and said, "A little girl whose home was destroyed by pirates, what you say is too hurtful."

"But if you don't say that, do you think she can survive? Do you think she can defeat Doflamingo, or do you think she can defeat Doflamingo's master, which is me, Liu Xu?"

Several questions appeared in a row, causing Zefa's complexion to change suddenly, and he remembered the most crucial thing. The young man in front of him said that he was the master of Doflamingo.Does it get more impulsive the older you get?

Suddenly a little embarrassed, Zefa seemed to understand something, coughed dryly, and said: "Needless to say, let's go to fight!"

"It's long overdue."

Liu Xu is happy, fighting and so on are the most loving.

The two left side by side. Rebecca, who was behind her, looked at Liu Xu's back, struggling in her heart, and silently followed behind. Could this man really be Doflamingo's master?Doflamingo has recovered his identity as a Celestial Dragon?

Chapter 2725 Neo Navy Commander vs Admiral of the Navy Headquarters


In the dense jungle outside the town, the three of Liu Xu came here. This is the only relatively open area in the jungle. It is a natural arena composed of a huge granite rock.

"Zefa, remember what I said before. If you lose, then you will be a member of my fleet from now on. Of course, I will lead you as a sea emperor."


Rebecca was dumbfounded, these two people came here to fight because of this incident?Is this man crazy?Want to challenge the commander-in-chief of the NEO navy?Even if he is Doflamingo's master, he doesn't have that kind of power!

Zefa nodded and said, "Of course, but if you lose, your life will be mine, and at the same time, I will also take Doflamingo's life."

Domineering and unrestrained, Zefa naturally has strong self-confidence in the sea for countless years. Although he now understands that the opponent's strength may surpass his own, he will not admit defeat so easily.

"Okay, then come on! You, back away!"

Liu Xu pointed at Rebecca, and she immediately retreated to the edge of the rock.

"Hailou Stone Bullet!"

Zefa preemptively fired countless Hailou stone bullets from the huge pulverizer on his right arm, and the dense Hailou stone directly blocked Liu Xu's entire area.

Hailou stone bullet, which means that it has a certain killing effect on the natural system. If it is hit, the ability will temporarily lose the ability, and the impact of the shredder is very huge. If it is hit, it will definitely not feel good.

It's just that it depends on what kind of ability user it is. Devil fruit ability users will naturally be afraid of this thing, but Liu Xu's ability person is not afraid at all.

"Eighty million volts Chidori fly!"

With a light drink, the purple light flew out from the palm of the right hand, and quickly formed a bird with a wingspan of one meter and flew forward, directly colliding with the sea building stone bullets in front.


The Hailou stone bullet hit the bird, but instead of dispersing the bird as Zefa imagined, it was blocked, and it rushed in front of him in a blink of an eye.

"Armed Color Hardened!"

A look of horror appeared in Zefa's eyes, and then the powerful armed arrogance started, and he used his body to resist the attack of the birds.


Thousands of birds chirped in unison, suddenly exerting their strength.The face of Zefa, who was relying on his body to resist the attack of the birds, changed, and he stepped back a few steps, but he was forced back by the tyrannical impact of the birds.

"Crush the Blaster!"

The situation was not so optimistic. Zefa directly used the strong shelling inside the pulverizer to counterattack, and a beam of light flew out from the muzzle of the pulverizer, knocking the flying birds in front of him into pieces, and continued to fly towards Liu Xu.

"Zefa's power has dropped a lot!"

Liu Xu felt a little pity in his heart. It can be seen from one move that Zefa's power has dropped a lot, but he can still be regarded as a strong man, but he doesn't know what will happen in the future.


The beam of light flying in front made Liu Xu's thunder knife unsheathed, and he slashed down directly. There was no dazzling light from the knife, nor a strong shock wave, but a simple slash.


The power of a knife, without using the power of thunder and lightning, actually split the shelling into two and flew past.


After being bombarded in the jungle behind by the cannonball that was divided into two, a strong shock wave came, and a large area of ​​the forest was blown up directly.

Zefa, whose body turned black, frowned when he saw this scene. Is this guy's strength already so powerful?

To be able to directly cut off his shelling with a physical attack, there are not many people in this world who can do this kind of power!

However, will he be the one to give in easily?Obviously not!

"Smash the tornado!"

Zefa shouted loudly, and the shredder arm slammed into the ground, only to see the ground shuddered fiercely. The strong impact force caused dense cracks to appear on the ground, and the cracks continued to extend around, and there were even strong shock waves.

"Thunder Dragon Angry Slash!"

The Thunder Saber slashed forward, and the mysterious deep purple light flickered, and four thunder dragons with teeth and claws flew out from the blade, rushing fiercely, and hitting the cracks that continued to extend forward.


The thunder dragon hit the edge of the crack with a violent sound, and the shock wave in the crack also launched an attack on the four thunder dragons at this moment, constantly colliding and tearing the bodies of the thunder dragons.

Thunder Dragon's shock wave battle started, but Zefa on the other side also started a follow-up attack. He rushed towards Liu Xu with his left arm covered with black armed domineering, and punched down.

"too slow!"

Liu Xu let out a soft drink, and the Thunder Knife swung upwards to block the opponent's fist, then flew up and kicked the opponent's abdomen, smashing all his subsequent attacks.

The collision between Brontosaurus and Shockwave also dissipated at this time, dark purple glare reflected in every corner of the jungle, Brontosaurus and Shockwave disappeared at the same time.

Zefa was kicked into the air, and his body shot out countless sea tower bullets in the air. Even in the air, he could accurately aim at the target.

"Spring thunderstorm!"

The purple-black blade was covered by lightning. Liu Xu attached the power of lightning to the weapon, swung it down with one hand, and a purple light with lightning shot out from the blade rapidly.

The waning moon-shaped blade light flew away like a fired shell, across the dense firepower area, the sharp blade light and air pressure smashed the extremely fast bullets into the smallest stone chips and fell down.


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