"Mow, this young master must catch the people who set up these traps and whip them fiercely!"

After hitting the flying bamboo raft again, Liu Xu finally couldn't help feeling aggrieved.

The others nodded in agreement, which completely spoke their minds, and what they wanted was this kind of rhythm.

The people of Wano Country have set up these traps so viciously, it would be impossible not to give them a good slap.

From the point of setting traps, we can see what kind of state the people of Wano Country are in, that is, a state of high vigilance and closed-door policy.

He has no intention of contacting the outside world at all, and just wants to rely on himself to grow stronger.

A country that wants to maintain good relations with other countries will never lay so many traps on the road to their country.

Moreover, they have no roads at all.

There are no roads in the forest, which means that no one has left here for a long time.

This is Liu Xu's first impression of a country with strong swordsmanship, but now his impression is that it is a wretched and arrogant country.

Several people gathered together again, Liu Xu's face was gloomy, he could hardly bear the anger in his heart, if he wanted to leave this forest, he would have to have at least a few kilometers away, if the road ahead was like this Yes, that would absolutely drive him crazy.

In fact, if he wants to leave here, it is very simple, and he can do it directly by elementalization.

But he still has so many partners, how can he slip away by himself?And it would be too troublesome to take them away one by one.

More importantly, he was very upset now, and was very upset by these traps.

"Don't think too much, just kill this forest!"

Countless dark purple arcs were released from Liu Xu's body, but he was about to make a big move.



"Good job!"

A group of people nodded repeatedly, and the corner of Liu Xu's mouth twitched in a gesture of drawing a knife.


With a soft shout, the Thunder Saber came out of its sheath, a deep light flashed suddenly, and a blade glow flew out from the blade, expanding to a width of [-] meters in an instant.

The color of the sword light is close to black, and it penetrates the entire forest in an instant, disappearing from everyone's sight, leaving a dark purple arc that permeates the forest.

After about two seconds, a continuous violent explosion suddenly sounded from the place penetrated by the sword light, and the dark purple electric arc instantly became violent, extending from in front of them to the end of the forest.

From what they saw, the forest seemed like countless bombs had been planted, exploding one after another.

The imperial-level fast knife, this is the power of the imperial-level fast knife Thunder Saber, it just swung a blade light, and opened up a wide road of more than [-] meters in an instant.


With the lightning knife back in its sheath, Liu Xu snorted. The continuous violent explosions in front of him satisfied him very much. The towering trees with a height of tens of meters were reduced to ashes under the explosion of the electric arc, and the wide road was in front of him.

"Captain, this is a little too violent."

Breton couldn't help covering his eyes, and he sighed in his heart how the gap between people is so big!In other words, his age is much older than the captain!

Zefa also nodded in agreement, this matter is indeed a bit irritable.

However, this effect is very good, and a path is easily opened up.

As for what the people of Wano Country will think, that is something to be considered later.

However, soon they would not think about this problem. After the violent explosion, traps such as arrows, bamboo rafts, boulders, etc. kept appearing from both sides fell on this road, making their faces black in an instant.

Captain, you are not violent enough, you should have destroyed this whole forest.

The corner of Liu Xu's mouth twitched, and he lamented that the people of Wano Country were too perverted, how much time it took to create so many traps.

"Let's go!"

After the traps were all triggered, Liu Xu raised his arms and walked over there resolutely.

And in a huge city behind the gorge/valley, a group of swordsman-like people opened the city gate and marched towards the forest without stopping.

In the city, most people looked in the direction of the forest with some doubts.

It has been so many years, and basically no one has broken into the forest. Now the trap there has been triggered, and there has been such a violent explosion. Is there someone attacking?Pirates?navy?Shouldn't it?

In the hearts of the residents of this city, no one will come to attack them, because they are powerful enough.In this city, whether it is an old man or a child, as long as he picks up a sword, he is a swordsman.

Under this environment for many years, although they still remember the lessons of their ancestors, they have somewhat developed a comfortable idea.

"Who will come to attack?" A resident frowned, and the person next to him shook his head repeatedly, "There will be no one to attack. Don't worry! Someone has already checked."

The other people thought so too, and then they continued their own cultivation at ease.

As for Liu Xu, after passing the opened road, he came to the entrance of the gorge/valley, but just when he was about to enter, a team of about twenty people suddenly rushed out from both sides. The clothes are slightly different, but they are all dressed as swordsmen.

"Swordsman from Wano Country? I finally met someone."

The sudden appearance of twenty swordsmen stopped Liu Xu and others. Most of the swordsmen in Wano Country are powerful swordsmen, and it is the place with the most powerful swordsmen in the world.

But today's Wano country does not have a strong man of the great swordsman level, which is a little regrettable.

However, even this situation cannot prevent the fact that they have become a powerful swordsmanship country.

Being able to rely on the powerful power of his own swordsmanship to block the footsteps of pirates and marines, this power alone has shocked many people.

However, it may also be because they are very powerful, and they do not understand many things in a closed state, which has also attracted some people's dissatisfaction.


Chapter 2740 Wano Country Samurai

There will be some pirates wandering around here all the year round, trying to enter this mysterious country, but in the end most of these pirates end in failure.

And as the tide of the times becomes more and more turbulent, there may be more powerful pirates to invade in the future. This is their sad reminder.

Among the twenty swordsmen in front of them, the leader was a middle-aged man in a white samurai uniform, about two meters tall, wearing traditional wooden sandals, with long hair tied behind his head and his chin resting. with a small goatee.

"Intruder, leave now!"

The middle-aged swordsman's eyes were cold and his face was stern. One hand was on the hilt of the sword at his waist. The same was true for the rest of the people, which showed that their vigilance was still very high.

Liu Xu chuckled, two bright lights shot out from his eyes, and said, "Who says we are intruders? We are just ordinary visitors."

The middle-aged swordsman snorted coldly, his eyes swept over the people in front of him, and finally fell on Liu Xu, or Lei Dao, his eyes were full of sharpness, and a flash of amazement flashed past.

"Are you a swordsman?"

The middle-aged swordsman unknowingly put on honorifics when he spoke, which surprised his partner behind him. What is he doing?Why do you do this to this man?They are intruders!

"Barbery Warriors!"

A younger swordsman couldn't help shouting out, but he was confused by the actions of the Barbury warrior.

As soon as Liu Xu heard this title, he could understand that this Barbury was definitely a strong swordsman. In this country, only strong swordsmen could be called warriors. A kind of respect for them.

In this country that advocates swordsman culture, the title of warrior seems to represent a certain spirit, which makes them feel sincere admiration.

They only respect powerful swordsmen.

"Shut up, don't talk." Warrior Barbury replied back the young man's words, and then bowed his head towards Liu Xu, "I'm really sorry, I made you laugh, mighty Mr. Warrior."

It seemed that he was very sure of this identity in his heart, Liu Xu nodded secretly, this guy's character is not bad, he is a person he can make friends with.

However, this may be based on his identity as a swordsman!

"It doesn't matter, I am indeed a swordsman, is there any problem?"

Liu Xu's words made the Babury warrior more certain of his thoughts. Sure enough, this is an extremely powerful swordsman, otherwise he would never have such a powerful sword.

This kind of knife, the deep and dark breath actually made him feel trembling, this is something he has never encountered in many years.Is there such a powerful swordsman in this world?Does the outside world already have such a strong person?Compared with the ancient sword giant Longma, who is stronger or weaker?

The excitement in his heart was reflected in his face, and the slightly trembling facial muscles betrayed his heart.

"Mighty warrior, please come with us to the city as a guest, how?"

invite?The country that has always been closed to the outside world even invited people to their city as guests, which surprised everyone, not only Liu Xu's side, but also the people he brought.

However, out of respect and recognition for the warrior, they still did not make any remarks for the time being.

Just thinking about his own affairs in his heart, the person who is called a warrior by Barbury should also be a powerful swordsman, right?

Thinking of this, these people also calmed down.

However, Liu Xu was not so calm.

This person seems to be very excited, but God knows why he is excited?If it was because of his own knife, then things would be fun.

Also, it seems that this guy called them intruders coldly before!

"Is it the city? But didn't you say we were invaders before? Look at the back, the forest has been chopped down like this." He pointed to the road that was opened up behind.

Babury and others followed the sound, and their eyes almost popped out.

Was the forest more than [-] meters wide reduced to ashes, or was it cut out with a single knife?God, what the hell is going on here?How powerful is this warrior?

No way, such a powerful existence must be invited to the city and sealed as a guest!

Samurai, this is an extremely powerful warrior, how could you give up such an excellent opportunity!

Barbury had already made up his mind, and said repeatedly: "It's okay, it's just a small matter. Powerful warrior, please come and sit in the city with us."

This time, his subordinates have no opinion. The powerful warriors who can carve out a path in the forest are definitely worthy of their invitation.

"What about my friends?"

Barbury looked at it and was a little embarrassed. After a while, he nodded and said, "Then please come with us to the city!"

Speaking of him leading the way, the nineteen warriors separated on both sides, waiting for Liu Xu and others to step forward before following behind.

It's strange, Liu Xu and the others, who originally thought that a battle should be triggered, are a little depressed at the moment. What do these swordsmen of Wano country think?Why would you invite them all of a sudden?

Liu Xu was also puzzled, but it was the most ideal thing not to fight at this moment, and it was more in line with his plan.

A city wall more than [-] meters high surrounds the buildings and protects the buildings. Outside the city wall is a circulating river, [-] meters wide, which can only be passed by a stone bridge.

There is another city wall within that city wall, which forms a joint defensive posture with the outer city wall. There are some warrior-like soldiers patrolling the city wall from time to time.

The middle area between the outer city wall and the inner city wall is very wide, about [-] meters apart. In this area, there are more than [-] arenas, large and small. On the arena, some swordsmen with wooden swords are competing.

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