Zefa's eyes moved, and he really didn't expect the opponent's strength to be so strong, completely destroying the range of the bullet's attack with a single blow.

The sword light is getting closer and closer, Zefa's mind is spinning, and the armed color domineering once again covers the whole body, and the right arm of the machine is also in front of him...


Chunlei hit his mechanical right arm violently, and the strong impact drove his body to the sky, and he was no longer visible in the blink of an eye.


Chapter 2726


Rebecca, who was powerless to help, screamed, staring at Zefa who had disappeared from sight with wide eyes, covering her small mouth with a slender hand, but she couldn't believe that Zefa would be slashed by this man. to the sky.

Contrary to her surprise, Liu Xu's gaze was always fixed on a point in the sky. As a super strong man, even if he fell from a height of a thousand meters, he would definitely not die just like that.

If it's someone like Kaido, even if it falls from a height of [-] meters, it will be unscathed. Everything depends on the opponent's physical fitness.

A small black spot appeared in his sight, and it was rapidly expanding and rushing down in his direction.

"Tch, sure enough!"

Liu Xu grumbled, and when the black spot was about to fall on him, he used the speed of light to dodge in an instant, avoiding a change.


The black spot collided with the rocky ground closely, like the power of a falling meteorite. The black spot fell with flames all over its body, which looked exactly like a meteorite.

The fall from a high altitude caused the rocky area to shake violently. Like an earthquake, the rocks trembled constantly, making Rebecca's body almost unable to stand.

Numerous cracks appeared on the rock, and countless debris splashed up.

It took a long time for the tremor to stop. At the center of the fall, a pit with a depth of [-] meters and a diameter of [-] meters appeared. The smoke and dust were filled below, and it was impossible to see the situation inside clearly.

Liu Xu was ashamed, the way this guy landed was really unexpected!

This is a completely frightening rhythm, if it wasn't for the power of Xinwang to capture the other party all the time, I'm afraid it would be absolutely uncomfortable to be hit by him like this.

On the way of high-speed landing with armed domineering, such a collision is definitely similar to a meteorite collision, it is to be sad...


Rebecca's heart twitched, and she looked at the pothole with beautiful eyes. She was smart enough to think that the one who landed must be Zefa.

It's just that if you fall from such a high place, won't you die?

"Don't worry, you won't die."

Zefa's angry voice came from the pothole, and it could be heard from the tone that he was still unharmed.

"This is more scientific!"

Liu Xu nodded appreciatively. If Zefa could be killed by falling from a height of [-] meters, it would be an insult to the strong in the world.

Liu Xu is absolutely sure that even if he falls from a height of [-] meters, he will definitely not die. Although he is not as brutal as Kaido, at most he will only suffer a little injury.


A black shadow jumped up from below, and Zefa appeared in front of the two with a little dust on his body, still with such a sturdy aura, still with such a ferocious aura.

Looking around, the area made of rocks was about to collapse under his impact.

Looking at Rebecca's appearance again, there was a softness on Zefa's face, and he said, "Little girl, am I okay?"

Liu Xu seemed to have discovered a new continent, how could Zefa have such a soft smile?God, are we dazzled?

"Boss, that's great."

A bright smile bloomed on Rebecca's face, like a lily blooming, pure and mysterious.

"Liu Xu, let's be more straightforward!"

Zefa looked at Liu Xu, but was he ready for the final blow?

Liu Xu nodded in agreement. If he continued to fight endlessly, I'm afraid everything around here would be destroyed, and it might even affect the small town of Battle.

"Super Smash Tornado!"

Zefa punched the ground again, and the ground burst again. What was different from the previous ones was that all the cracks that appeared this time went in the direction of Liu Xu, which made people's eyes shine.

"Crazy thunder shakes the sky!"

Holding the Thunder Knife in his right hand, a fierce aura emerged from Liu Xu's body. The Thunder Knife cut parallel and horizontally, and nine dark purple lights roared out, covering the entire area.

There are still countless shock waves in the cracks that continue to extend from the ground. This move has injected all of Zefa's strength, which cannot be underestimated.

Nine dark purple sword glows rushed down towards the crack in front, and everything they passed seemed to be destroyed as if destroyed.


The sword light collided with the continuously extending crack, and the raging lightning force exploded in an instant, without too much entanglement, and merged into the shock wave in the crack in the blink of an eye.

The tendency of the cracks to extend stopped, and everything around them returned to calm, which seemed a little weird. Zefa and Rebecca stared at the deep purple light that kept shining in the cracks. What the hell is going on?

Soon, what happened next told them what had happened.

I saw the deep purple light in the crack burst, and the invisible shock wave swept around, starting from the crack to destroy everything around, and the rock continued to collapse, and the speed was astounding.

In an instant, the whole rock collapsed, which shocked Zefa and Rebecca. All this has exceeded their imagination, and they did not expect the speed of the collapse to be so fast.

It seems that everything below has been destroyed.

The collapsed rock made the two unable to maintain their standing posture and kept falling downward.


Rebecca screamed, and the sharp scream made Zefa look over, but there was still a little distance from her, and he was falling now, unable to move at all.

Suddenly, when the two fell, the ground around the rock also began to collapse, and it collapsed inward, which tended to bury the two.

There are rocks in the soil. If it is buried tightly, it may be difficult to survive.


Zefa suddenly roared, with an anxious expression on his face. In his sight, a rock fell straight towards Rebecca's head.

And he has no time to rescue.

Chapter 2727 Your clothes are against the rules


Rebecca also seemed to have noticed something, looked at Zefa who was anxious, and a long-lost emotion appeared in her heart.

However, it was too late, and a teardrop fell from the corner of her eye.

Liu Xu secretly smiled, it seems that Zefa really has different feelings for this Rebecca, this is just the first day we met!

Is it because of her past?Is it because the other party is just a sixteen-year-old girl?really interesting.

A deep purple light lit up, and a figure appeared beside Rebecca as she closed her eyes and waited for her death.

"Hey, don't wait to die!"

A familiar voice sounded beside her ears, and Rebecca, who was waiting to die with her eyes closed, jumped in her heart and turned her head to look.

There was a deep purple light on Liu Xu's body, and an inexplicable smile on his face.


Before she could say a word, Liu Xu had already wrapped her arms around her soft and boneless waist, and the deep purple light burst out again. After the strong light passed, the falling two people had disappeared.


Seeing all this, Zefa felt a little relieved.

"Zefa, it's not in your character to simply wait to die, is it?"

The voice rang next to his ears, making him stunned. Is this kid here to save him?

Just as he thought, before he could fully react, Liu Xu grabbed his shoulder with one hand and Rebecca's waist with the other, and a dark purple light burst out again on his body, and the three of them The body is covered by lightning.


The body quickly pulled up, and the bodies of the three kept flying upwards, and the thunder and lightning covering the surrounding directly reopened the rocks and soil.

After a while, the three broke through the collapsed mud and rocks and appeared directly in the air.

"Yo...it's out!"

Floating in the sky, Liu Xu said jokingly, the bodies of the three were still covered by lightning.

Rebecca looked curiously at the thunder and lightning around her. These thunder and lightning did not hurt her, which made her puzzled, which was too unscientific.

"You, what ability is this?"

Rebecca turned her head, but soon her face turned a little red.

She could clearly feel that the hand holding her waist was doing something wrong, although the magnitude was small, it also made her body tremble violently.

This guy is definitely a cesium wolf!

If Liu Xu knew about it, he would probably shout out his grievances. This was just a subconscious action. Who would let him have a few charming beauties by his side? I'm used to it, I'm used to it!

"Zefa, you have already lost."

Liu Xu's voice sounded again, Fa Ze, who was grabbed by his shoulder, looked up at him, and then nodded.

"Indeed, it has been defeated!"

There is a touch of vicissitudes and loss in the voice, which is a fact.

Looking at the pothole caused by the collapse below, he could only gasp.

At a depth of thousands of meters, seawater began to appear below the pothole. In other words, the blow just now pierced the island, which was really terrifying.

He didn't think that his own power could easily penetrate the island, that is to say, it was caused by Liu Xu's power.

In this regard, he could only smile wryly and shake his head.

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