There were still many onlookers applauding loudly, excited by the duel above.

Liu Xu and others saw such a scene when they came in, and they could only sigh that the folk customs here are very sturdy.


Chapter 2741 Master Blacksmith

Although not all of them are swordsmen, but under such influence, these people can more or less become a swordsman.

Especially in the period of the ancient Wano country, after the incident where the sword hero Ryoma cut down the flying dragon in the sky, it goes without saying that the people here worship the swordsman.

"Warrior Liu Xu, look, this is the arena of our city. We have ordinary duels and life-and-death duels here. Ordinary duels use wooden swords, and life-and-death duels use their own weapons."

Barbury's cold face had long since disappeared, and he pointed at the rings with a smile on his face, showing pride in his expression.

Liu Xu nodded. He had already chatted with him a lot on the way here, and he also had a certain understanding of this city.

Such arenas are not uncommon in Wano. There are such arenas in many cities, providing a place for those who have conflicts or want to improve their strength, and provide a place for communication and battle.

Judging from the surrounding onlookers, these people are no strangers to such scenes, and such grand occasions should appear every day.

Moreover, there is a grandstand a little far away from the arena, and there are rows of wooden benches, on which many elderly people sit, some of them wear swords, and some are just ordinary people.

"Very sturdy!"

I can't help but exclaim, this is the first time I have seen such a situation after sailing in the New World for such a long time. It is indeed a country that advocates swordsman culture. Swordsmen can be seen everywhere, and there are even many sculptures about swordsmen. and many more.

As soon as Barbury and the others came back, those passing by around shouted one after another.

"Barbery Warriors!"

"Samurai Your Excellency!"

From this point, it can also be seen that Barbury's reputation here is still very high, which is beyond Liu Xu's expectation.

After crossing this arena and officially entering the city, there is no very prosperous scene. Everything looks ordinary. Like some other small island towns, there are hawkers and shops on both sides of the street, and most of them are weapons and armor.

There are vendors selling swords and swords everywhere. At first glance, they thought they were selling arms, but they were really brutal.

"Captain, I absolutely believe that if someone dares to attack, they may be stabbed to death by those children of a few years old."

Breton looked sore. In his eyes, a group of little kids were playing with iron swords, and they were still fighting. The people around seemed to be used to it.

If someone else came to attack, the rhythm of these little brats turned into warriors in minutes, who would be prepared for these children who were only a few years old?If these little brats attacked, it would definitely work wonders.

Liu Xu didn't look calm anymore, good guy, the rhythm of martial arts for all the people!

Barbury was very proud, and said: "A powerful warrior, you will never see such a sight in other places!"

Liu Xu nodded in agreement, that's indeed the case.

Rebecca looked at the weapons around her, her eyes were full of love!There are so many weapons, although most of them are knives, but sometimes seeing a sword can make her ecstatic.

However, she is a pauper.


The empress walked to his side and pulled off his clothes, and gestured with her eyes.

Liu Xu turned his head and looked at her expression, and then remembered that it seemed that she had broken someone's weapon last time, and now she has no weapon, which has delayed her training for some time.

Looking at the vendors around him, Liu Xu shook his head, as if there were no weapons that could attract his attention.

"Warrior Barbury, is there a relatively high-spec weapons store? I need to buy some weapons."

Barbury was curious when he heard the words. He already has such a powerful weapon, why should he buy a weapon?Could it be that he is a second sword or a third sword?

Damn, this is a rhythm that scares people to death!A powerful two-sword or three-sword style is very scary.

"Okay, I'll take you to have a look."

Unable to figure out the key point, Barbury responded and led everyone to a shop that sold weapons.

All the way was mighty, and the surrounding pedestrians gave way one after another.

Soon, everyone came to the outside of a very ordinary decorated weapon shop, and there were two very luxurious looking weapon shops next to it.

"It's here. This is the equipment shop of Master Eck. The weapons he forges are the most popular in the country. Unfortunately, he forges too few weapons. You should be able to find what you need here."

A master-level blacksmith?Liu Xu nodded and walked in directly.

The decoration inside the store is the same as the outside, it looks so ordinary, there is nothing outstanding.

Various swords and some armors were placed on several rows of iron shelves.It looks disorganized, and the first impression is not good.

It's just that there are more than [-] customers in this small shop of only [-] square meters, which is a lot more than other places.

"Master Eck, I brought a powerful warrior here to buy some weapons."

Barbury walked directly towards the counter, and there was an old man with long gray hair at the counter, with sleepy eyes and the smell of alcohol.

Hearing Barbury's words, he raised his head and looked drunk.


Liu Xu's eyes flashed. This is definitely a strong man, and he is also a powerful swordsman.

Liu Xu was a little shocked that the owner of an ordinary weapon shop was actually a powerful swordsman.

Judging a strong person is sometimes very simple. It can be judged from the momentum, eyes, and body.

The eyes of the old man in front of him were cloudy, but the moment he raised his head, there was a sharpness, like a sharp knife, but the time was very short, only for a moment, making it difficult to catch such eyes.

Chapter 2742 Which powerful samurai has a good temper?

Master Eke ignored Liu Xu and the others, but looked at Barbury, and said vaguely: "Samurai Barbury, how can there be such a powerful warrior? Don't fool me, old man, otherwise your future weapons will not be provided to you gone."

Uh, this is a naked threat. This is how a generation of foundry masters, Master Eke, threatens a highly prestigious warrior. It is so simple and rude.

Barbury was ashamed, Master Eck was still the same!

In other words, his knife is about to be maintained, and the knife that has been with him for more than [-] years has to rely on Master Eke!

"Master Ek, ​​I definitely didn't deceive you, this is really a powerful warrior."

He hurriedly explained, and was even afraid that the other party would not believe him, so he pushed Liu Xu forward.

Liu Xu was confused, and when he got a little closer, the old man was stimulated by the smell of alcohol. Did the old man soak in the wine tank all day long?The smell of alcohol can set him on fire, and it's the kind that burns to the bone!

Master Eke took a look at Liu Xu, then lay down again, and said, "Don't just get a young man to fool you, a powerful warrior doesn't need to buy weapons from me, and the weapons that powerful warriors want to buy, this Young people can't afford it."

Huh?So dawdling?Is it a sin to be young?This old man's words are very unpleasant!

"Hey, why don't you take a closer look? Who knows that this young master is really a swordsman."

Liu Xu lost his composure and patted the table.

Unexpectedly, the old man simply ignored him and completely ignored him.


Liu Xu slapped the counter heavily with his palm. The loud noise startled everyone and turned their eyes.

And Master Eke seemed to be frightened and jumped up all of a sudden, looking around with his head, and finally landed on Liu Xu.

"Stinky boy, you dare to scare me?"

With a roar, Master Eke wished he could kill this guy right now, and dared to disturb his date with the beautiful widow in his dream, it is unforgivable!

Babury was also taken aback, and immediately covered his eyes. Why is this powerful warrior so cruel? No one in the whole country dares to treat Master Eke like this. What did this old man eat?So rushed?

Master Eke's identity is not simple, or his predecessors are not simple, coupled with his own strength and the weapons and armor he forged, he has a high reputation throughout the country.

Some people came here from the other side of the kingdom all the way, just to buy his equipment, just to be able to meet him.

Now, how could this mighty warrior treat him like this?

"Old man, this young master is a customer, and the customer is God, don't you know? Look at the way you are throwing your hand away from the shopkeeper, you don't know how to die when you go bankrupt."

Liu Xu couldn't be the one who suffered the most, so he just choked back and was not polite.

These words made Master Eke sad, bankrupt?Let go of the shopkeeper?Bastard, how could he go bankrupt?Where is the hands-off shopkeeper?Have you seen the hands-free shopkeeper guarding this shop every day?Obviously he is very conscientious, okay?Ahem, although he is drinking and waiting for others to come and pay the bill, he is still at work anyway!

This is a sad thing, and Master Ek is powerless to respond.

"I can't speak now? Default? Meow, I have never seen such a lazy old man before, and I don't even know if things were taken away."

Liu Xu continued to despise him, embarrassing all his companions, Captain, it's not good to bully an old man like this!

If you know what they think, I am afraid you will respond directly: respectable grandfathers should be respected, and some old men who rely on the old and sell the old, and the old men who chill everyone's hearts, then why are you polite?

He said that, and now Master Eke was also angry, saying: "Who dares? Who dares to move my things? My old man hacked him to death..."

"Young master, I dare, what's the matter? Move, move it for me!" Liu Xu roared back, turned his head and said to his partner.

Columbia and the others looked at each other, embarrassed on the spot.

Seeing that the two were so arguing that they were about to fight, Barbury didn't dare to remain silent any longer, and immediately inserted himself between the two.

"Master Ek, ​​mighty warrior, cool off, cool off."

With a cold sweat, as a respected and powerful warrior, when has he been a peacemaker like this?

Master Eke snorted coldly, this young man was unhappy no matter how he looked at it.

Liu Xu stared back fiercely, relying on the old to sell the old, just like some old men, maybe you have to be blackmailed by you to help you up.

"My things will never be sold to him. A young man with such a bad temper will definitely not be a strong warrior." Master Eck yelled at Barbury angrily, and now there is no need to look at this young man Well, that's definitely not a powerful warrior, at best he's just a rogue, "Babury, when did your vision get so bad?"

Barbury is embarrassed, this, this thing is not easy to handle.

"Old man, I made a bet with you, my weapon will kill all your weapons in seconds. If you lose, how about you let this young master choose three of the things you have here? Hmph, even though you have this little thing, this young master still has it. I can't see it."

Liu Xu rolled his eyes, which powerful warrior has a good temper?Hawkeye?Do you dare to say that he will try to have sex with the red hair, and chop you into seventy or eighty pieces in minutes.

"What? I don't like it? This is the top weapons store in the country. You told me I don't like it? Bet, the old man bet with you."

Stimulated by Liu Xu, the arrogant Master Eke couldn't calm down. He yelled without thinking, and regretted it after he yelled this sentence. Damn, he is really old, but he is easy to be impulsive!

Impulse is good, impulsiveness is the devil, but sometimes it is also an angel, at least Liu Xu thinks so at this time, so I am not afraid that you, an old man, will not be fooled.

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