"He announced the challenge of the Sea Emperor's position so quickly, wouldn't he be too hasty?" said the Five Old Stars holding the first generation of ghosts.

Marshal Kong curled his lips and said, "Will it be early? I think it's too slow."

This remark was completely contrary to Wu Laoxing's. In his mind, Liu Xu should get the position of Sea Emperor as soon as possible.

Wu Laoxing glanced at each other, still holding a ghostly Wu Laoxing and said: "After becoming the emperor of the sea, he may reach Ralph Drew, then..."

The latter words did not go on, and the commander-in-chief Kong also understood what the latter words meant.Nothing more than historical text.

The blank hundred years is a history that was erased by the world government. What Pirate King Roger left there may be related to the blank hundred years.

And the many things contained in this blank hundred years may cause turmoil in the whole world, triggering a huge battle involving the whole world.

The kingdom of D, the country that has disappeared, the will of D, the will inherited by some people, is still in the minds of the Five Old Stars as a threat to the existence of the world government.

Once these things are exposed, it will definitely affect the rule of the world government and the rule of the Tianlong people.

Ralph Drew, this is an existence that makes them infinitely tangled.

"Is it really okay to place all bets on him?"

Wu Laoxing let out a long sigh, and Commander Kong immediately fell silent. Everyone present was betting on Liu Xu's decision-making, Liu Xu's ability, and what choice Liu Xu would make in the future.


The country of D, a country that disappeared in the long river of history, a country where the world government and the Tianlong people have erased history.

When it destroyed the country, that is, during the [-]-year blank period, it happened to be the moment when the world government was established.Perhaps, that would be a bloody massacre, that would be an extermination of human form.

However, that is already a thing of the past.

D's will may symbolize freedom and peace, democracy and equality.

This is different from the rule of the Tianlong people. D's will reappears, which is definitely not what the world government and the Tianlong people want to see.

In Liu Xu's point of view, it would be an unwise choice to explode this will again and involve the whole world in a huge battle.

Are some dark means of governance really undesirable?Obviously that is not the case, some dark reigns can bring peace and stability to future generations.

It would be a catastrophe to bring back a regime, especially the regime of the whole world.

"Sky, no matter what choice Liu Xu makes at that time, we have to make the final decision. Let's talk to him sometime!"

Wu Laoxing let out another long sigh, and things had to be chosen in this way.

D's will?To hell with them!Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. Who dares to say that some methods were not used when establishing a dynasty?Destroying a country can bring peace and stability, why not do it?

Commander Kong nodded, then left the place, leaving five silent old men behind.

But here on the Golden Lion Route of the Great Route, Liu Xu met an unexpected person, one of the former kings of the Seven Martial Seas, the Murloc Haixia Jinping!

A chivalrous murloc, a murloc with strong power.

During the Battle of the Top, he chose to rebel, which is a very regrettable thing.

When Whitebeard died, the Sun Pirates led by him also withdrew from Murloc Island, and disappeared after ending the asylum there, but now they reappeared.

The flying pirate flag in the distance draws a flaming sun, and the huge pirate ship and countless fish-man pirates are particularly conspicuous.

"My lord, do you want to fire?"

Zefa clenched his fists, a pirate, and a powerful pirate, a murloc pirate.

Liu Xu thought about it for a while, and then said: "Let's not use it for now, let's go and have a look! Let's see what that guy can say."

With an order, the two battleships quickly headed for the Sun Pirates ahead. The soldiers on the deck had adjusted their muzzles and could launch crazy shelling at any time.

On the pirate ship, Jinbe looked at the approaching battleship with a sad expression on his face. It was a sad thing to meet that guy, but it’s okay to meet others!

The crew members around were also staring at the battleship, but there was not much tension between their expressions.

"Boss, do you want to take down this navy?"

A crew member is eager to try, it seems that this is a very interesting thing.

Jinping's face almost turned black, don't you guys know what kind of people are on that warship?Beat it down?You don't even know how you died later.

Now that they drove over, they might overturn the pirate ship with just a few shots, but things were not as bad as he thought.

After Liu Xu's warship approached, he didn't fire any guns, but a few people jumped directly onto his pirate ship, looking relaxed and leisurely.


Chapter 2732 Blame Me?


"General Liu Xu, long time no see."

Jinbe has no fear. According to him, death is not terrible. What is terrible is that justice cannot be executed before death.

He is a very just and fair person, this is undeniable.

It's a pity, after all, I still have the identity of a pirate.

He put in countless efforts to end that battle, but in the end he couldn't stop it.

Liu Xu looked at the pirate captain, then smiled, and said, "Murloc Jinpei, you have been stripped of your Shichibukai status, how have you been these past two years?"

The question was unclear, so Jinbe had a lot of doubts in his heart.

"Have a good time, Liu Xu, what do you mean by asking that?"

"I heard that you have been in the New World for more than a year. What is your reason for appearing on this route? Would you mind telling me? Of course, you can refuse if you want to."

Liu Xu said this as if he met an old friend he hadn't seen for many years, and seemed very happy.

"It doesn't matter if I tell you."

Jinbe had more doubts in his heart, and then he told some things about himself in this new world.

Hai Xia Jinbei, since the end of the battle on the top, is ready to go. After entering this new world, it can be said that it is almost aimless sailing, and the daily life of leading the crew is very simple.

However, he joined Kaido's camp not long ago, and the reason for entering the Golden Lion's route is also very simple. He is going to rescue some captured murlocs, it's as simple as that.

Liu Xu and others were surprised, Jinbe joined Kaido's camp?It's not a good thing to commit a crime.

"Jinping, are you going to make the new world a little more chaotic?"

chaos?Speaking of this word, infinite anger appeared in Jinbei's heart, and his face suddenly became ugly.

"Liu Xu, because your recklessness caused Whitebeard's death, and your arrogance led to the chaos of the entire world order, do you still have the right to say such things? If you don't do such things, the world will The order will still be maintained, no matter how chaotic it is, it will not fill the sea with slaughter like it is now."

Liu Xu and others were stunned by the unexpected reprimand.

"Jinping? It is very serious to insult my emperor like this."

Zefa is now like a dedicated subordinate, in order to defend the dignity of his emperor.

Columbia was also very direct. The sniper rifle behind him was directly removed, and the muzzle was aimed at Jinbei's head. As long as he gave an order, the first shot was guaranteed to be his.

Brayton was also angry, and shouted: "Old man, don't be so jabbering, pirates are pirates, and you have no right to say such things."

Does he mean it's all my fault?Liu Xu frowned tightly, the order of the world?The order of the world has long been disrupted by you pirates. Who is destroying the order of the world?Could it be that the strength of the pirates has grown to be able to compete with the world government, and this is the order of peace?Pirates are thieves after all, what qualifications do they have to talk about order?This kind of remarks as if standing on the moral high ground is the most disgusting.

"Jinping, is it interesting for you to say such a thing? Pirates are pirates, don't use such an identity to talk about justice and peace in the world, you don't have the ability. Unless you can subvert the regime of this world and become the ruler, Otherwise, you are not qualified to say this after all."

Liu Xu took his words back without any hesitation. It was not his character to suffer. Since the other party was shameless, there was no need to be polite to him.

Jinping snorted coldly when he heard the words, and said: "Liu Xu, you will never understand the justice in the hearts of those of us who sail freely on the sea. We don't aim to occupy, we just desire to sail on the sea. And you , destroyed such a beautiful environment, can you still say that you are a righteous person?"


Liu Xu really wanted to spray him in the face right now, destroying such a beautiful environment?To whom?Not for the purpose of occupation?So what do you mean by the territories you occupy now?Are you telling people, "Hey, I'm here for you, don't worry, this is not domination, it's just treating you as a transit point."

"This young master has never said that he is a righteous person, but you are not qualified to judge. Pirate? What does it mean to have the word pirate? You all call yourself a pirate, and I need to say more about the rest. ?"

Praise, this sentence is deeply rooted in Zefa's heart, pirates, after all, always carry the word "thief".

Maybe some pirates go out to sea with some great dreams, but many pirates go out to sea with aggressive purposes, and there are more things like burning, killing and looting.

Also, if you want to say that you are sailing the sea for freedom, then why do you have to be a pirate?Is it appropriate to over-justify the identity of a pirate?

This world is so strange, some places welcome pirates very much, and seem to think that these are righteous men sailing on the sea.

This is a very strange phenomenon, and some regions hate the arrival of pirates, because pirates are invaders in their minds, and they will take away their wealth, their homes, and everything they have.

The Navy Headquarters aims to maintain order and peace at sea, and Liu Xu also has this idea in his heart.

Of course, there are also some scum in the Navy Headquarters, which is undeniable.

So among the things Liu Xu did in the Navy Headquarters before, one of the purposes was to eliminate some unhealthy trends in the Navy Headquarters.

His efforts have paid off, officers have been dealt with under his command, the image of the Navy Headquarters is constantly expanding, and the word justice has been thoroughly implemented into everyone's heart.

Jinbe couldn't agree with Liu Xu's words, because it subverted all his cognition, and subverted his cognition of the great profession of pirates.

In his heart, those pirates who burned, killed and looted were just some scum, only a small part.

However, why has anyone thought about what the existence of the Four Emperors represents?What does New World, a place where pirate powerhouses gather, mean?


Chapter 2733 War is even

"You are arguing, only some pirates are scum, don't insult the justice and dreams in our hearts at will."

Jinbe was furious, which is a rare situation.

He has a very good temper. Generally speaking, he is rarely seen getting angry, but now Liu Xu has aroused his inner anger.

The murloc pirates are gearing up, the murloc animality is in their blood, and this will never change.

As long as something stimulates them, this beast will make them lose their minds, and all kinds of things are possible.

Liu Xu's subordinates were also straightforward. Although only a few people came over, they were all strong men.

"Jinping, pirates, always stand on the opposite side of justice, even if you use various high-sounding reasons."

He provoked the other party again, making Jinping's face darken, denying his identity and his dream of being a pirate, it was unbearable or unbearable.

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