His words even more affirmed the power of this knife. With his affirmation, other people naturally need not say more, they are full of amazement.

Among these few people, the only one who used a sword weapon was Rebecca. Rebecca looked at the knife with a pair of blue eyes, and almost fell into it.

She is a swordsman who has experienced countless battles in the arena, and has a very special feeling for this type of weapon.

If she hadn't considered the opponent's identity and strength, she would have had the urge to grab it directly.

Being forcibly taken to this warship, although she lost a certain amount of freedom in her life, other than this point, other things are quite comfortable.

At least Liu Xu didn't restrict her too much, just let her stay here obediently.

The other thing is about her and Zefa. Zefa, a tough old man, chose to be her teacher, which almost made everyone angry.

You must know that many of the students taught by Zefa are great people. Of the three former generals, which one was not taught by him?Could it be that Rebecca is preparing to counterattack and become a powerful powerhouse?

"Captain Liu Xu, is your knife advanced?"

She was smart and could still see some clues. It was the same knife as before. Although the shape had changed a little and its aura had increased a lot, it was definitely the knife from before.

A flash of admiration flashed in Liu Xu's eyes. This chick is still very discerning, and it should have something to do with her status as a swordsman.

"Yes, that's the promotion." "

Can weapons be upgraded?Everyone was speechless at once, this matter is too high-end, let's forget it for now!


Suddenly, Rebecca drew out the big sword behind her and said, "I want to see how strong this knife is."

"you can try."

Liu Xu raised his brows and held the thunder knife upright in front of his eyes.

Rebecca didn't hesitate when she heard the words, and directly slashed down with her sword.

Although she is a little girl, her swordsmanship is relatively good, and there is a whining wind under the sword.

However, when the big sword was about to hit the thunder knife, Liu Xu turned his wrist lightly, and the blade was facing the direction the big sword was slashing at.


A crisp and pleasant sound stimulated everyone's nerves. In their horrified eyes, the big sword hit the Thunder Knife, and passed through the Thunder Knife directly, turning into two pieces.

Rebecca's great sword, which definitely exceeds Liu Xu's sword in terms of weight, collided with such an advantage, causing her great sword to be cut into two without any pause, just like cutting tofu...

Rebecca, who was already ready for a strong collision, staggered two steps uncontrollably, and then she was able to stand firm. Looking at the great sword in her hand that had been broken in two, her eyes suddenly froze.

The others were also stunned, so simple?Is it so simple to prove the power of this knife?Tsk, I'm afraid even the black knife Ye can't achieve such a sharpness, right?

However, what happened next made them even more sluggish.

At this time, the Thunder Knife, which was passed through by the great sword, burst into a burst of intense light, and the deep purple light quickly transformed into a black thunder light, which seemed to be able to absorb everything around it.

A monstrous aura came from Lei Dao, and the big sword that had been broken in two suddenly trembled, trembling in Rebecca's hands.

"Hiss...what the hell did I make up?"

Liu Xu was also frightened, such a situation would happen?The king of swords?It really is tough enough.

"Meow meow, my young master has already been so stimulated by this knife."

Liu Xu is embarrassing, as the owner of this knife, he is already embarrassing, let alone other people.

Such a situation has never appeared on a weapon.

However, some things can also be understood.

For example, powerful weapons such as ghosts will choose their own masters, making their own curses invalid for their masters.

There are also ship elves that can appear on some ships, for example, there were ship elves on Straw Hat Boy's boat before.

Now that such miraculous things have come out, then the matter of this knife can be easily explained.


The thunder knife returns to its sheath.

"Okay, that's all for this sword. Next, let's go to a place, a very interesting place. Nami, is there a record pointer for the country of Wano?"

Liu Xu smiled, and Nami came back to her senses, nodded again and again, picked up the recording pointer and began to steer the helm.

Wano Country, a country that is closed to the outside world, a country that engages in internal development, a country that has countless powerful swordsmen.

Located in the New World of the Great Route, this is a country whose combat power is so strong that neither the navy nor the world government can intervene.

The hometown of the legendary dragon-slaying warrior Ryoma. The residents of the country are accustomed to wearing ancient Japanese-style kimono clothes, communicating with others in a more traditional tone, and calling swordsmen with high martial arts skills as samurai. The supreme leader of Wano country is called for the general.

Such a wonderful country caused a small wave in Liu Xu's heart. The country that claims to have the strongest swordsmen is so desirable.

The most famous in this country is the sword hero Ryoma of the ancient Wano country. He once cut down the dragon in the sky to protect a city, so he was called a powerful dragon-slaying warrior.


Chapter 2738 Is this through the forest or through the line of fire?

It took nearly four days of sailing to come to this place. From a distance, you can see the primitive-looking island on the periphery, a very large island, an island that can build a kingdom and has multiple cities.

The sea in this world is so strange. Some islands can only accommodate a small village, and some islands may have two or three countries. There is a sharp contrast between the two.

"Captain, is that Wano Country? It looks very backward."

Robin looked into the distance, but still couldn't see anything strange about that island.

Liu Xu smiled to himself. The island is surrounded by forests and towering trees. If you can see the exact situation in the sea, it would be a ghost.

And with such a large area, who knows where Wano Country will end up?

In the sky ahead, Columbia, who spread his black wings like a fallen angel, has returned. With the ability of the ancient phantom beast species, the Hast giant eagle devil fruit ability, he has super eyesight and can easily see ten kilometers away. status.

And if the reconnaissance is inaccurate, it can be seen even at a distance of [-] kilometers.

"Dear Mr. Captain, I have completed the reconnaissance."

Colombia fell back, and some of the female warriors in the Daughter Kingdom were a little envious of their unrestrained posture. This kind of ability is really perfect.

"Tell me what's going on."

Columbia bowed slightly, and then reported the information he had detected.

On this island, after passing through the outer forest, you can see a wide road surrounded by raised peaks, like a canyon/valley.

After crossing the gorge/valley, you can see the first city. The outer wall of the city is a high/storied wall, about [-] meters high, which can easily block the attacks of many enemies.

Like Liu Xu's information, the residents in that city were basically wearing kimonos, and most of them were carrying swords. They seemed to be swordsmen or something like that.

The folk customs are very sturdy, and the rhythm that ordinary people will be scared to death in minutes if they enter it.

"It seems to be similar to the information, um, Qiushui?"

Liu Xu muttered softly, but he remembered the swordsman Ryoma that he saw in the terrifying three-masted sailing ship of Moonlight Moria. It should be the body of the swordsman Ryoma from this country, but Brook's shadow was placed on it. thus revived.

Moreover, it seems that the guy's sword has been given to Zoro's stunned young man, and the people of Wano Country seem to be working hard to find this sword.

"Nami, land on this island!"

With an order, Nami drove the warship quickly approaching the island, and the soldiers on the deck immediately dropped the anchor to stabilize the warship.

The queen's pirate ship also docked at this time, and hundreds of female warriors walked down in uniform steps.

Liu Xu frowned. It might not be a good thing for so many people to come here. It would be best if the matter of coming here can be resolved peacefully this time, and the matter of force should be put at the end!

"Stay here! I'll let you know when I need your help."

Hundreds of female warriors looked at each other in blank dismay. After seeing the empress's face, they were speechless and returned to the pirate ship indifferently.

And those soldiers were the same, Liu Xu's order was higher than the sky for them, and no one could refute this uncle's order.

With his woman and a few subordinates, Liu Xu felt a lot more relaxed, and walked directly into the forest.

Most of the forests in Wano Country are towering trees. The luxuriant branches and leaves block the sunlight. Only wisps of sunlight can penetrate the tiny gaps and shine on the ground.

The forest is relatively dark, and there are no roads. Everything needs to be opened by oneself.

This way of opening up roads made Liu Xu sigh deeply, and remembered the words of a scholar: There is no road in the world, and if there are more people walking, it will become a road.

What a philosophical sentence shocked Liu Xu. This sentence can guide the direction of life and inspire people's thinking for many people.

Naturally, Liu Xu didn't need to think too much about opening up the road. With Zefa, a tough old man here, he could open up a road in minutes.

There is also Brayton, a mad scientist, who directly bombarded the past with laser cannons in both hands, and a forest fell directly.

The six guns in the abdomen fired a volley, so just walk over, and the trees along the way were directly smashed.

The terrain in this forest is relatively flat, and it will not make people feel too difficult to walk.

"Huh? There's a trap!"

Brayton, who had opened up the road ahead, suddenly stopped, as if he had noticed something, shouted loudly, and stepped back a few steps.

When he just retreated, a row of sharpened bamboo rafts swept past him. Looking down the bamboo rafts, the bamboo rafts were hanging on the tree with the rattan on both sides. superior.


A continuous sharp sound of breaking the air sounded, and everyone's expressions changed, and they jumped up and left the place.

Countless black shadows quickly appeared where they were originally standing, but upon closer inspection, they turned out to be some arrows. The arrows were stabbed hard into the ground, and their tails were still trembling.

The corner of Liu Xu's mouth twitched, and he meowed. The people from Wano Country set up traps in the forest?What a cruel heart it takes to make it!

Numerous traps appeared, the more Liu Xu and others walked into the forest, the darker their faces became.

How bad-hearted are the people of Wano Country? There are endless traps. From time to time, a big hole appears under the feet, and a sharp sword inserted upside down is placed underneath, which can penetrate people at any time.

There are also those arrows that keep appearing around, which can easily smash people into sieves; there are also sudden shells that blow people's bodies to pieces in minutes; there are also traps such as traps, bamboo rafts, and boulders. , Only then did they walk less than [-] meters forward, and Liu Xu and others were already feeling tired.

This is even more difficult than crossing the line of fire. Fortunately, the soldiers were not allowed to follow, otherwise these traps alone would have cost the soldiers more than half.

Chapter 2739


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