From this point of view, it seems that he is a little bit unimpressed with Qingzhi, which makes the other party feel a little embarrassed. This is really, an unpleasant meeting!

"General Qingzhi, tell me what have you been doing in the new world? I haven't heard from you for more than a year, isn't it because of a beautiful girl who is reluctant to go back?"

Liu Xu smiled heartlessly, and wanted to tease this lazy guy without seeing it, just like Lu Qi with the paralyzed face, he really wanted to see their faces change drastically.

A few black lines hung down from Qingzhi's forehead, and this time it was even more unpleasant.

"General Liu Xu, the patriarch of the Tianlong people, is it necessary to speak like this?"

Qingzhi was a little helpless in his words, he was really defeated by this guy, could it be that he always has such a bad taste?

Liu Xu laughed, and said, "I won't quarrel with you anymore, just tell me! What do you want to see me for?"

Hearing this, the embarrassment on Qing Zhi's face disappeared, replaced by a serious look.

"General Liu Xu, let me inquire about the devil fruit!"

Devil fruit thing?

Qingzhi's words made several people puzzled, what can the devil fruit do?Is it to ask about his strength?Only Liu Xu seemed to understand something, with obvious displeasure on his face.

"Who told you these things?"

"It has been spread among the Tianlong people. Now the factory should have arrived in Vera, right? The situation may be a little dangerous."

Qing Zhi didn't say who it was, but instead provided such a piece of news that Liu Xu almost scolded her.

Has it spread among the Tianlong people?Damn it, some wretched guy must have reported it.

But why didn't Wulaoxing and Kong notify him with a phone bug?What exactly is going on?

Liu Xu's face changed, Vera's situation is a bit dangerous?Damn it, which guy is dying?

"Tell me what's going on? Who wants to come down on Vera?"

"Not long ago, the news came from the Holy Land that Doflamingo has become your subordinate, and his devil fruit processing factory has been transferred to Vera, so someone wants to trouble you. Celestial Dragon Casper Sheng is already preparing to attack Villa, and it is said that he is investigating the news now. Commander Kong is under a lot of pressure now, and so is the five old stars."

Qingzhi was still in that slow tone, which made people's hearts twitch.

Zefa gasped after hearing the news, devil fruit processing factory?Processing devil fruit?Making Devil Fruits?God, what crazy thing did my emperor do to even make this thing out.Also, my emperor is actually the patriarch of several Tianlongren families, oh, Xie Te, this world is too dangerous, I really want to go back to the moon to stay...

Liu Xu's complexion also became ugly. The name Casper Saint was no stranger to him, or he was very familiar with it.

This is a relatively powerful family patriarch among the Tianlong people, and luckily the one who survived was a young man, a stunned young man who once pursued Madeline crazily and was severely humiliated by Madeline.

I met this guy a few times during the more than a year in the Holy Land, and every time I beat him to nowhere, but this guy was a stunned young man who kept making trouble for him.

If the light is not enough, the dark will come, which is really annoying.

The hatred has already been forged, and this guy is destined to die.

Now that he wants to attack Vera, he definitely wants to use Devil Fruit as an example.

You bastard, looking for death, right?

"Casper Saint, right? Well, very well, if this guy actually wants to die, I will help him. General Aokiji, please go back to the holy land of Marijoa, and help me send some messages to Wu Laoxing and the others. If this unlucky kid dares to attack Vera, I will kill him without any hesitation. Don't challenge my bottom line."

Declare war, threaten!

Liu Xu has such capital and such arrogance.Vera is his important station in the new world, a rapidly developing kingdom, and his foundation in the new world. How can this guy destroy it.

Qingzhi scratched her face, General Liu Xu, when did we become errand runners?Also, we came here to talk to you about this matter for the sake of our colleagues, you can't bully people like this.

"Why? Are you still not happy?"

Liu Xu narrowed his eyes, why is this lazy guy so annoying?I really want to fuck him right now.

"No, I'll just go back."

Qingzhi is a person who doesn't want to take trouble on him, but seeing Liu Xu's face now, if he doesn't agree, it will definitely be more troublesome.

Chapter 2730 Tianlong people just like playing tricks to death


"Also, please inform Commander Kong and the Five Old Stars that Zefa will belong to my subordinates from now on."

"Got it, what?"

Qingzhi nodded in response, but when she realized later, she almost knelt down.

Teacher Zefa became his subordinate?Oh, don't be so joking, okay?The news is so exciting.

Looking at Zefa's expression again, there is no sign of resistance at all, he is so young, General Liu Xu, when will you stop doing such a shocking thing?

It was a big mistake to get acquainted with your old man. I will be stimulated by your old man from time to time. Maybe one day I will die if I get too stimulated.

Sadly reminded, Qingzhi sighed and agreed, feeling that there is no way to chat properly, so let's just forget it!

After agreeing, Liu Xu's complexion improved, and he was thinking about the matter of that Casper Saint in his heart. He found that the Tianlong people just like to play tricks to death.

Thinking about it from another angle, this should be a good opportunity.

Now that he wanted to do something, he had no reason to let him be so arrogant, and he could use this opportunity to kill his family.

Just do it when he thinks about it, without further ado, Liu Xu took out the phone bug, and went directly to Madeline.

"Xu, what's the matter?"

Madeline's cold and noble voice came from the phone bug.

Liu Xu chuckled, and said: "Madeline, there is one matter for you to handle. The Kasiber Holy Family can be destroyed. I will wipe out his people in one fell swoop when they arrive in the new world, and you just wait to receive them." That family is fine. By the way, there are also the Cullie family and the Craig family, and you just need to be ready to take over these two families."

These two families were the families of the two young masters who broke in during the barbecue banquet yesterday. If they didn't take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of them, Liu Xu would feel sorry for this opportunity given by God.

Madeline was surprised, and then said softly: "Xu, could it be too fast?"

"No, there are enough excuses anyway. If these three families are destroyed, the other ten families will not dare to do anything until they are absolutely sure. Don't worry!"

"Oh, I see."

Madeline responded with a sentence, then hung up the phone, and started to arrange these things instead.

But Liu Xu smiled and beckoned to find Badman, the person in charge of the restaurant.

"The Kulai family and the Craig family will report at all the stations in the new world. Also, closely monitor the movements of the Casper Holy Family. As long as their large troops enter the new world, they will report it immediately."

"Yes, Patriarch!" Badman responded and left.

But the other three people are speechless. Is it appropriate to say so blatantly that they will deal with the three Tianlong clans?

Qing Zhi left, like a passer-by, only staying for a short while before leaving, Liu Xu was also full of emotions, why is this guy who likes to ride a bicycle on the sea so busy?

A few days passed quietly, Columbia and others came to the restaurant, and Liu Xu naturally introduced this new partner formally.

Oh, and there's also a buy one get one free Rebecca.

The exposure of their identities shocked Hancock and the others a little. It was unexpected that the NEO navy commander and former admiral Zefa would join their team.

As for Rebecca's identity, a few people are relatively calm. It turned out to be the princess of the Kingdom of Dressrosa. In other words, isn't there her mother and an aunt above her?The two should be at Vera's now, right?

"Everyone, now we have to continue or sail. Of course, this time there is still an important task, killing the Kulai family and the Craig family. In the shortest time, are you confident?"

"Must have!"

A few people responded, are they going to kill the two Tianlong family again?It was so cool.

"Badman, I'll leave the matter of the Holy Family of Casper to you, so be sure to keep a close eye on it. Well, I'll leave the expansion near Battle Town to you. Also, if you spread some news out, just say I'm going to tell you about it. Fight for the position of the Sea Emperor. It will spread to the whole new world in the shortest time, do you have confidence?"

Badman nodded again and again, unable to hide the excitement in his heart, this is the rhythm of raising his rights!Expansion near the small town of Battle?That has a lot of power, and there are other islands around and some towns and kingdoms on it. If it can be taken down, that would be a great thing.

"Yes, Patriarch!" Badman replied quickly, and then stood respectfully to the side again.

After the matter was explained, Liu Xu and others also set sail to sea again.


There are many islands on the Golden Lion route. There are more than [-] islands, most of which are uninhabited and uninhabitable.

After some screening, there are only about [-] islands that can have towns.

And those islands that can establish kingdoms are even rarer, there are only about twenty or so.

In other words, there are more than [-] kingdoms and about [-] towns on this route.

These kingdoms are basically ruled by some powerful pirates, and some belong to the Tianlong people or the world government and navy.

The Golden Lion is the emperor on this route, but it does not mean that he ruled all the islands, but because he ruled the most important islands, occupying absolute geographical advantages, as well as his powerful strength and team.

Only in this way can he be recognized by everyone and become the aloof Four Emperors.

It is very, very rare for a special existence like red hair to exist solely for the sake of adventure to achieve the Four Emperors.

However, his own strength is very strong, even the Navy Headquarters gave him face, coupled with his strong team, no one would object to becoming one of the Four Emperors.

The rest are Kaido of Beasts and the lonely Reid, both of whom are the strongest among the strong. Kaido of Beasts has many devil fruit abilities of the animal department, which are all in the past with Doveron. The team created in Mingo's trade.

And the aloof Red himself is a super strong man, and has a special devil fruit ability, making him one of the aloof Four Emperors.


Chapter 2731 Ralph Drew, the Will of D


Basically everyone has their own specific route, and there is only one place where these routes eventually converge, Ralph Drew.

It's not that you can become the One Piece King when you reach Ralph Drew, at most you can get the treasure of the One Piece King.

Want to become One Piece?Yes, conquer these four routes!Conquer the whole new world!This is the only way to the throne of One Piece!

As they sailed, a message spread throughout the Great Route, not just the New World.

Admiral Liu Xu of the Navy Headquarters is about to fight for the throne of the Emperor of the Sea and challenge the pirates in the new world. At the same time, he also announced that as long as he has strong strength and enough confidence, he can join his team after being screened by Liu Xu. team.

Of course, this condition will be very strict...

This news spread throughout the great route, and for a while, the whole great route became chaotic.

In the Holy Land Marijoa, the Five Old Stars once again summoned Commander Kong to come and talk.

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