Hot magma flew out of his palm, and when it hit the bodies of those murloc pirates, the magma exploded, blowing up the bodies of these murlocs in an instant, and the scene was extremely bloody.

In less than ten minutes, none of the fish-man pirates in the whirlpool could survive. This is the cruelty of the sea.

After killing a seemingly righteous Haixia Jinpei, Liu Xu didn't feel much awkward in his heart.

Everyone has a different point of view, in his eyes, a thief is a thief.

Taking the identity of a pirate to talk about justice?Do not make jokes.

Chapter 2735 Thunder Domain

"Let's go! It looks irritating here."

After Liu Xu said a word, he returned to the balcony. Columbia and others quickly packed up, and the two warships started sailing again.

And in a mansion in the Holy Land Marijoa, a young man with pink hair sat on the upper seat in the dignified and majestic hall.

Below it is a group of subordinates in suits and leather shoes, each of whom has an aura of wealth.

Casper Saint, the patriarch of one of the nineteen Draconian families, is this young man who is full of wealth and honor.

In his early twenties, with his handsome appearance and prominent background, it is easy for women to be addicted to it.

"How are you preparing for the new world?"

St. Casper's black eyes looked at an old man below, and his calm tone and rigorous attitude made people surrender unconsciously.

The old man stood up majestically, bowed his waist and bowed his head and said: "Patriarch, everything has been investigated, and a large army can be sent into the new world at any time. And there is an unexpected harvest. There was a conflict between the family and the Craig family, and their two young masters were killed."

Casper's eyes flashed brightly, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Oh? And Culai and the Craig family? Interesting, let them come to me immediately."


The old man responded and got up and left.

He glanced at the others and said, "Now dedicate your wisdom!"

Hearing this, a middle-aged man about fifty years old came out, with a scar like a centipede on his face, and said in a deep voice: "Patriarch, I think we should attack in a roundabout way. Now Liu Xu must have known that we There will be moves, so there must be precautions. We used a roundabout way to go around Villa's rear to attack."

Casper Saint nodded, this is a good idea, but is it really okay?

"Patriarch, I don't think so. We should send a large force to charge directly there, so as to be able to act as a deterrent. Moreover, combining the forces of the other two families to deal a devastating blow to Vera is the most feasible way. Not only can Liu Xu's forces be eliminated quickly, but also our casualties can be reduced."

Several people stood up one after another, and although what each said was different, it was nothing more than two ways.

Casper St. knocked on the armrest of the chair and said, "Okay, just send a large force directly. At the same time, we have negotiated with the Culai family and the Craig family, and we must not lose the chain on some key details. Now prepare OK, let's go now."

A group of subordinates suddenly stopped, and at this time, the person who had left before walked in with two people.

"Patriarch Casper, it seems that we all have the same idea."

As soon as he walked in, one of them spoke directly.

The corner of Casper's mouth twitched, and he said, "Of course, please!"

The world was already in chaos, and Liu Xu didn't know anything about the Holy Land Marijoya, but he still knew some movements in the new world.

Badman kept reporting to him the locations of the Kulai family and the Craig family. Every place was very accurate, and the amount of power was clearly investigated.

The residence of the Kulai family made Liu Xu laugh, it was not far from the Eastern Sun Kingdom, it was really God who disliked that family, and gave him such a good opportunity.

It's just that it is now in the route of the Golden Lion, and the route of the East Japan Kingdom is located in Kaido, and it is difficult to transfer to it at once.Now I can only do remote control first, and then make plans.

Thunder God Island is located in the front section of the Golden Lion Route. This is a very peculiar island. There are constant lightning, thunder and thunderstorms here. You need to rely on a special umbrella to enter it.

From a distance, this is a land covered by lightning. It is full of lightning everywhere. From a long distance, you can feel that the density of electrons in the air is far higher than that of other areas. Moreover, the electrons here are very violent, and occasionally some Thunder and lightning fell into the ocean, directly destroying the passing creatures.

This is a barren island where no one lives. The charred land has no signs of life. Trees cannot grow here. The rolling thunderclouds in the sky and the falling lightning can be deadly in minutes.

The island is not very big, but it is very deadly!

"Captain, there is such a magical island."

When the warships were still about ten kilometers away, Nami was already looking through the binoculars. This was an island pointed by the record pointer, so she naturally followed the record pointer.

Liu Xu's heart network has already been laid in the past. When the power of the heart network touches the island, the power of the heart network seems to be increased. All the sounds are very clear, and it is easy to detect all the sounds on the island and the surrounding area. , although there is only endless thunder, but the sound of every thunder and lightning can be heard, which is very strange.

He already has a spectrum in his heart to be able to cause such an effect. This is definitely because the tyrannical electrons fill the air, making his heart network more sensitive.

"It's very strange indeed, the New World is such a strange place, such an island is very unscientific, but it can exist."

Perfect, in his heart this is a very perfect island, the lightning power contained in it is very huge, and there is a very strange thing, that is, the lightning here is ordinary white lightning.

Generally speaking, if the quantity reaches a certain level, a qualitative change can be produced, that is, a more powerful thunderbolt will be born, but there is no such thing here.

Although there was no more powerful thunder and lightning, Liu Xu is also like a treasure. If so much lightning power is used to temper the body, it should be able to temper the body to a new height, but I don't know if it can reach Kaido. That kind of fitness.

Thunder God Island, this is simply an island that exists for Liu Xu, belonging to his minefield!

Chapter 2736 Wan Lei Tianjun Lightning Sword

His cultivation method is different from others. He can use the lightning power of nature to temper his body, thereby increasing the strength of his body, and being able to accept more lightning in his body, so that his strength can be improved.

"You wait here, I will go to Thunder God Island to take a look."

Liu Xu explained to his subordinates and the woman, and then his body elementalized into a dark purple horse and flew towards Thunder God Island.

Passing through the electron field around Leishen Island, you can clearly feel the joyful beating of those electrons when they touch you. Could it really be tempered with these lightning?

When he arrived at Leishen Island, the situation was even more obvious. The thunder and lightning that fell from the sky directly entered his body, which made him overjoyed, and immediately began to absorb these thunder and lightning to temper his body.

But soon, he frowned. The level of thunder and lightning on Thunder God Island was relatively low, and it didn't help him temper his body as much as he imagined. At most, it only increased a little strength.

But it is different for other things. The current level of Thunder Knife is the Supreme Fast Knife Twelve Works. Due to its own lightning attribute, Thunder Knife still has room for improvement.

Immediately, Liu Xu pulled out the Thunder Knife and inserted it directly into a rock on the island.

In an instant, the thunder and lightning in the sky changed direction, and all of them blasted towards the thunder knife.

Thunder God Island, the thunder and lightning rolling down from the sky landed on the island below, and when it was about to reach the ground, it suddenly changed its direction and went directly into a red and black knife.

Beside the knife was a young man in black and white shorts. His eyes were fixed on the knife. The surrounding thunder and lightning continued to gather, and when it was about to hit his body, it changed direction strangely, and finally fell on the knife.

Tempering, the current state of Thunder Knife gave him an illusion, that is, his body is the same when it is tempered by Thunder and Lightning, and it is the same way that it keeps making Thunder and Lightning as bright as possible, achieving the effect of thousands of tempers.

The blade of Thunder Knife trembled constantly, and the quenching of the power of thunder and lightning caused a dragon's roar to come from the blade. Such a sound kept coming out, which was very ear-piercing in the space filled with lightning.

The trembling blade made people doubt whether the knife would break, and Liu Xu became a little nervous.

This is to test the endurance of this knife, if it exceeds, then this knife may break and be destroyed.

With the continuous tempering of thunder and lightning, Liu Xu's heart was in his throat. This knife has been with him for more than three years, and he has already gotten used to everything about it. Without this knife, it is hard to imagine himself. How unaccustomed it will be to fight in the future.

"Boom boom boom!"

The thunder and lightning kept falling, and the blade of the thunder knife kept shaking.

After more than an hour, the rolling thunderclouds in the sky gradually faded, the range gradually narrowed, and the number of people that landed suddenly decreased a lot.

When the thunder and lightning almost disappeared, the blade of the Thunder Knife suddenly burst into a burst of dark purple and almost black light, and the whole island was instantly covered by this light. Liu Xu couldn't help but close his eyes due to the strong light.

It took Liu Xu quite a while to open his eyes. The surrounding thunder and lightning completely disappeared, and the dark clouds in the sky also receded, returning to a clear sky.

On this island, the thunder and lightning for countless years have completely disappeared in less than two hours. People can't help but marvel, this has completely changed the surrounding ecological environment!

Liu Xu's attention was not here, his gaze was completely attracted by the knife in front of him.

The blade has a slight change, it is still a red and black handle, the blade is [-] cm long, the handle is [-] cm long, the blade width is [-] cm, and the blade thickness is [-] cm. long handle.

"Thousand Lightning Lightning Saber."

Liu Xu laughed loudly, and took a closer look at the thunder knife that had been inserted into the ground. It was a perfect knife, a knife born for fighting, and a knife that was enough to make people tremble.

The twelve strongest knives recognized in the world are the twelve knives of the supreme fast knife, which is recognized by everyone.

For example, Hawkeye's Black Sword Ye, and Wulaoxing's first generation Guiche, all belong to the Twelve Masters of the Supreme Kuaisao.

However, the knife in Liu Xu's hand has already surpassed them, completely surpassing them, the king of the knife.

The sharp aura and a mysterious majesty from the blade entered Liu Xu's hands, and the whole blade trembled rapidly, as if he was excited about his promotion.

The thunder knife returned to its sheath, and the trembling of the blade stopped at this time. After taking a look at the island, Liu Xu directly elementalized and returned to his warship.

"Captain, what happened just now?"

As soon as he returned to the warship, several people surrounded him.

They also saw some of what happened on the island through the telescope, and they suddenly became strange.

The captain's knife seems to have absorbed a lot of the power of lightning. Could it be that there is a device in this knife that can store lightning?Oh, this is so high end.

Liu Xu chuckled and drew out the thunder knife directly.

In an instant, a deep purple almost black thunder flashed, which greatly surprised everyone.

The royal aura emanating from the blade and the thunder and lightning that was so deep that it was almost black made several people tremble violently.

Although there are basically few people here who understand the art of swordsmanship, they can also feel the edge of this knife that surpasses all living beings.

It's like an emperor, an emperor in a sword.

"Captain, what's the matter with this knife? It's different from the previous one, and it seems to be more beautiful."

Nami's beautiful eyes flashed, and there was a little obsession in her eyes. She liked this knife so much.

Liu Xu's forehead drooped a few black lines, looks good?Yes, the shape is much better than the Taidao, but this is not the key, okay?The key is that this knife has been promoted, and this knife is more suitable for combat. The perfect design can exert more powerful power in battle.

Chapter 2737 A country with the strongest swordsmen

As the queen of Nine Snake Island, the female emperor naturally has a much broader vision than others. Here, except for Zefa, she is the person who has seen the most swords.

"This knife is the strongest knife I've ever seen. Hawkeye's black knife Ye can't compare with this knife. It's just weird, why did it suddenly become like this?"

The eyes behind Zefa's sunglasses have been staring at the knife. Although he is not a master of the knife, his vision is equally remarkable.

"The breath of this knife is the key. It's hard to imagine why a knife can have such a breath. Only weapons fed with Devil Fruits will have such strange changes. However, I have seen so many people fed Devil Fruits. Weapons, but none of them look like this. My emperor, you are too strong."

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