"Very well, then let's go!"

Liu Xu had a cheerful smile on his face, but his other hand still kept moving slightly.

Ah, it's really soft/greasy touch/feeling, which makes people want to stop!

Cough cough, sister Rebecca, your dress is against the rules, it is simply a rhythm that men can't bear!

Rebecca was so ashamed and indignant that this hateful man dared to take advantage of her like this.

She swears that as long as there is a chance, she must take revenge on him, no matter what method she uses, she must make him regret it and pay the price for his action.

The price must be paid, but the way of payment is hard to say.

Perhaps, there is another way to punish men...

Using the speed of light again, Liu Xu took the two of them and flew towards Battelle, and directly entered the restaurant, leaving behind the pothole that was constantly filled with sea water.

Still on the wine table, Liu Xu picked up the wine glass and took a sip. The battle just now didn't take long, but the battle ended in an hour. Of course, the impact is still relatively huge. Many people in the town looked at that location one after another, but they didn't know what happened there, they could only feel the shaking.

"Zefa, now that the result of the battle has come out, I believe you will give a good choice."

Liu Xu put down the cup in his hand with a relaxed expression.

Zefa sighed, and a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes. An old strong man was defeated by a young man in his twenties, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

A rising star is so powerful!

"I'm willing to give in to the gamble. Those who have promised you will naturally agree. From now on, I will be your subordinate. Of course, I only recognize the identity of the Emperor of the Sea. I'm afraid I can't agree with the identity of the general of the Navy Headquarters."


Rebecca screamed, how could things develop like this?The commander-in-chief really wants to be this man's subordinate?God, can you stop joking with her like this?She just became a member of the NEO Navy today, why did God treat her like this?

Liu Xu, now from a certain point of view, that is also her enemy, and how could her commander-in-chief be this man's subordinate?

"Rebecca, I'm afraid your revenge plan will be difficult to achieve. However, this world is the law of the weak, so I can only express regret for you."

Zefa's rare iron man tenderness, this little girl reminded him of his family, his wife and son were killed by pirates.

Now this Rebecca reminded him of his son, and it was bound to be an unbearable memory.

Rebecca fell silent, what Zefa said was not wrong at all, and now her revenge plan is really difficult to realize.

It's all this man, the hateful man.

The struggle in her eyes became more and more obvious, her heart was fighting between heaven and man, revenge, let go, revenge, let go, constantly intertwined in her heart, two voices made her about to collapse.


Chapter 2728 This pervert is too dangerous



Suddenly, Rebecca drew out the big sword behind her, and swiped towards Liu Xu.

A cold light flashed, so fast that it was difficult to react.

A sword pierced through Liu Xu's neck, making people stunned.

Zefa was stunned. He never expected that she would take such an extreme approach, and he never expected that things would reach this point.

What the hell is this silly girl thinking?

And Rebecca, who pierced Liu Xu's neck with a sword, felt relieved for a moment. Now that she has acted, she cannot go back on her word.

Even though she herself didn't know why the sword was used just now, she couldn't choose now.

But is it possible that things are going the way she thinks?

Liu Xu turned his head and looked at her, with a weird smile on his face, and he didn't care about the big sword piercing his neck at all.


The big sword was retracted, and Rebecca was also dumbfounded when she saw the other party's smile and the situation of the other party's neck at this time.

There was a deep purple light flashing on the part of Liu Xu's neck where the great sword passed through. Almost instantly, the wound on his neck disappeared, and his whole body seemed to be intact.

"what happened?"

Rebecca was stunned on the spot.


A series of hurried footsteps sounded, and a group of men in black suits rushed over, holding swords and other weapons in their hands.

"Don't be nervous, step back!"

Without looking back, Liu Xu raised his hand to stop the men in suits rushing over.

Soon a group of people retreated, and these people were the security personnel of this restaurant, that is, Liu Xu's subordinates.

"Natural abilities are not damaged by physical attacks in the elemental state. This is common sense."

Zefa, who came back to his senses, sighed, this chick has done a stupid thing.

She dared to attack this man without strength. Doesn't she understand what the natural department represents?

"My emperor, please don't hurt her." Zefa said.

This title of his made Liu Xu happy, my emperor?Tsk tsk, why does this feel so cool?It seems that Zefa completely agrees with the identity of Sea Emperor!

"It's alright, I think she's just being extreme. Forget it, I'll keep her by my side to teach her well, so that she won't go astray in the future. When the time comes, I really go to Brother Doflaming to settle the account. That thing will be fun. already."

Liu Xu waved his hand very readily, and didn't take her matter to heart at all.

Rebecca finally understood that sneak attacking this man was simply not advisable, and with her strength, it was absolutely impossible to hurt this man.

Moreover, it is very sad now, this man actually has the intention of controlling himself, it is really a crime.

Cesium wolf, this cesium wolf is too dangerous, you must find a way to escape.

However, Zefa's words shattered her illusion.

"Alright, I feel more at ease bringing her by my side."

Zefa turned his head to look at Rebecca, and the previous soft smile appeared on his resolute face, which made Liu Xu almost yell explosive news.

Rebecca instinctively wanted to refuse, but when she saw Zefa's obviously kind smile, the words in her mouth were stunned.She had only experienced this feeling in two people.

"Tsk, does Zefa intend to recognize a granddaughter or daughter? Oh, the matter is too high-powered, and I can't resist it."

Liu Xu thought boredly, getting a general like Zefa is already a very good thing.

The matter between Rebecca and Zefa was very dramatic. Zefa boarded the boat, and Rebecca naturally followed.

According to Liu Xu's words, it is necessary to teach her well. As for her relatives and friends, they should be ignored gorgeously.

Most of them are in Villa, and if Flamingo continues to control them, everything will be fine.

And those who escaped with Rebecca, Liu Xu has no obligation to help them.

After all, those are his enemies.

"My emperor, where are you going next?"

Zefa quickly entered the role state, and he always called me the emperor, which made Liu Xu feel what it means to be superhuman.

"Sail along the route controlled by the golden lion, and eliminate those who are fighting for the status of the sea emperor along the way, and lay the foundation of the sea emperor."

Liu Xu's idea is very simple. Since he is fighting for the position of Sea King, then he should overthrow the other pirates and aim at Sea King. No one can make irresponsible remarks.

The golden lion has already made a revenge, and now he takes this opportunity to set off a storm on his territory, and finally kill him and get a little progress in the task, this is the coolest thing.

To become the Emperor of the Sea, I don't know what kind of surprises the system will give at that time, maybe it is points, or it may be other things.As for the affairs of the Tianlong family, Liu Xu has already made plans.

When he raised the butcher's knife again, it was the time when the Tianlong family was completely destroyed.

At that time, there will be only one supreme king among the Tianlong people in the whole world, and that throne can only belong to him.

It is very difficult to integrate the current nineteen Tianlongren families.

There are currently six, and there are thirteen waiting for him to make the most perfect deployment.

Knowing that Liu Xu was going to make a big fuss on this route, Zefa nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, the Golden Lion escaped from prison. , Ending his pirates is the best thing left."

However, Liu Xu stared straight into his eyes at this moment, and said, "Zefa, I won't comment on the fact that you can't bear to kill someone, but I hope you can make the most correct decision at the most critical moment." choice. After all, after becoming my partner, everything must be centered on this team.”

Zefa's body trembled, Liu Xu now gave him a problem, a problem that has troubled him for decades.Under the killer?The most critical moment?


Chapter 2729 Don't Challenge My Bottom Line

There was silence, the old man in his seventies fell silent.

And Rebecca looked at Liu Xu angrily, already thinking of countless ways to torture him, but it was obviously impossible to put it into action now.

Then, I can only be secretly happy in my heart, imagining that this man is begging for mercy repeatedly under his various cruel methods.

Ah, what a wonderful life, what a delightful world.

The three of them fell silent at the same time, one matter in Liu Xu's mind was resolved, and he drank the wine leisurely, all he could think about was the next route.

At this moment, a voice came over and said, "General Liu Xu, long time no see."

The lazy voice and slow tone made it easy to judge the character of this person, and the surrounding air also dropped suddenly because of the appearance of this voice.

"It's been a long time since we met. By the way, you have stayed in the new world for more than a year and haven't returned? General Qingzhi!"

You don't need to think too much about who it is, Liu Xu teased him severely.

The person who came was General Qingzhi, who seemed to be indifferent to everything. He walked slowly to the wine table and sat down. Qingzhi looked at Zefa again.

"Teacher, long time no see."

Qingzhi was a student taught by Zefa, and he was no stranger to his teacher. Even if he hadn't seen him for many years, he could recognize him at once.

Zefa glanced at Qingzhi, then turned his head away, nodded and said, "Kuzan, don't come here without any problems."

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